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"All of SkyClan needs to believe that we have a future. If this isn't the right lake, then we have to believe we will find the right one, where the other Clans live. If we don't find it soon, surely StarClan will send us a sign..."
— Blossomheart to Hawkwing in Hawkwing's Journey, page 325

Blossomheart is a fluffy[9] ginger-and-white she-cat.[1]

Blossomheart is a SkyClan warrior under Leafstar's leadership in the gorge and the lake territories. She was one of four kits born to Sharpclaw and Cherrytail, along with Cloudmist, Hawkwing and Duskpaw. As an apprentice, Blossompaw was mentored by Bouncefire and she grieved for Duskpaw's death. She earned her warrior name, Blossomheart and fought for SkyClan when Darktail and his Kin exiled them. Cherrytail and Cloudmist decided to stay with Barley at his farm. Blossomheart and Hawkwing confided in one another during SkyClan's journey to find ThunderClan. SkyClan settled in their new home at the lake, and Blossomheart is made the mentor to Finpaw. While Twigpaw and Finpaw defected to ThunderClan, Blossomheart was given her second apprentice, Pigeonpaw, and later Turtlepaw. Blossomheart eventually became a queen and mothered Harrybrook's kits, Ridgekit and Duskkit.


In the A Vision of Shadows arc[]

Darkest Night[]

Hawkwing: "You can't live for the past and hide from the future."
Blossomheart: "Your Clan needs you. We need you."
—Hawkwing and Blossomheart to Cherrytail and Cloudmist Darkest Night, page 132
Blossomheart is one of the cats that Twigpaw reminisces about, thinking about how she, Hawkwing, and Violetpaw are her kin, and how she loves finally spending time in the camp with them. She finishes the thought with how when she cannot see their pelts amongst the other cats, she gets a prick of anxiety and wonders where they are, as she cannot lose them again.
After Leafstar comments on how Alderheart seems to like making all the SkyClan cats eat herbs, Blossomheart raises her head and snorts that he says it's supposed to keep their strength up, but he probably just likes watching all their faces as they eat them. Blossomheart demonstrates a hunting crouch to Finpaw, but looks up when she sees Twigpaw and Violetpaw, giving them a nod. When Finpaw's tail gets crushed under a branch, Blossomheart, with the help of her Clanmates, attempt to use a smaller branch as a lever to lift it off the young tom.
Leafstar decides to send a patrol to go to the gorge and search for any missing Clanmates, and Blossomheart joins it, along with Hawkwing, Violetpaw, Rabbitleap, and Molewhisker of ThunderClan. Before they leave, she shares a mouse with Rabbitleap. Blossomheart crosses a Thunderpath with the rest of the patrol, but Violetpaw freezes and Hawkwing goes back to save her. Monsters on the path crash into each other, and the patrol flees. After being some distance away, Blossomheart remarks she didn't know monsters attacked each other, and wonders why Twolegs go near them.
Violetpaw mentions that Hawkwing and Blossomheart are growing more and more excited as they near their destination. Blossomheart and Molewhisker compete for the lead of the patrol as they follow the edge of a meadow. When they reach Barley's farm, Blossomheart touches her muzzle to Cherrytail's cheek, and she, along with Hawkwing and Rabbitleap, exchange news. Upon reaching the gorge, they reunite with Nettlesplash, Mintfur, and Fidgetpaw. They learn that Frecklewish is being held prisoner by Twolegs and go rescue her. Once Frecklewish escapes, Blossomheart runs after Violetpaw with the rest of the patrol. They then set out back to the lake.
After Violetpaw told him to come, Tree shows up at their temporary den, Blossomheart and Mintfur flank him, unsure if he's a threat. Tree wants to go to SkyClan with them, and Blossomheart wonders if he can hunt, and adds she isn't sure Leafstar will be pleased if they bring back a loner. Arriving back to the lake, Blossomheart picks up ShadowClan scent on SkyClan's territory, stating it's fresh and everywhere. When they reach camp, they learn ShadowClan has disbanded and joined SkyClan.

River of Fire[]

During a large windstorm, Blossomheart shelters with Violetshine and Sparrowpelt. When a branch falls on the apprentices den, she rushes over to the ruined den in shock.

