"Killing Needletail is a better punishment than if I killed you. You're so attached to this treacherous cat, you're more afraid of her death than your own. I want you to know what it's like to live with the pain and grief of losing the one cat who befriended you and took care of you." |
— Darktail to Violetpaw in Shattered Sky, page 214 |
Darktail is a ragged,[18] big,[19] muscular, glossy white tom[16] with black spots breaking up the white,[20] black spots around his[16] vivid[21] blue eyes,[16] huge paws,[14] and a long black tail.[16]
Darktail was a rogue in the lake territories who brought disaster to the Clans. He was born to Smoke and Onestar in the old forest as Darkkit, and had siblings that died after birth. He was rejected by his father from joining WindClan, causing Smoke to teach Darkkit to hate the Clans that rejected them. At some point, he took on the name Darkpaw, and he later renamed himself Darktail. Darktail developed a cruel streak, attacking his Twoleg and killing Dudley. After his mother's death, Darktail sought revenge on his father. He revealed himself to Hawkwing as a loner and befriended him; however, after driving SkyClan from the gorge, Darktail and his group sought out to find the Clans after following Alderpaw and his companions back to the lake.
Darktail influenced many ShadowClan apprentices to join his group, and after gaining the majority of ShadowClan on his side, he took over ShadowClan, driving out Rowanstar. Darktail ruled with cruelty and fear among his cats and was not afraid to kill. When Darktail drove RiverClan from their camp, he held prisoners and killed Needletail after discovering she was a traitor. In the end, he faced one last battle with all five Clans, and while fighting with his own father in the lake, both of them drowned each other. Though his death brought peace, he still left long lasting effects on the Clans. Darktail went to the Dark Forest and worked for Ashfur to destroy StarClan and the Dark Forest. Darktail led rogue spirits to attack the living and dead cats, though his spirit fell to Needletail and Violetshine.
Looking for a longer overview? Find one here!
A Vision of Shadows[]
- "This cat's word is not to be trusted. Look at what he's done: raided camps, kept prisoners, killed more Clan cats than we can count. He'll clearly do or say anything in his efforts to steal territory..."
- ―Onestar about Darktail Shattered Sky, page 250
- He and his rogues arrive at the lake territories and attack WindClan, eventually settling near ShadowClan territory, where Darktail's strong leadership appeals to many ShadowClan cats. They convince several apprentices to join them, including Sleekwhisker, Needletail, Violetpaw, and Juniperclaw. Meanwhile, when ShadowClan struggles under Rowanstar's weak leadership, this gives Darktail the opportunity to take over the Clan, naming the combination of ShadowClan cats and rogues the Kin. ThunderClan, WindClan, and RiverClan, along with ShadowClan cats who refused to join the Kin, attempt to drive them out. However, the battle is lost when Onestar suddenly calls for retreat. Later, the Kin drives out RiverClan, killing several warriors and keeping their injured cats captive, turning the old camp into a second base of the Kin. Afterwards, he becomes injured, and though Rain tries to suffocate him while he is sleeping, Darktail wakes up and kills his old friend, knowing that the tom would betray him.
- Eventually, many former ShadowClan cats regret joining the Kin, escaping to ThunderClan. However, those who are caught are drowned by Darktail and his rogues. Soon the remaining ShadowClan cats and RiverClan prisoners rise up against the Kin and force them out of RiverClan. After discovering that Violetpaw is working outside the Kin, Darktail punishes her by killing Needletail, and while Violetpaw escapes, Needletail retaliates and attacks Darktail, Sleekwhisker, and Roach, with all three killing her. Having lost one camp, Darktail sets his sights on WindClan. There it is revealed that Onestar is Darktail's father, and with the arrival of SkyClan, the Clans push out the Kin in a final, decisive battle. Darktail is confronted by Onestar, and the father and son both drown one another. With their leader dead, the Kin flees the area and soon disbands without Darktail.
The Broken Code[]
- Onestar: "What are you doing in the Dark Forest? You're not a warrior. You don't belong here."
- Darktail: "Oh, my father. I lived long enough among warriors to earn my place here. Don't you think?"
