Allegiances, as presented in the opening pages of Bluestar's Prophecy. Characters that were excluded from an Allegiances list, but appeared in the book, will be listed following the formal allegiances list.
Leader: | Pinestar-red-brown tom with green eyes |
Deputy: | Sunfall-bright ginger tom with yellow eyes |
Medicine cat(s): | Goosefeather-speckled gray tom with pale blue eyes Apprentice, Featherwhisker |
Warriors: | Stonepelt-gray tom Stormtail-blue-gray tom with blue eyes Adderfang-mottled brown tabby tom with yellow eyes Tawnyspots-light gray tabby tom with amber eyes Sparrowpelt-big, dark brown tabby tom with yellow eyes Smallear-gray tom with very small ears and amber eyes Apprentice, Whitepaw Thrushpelt-sandy-gray tom with white flash on his chest and green eyes Robinwing-small, energetic brown she-cat with ginger patch on her chest and amber eyes Fuzzypelt-black tom with fur that stands on end and yellow eyes Windflight-gray tabby tom with pale green eyes Apprentice, Dapplepaw Speckletail-pale tabby she-cat with amber eyes |
Apprentices: | Featherwhisker-pale silvery tom with bright amber eyes, long whiskers, sweeping, plumy tail; apprentice to the medicine cat Dapplepaw-tortoiseshell she-cat with beautiful dappled coat Whitepaw-pale gray she-cat, blind in one eye |
Queens: | Swiftbreeze-tabby-and-white she-cat with yellow eyes (mother of Leopardkit, black she-cat with green eyes, and Patchkit, black-and-white tom with amber eyes) Moonflower-silver-gray she-cat with pale, yellow eyes (mother of Bluekit, gray she-cat with blue eyes, and Snowkit, white she-cat with blue eyes) Poppydawn-long-haired, dark red she-cat with a bushy tail and amber eyes |
Elders: | Weedwhisker-pale orange tom with yellow eyes Mumblefoot-brown tom, slightly clumsy, with amber eyes Larksong-tortoiseshell she-cat with pale green eyes |
Leader: | Cedarstar-very dark gray tom with a white belly |
Deputy: | Stonetooth-gray tabby tom with long teeth |
Medicine cat(s): | Sagewhisker-white she-cat with long whiskers |
Warriors: | Raggedpelt-large, dark brown tabby tom Foxheart-bright ginger tom Crowtail-black tabby she-cat Apprentice, Cloudpaw Brackenfoot-pale ginger tom with dark ginger legs Archeye-gray tabby tom with black stripes and thick stripe over one eye Hollyflower-dark-gray-and-white she-cat |
Apprentices: | Cloudpaw-N/A* |
Queens: | Featherstorm-brown tabby she-cat Poolcloud-gray-and-white she-cat |
Elders: | Littlebird-small, ginger tabby she-cat Lizardfang-light brown tabby tom with one hooked tooth |
*It should be noted that in this volume only the ThunderClan apprentices were given a section to themselves. *Foxheart is mistakenly called a tom within the allegiances of this book.
Leader: | Heatherstar-pinkish-gray she-cat with blue eyes |
Deputy: | Reedfeather-light brown tabby tom |
Medicine cat(s): | Hawkheart-mottled dark brown tom with yellow eyes |
Warriors: | Dawnstripe-pale gold tabby with creamy stripes Apprentice, Tallpaw Redclaw-dark ginger tom Apprentice, Shrewpaw |
Apprentices: | Tallpaw-N/A* Shrewpaw-N/A* |
Elders: | Whiteberry-small, pure white tom |
*It should be noted that in this volume only the ThunderClan apprentices were given a section to themselves.
Leader: | Hailstar-thick-pelted gray tom |
Deputy: | Shellheart-dappled gray tom |
Medicine cat(s): | Brambleberry-pretty white she-cat with black spotted fur and blue eyes |
Warriors: | Rippleclaw-black-and-silver tabby tom Timberfur-brown tom Owlfur-brown-and-white tom Ottersplash-white-and-pale-ginger she-cat |
Queens: | Lilystem-pale gray queen (mother to Crookedkit and Oakkit) Fallowtail-light brown queen (mother to Graykit and Willowkit) |
Elders: | Troutclaw-gray tabby tom |
*It should be noted that only the ThunderClan apprentices were given a section to themselves in this book.
*Lilystem is listed to be Crookedkit and Oakkit's mother, when their mother is actually Rainflower.