The Raging Storm[]

Blossomheart and Harrybrook look up from the mouse are eating while Leafstar is discussing whether ShadowClan purposefully left their scent on SkyClan territory. After a bit, Blossomheart pads away from her mouse and joins the conversation, saying that it was probably an accident. When Harrybrook and Violetshine suggest it was most likely just a clumsy apprentice, Blossomheart agrees. Soon, Harrybrook whispers something in Blossomheart's ear.
At the Gathering, Gravelpaw asks Sagenose if he can join the other Clans' apprentices when they are practicing battle moves, and Sagenose says he doesn't know and looks at Blossomheart. Then he adds that they should mix with the other 'paws, and Blossomheart replies that she doesn't see why not. Later, Blossomheart is seen sharing a shrew with Mintfur beside the stream. She calls out to the apprentices and tells them that they should rest after a meal, not fight. During ShadowClan's attack on SkyClan's camp at night, Blossomheart and Nettlesplash push their way out of the warriors' den. After chasing away ShadowClan, Blossomheart and Nettlesplash duck into camp. Nettlesplash says they lost ShadowClan, that they are heading for border, and Macgyver is leading a patrol to make sure they don't come back. Blossomheart stares at the ragged camp and says what a mess it is.

In The Broken Code arc[]

Lost Stars[]

"Most mentors are like that. You should have heard Blossomheart when I first became her apprentice. I thought I would never do anything right!"
―Turtlepaw about Blossomheart Lost Stars, page 95
When Leafstar calls a Clan meeting, Blossomheart and Sagenose appear from their den, and are joined by their apprentices, Turtlepaw and Kitepaw. As Dewspring draws his training session with Rootpaw to a close, Blossomheart calls to him from the other side of the clearing, asking if he has finished the session and if he would like to go hunting. After Rootpaw catches a large crow, he tells the other apprentices that he was beginning to think he would always disappoint Dewspring. Turtlepaw assures him that most mentors are like that, and he should have heard Blossomheart when she first became her apprentice, Turtlepaw thought she would never do anything right.

The Silent Thaw[]

Her apprentice is now a warrior. Blossomheart attends a secret meeting between the Clans to discuss Bramblestar's behavior. Rootpaw notes how Bramblestar began acting different since he lost a life, and Blossomheart agrees, stating that Leafstar did not change when she lost a life. Frecklewish glares at her to silence her.

Veil of Shadows[]

Blossomheart and Nettlesplash arrive in SkyClan's camp with the impostor in tow. They explain they found him at the border and that he wishes to speak with Leafstar.

In the A Starless Clan arc[]


Blossomheart is now a queen in the nursery with her kits, Ridgekit and Duskkit.


"It's okay. You were very brave, but I won't let anyone take you again."
―Blossomheart to Duskkit and Ridgekit Star, page 228
When Fognose and Sneezecloud steal Duskkit and Ridgekit from SkyClan, Duskkit cries out that he wants Blossomheart and angrily whips his tail. Later, when her kits are returned to her, Blossomheart comforts them in the nursery and says they are very brave, and she won't let anyone take them again.

In the Super Editions[]

Hawkwing's Journey[]

