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"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have left you on the shore. I should have fought the dog and saved you. I'm sorry for everything, Rainflower—for sneaking out of camp and breaking my jaw; for letting you die. I've missed you so much. I wish I could have gotten you to forgive me."
Crookedjaw's thoughts about his mother's death in Crookedstar's Promise, page 361-362

Below contains in-depth information for chapter thirty of Crookedstar's Promise. If you are looking for a shorter summary of the entire book, please check the main article.
Chapter Number: 30 (of 40)
Page Numbers: 360-370

Chapter description[]

While RiverClan grieves Rainflower's death, Crookedjaw struggles to comes to terms with it himself. He feels guilty about their strained relationship, for failing to make his mother proud, and for leaving her on the shore. He tries to convince himself that he doesn't care, but his brother's anger hurts more. As Oakheart and Shellheart prepare for the vigil, Crookedjaw notices how frail his father looks. Willowbreeze comforts him, though Crookedjaw doesn't attend the vigil. In the early dawn, the elders carry Rainflower's body away to be buried and Shellheart joins them. Brambleberry insists to Crookedjaw that his mother didn't suffer as her injury from the rock knocked her unconscious. Crookedjaw snaps that she's lying, but Brambleberry's hurt that he would even think that. When he attempts to apologize, Brambleberry interrupts by saying they need to talk, but Hailstar calls a Clan meeting, announcing that they will reclaim Sunningrocks.
Hailstar organizes two battle patrols: he will lead Crookedjaw, Voleclaw, and Mudfur, while Owlfur, Softwing, and Piketooth will be on another shortly behind them. However, Mudfur objects to reclaiming Sunningrocks from ThunderClan since the two Clans have repeatedly fought over the pile of rocks. However, Rippleclaw questions his opinion, but Mudfur insists he will still obey his Clan leader and fight if ordered to. The two patrols leave at once to remark Sunningrocks, but they are quickly confronted by a ThunderClan patrol led by Adderfang. Before a fight can break out, Mudfur challenges Adderfang to a one-on-one fight for Sunningrocks. As acting deputy of ThunderClan, Adderfang agrees to Mudfur's challenge. As the two toms circle each other, Crookedjaw feels helpless watching from the sidelines. The two warriors fight fiercely and draw blood, and Crookedjaw wonders if Mudfur can even see with all the blood pouring into his eyes. Eventually, Mudfur finally pins Adderfang down by his throat and forces him to concede. The pale brown tom lets Adderfang go and as the ThunderClan cats leave, Hailstar proudly yowls that Sunningrocks belongs to RiverClan once more. Crookedjaw expects Mudfur to be pleased by his victory, but he has already turned away for home.





Important events[]

  • Mudfur solely wins back Sunningrocks from ThunderClan.[9]

Notes and references[]

  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 Revealed in Crookedstar's Promise, page 360
  2. 2.0 2.1 Revealed in Crookedstar's Promise, page 361
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 Revealed in Crookedstar's Promise, page 362
  4. 4.0 4.1 Revealed in Crookedstar's Promise, page 363
  5. 5.0 5.1 5.2 Revealed in Crookedstar's Promise, page 364
  6. 6.0 6.1 6.2 Revealed in Crookedstar's Promise, page 365
  7. 7.0 7.1 7.2 7.3 Revealed in Crookedstar's Promise, page 367
  8. Revealed in Crookedstar's Promise, page 368
  9. Revealed in Crookedstar's Promise, page 370