Вооружённые силы Буркина-Фасо — совокупность войск республики Буркина-Фасо, предназначенная для защиты свободы, независимости и территориальной целостности государства.
До августа 1984 г. — Вооружённые силы Верхней Вольты, с августа 1984 до 1987 гг. — Народные вооруженные силы Буркина-Фасо.
Upper Volta attained independence from France in 1960 and remained under civilian political rule until January, 1966. A military coup then took place which overthrew a regime by then unpopular (the coup was supported by the trade union movement) , and a mihtary government headed by Colonel (later General) S . Lamizana was installed . General Lamizana has remained Head of State since that time but the style of government has changed. Lamizana first attempted to return the country to civihan rule but this ended in violent disturbances. There followed a period of joint military and civilian rule, which in 1970 extended to elections for an assembly and a civilian prime minister. But friction, greatly exacerbated by the Sahel drought, occurred in the early 1970s; in 1974 the assembly was dissolved and the constitution suspended by a group of younger officers. These, it appears, then formed the effective power in the State, ruling through a National Council for Renewal, under which military officers had a considerable share in the governing of the country's lOdepartments; a parallel system of 'defence zones' was also created. In 1976, however, Lamizana once again announced an intention to return to civilian rule for which plans aiming at civilian rule in April, 1978 are in hand. It is likely, however, that Lamizana will continue as an elected Head of State.
Upper Volta's army has two roles: internal security and the defence of the country's borders. A border dispute with Mali exists. Upper Volta holding an area of the Beli river near Agachev, important for grazing and also possibly for mineral wealth, to which MaH lays claim. The dispute became tense at the end of 1974 with border clashes; further clashes followed in June, 1975. No subsequent incidents have been reported, and the effiDrts of neighbouring States to mediate have so far proved successful.
The Sahel drought and consequential economic problems make any expansion unlikely except in the event of further disputes with Mali. Discipline is said to be of a higher standard than in some other Francophone African armies.
The army is composed of four infantry battalions, one including a reconnaissance company. One battalion (with the reconnaissance company) is posted to Ouagadougou, one other is at Bobo-Dioulasso; formation of a fifth battalion has been reported but not confirmed. The gendarmerie's headquarters are at Ouagadougou, with four territorial companies stationed at Ouagadougou, Bobo-Dioulasso, Koudougou and Fada N'gourma; together with two mobile companies, one each at Ouagadougou and Bobo-Dioulasso. The Repubhcan Guard and the Public Security Company are both stationed in the capital.
The Mossi people are the largest (and best organised) ethnic group in the country, being just under one half of the total population. For this reason, and the very large number of Mossi traditionally in French colonial military service, they figure conspicuously in the Upper Volta army. A basic training centre is located at Kadiogo. Upper Volta has a technical mihtary assistance and training treaty with France — but since independence there has been no French garrison.
The infantry units have an entirely French range of equipment including 60 mm and 81 mm mortars, and 75 mm rocket launchers. Some old 75mm field guns have also been reported. The armoured-car reconnaissance squadron has some American M8 armoured cars and also a few British Ferret vehicles. The air unit consists of eight transport aircraft and one light liaison machine.
В целом, униформа Буркина-Фасо напоминает французскую, за исключением кепи, которое здесь заменено на фуражку или берет. Как и большинство бывших французских колоний, Буркина-Фасо сохранила французскую систему знаков различия для своих военных, дополнив их национальной символикой.
Когда в августе 1984 г. армия была переименована в Народные вооруженные силы, для всех военнослужащих были установлены новые знаки различия. Для всего офицерского состава были введены погоны золотистого цвета с просветом (красным для армии и голубым для ВВС), персональные звания обозначались звездами на просвете. Соответственно, полковнику полагалась 6 звезд, подполковнику — 5, майору — 4, капитану — 3, старшему лейтенанту — 2, и лейтенанту — 1. Вероятно, на практике, система с 5 - 6 звездами для старших офицеров оказалась сложной, поэтому для подполковника и полковника ввели погоны с двумя просветами и соответственно, с 1 - 2 звездами.
В современной армии Буркина-Фасо эмблем родов войск, как таковых, нет, существуют лишь отличия для военных врачей, юристов, интендантов и пожарных, которые входят в состав ВС и носят армейскую форму. В армии Верхней Вольты (т. е., до 1984 г.) существовали эмблемы батальонов и отдельных частей, которые носили на груди, в современной же армии Буркина-Фасо, вместо них установлены эмблемы военных регионов и командования армии.
Краповый берет является стандартным головным убором для всех военнослужащих сухопутных войск армии Буркина Фасо, его носят все, включая и парашютистов-коммандос. На беретах носят круглую эмблему с изображением силуэта страны, поверх которой могут быть нанесены звезды для различия званий.
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Military_of_Burkina_Faso
- http://www.sammler.ru/index.php?showtopic=101828
- John Keegan. World Armies. — P.781-782.
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