Blossomheart: "Do you think we'll ever find Barley? We've been traveling for days and days. I didn't get the impression that it took Barley that long to get to us when he and Ravenpaw brought Bellaleaf and Rileypool to SkyClan."
Hawkwing: "You may be right. Rileypool and Bellaleaf were very young when they made the journey. I wonder if they really remember the way."
Blossomheart: "Well, they know to follow the river. That's easy enough. But I don't think Barley lives on the riverbank. So at some point we have to leave it, and maybe Bellaleaf and Rileypool don't remember where. We could have already come too far."
—Blossomheart and Hawkwing expressing doubt about the journey to find Barley Hawkwing's Journey, page 269
Blossompaw is a SkyClan apprentice, alongside her three littermates Duskpaw, Cloudpaw, and Hawkpaw. Hawkpaw mentions her as being more sensible than Duskpaw or Cloudpaw, and not willing to go off on an expedition to get Twoleg food like the other two. Blossompaw, along with Cloudpaw and Hawkpaw, receive their warrior names. Before the ceremony, she and Cloudpaw stand together at the front of the crowd, excited and nervous at the same time. When asked by Leafstar, Blossompaw's mentor Bouncefire confirms that she is ready to become a warrior, and the Clan leader renames her as Blossomheart. She then sits vigil with Hawkwing. Before it starts, the two exchange whispers about the recent death of their brother, Duskpaw. Blossomheart comments that she misses him and that he should be there as well. The next morning, when the vigil is over, the ginger-and-white she-cat yawns heavily and begins to groom herself.
Blossomheart is chosen to go on the first quest to find the other Clans, along with Billystorm, Waspwhisker, Hawkwing, and Pebblepaw. She is nervous about traveling through Twolegplace, because she believes that Twolegs are bad news, but is overall excited about the quest. Cheerfully, Blossomheart points out how a cloud looks just like a cat with a curly tail. Hawkwing snaps that he does not see why she is in such high spirits so soon after Duskpaw's death. Blossomheart, offended, flinches away from the gray tom. Pebblepaw intervenes, saying that she thinks the cloud does look like a cat, and the two friends then pad together for a time. The patrol stops to hunt and Blossomheart chases after a squirrel. She drives it straight towards Pebblepaw, who catches it nicely.
A few days later, as the quest continues, Blossomheart and Pebblepaw walk together and chat. Blossomheart wonders what the other Clan cats would be like, and also if they would be surprised to meet the SkyClan patrol. When the questing cats reach another of Darktail's landmarks, badgers begin to emerge from dens, and the biggest of them heads straight for the ginger-and-white cat. She leaps backwards but slips and falls; the badger lunges for her neck. Hawkwing comes to his sister's aid, trying to fight off the badger for her. Blossomheart, recovered from her fall, launches herself onto the badger's back and claws it.
The big badger eventually manages to dislodge the young warrior, but Blossomheart still is able to deliver a blow to its belly, wounding it. With Billystorm and Waspwhisker injured, Hawkwing, Blossomheart, and Pebblepaw are able to drive away the rest of the badgers. Billystorm soon dies of his injuries, and the four remaining cats head away from the scene of the badger attack, sit vigil for Billystorm, and bury him. With that task done, Waspwhisker asks his three young companions if they are to continue the quest without the senior warrior, and Blossomheart immediately responds that they should. When Hawkwing points out how they don't know where to go anymore, as Darktail's directions had proven inaccurate and led them into the danger of the badger attack, Blossomheart begins to change her mind. She says that she still thinks they should try to find the other Clans, but that it is clear that the current quest has failed.
That night, Hawkwing and Blossomheart hunt for the group, and the she-cat catches a mouse. Pebblepaw, still grieving for her mentor Billystorm, doesn't want to eat any of the fresh-kill the two warriors have caught. Blossomheart urges her friend to eat something, trying to tempt her with the mouse she caught, but Pebblepaw still refuses to eat it, and the ginger-and-white cat sees no point in further argument. When discussing Darktail's false information that the badger set was abandoned, Blossomheart points out that the badgers might have been asleep or out hunting when the rogue cat passed, trying to defend him. The questing cats continue home, and Blossomheart pads alongside Pebblepaw, trying to provide silent support and sympathy for her grieving friend.
The Clan cats return home, and Darktail leads away a second quest to find the other Clans, which ultimately fails as well. While the patrol is gone, the Clans are attacked again by raccoons, and Blossomheart helps to fight them off, but receives a wound from it on her shoulder. She is the first to tell Hawkwing and the rest of the questing cats of the attack when they return, describing it as terrible and informing them that Leafstar lost a life in it.