- A Light in the Mist, page 235
- After his death, Darktail joined the Dark Forest and was pleased to have another chance to destroy the Clans by working with Ashfur. After Ashfur successfully managed to kidnap Bramblestar's body, harvest numerous spirits for his army, and seal the connections between StarClan, the Dark Forest, and the living world, the Lights in the Mist confronted Ashfur and his army in the Dark Forest. Using this opportunity, Darktail revealed himself to them, as well as admitted to his collaboration with Ashfur. As the battle ensued soon after, Darktail attacked Rootspring and almost managed to kill him, but got thwarted by Needletail and Violetshine, who with combined efforts managed to slay the vicious rogue and wipe out his spirit from existence in the process.
A Starless Clan[]
- Many moons after Darktail's reign, its consequences still affect Clan cats. Berryheart in particular grows extremely in favor of following the traditional warrior code, and not to let outsiders into ShadowClan, due to her daughter being killed when Darktail was let in.
Super Editions[]
This section summarizes Darktail's significant Super Editions appearances. If you're looking for a full list, find one here!
- "You all think of Onestar as an honorable leader, don't you? Well, I know things about him that would make every WindClan cat's fur stand on end. [...] And they should know what kind of cat you are. The Onestar they think they know could not have done what you did to me!"
- ―Darktail to Onestar Onestar's Confession, pages 426-427
- Seasons later, Darktail and his Kin arrive at the lake and he blames Onestar for Smoke's death. Darktail manages to take one of Onestar's eighth life in battle. After being warned that he might lose everything to defeat Darktail, Onestar turns his back on the other Clans to keep WindClan safe from Darktail's treachery, including refusing to help ShadowClan with their sickness. Meanwhile, Darktail takes over ShadowClan and RiverClan, and while the other Clans wish to attack Darktail and drive him away, Onestar is hesitant to kill his own son. Onestar finally reveals the truth about Darktail and faces him in battle, knowing he must be the one to kill Darktail once and for all.
- "Listen. I like you, Hawkwing. You're different from the other SkyClan cats. You're more like me. Surely you realize your best chance of survival will be with me and my rogues? We're going to take the gorge for ourselves. Join us! We're so good together, Hawkwing. We understand each other. I'll make you my deputy."
- ―Darktail to Hawkwing after revealing his true intentions Hawkwing's Journey, page 189
Detailed description[]
Scars and injuries gained[]
The following is a chronological list of scars and/or major injuries that Darktail has gained:
- Ragged fur gained from his time in the Dark Forest.[18]
Character pixels[]
Main images[]
The pixel artwork is fanart based on the canon description; undefined traits are left to the artist's interpretation. |
Alternate images[]
The pixel artwork is fanart based on the canon description; undefined traits are left to the artist's interpretation. |
Official art[]
Please do not edit this gallery |
Killed victims[]
This list shows the victims Darktail has killed:
- Dudley[22]
- Bouncefire[23]
- Sharpclaw[24] (Alongside Rain)
- Mistfeather[25]
- Rain[26]
- Beenose[27]
- Mistcloud[28][29]
- Lioneye[28][29]
- Birchbark[28][29]
- Dawnpelt[28][29]
- Needletail[30] (Alongside Sleekwhisker and Roach)
- Onestar[31][12] (Last two lives)
Personality and traits[]
- Arrogant, cunning and viciously ruthless, Darktail has no mercy, compassion or respect for his enemies or for cats that are weaker than himself. He is extremely cruel and sadistic, and likes to physically and psychologically torture his victims. A prime example of Darktail's sadism is shown when he captured four injured RiverClan cats[32] and tortured them by leaving their wounds to fester, depriving them of food and humiliating them by forcing them to swear an oath of loyalty to him in return for food, and then continuing to starve them anyways. Another example of Darktail's sadism is shown when he attempted to punish Violetpaw for betraying him by drowning her best friend, Needletail, right in front of her. As stated by Darktail himself,[30] he did this because he knew killing Needletail would hurt Violetpaw more than anything else.
