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"One day you'll be old and stiff and grateful for the food we bring you."
— Clover to Leaf in A Forest Divided, page 189

Clover is a sleek,[11] ginger-and-white she-cat with yellow eyes.[12]


In the Dawn of the Clans arc[]

A Forest Divided[]

"Milkweed said we shouldn't take prey unless it's offered."
―Clover reluctant about getting prey A Forest Divided, page 139
Milkweed and Clover approach Gray Wing, following behind Thistle. Gray Wing, upon seeing their conditions, immediately offers the rabbit to the three cats. Milkweed refuses the prey. Trembling, Clover asks if they could just take a bite, gazing at the prey with widened, desperate eyes. After mentioning his late sister, Clover's eyes are horrified as she thinks she may die. Milkweed nuzzles her ear, saying that her sister, Bramble, had always been sickly. Milkweed eventually agrees to eat some of Gray Wing's rabbit, and the queen and her kits soon leave for Clear Sky's camp.
At camp, Clear Sky wonders where Milkweed and her kits were, thinking about how the kits had looked as scrawny as Fluttering Bird, and had immediately offered them the chance to join his group. Star Flower offers Thistle and Clover a race to the fresh-kill pile, saying that whoever was first gets first pick. The kits are shocked to learn of available prey, though Clover warns their mother always warned them to not take prey unless it was offered to them. Milkweed reminds her kits not to take the best prey, and that hunters should get it. Star Flower sternly tells her not to teach her kits to take less than they deserve—adding that they need to grow strong since one day they too will be hunters. They race, and Clover wins the race since she was closest to the pile—much to the disdain of her brother. The two kits hurry and bring a mouse back to their mother to share.
When Milkweed offers to go on patrol, Clear Sky asks Alder and Birch if they would like to teach Thistle and Clover hunting moves. Later, Clear Sky firmly mews that if Star Flower wants to earn his trust, she must earn the trust of other cats—and have to work for it, including that Thistle and Clover must never go hungry. Owl Eyes watches Birch and Alder train Thistle and Clover on the kits' second day training. They are taught the hunter's crouch, though Clover is annoyed when her brother perfects it before she can. While Cloud Spots is aiding Milkweed, he tells the she-cat to send Clover for more leaves if she still feels bad later on. Gaining the attention of Thunder, Clover calls to him to watch her jump. She crouches and leaps across the clearing. Thunder reflects on how he had been pleased that Clear Sky took in the starving family. Staring at him expectantly, Thunder notices Clover, and says she was very good. Purring, Clover states she can jump as far as Thistle. Thistle proceeds to argue, but Birch steps between them, suggesting that they practice more stalking.
Thorn, later on sees Thistle and Clover scrambling through the branches. When Leaf complains about starvation, he flings a hostile look at Milkweed, demanding to know what she has brought besides two hungry kits and a cough. Clover ducks, wide-eyed, beneath her mother's belly. After Thunder and his group leave Clear Sky's camp, Milkweed and her kits follow. Leaf bristles, stating that the kits cannot hunt and Milkweed is sick, so Thunder declares that the three can join if they want to. Milkweed states that she has kits to feed, and that their hunger will drive her more than her own. Clover hisses at Leaf that she and her brother will be able to hunt soon, and one day, Leaf will be old, stiff, and grateful for the food they will bring. Thunder admires their bravery, and agrees they can join his group. Thunder beckons the kits with his tail, stating that they must find somewhere to sleep.
Thistle is summoned by Pink Eyes, who encourages him, while Clover is at his heels. Thistle and Clover burst from beneath the gorse, later on, and race toward Lightning Tail. At their new home, Clover and Thistle huddle on the far side of the camp, eyeing Leaf suspiciously. Milkweed slides beside them, laying down, and curling her tail protectively around her kits. While Milkweed hunts, Pink Eyes watches the kits. Clover and Thistle frequently clamber over him and play moss-ball nearby. Later on, after Thunder catches a sparrow, he considers giving up the catch—wondering about Thistle and Clover, and their hunger. When Thunder returns, he can see the shining eyes of Clover and Thistle in the darkness next to Milkweed.