When Darktail and the rogues attack the gorge and everyone scatters, Blossomheart becomes separated from the rest of her Clanmates. However, she manages to find her way to SkyClan's temporary camp at the nest of Ebonyclaw's Twolegs. When Cherrytail and Cloudmist, also briefly missing, reunite with the Clan at Ebonyclaw's nest, Blossomheart is overjoyed to see her mother and sister again. She licks Cherrytail's ears, stating that she is so glad that the family is all together again and that she and Hawkwing have been so worried about them.
The SkyClan cats decide to go find Barley to ask him which direction the other Clans went in, and days into the journey, Blossomheart goes hunting with Hawkwing and his apprentice, Curlypaw. While Curlypaw rushes ahead to try to look for prey, Blossomheart falls in beside her brother and shares her concerns about the quest. She believes that it's taking longer for them than it should and questions if Bellaleaf and Rileypool really remember the way to Barley's barn. She adds that it's easy enough to follow the river, but that at some point they have to leave it, and that the two young warriors might not know where. She finishes that the SkyClan cats could have already come too far and passed Barley's nest. However, when Bellaleaf and Rileypool inform Leafstar a few moments later that they recognize the jagged cliffs that they are seeing, Blossomheart grows more hopeful that they might actually find Barley and then the other Clans.
The SkyClan cats eventually reach Barley's barn and set off again after the black-and-white loner points them towards where the other Clans went. However, Cherrytail and Cloudmist decide to stay at the barn with Barley. Blossomheart protests that she needs her mother and sister, but accepts their decision and bids farewell to them.
A moon later, with SkyClan still traveling, Blossomheart goes on a hunting patrol with Hawkwing, Curlypaw, Waspwhisker, and Pebbleshine. After a failed attempt to catch a rabbit, Blossomheart tries to stay cheerful, saying that there will be other prey. However, she begins to lose hope as they find no other prey and instead the scents of Twolegs and monsters. The patrol discovers a monster camp, and one of the monsters has chickens trapped in it, so they try to go up onto the monster to get them. When the Twoleg eventually comes to wake its monster, Blossomheart and the others leap down, unsuccessful.
More than a half moon later, SkyClan arrives at a lake and makes a camp there. There, Blossomheart goes with Hawkwing, Curlypaw, and Bellaleaf to explore the other side of the lake. She pokes around in some reeds by the lakeside and informs the other cats that they are voles in there. As she tries to hunt, the strange water-bird that they had heard making noise before attempt to attack the ginger-and-white warrior. Blossomheart and the rest of the patrol manage to fight it off, although the young she-cat receives a minor wound on her shoulder from the bird's talons. As they walk back to camp, Blossomheart speaks with Hawkwing, commenting that SkyClan has a future, and that if the lake they are at isn't the right one, they must believe that they will find it, and that StarClan will guide them to it.
Many moons later, SkyClan decides to leave the lake and head in search of the other Clans. A moon and a half into the travels, they stop at a rocky hollow. Here, Blossomheart, along with several others, gets a mysterious illness that causes fever and bellyache. With Echosong gone and no medicine cat to treat the disease, it affects the four cats badly, and Blossomheart ends up lying limp and still. Fortunately, Echosong is able to find her way back to the Clan and treat the sick cats. Although Rileypool and Firefern die, Blossomheart manages to survive the sickness, but afterwards she is still weak and shaky. A few days later, when Sandynose and Fallowfern, long missing from SkyClan manage to reunite with the Clan, they mention that they went to Barley's barn and were pointed in the direction that the others went. Blossomheart runs up anxiously to question the two about how Cherrytail and Cloudmist are doing.
SkyClan travels around for two more moons before stopping again in a copse of oaks, and at this point Leafstar calls a Clan meeting, and Blossomheart sits beside Fallowfern and Bellaleaf during it. When Echosong announces a new vision that she believes means that they are meant to find the Clans, Blossomheart calls out that it's all very well, but they already knew that and the vision doesn't give them any guidance on what actually to do. Later at the meeting, Plumwillow's son, Finpaw, receives Blossomheart as a mentor. Finpaw bounces up to Blossomheart, excited to begin his apprentice training, and the ginger-and-white she-cat starts to demonstrate for him the hunter's crouch.

