Воины и военная техника вики
Воины и военная техника вики
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Вооружённые силы Габона — государственная военная организация Габона. Включает в себя сухопутные войска, военно-морские силы, авиацию и Национальную жандармерию.


Gabon, along with most of France's colonies in Africa, attained independence in 1960, but because of its small size and considerable mineral wealth has maintained very close links with France, in whose hands the exploitation of Gabon's uranium, oil and manganese very largely he. It was because of these interests that French forces intervened in Gabon's internal affairs in 1964; the President, Leon Mba, had been arrested by a group of ISOsoldiers led by three subalterns and a gendarmerie Ueutenant. The small French garrison of 150 'community troops' was invited by the Vice-President to rescue President Mba and restore his government, which, with the aid of some reinforcements from Dakar, they quickly achieved. Since that time there have been no further military challenges to President Mba or to his successor. President Bongo.

Gabon's smaU size and its beUef that France will ensure its frontiers make this force one of Africa's smallest armies. The French contingent in 1976 consisted of a company of the 1" Hussars Parachutistes and of the 17' Regiment de Genie Aeroporte stationed at Camp de Gaulle, Libreville, supported by the 6' Infanterie de Marine, also at Libreville.


The Gabon army comprises one large infantry battaUon composed of a number of companies together with a 'paracommando' company and a reconnaissance company. The army's headquarters, the logistic, reconnaissance and paracommando companies are all in Libreville; the other company detachments are at Mouila, Oyem, Franceville, Tchibanga, Makokou, Pana and Cocobeach. A small women's unit exists, but may be one of part-time reservists only. The Presidential Guard is better equipped, possessing light field and anti-aircraft artillery — all French 75mm, 40mm and 20mm weapons. It is stationed in Libreville. Certain aircraft of the air force are included in the Guard. The gendarmerie is commanded from Libreville and is divided into groups. The Northern Group has companies at Libreville, Makokou and Oyem; the Southern Group has companies at Port Gen til, Lambarene, Mouila and Tchibanga; and the Eastern Group has a company at Moanda with detachments at Franceville and Koula Moutou. RECRUITMENT, TRAINING AND RESERVES The ethnic composition of the army has been estimated at 40% Fang, 40% Bapounou and 20% Omyene and others. Training assistance is provided by France.


The army has French infantry small-arms weapons and Hght unarmoured scout cars; the Presidential Guard is reported to possess light field and anti-aircraft artillery (also French), though these reports have yet to be confirmed. The air force possesses two transports and seven heU copters, all French made; one report claims Mirage V fighters have been ordered.


Униформа ВС Габона, в целом, следует французском образцу и является едва ли не единственной франкофонной армией в Африке, которая не отказалась от использования кепи.



1200px-Emblem of the South African Department of Military Veterans.svg Вооружённые силы Африки Sa-army
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