- However, Darktail is also undeniably intelligent and charismatic; he is a master manipulator. He was able to gather a very large number of rogue cats to him and gain their fanatical loyalty. He is also a highly skilled and capable fighter and tactician, notably defeating Mistfeather,[25] Rowanstar, Reedwhisker and Onestar, all of whom were fully trained warrior cats, in single combat, respectively. However, it should be noted that all these cats were not at the peak of their strength at the time; Mistfeather was half-starved and weakened from living as a loner, Rowanstar was still recovering from an illness, Reedwhisker was already exhausted due to fighting, and Onestar was very old and not quite as strong as he once was. Regardless of this, Darktail is still a formidable opponent.[33]
- Darktail is also treacherous and, despite his claims to the contrary, has no personal sense of honor or responsibility; he is a liar and a hypocrite. At one point, he states that he believes sharing is "very important", but this is a downright lie because, as mentally noted by Violetpaw, Darktail only shares when it suits his own personal needs. Furthermore, despite being a strong and capable fighter and tactician,[23][24] he is not above using brutal or underhanded methods to win battles; e.g. ordering his accomplices to attack his opponent while their back is turned or sending the weaker cats onto the battlefield first as fodder.[34] Darktail has no respect for his enemies, and demonstrates this by refusing to bury their bodies or even to let their friends bury them.[35][36]
The Kin[]
- Darktail is an extremist and a Social Darwinist, believing only the strong deserve to survive. As noted by Dragonfly, one of his followers, he is not only intolerant of sick cats, but actually despises them and outright abuses them,[37] berating them for being sick and even attempting to prevent them from healing themselves, believing they do not deserve to live. While Darktail does value his followers for their loyalty and usefulness, he will abandon them without a second thought if any of them get sick, even if that cat has been one of his most loyal followers.[26]
- Mistfeather: "You're a filthy rogue who stole territory!"
- Darktail: "Territory belongs to those strong enough to defend it — or to take it. If SkyClan couldn't dig their claws into the land they claimed as theirs, they have nothing to complain about."
- The Apprentice's Quest, page 222
- Coming Soon
- Onestar: "Yes, Smoke came to find me one more time. She had a single kit with her, and she told me that after our last meeting, when she was still on her way home, her kits had come. She didn't have any help — not from a cat, not even from a Twoleg. All but one of her kits—our kits – had died. Smoke went back to her Twolegs, but only for a short time. As soon as her kit was old enough to leave her, she brought him back to me. She begged me to at least take him into camp, while he was still young enough to learn the ways of the Clans. And I...I refused. I was too worried about how I would have to explain to Tallstar. Smoke turned on me then. She told me that she would raise the kit by herself, and teach him to hate the Clans who had rejected him."
- Bramblestar: "Wait. This kit — are you saying that he grew up to be Darktail? That Darktail is your son?"
- Shattered Sky, pages 256-259
- There is a deeper motivation behind Darktail's actions. According to Onestar and Darktail himself, Smoke was Onestar's secret affair, and when she became pregnant with his kits, she asked him if she could join WindClan. Onestar denied her, and she gave birth to her kits soon after. However, with no one to help her, all but one of her kits died, and she came to WindClan again to ask Onestar if her kit could join the Clan. Onestar rejected her again, and Darktail's dark nature and actions against the Clans are rooted from his father's rejection of him as a kit and his mother, Smoke, subsequently teaching him to hate the Clans for this rejection.[12]
- Coming Soon
- Coming Soon
- Coming Soon
- Heathertail:[39] Living (As of The Elders' Quest)
- Galekit:[39] Deceased, verified StarClan member
- Unnamed kits:[40] Deceased, residence unknown
- Smokehaze:[41] Deceased, verified StarClan member
- Brindlewing:[41] Living (As of The Elders' Quest)
- Appleshine:[42] Living (As of The Elders' Quest)
- Woodsong:[42] Living (As of The Elders' Quest)
- Stretchkit:[43] Living (As of The Elders' Quest)