Squirrelflight's Hope[]

Blossomheart attends the rescue mission to Leafstar and Squirrelflight. Later, Squirrelflight spots Blossomheart, Sparrowpelt and Hawkwing on a hunting patrol. Hawkwing agrees to take her to their camp and orders Blossomheart to continue with the patrol.

In the Novellas[]

Ravenpaw's Farewell[]

"And I found the longest stick! Blossompaw helped me carry it."
―Bella about Blossompaw Ravenpaw's Farewell, chapter 10
Blossompaw is a SkyClan apprentice, and her mentor is Bouncefire. She is part of a patrol that gets sticks from the woods with her mentor. Sharpclaw, the SkyClan deputy, sends Bella, one of the young cats wanting to join SkyClan, to join this patrol. Bella later talks about the patrol, saying Blossompaw helped her carry the longest stick.

Pebbleshine's Kits[]

Two moons after SkyClan left the gorge, Blossomheart is on a patrol with Pebbleshine, Waspwhisker, Hawkwing and Curlypaw. They discover some chickens in the back of a sleeping monster and decide to catch some for their starving Clanmates. Waspwhisker orders Hawkwing and Curlypaw to keep watch while the rest of them head inside, and Hawkwing objects since Pebbleshine is expecting his kits. Blossomheart agrees and warns Pebbleshine she must be careful. However, Pebbleshine insists she's still agile enough to keep up with her Clanmates. Blossomheart, Waspwhisker and Pebbleshine leap into the monster and struggle to reach the chickens in their dens. One of them stabs Blossomheart with its blunt beak and she hisses in frustration. The Twoleg returns to the monster, and Blossomheart and Waspwhisker escape in a hurry. Pebbleshine is trapped inside as the monster rushes away, and Blossomheart shrieks for Pebbleshine to jump out.

Spotfur's Rebellion[]

At the first rebels meeting, Spotfur sees Blossomheart among the cats who had attended.

Character pixels[]

Official art[]





Harrybrook:[10] Living (As of The Elders' Quest)


Duskshine:[5] Living (As of The Elders' Quest)


Ridgeglow:[5] Living (As of The Elders' Quest)


Cherrytail:[3] Living (As of The Elders' Quest)


Sharpclaw:[3] Deceased, verified StarClan member


Duskpaw:[11] Deceased, verified StarClan member
Hawkwing:[12] Living (As of The Elders' Quest)


Cloudmist:[13] Living (As of The Elders' Quest)
See more
Flower:[14] Status unknown


Sparrowpelt:[15] Living (As of The Elders' Quest)


Jessamy:[14] Status unknown


Violetshine:[16] Living (As of The Elders' Quest)
Twigbranch:[16] Living (As of The Elders' Quest)


Needleclaw:[8] Living (As of The Elders' Quest)


Rootspring:[8] Living (As of The Elders' Quest)


Robinpaw:[17] Living (As of The Elders' Quest)


Starlingpaw:[17] Living (As of The Elders' Quest)

First cousins:

Pebbleshine:[18] Deceased, verified StarClan member
Parsleyseed:[18] Living (As of Hawkwing's Journey)
Sunnypelt:[19] Living (As of The Elders' Quest)
Pigeonfoot:[19] Living (As of The Elders' Quest)
Quailfeather:[19] Living (As of The Elders' Quest)


    = Tom

    = She-cat

    = Gender unknown


Blossomheart is a sensible,[20] courageous, and skillful she-cat.[21] She is bright, brave,[22] and eager to do new things, always trying to stay optimistic through hard times.[23]



"Hawkwing, that was good advice you gave Curlypaw. I've noticed you've not been yourself lately. Of course, you have good reasons, but you can't live your whole life like that. You have to believe what you told Curlypaw, too. You've got your whole life ahead of you, you know?"
―Blossomheart confronting Hawkwing Hawkwing's Journey, page 324
When their patrol was attacked by a swarm of badgers, Hawkwing fought viciously to defend his sister, determined not to lose another littermate.[24] The siblings reminisced about the gorge together on their journey to the lake after being driven out by Darktail, and her brother's romance with Pebbleshine amused her.[25] When Hawkwing became depressed after his mate's death, Blossomheart worried heavily for her brother, especially when he refused to eat, and encouraged him to recover from the loss.[26] Later, as Blossomheart became terribly ill, Hawkwing stayed by his sister's side, terrified to lose the only littermate he had left.[27]

Cherrytail, Sharpclaw, Cloudmist, and Duskpaw[]

"I'm so glad we're all together again. Hawkwing and I have been so worried."
―Blossomheart to Cherrytail and Cloudmist after SkyClan is driven from the gorge Hawkwing's Journey, page 223
Blossomheart has a good relationship with her family and likes to spend time with them. As an apprentice, she chose not to take part in Duskpaw and Cloudpaw's plans to steal Twoleg food,[20] though she misses her brother after this behavior caused his death, and wishes he could have lived to become a warrior.[28] When Cherrytail and Cloudmist decided to stay at Barley's farm rather than follow SkyClan in search of the other Clans, Blossomheart was distraught, and insisted to her mother that she and her siblings still needed her.[25] Her relationship with her father, Sharpclaw, is mostly unknown, but Blossomheart was saddened by his death and comforted Hawkwing when he blamed their father's death on himself.[29]


