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"Sorry! I know I talk too much but I just want to be the best apprentice. I'm so glad you're my mentor. You're the strongest cat in RiverClan, except Rippleclaw, but he's old—not an elder or anything—but you're younger and you remember what it's like to be a 'paw. And I'm going to listen to everything you tell me—"
Below contains in-depth information for chapter twenty-eight of Crookedstar's Promise. If you are looking for a shorter summary of the entire book, please check the main article.
With leaf-bare's arrival, RiverClan celebrates the christening of its newest apprentices; Hailstar gives Crookedjaw his first apprentice, Sedgepaw, much to his delight as he's now one step closer to becoming deputy. The twisted-jaw warrior reflects how all the young kits requested to withhold their apprentice ceremonies until Leopardkit had reached her sixth moon. He's pleased by their close bond, though briefly reflects about his own mother's distant attitude towards him since his injury. Crookedjaw is at least pleased that he has Willowbreeze and knows any kits they may have will be unconditionally loved.
Hailstar finally arrives at the last kit. He names Leopardpaw's mentor to be Whitefang. The Clan's celebration is short-lived when the eight eager apprentices wish to explore their territory as soon as possible. Crookedjaw, Beetlenose, and Oakheart lead their apprentices, the three littermates Sedgepaw, Reedpaw, and Loudpaw, to the river. Sedgepaw eagerly pesters her mentor with several questions, tremendously excited to be apprenticed to one of the strongest cats in the Clan. While he's amused by Sedgepaw's enthusiasm, Crookedjaw can't help but recall how he was never enthusiastic with his own mentor, Cedarpelt, and that he learned more from Mapleshade. He briefly wonders if Sedgepaw will be trained by a StarClan warrior.
That night, Crookedjaw is pleased when Mapleshade returns to his dreams. She congratulates him on becoming a mentor though questions if he still believes he has more to learn from her. The twisted-jaw warrior firmly insists that he still wants more training to become the best RiverClan leader. Mapleshade is pleased, and asks for him to recite his promise to her. Though he briefly questions it, Crookedjaw reiterates his promise to put his Clan first, and he wonders if that's the reason Mapleshade led Willowbreeze to the Twolegs.
It is said that Leopardstar's generation all decided to wait until Leopardkit reached her sixth moon before they were all apprenticed,[1] but in Leopardstar's Honor, Leopardkit was apprenticed early at five moons old.[9]
Important events[]
Sedgepaw, Reedpaw, Loudpaw, Skypaw, Blackpaw, Leopardpaw, Sunpaw, and Frogpaw all become apprentices.[10] Crookedjaw gains his first apprentice, Sedgepaw.[2]
Sedgepaw's apprentice ceremony
Sedgekit. […] [Crookedjaw.] May you share with Sedgepaw your courage, skill, and loyalty.