- Ashfoot:[44] Deceased, verified StarClan member
- Morningflower:[44] Deceased, verified StarClan member
- Wrenflight:[45] Deceased, verified StarClan member
- Woollytail:[47] Deceased, verified StarClan member
- Hareflight:[48] Deceased, verified StarClan member
- Bristlebark:[49] Deceased, verified StarClan member
- Flytail:[49] Deceased, verified StarClan member
- Rabbitear:[49] Deceased, verified StarClan member
- Doespring:[48] Deceased, verified StarClan member
- Ryestalk:[48] Deceased, verified StarClan member
First cousins:
- Gorsepaw:[52] Deceased, verified StarClan member
- Storkkit:[53] Deceased, verified StarClan member
- Quailkit:[53] Deceased, verified StarClan member
- Crowfeather:[54] Living (As of The Elders' Quest)
- Eaglekit:[55][56] Deceased, verified StarClan member
- Hillkit:[57][56] Deceased, verified StarClan member
- Downkit:[57][56] Deceased, verified StarClan member
= Tom
= She-cat
= Gender unknown
- Onestar's Confession †
- Hawkwing's Journey
- Pebbleshine's Kits (Mentioned only)
- The Apprentice's Quest (First appearance)
- Thunder and Shadow
- Shattered Sky †
- Tigerheart's Shadow (Comic) (Flashback only)
- Crowfeather's Trial (Comic) (Mentioned only)
- Darkest Night
- River of Fire (Mentioned only)
- Tawnypelt's Clan (Mentioned only)
- Spotfur's Rebellion (Mentioned only)
- The Raging Storm (Mentioned only)
- Squirrelflight's Hope (Mentioned only)
- Lost Stars (Mentioned only)
- The Silent Thaw (Mentioned only)
- Veil of Shadows (Mentioned only)
- Darkness Within (Mentioned only)
- A Light in the Mist †
- River (Mentioned only)
- Sky (Mentioned only)
- Shadow
- Thunder (Mentioned only)
- Wind (Mentioned only)
- Star (Vision or Dream)
- The Elders' Quest (Mentioned only)
- The Ultimate Guide: Updated and Expanded Edition
Toys and Plush[]
Onestar & Darktail - Mini Collector Figures[]
- Series 7
- Though we didn't always know it, and Onestar tried to run from it as long as he could, this father and son duo were always fated to die at each other's claws. Onewhisker was a friendly, easy-going WindClan warrior and a close friend of Firestar's, but when Tallstar's deathbed decision left him as leader, he turned cold and hard to become the leader he thought his Clan needed - and to hide the shameful secret that had plagued him since his warrior days. Darktail's burning desire for revenge brought him to the lake, where he rained havoc down on the Clans. Through it all, his fierce longing for kin came out in him forming the twisted, dysfunctional Kin - though every cat understood that Darktail's favor was as fragile as a cobweb.
- Sturdy mini figure of Onestar and Darktail, approximately 7cm in height.
- Also included in a three-pack bundle with the rest of Series 7: Berryheart and Splashtail, and Briarlight and Purdy.
- Approximate individual price is $12.99 USD, and the three-pack bundle is $38.97 USD.
Interesting facts[]
- Darktail has WindClan blood via Onestar[58] and kittypet blood via Smoke.[59]
- He is also a descendant of Windstar through Mistmouse.[60]
- Darktail was named after his tail.[11]
Author statements[]
- Kate doesn't think Darktail had feelings for Violetpaw; he was just using her as he used all cats.[blog 1]
- Kate's pretty sure Sleekwhisker had a crush on Darktail, but can't clearly remember.[blog 2]
- Darktail was mistakenly depicted as white with black markings on his fur and tail, excluding his black tail.[27]
- Darktail is mentioned in Mothwing's Secret to be in the Dark Forest with Tigerstar and other cats. However, he is still alive at the time and has not encountered the Clan cats or the lake yet.[61]
The following information is from sources considered non-canon, retconned, or from adapted material.
- In Su Susann's "Missing Kits" on Vicky's Facebook, Darktail's half-siblings are Willowclaw, Emberfoot, Rustlepaw, a golden tabby tom with a white belly and chest and green eyes, and Drizzlepaw, speckled brown-and-white she-cat with amber eyes.[62]
- "Leafstar, this is a bad idea. This cat is not one of SkyClan. He doesn't understand what it means to be a Clan cat."
- ―Hawkwing protesting Leafstar's decision to let Darktail stay in the Clan Hawkwing's Journey, page 103
- Darktail: "Listen, all of you! This is our chance. While the dogs are distracted, we can escape."
- Hawkwing: "What about Toad?"
- Hawkwing's Journey, page 126
- Darktail: "Pebblepaw. I've seen you staring at her. Don't try to tell me you don't like her."