«Hawkwing felt especially sorry for Pebblepaw, who stumbled along in a daze, as if she was overwhelmed by mourning and her sense of guilt. Blossomheart padded alongside her, silently offering her sympathy and support.»
—Blossomheart supporting Pebblepaw Hawkwing's Journey, page 88
Blossomheart and Pebbleshine were close friends who trained together as apprentices. They bonded together on their journey to find the other Clans, though when Darktail's directions lead the patrol into a mess of badger dens and Pebblepaw's mentor, Billystorm, was killed, Blossomheart helped her friend grieve.[24] When Pebblepaw stopped eating after his death, Blossomheart encouraged her to push past her grief in order to take care of herself.[30] When Pebbleshine, pregnant with Hawkwing's kits, devised a plan to steal chickens from a Twoleg monster, Blossomheart urged her to be careful, and yowled in horror as she was taken away, never to be seen again.[31]



Interesting facts[]


Blossomheart: "Ooh, look! That cloud up there—it looks just like a cat with a long curly tail!"
Hawkwing: "I don't see why you're in such high spirits. Not after everything that's happened."
—Blossomheart being criticized by her brother Hawkwing's Journey, page 55

"Look, Hawkwing. I brought you this shrew. [...] Hawkwing! You haven't eaten for days. You can't go on like this. Please..."
―Blossomheart to Hawkwing after Pebbleshine is taken Hawkwing's Journey, page 298

Leafstar: "I see! A leaf with five points—and including SkyClan, there are five Clans! We are on the right track. StarClan wants us to find the Clans."
Blossomheart: "That's all very well, but that's what we already thought they meant. And it doesn't tell us exactly what to do."
—Leafstar and Blossomheart discussing one of Echosong's visions Hawkwing's Journey, page 420

External links[]

Fan content[]

Notes and references[]

  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 Revealed in Ravenpaw's Farewell, allegiances
  2. Revealed in Veil of Shadows, page 257
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 Revealed in Hawkwing's Journey, page 21
  4. Revealed in Hawkwing's Journey, page 29
  5. 5.0 5.1 5.2 Revealed in River, allegiances
  6. Revealed in Hawkwing's Journey, page 422
  7. Revealed in The Raging Storm, allegiances
  8. 8.0 8.1 8.2 Revealed in Lost Stars, allegiances
  9. Revealed in Darkest Night, page 131
  10. 10.0 10.1 Revealed on the Warriors website family tree (screenshot)
  11. Revealed in Hawkwing's Journey, page 11
  12. Revealed in Hawkwing's Journey, page 8
  13. Revealed in Hawkwing's Journey, page 7
  14. 14.0 14.1 Revealed in the Warriors App
  15. Revealed in Firestar's Quest, page 215
  16. 16.0 16.1 Revealed in Shattered Sky, page 198
  17. 17.0 17.1 Revealed in The Elders' Quest, allegiances
  18. 18.0 18.1 Revealed in Hawkwing's Journey, page 22
  19. 19.0 19.1 19.2 Revealed in Tigerheart's Shadow, allegiances
  20. 20.0 20.1 Revealed in Hawkwing's Journey, page 17
  21. Revealed in Hawkwing's Journey, page 30
  22. Revealed in Hawkwing's Journey, page 33
  23. Revealed in Hawkwing's Journey, page 46
  24. 24.0 24.1 Revealed in Hawkwing's Journey, chapter 6
  25. 25.0 25.1 Revealed in Hawkwing's Journey, chapter 24
  26. Revealed in Hawkwing's Journey, chapter 26
  27. Revealed in Hawkwing's Journey, chapter 33
  28. Revealed in Hawkwing's Journey, page 34
  29. Revealed in Hawkwing's Journey, page 158
  30. Revealed in Hawkwing's Journey, chapter 7
  31. Revealed in Hawkwing's Journey, chapter 25
