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"Her belly rumbling with hunger, Bluefur padded home through the forest. She couldn't push away the image of Oakheart, and the way his eyes had glittered with sadness. The leaf-bare trees creaked and rattled above her, and on either side of the trail, the bushes were dying back from the cold. Had she really run through there as an apprentice? Chased Snowfur between the trees, caught her first prey, practiced fighting and hunting? She had never realized how easy it had been or how happy she was. Everything was different now. Even the trees looked unfamiliar."
Bluefur reflecting on her life in Bluestar's Prophecy, page 455

Below contains in-depth information for chapter thirty-nine of Bluestar's Prophecy. If you are looking for a shorter summary of the entire book, please check the main article.
Chapter Number: 39 (of 45)
Page Numbers: 455-462

Chapter description[]

Bluefur pads toward camp, thinking about Oakheart and the days when she was an apprentice, sensing everything was different now. Even trees she'd seen her entire life looks unfamiliar. Thrushpelt calls to her, asking how she was, eyes concerned. Bluefur walks on, but Thrushpelt holds his tail out and stops her. A tenderness lingers in his eyes, and Thrushpelt meows that Rosetail had congratulated him on becoming a father. Bluefur is shocked, and answers Thrushpelt's question - she was having kits. Thrushpelt is silent, then states that he wouldn't ask who the father was, as there was a reason she'd kept it secret. Bluefur apologizes, saying she would've been happy with him. The tom offers to pretend to be the father.
Shrieks sound from toward the river, and Bluefur recognizes the yowl as Oakheart's. She hares after Thrushpelt, and finds Thistleclaw pinning Oakheart down. Thrushpelt goes to get help, and Bluefur unsheathes her claws, asking what was going on. Tigerclaw growls that they had to punish him, blocking her. Bluefur sees blood welling at Oakheart's throat, and with a shriek, she knocks Tigerclaw off balance and rips Thistleclaw off Oakheart. Thistleclaw snarls if she'd gone mad, jumping up. Bluefur snaps at him, asking what one cat could do. Oakheart staggers up, stating he'd leave. Thistleclaw stops Oakheart, but Bluefur defends the RiverClan warrior, pleading him to let Oakheart go. The intruder quickly goes back into his territory.
Thistleclaw shoves Bluefur, calling her a traitor. He hisses if she knew him, better than the warrior code allowed. Bluefur spits that it was ridiculous, and the spike-furred warrior paces, spittle bubbling at his mouth and stating that they had to mark their borders with blood. Adderfang, Sparrowpelt and Lionheart appear, but it is resolved that the intruder was gone and there was no more problem. They head back toward camp, and Bluefur has one thought she recalls from her past - Blood lies in his path.
She shivers, knowing she had to warn Sunstar. Thistleclaw and Adderfand report. Thrushpelt gives Bluefur a sparrow, and she eats. After the offer is mentioned by Thrushpelt, she mulls it over, but ultimately agrees, gratified. Bluefur heads into Sunstar's den. Sunstar meows that they were lucky to have warriors ThunderClan could be proud of, like Thistleclaw. The tom states that that she shouldn't be involved in anymore skirmishes. He adds that, not until her kits were born. Bluefur gasps, asking that he knew. Sunstar purrs that it was obvious now, meowing he knew what expectant queens looked like. He pads to the entrance of his den before looking back and saying that she'd be a wonderful mother. Sighing, he states that he had hoped of her someday following in his paw steps, but adds that another cat could someday lead the Clan. Bluefur follows his gaze to Thistleclaw, and Bluefur backs away, chilled. She thinks that Thistleclaw couldn't lead the Clan. He would destroy them all!





Notes and references[]

  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 Revealed in Bluestar's Prophecy, page 455
  2. 2.0 2.1 Revealed in Bluestar's Prophecy, page 457
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 Revealed in Bluestar's Prophecy, page 459
  4. Revealed in Bluestar's Prophecy, page 460
  5. Revealed in Bluestar's Prophecy, page 456