- Hawkwing: "Uh.."
- Hawkwing's Journey, page 171
- «To Hawkwing's amazement, something flickered in Darktail's eyes and he angled his head aside, as if he were honestly disappointed by Hawkwing's response.»
- —Hawkwing observing Darktail after he rejects his offer to be his deputy Hawkwing's Journey, page 189
- «So they call their leader Darktail. Why not Darkstar? Or is this just another way these weird cats are different from us?»
- —Alderpaw's thoughts upon meeting Darktail The Apprentice's Quest, page 199
- Darktail: "We have developed our own code. After we left the other Clans, SkyClan realized our members were becoming weak, and we decided to make up some new rules. SkyClan rules reward the strong and aggressive—the cats who will best defend the Clan."
- Sparkpaw: "What about sick cats, then, or elders?"
- The Apprentice's Quest, pages 204-205
- "It seems you've met one of the dregs of the gorge. Somehow he's still alive! And it sounds like you're plotting against my cats."
- ―Darktail to Alderpaw after he finds Mistfeather The Apprentice's Quest, page 222
- Mistfeather: "You're a filthy rogue who stole territory!"
- Darktail: "Territory belongs to those strong enough to defend it—or to take it. If SkyClan couldn't dig their claws into the land they claimed as theirs, they have nothing to complain about. And if you want to stake your claim, Mistfeather, do you want to fight me for the territory right here, right now?"
- The Apprentice's Quest, page 222
- "Don't lie, flea-pelt! It's obvious you're allies of SkyClan. You've come as spies to unsettle my group, so the weak Clan with their daylight-warriors could come back. But my cats and I claimed this territory honorably, and we mean to keep it. Your plan has fallen apart!"
- ―Darktail to Alderpaw The Apprentice's Quest, page 226
- Onestar: "What is it you want?"
- Darktail: "I want my mother back."
- Onestar's Confession, pages 338-339
- "This won't be the last you see of us. We have a mission here, and we know more about your so-called Clans than you think."
- ―Darktail after the battle Thunder and Shadow, page 65
- "I know it must have been hard to choose between your littermate and your new Kin. I'm proud of you for making the right choice."
- ―Darktail after Violetpaw attacks Twigpaw Shattered Sky, page 42
- "The blood that bonds cats as kin is nothing compared to the blood a cat is prepared to spill to protect those around them. That means so much more, don't you think?"
- ―Darktail to Loki Shattered Sky, page 72
- "You and I have an understanding, don't we, Violetpaw? We were both kits that no cat wanted. [...] I know that feeling well. When one feels unwanted, one might do anything—anything at all—to hold on to the cats one cares about. Even lie to protect them. Isn't that so, Violetpaw? I feel a special connection to you, but that doesn't mean that I couldn't make your life very unpleasant if you go on lying to me. And it's not just you that I could punish for your lie."
- ―Darktail to Violetpaw Shattered Sky, pages 128-129
- "Don't waste out time pretending you didn't do it. Sleekwhisker saw you doing something suspicious to the prey, and she was smart enough to warn us before we could eat it. You know, it's almost impressive, how good you are at this: lying, pretending to be a friend when in fact you're an enemy. I suppose it's all the time you spent among those useless Clan cats. I thought you were like me— [...] No, I don't believe that anymore. In fact, I'm beginning to wonder: Is it possible that you had something to do with those former ShadowClan elders and queen who have gone missing? Don't think I haven't noticed. I notice everything that happens among my Kin."
- ―Darktail to Violetpaw about putting poppy seeds into the prey Shattered Sky, page 209
- "I will destroy you, and all the Clans for what you did to me. What do you think will happen to a cat who rejected, then killed, his own son? Surely that cat would end up in the Dark Forest. Think of that when you are on your last life!"