Path of Stars[]

While hunting, Thunder notes that the thrush will make a good meal for Clover and Thistle, reflecting how they are only four moons old and the bird would fill their bellies easily. When they return, Clover and Thistle race from the bramble bush where they share a nest with Milkweed, their mother, and stop in front of Thunder and Lightning Tail. Thunder thinks that they are growing bigger every day, and wonders if he should start bringing live prey back to camp and start to teach them how to hunt. Pink Eyes mews that the young cats could eat first, and Thunder gives the old tom a mouse, telling him that Thistle and Clover can have the thrush. As another patrol of Owl Eyes and Leaf is about to set out, Thistle, despite his begging, is told by Milkweed to stay in the clearing to guard the camp. Clover teases her brother that if their mother doesn't make him feel special, he will sulk all morning. Thistle snaps back that he never sulks, but she reminds him that he sulked the whole afternoon the previous day because Milkweed wouldn't let him play in the rain. Thistle justifies that it was only rain. Thunder promises that once every cat has eaten, he will take Clover, Thistle, and Milkweed into the forest. Lightning Tail carries his thrush over, and the two kits hurry over. He begins to recount his hunting tale, demonstrating the move that he'd used.
Clover and Thistle greet Acorn Fur as her and a patrol consisting of Owl Eyes, Alder, and Sparrow Fur enter their camp. Clover greets Acorn Fur and asks she remembers her. Clear Sky growls down at the two kits, telling them they should be making themselves busy. Milkweed enters camp after the patrol and demands to know what was happening, soon shooting the gray leader an angry look as she guides her kits away. After a hunting patrol has their prey stolen by Slash's rogues, Clover explains to Thunder that the rogues attacked them while hunting and stole their prey. Leaf and Lightning Tail argue about if they should have fought the rogues, and Milkweed asks if the woods aren't safe anymore, glancing at her kits. When the toms discuss about how the rogues might fight them the next time, Owl Eyes reassures Milkweed that he will keep an eye on Thistle and Clover. The ginger tom-kit states that he can look after his sister, but Clover exclaims that she doesn't need any cat looking after her.
At the next Gathering, the cats discuss Slash's prey-stealing and and whether they should prepare to defend themselves. Milkweed mentions that Lightning Tail has been teaching Clover and Thistle how to defend themselves. Lightning Tail tells Thunder that maybe he should assign trainers to Clover and Thistle as they've been doing in Wind Runner's group, and Leaf offers that he would be happy to train either of them, as they are both bright and eager to learn. After the news of Bee's betrayal, Lightning Tail and Leaf have been training Clover and Thistle in the clearing below the high rock, and had abandoned hunting moves and were practicing battle moves once more. Milkweed and Violet exchange a few words, and Thunder is pleased but not surprised that her campmates have accepted her, and he thinks about how she is kind to everyone, such as making sure that Clover and Thistle get the juiciest prey from the prey pile. Clover calls Thunder over to watch as she and her brother practice a battle move against Leaf and Lightning Tail. The littermates both turn on their hind legs and press their backs to each other as they swipe at Lightning Tail and Leaf with their forepaws. Working together, the siblings defend themselves like experienced fighters. After, the two begin help to reinforce the camp with bracken while Leaf and Lightning Tail happily report on their training to Thunder.
Clover finally gets to go to her first Gathering, excited that nearly every cat will be there. Milkweed begins washing Thistle's fur, and when he ducks away, she scolds that he must look neat. Thistle points out that they have already washed, and Clover adds that they have twice. Violet assures their mother that they will be the most handsome kits there, and Milkweed puffs out her chest. Clover is disheartened to hear that Clear Sky's and Gray Wing's kits won't be there, but she is eager to meet Drizzle and Pine as the meeting is to formally welcome all of the rogues who left Slash into their groups. As the group begins to leave camp, Clover and Thistle push past each other, racing to reach the top first.

In the Super Editions[]

Moth Flight's Vision[]

"Clover kept chewing at a wound on her paw, so I smeared some mouse bile on it. She didn't put her nose near it again."
―Cloud Spots about Clover Moth Flight's Vision, chapter 17
Cloud Spots mentions at the medicine cat half-moon gathering that Clover kept chewing at a wound on her paw, and also mentions that both her and her mother, Milkweed, have a cough. When Moth Flight and Micah visit ThunderClan, Clover and her brother, Thistle, drag a fat wood pigeon between them into camp.

