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"That's cheating, Sparrowkit!"
— Dewkit complaining to Sparrowkit in Night Whispers, page 241

Dewkit is a gray she-cat.[1]


In the Omen of the Stars arc[]

Night Whispers[]

«[Sparrowkit] battered [a moss ball] upwards, and Dewkit jumped, snatching the ball in her paws. Sparrowkit lunged, knocking Dewkit into Flametail.»
—Dewkit playing with Sparrowkit Night Whispers, page 275
Dewkit, Mistkit, and Sparrowkit are the kits of Kinkfur, a ShadowClan queen. She and her siblings come out of the nursery to play. Sparrowkit is later seen challenging Dewkit to race him. As he starts to run, Dewkit stops because she thinks he is cheating. They pester Ivypaw when she is taken prisoner in ShadowClan camp, with their mother close behind. Some time after Ivypaw scares Sparrowkit, Dewkit is seen again following her mother, ducking under her tail.
In Flametail's point of view, Dewkit is seen collapsing on Flametail when Sparrowkit pushes her while playing moss-ball. Flametail investigates Mistkit when Kinkfur says she's sick, and that she lost her voice. When Mistkit has to eat herbs, Dewkit reacts in disgust.

In the A Vision of Shadows arc[]

Thunder and Shadow[]

At the beginning of Kinkfur's vigil, Crowfrost murmurs that Kinkfur will be welcomed into StarClan, and reunited with Dewkit and her friends.




Kinkfur:[3] Deceased, verified StarClan member


Sparrowtail:[3] Living (As of The Elders' Quest)


Mistcloud:[3] Deceased, verified StarClan member
See more
Needletail:[4] Deceased, verified StarClan member
Sunbeam:[5] Living (As of The Elders' Quest)


Hollowspring:[5] Living (As of The Elders' Quest)
Spireclaw:[5] Living (As of The Elders' Quest)


Goldenpaw:[6] Living (As of The Elders' Quest)


Shinepaw:[6] Living (As of The Elders' Quest)


    = Tom

    = She-cat

    = Gender unknown



Sparrowkit: "Come on, Dewkit!"
Dewkit: "What?"
Sparrowkit: "Race you to the dirtplace!"
Dewkit: "That's cheating, Sparrowkit!"
—Dewkit and Sparrowkit after they tumble out of the nursery Night Whispers, page 241

«Ivypaw ducked and snarled in his face, baring her teeth. […] Mistkit and Dewkit went wailing after [Sparrowkit].»
—Ivypaw scaring the kits. Night Whispers, page 244

Notes and references[]

  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 Revealed in Night Whispers, page 241
  2. Revealed in Thunder and Shadow, chapter 20
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 Revealed in Night Whispers, page 248
  4. Revealed in Tigerheart's Shadow, manga
  5. 5.0 5.1 5.2 Revealed in Tigerheart's Shadow, chapter 35
  6. 6.0 6.1 Revealed in The Elders' Quest, allegiances