- ―Darktail to Onestar during a battle against the Kin Onestar's Confession, pages 397
External links[]
- Darktail's profile on the Warriors official website (backup link)
- Best of the Worst on the Warriors official website (backup link)
- The cats of A Vision of Shadows on the Warriors official website (backup link)
- A Vision of Shadows characters - a visual guide on the Warriors official website (backup link)
- A Vision of Shadows Main Characters Artwork on the Warriors official website ([none backup link])
- Our Favorite Darktail Artwork on the Warriors official website (backup link)
- More of our favorite Darktail artwork on the Warriors official website (backup link)
- Leadership Among the Clans: An Overview on the Warriors official website (backup link) (Mentioned only)
- The Measure of a Father on the Warriors official website (backup link) (Mentioned only)
- The Warrior Code: An Outdated Relic? on the Warriors official website (backup link) (Mentioned only)
- Evil Lives Forever on the Warriors official website (backup link) (Mentioned only)
- Creating an Antagonist on the Warriors official website (backup link)
- Clan or Kin? on the Warriors official website (backup link) (Mentioned only)
- Kin of Your Kin on the Warriors official website (backup link) (Mentioned only)
- Reading the Omens on the Warriors official website (backup link) (Mentioned only)
- Winds of Change on the Warriors official website (backup link) (Mentioned only)
- Asking a Great Deal on the Warriors official website (backup link) (Mentioned only)
- Too Much History on the Warriors official website (backup link) (Mentioned only)
- Say little... on the Warriors official website (backup link) (Mentioned only)
- A matter of choice on the Warriors official website (backup link) (Mentioned only)
- A Return to RiverClan on the Warriors official website (backup link) (Mentioned only)
- Death in the World of Warriors on the Warriors official website (backup link) (Mentioned only)
- Forbidden romance in the world of Warriors on the Warriors official website (backup link) (Mentioned only)
- Editors and the supernatural world within the Clans on the Warriors official website (backup link) (Mentioned only)
- Which Warrior is Worthy? on the Warriors official website (backup link) (Mentioned only)
- Pick a Plush on the Warriors official website (Poll option) (backup link)
- Which Warrior is Worthy - The Return on the Warriors official website (backup link) (Mentioned only)
- Mini Figures Series 7 cats: the details on the Warriors official website (backup link)
- Use our merch designs to find your Warriors name! on the Warriors official website (backup link)
Notes and references[]
- ↑ 1.0 1.1 Revealed in A Light in the Mist, pages 246-247
- ↑ Revealed in Thunder and Shadow, page 356
- ↑ Revealed in The Apprentice's Quest, page 220
- ↑ Revealed in Hawkwing's Journey, page 48
- ↑ Revealed in Shattered Sky, chapter 19
- ↑ 6.0 6.1 Revealed in Onestar's Confession, pages 299-300
- ↑ Revealed in The Apprentice's Quest, page 226
- ↑ Revealed in Onestar's Confession, page 338
- ↑ Revealed in Hawkwing's Journey, chapter 5
- ↑ 10.0 10.1 Revealed in A Light in the Mist, page 234
- ↑ 11.0 11.1 11.2 Revealed in Onestar's Confession, page 175
- ↑ 12.0 12.1 12.2 12.3 Revealed in Shattered Sky, page 279
- ↑ Revealed in Shattered Sky, allegiances
- ↑ 14.0 14.1 Revealed in The Apprentice's Quest, page 207
- ↑ Revealed in Hawkwing's Journey, chapter 4
- ↑ 16.0 16.1 16.2 16.3 16.4 Revealed in The Apprentice's Quest, page 198
- ↑ Darktail's profile on the Warriors official website (backup link)
- ↑ 18.0 18.1 Revealed in A Light in the Mist, page 245