In the Novellas[]

Thunderstar's Echo[]

Clover and her brother, Thistle, are sent out by Cloud Spots to collect dock leaves, but they instead bring back beech leaves. When they return to camp and present the leaves to Shivering Rose, Cloud Spots' apprentice, she is furious with them for not collecting the right herb. Clover and Thistle then begin to argue about whose fault it is, calling each other names and continuously pushing the blame onto each other. Thunderstar orders Clover and Thistle to apologize to the medicine cats, instructing Shivering Rose to take the two siblings into the forest the next day to teach them what they looked like. Clover nods and mutters agreement to the Clan leader's words.
During a hunting patrol with Owl Eyes and Leaf, Clover doesn't manage to catch anything. As they return to camp, Clover limps towards the medicine den, explaining she slipped in the mud and believes she might have sprained her leg. Cloud Spots helps the young she-cat into his den to try to treat the injury. Thunderstar later orders another patrol, and when they return with more prey, Clover is glad that they had more luck than theirs.
Soon, dogs attack the ThunderClan camp. Every cat climbs into trees, but Clover, still held up by her injury, can't quite climb up all the way. Violet Dawn, Owl Eyes, and Snail Shell all protect her, and the dogs soon leave the camp. Climbing back down, Clover is cross with herself at her injury, now made worse by struggling to climb the tree. Clover afterwards tells Snail Shell that she's very grateful for his and the other cats' efforts to defend her from the dogs. After Lightning Tail's death, Clover grieves along with the rest of ThunderClan, and sadly picks at her vole rather than eating it.

Character pixels[]




Milkweed:[6] Living (As of Shadowstar's Life)


Splinter:[blog 1] Living (As of Path of Stars)


Thistle:[6] Living (As of Shadowstar's Life)


Bramble:[6] Deceased, residence unknown


Shivering Rose:[13] Living (As of Shadowstar's Life)
Morning Fire:[13] Living (As of Shadowstar's Life)
Beech Tail:[8] Living (As of Shadowstar's Life)


Hazel Burrow:[13] Living (As of Shadowstar's Life)
Patch Pelt:[8] Living (As of Shadowstar's Life)


Splinter ♂Milkweed ♀Leaf ♂
Thistle ♂Clover ♀Bramble ♀Hazel Burrow ♂Shivering Rose ♀Morning Fire ♀Beech Tail ♀Patch Pelt ♂

    = Tom

    = She-cat

    = Gender unknown




  • Clover is not listed in the allegiances of A Forest Divided despite appearing in the book.[14]


"I can jump as far as Thistle now."
―Clover bragging A Forest Divided, page 153

Clover: "At least I'm faster than a tortoise!"
Thistle: "But your nose might as well be on your haunches for all the good it did while we were looking for Cloud Spots's beech leaves."
Shivering Rose: "Dock leaves! Cloud Spots told you to get dock leaves! You mouse-brain!"
Clover: "Don't talk to my brother like that!"
—Clover, Thistle, and Shivering Rose arguing Thunderstar's Echo, chapter 1

External links[]

Notes and references[]

  1. Revealed in Path of Stars, pages 304-305
  2. Revealed in A Forest Divided, page 115
  3. Revealed in A Forest Divided, page 137
  4. Revealed in A Forest Divided, page 187
  5. Revealed in Path of Stars, page 15
  6. 6.0 6.1 6.2 6.3 Revealed in A Forest Divided, page 114
  7. Revealed in Moth Flight's Vision, page 228
  8. 8.0 8.1 8.2 Revealed in Thunderstar's Echo, chapter 1
  9. Revealed in Shadowstar's Life, allegiances
  10. Revealed in Shadowstar's Life, chapter 6
  11. Revealed in A Forest Divided, page 142
  12. Revealed in Moth Flight's Vision, allegiances
  13. 13.0 13.1 13.2 Revealed in Moth Flight's Vision, page 223
  14. Revealed in A Forest Divided, allegiances
  1. While not directly referred to as a warrior, hunters are repeatedly referred to as such throughout the novella.[10]

Author references