- ↑ Revealed in Shattered Sky, page 44
- ↑ Revealed in Hawkwing's Journey, page 43
- ↑ Revealed in Onestar's Confession, page 174
- ↑ Revealed in Onestar's Confession, page 297
- ↑ 23.0 23.1 Revealed in Hawkwing's Journey, page 184
- ↑ 24.0 24.1 Revealed in Hawkwing's Journey, page 188
- ↑ 25.0 25.1 Revealed in The Apprentice's Quest, page 224
- ↑ 26.0 26.1 Revealed in Shattered Sky, page 45
- ↑ 27.0 27.1 Revealed in Tigerheart's Shadow comic
- ↑ 28.0 28.1 28.2 28.3 Revealed in Shattered Sky, chapter 9
- ↑ 29.0 29.1 29.2 29.3 Revealed in Darkest Night, chapter 23
- ↑ 30.0 30.1 Revealed in Shattered Sky, page 218
- ↑ Revealed in Onestar's Confession, page 345
- ↑ Revealed in Shattered Sky, page 126
- ↑ Revealed in Thunder and Shadow, page 317
- ↑ Revealed in Shattered Sky, page 105
- ↑ Revealed in Shattered Sky, page 107
- ↑ Revealed in Shattered Sky, page 108
- ↑ Revealed in Darkest Night: Bonus Scene, pages 18-19
- ↑ 38.0 38.1 Revealed in Shattered Sky, page 259
- ↑ 39.0 39.1 Revealed in Onestar's Confession, page 245
- ↑ Revealed in Shattered Sky, page 258
- ↑ 41.0 41.1 Revealed in The Apprentice's Quest, allegiances
- ↑ 42.0 42.1 Revealed in Lost Stars, allegiances
- ↑ 43.0 43.1 Revealed in The Elders' Quest, allegiances
- ↑ 44.0 44.1 Revealed in Onestar's Confession, page 21
- ↑ Revealed in Onestar's Confession, page 6
- ↑ Revealed in Onestar's Confession, page 25
- ↑ 47.0 47.1 Revealed in Tallstar's Revenge, page 253
- ↑ 48.0 48.1 48.2 48.3 Revealed in Tallstar's Revenge, page 26
- ↑ 49.0 49.1 49.2 Revealed in Tallstar's Revenge, page 274
- ↑ Revealed in Tallstar's Revenge, page 6
- ↑ Revealed in Tallstar's Revenge, page 21
- ↑ Revealed in Rising Storm, page 208
- ↑ 53.0 53.1 Revealed on the Warriors website family tree (screenshot)
- ↑ Revealed in Starlight, page 131
- ↑ Revealed in Fire and Ice, page 2
- ↑ 56.0 56.1 56.2 Revealed on the Warriors website family tree (screenshot)
- ↑ 57.0 57.1 Revealed in Firestar's Quest, page 40
- ↑ Revealed in Fire and Ice, page 3
- ↑ Revealed in Shattered Sky, page 256
- ↑ Revealed on the Warriors website family tree (screenshot)
- ↑ Revealed in Mothwing's Secret, chapter 7
- ↑ Revealed on Vicky's Facebook
Author references
Dark Forest cats | |
Current members | Berryheart • Clawface • Curlfeather • Frecklewish • Houndleap • Maggottail • Mapleshade • One Eye • Rushtooth • Silverhawk • Sparrowfeather • Splashtail • Stumpytail • Thistleclaw |
Faded | Antpelt • Ashfur • Brokenstar • Darkstripe • Darktail • Hawkfrost • Redwillow • Shredtail • Snowtuft • Tigerstar |
Trainees | Antpelt • Applefur • Beetlewhisker • Birchfall • Blossomfall • Brambleclaw • Breezepelt • Crookedjaw • Furzepelt • Harespring • Hawkfrost • Hollowflight • Icewing • Ivypool • Larkwing • Lionblaze • Minnowtail • Mousewhisker • Ratscar • Redwillow • Sunstrike • Thistleclaw • Thornclaw • Tigerheart • Whiskernose |
Prisoners | Antfur • Berrynose • Bramblestar • Conefoot • Dappletuft • Frondwhisker • Rosepetal • Sandynose • Smokehaze • Softpelt • Spiresight • Squirrelflight • Stemleaf • Strikestone • Willowshine |
Kin cats | |
Leaders | Darktail |
Members | Rain • Raven • Nettle • Roach • Dragonfly • Flame • Silt • Thistle |
ShadowClan defectors | Needletail • Juniperclaw • Sleekwhisker • Violetshine • Berryheart • Cloverfoot • Beenose • Sparrowtail • Mistcloud • Buster • Birchbark • Lioneye • Slatefur • Puddleshine • Strikestone • Dawnpelt • Stonewing • Grassheart • Whorlpelt • Snaketooth • Flowerstem • Snowbird • Scorchfur • Yarrowleaf • Conefoot • Frondwhisker • Gullswoop • Ratscar • Oakfur • Pinenose • Spikefur |
Kittypet recruits | Max • Zelda • Loki |
RiverClan prisoners | Reedwhisker • Mintfur • Icestar • Brackenpelt |