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These notes reflect a bulleted list of major and minor events in Exile from ShadowClan that can be easily navigated. They are intended to serve as a reference for those looking for specific events in re-reading and book discussions and include links to the relevant chapter subpages further detailing each chapter's events.
As she bends down to eat, she is crashed into by a gray ShadowClan warrior, who is fighting with a ginger tabby cat.
The two cats snap at Poolcloud, telling her to get out of the way.
Nightpelt and Poolcloud wonder why the ShadowClan warriors are so disrespectful lately, and Nightpelt says things have changed since Brokenstar became leader.
Nightpelt remembers his last hunt in which he failed and had to return to camp and retire to the elders' den much earlier than he wanted to.
Brokenstar calls a Clan meeting, and praises his cats for their skills in battle.
Brokenstar goes on to say even the elders have their own roles to play, and exiles them from their camp.
The Clan is shocked, but Nightpelt proudly says they will leave the camp.
Nightpelt, Poolcloud, Archeye, Hollyflower, and Crowtail are left to fend for themselves, but they are accompanied by Yellowfang and Runningnose, who make sure they have shelter, food, and herbs should they need it.
Later that night, Nightpelt is visited by his brother, Clawface, who reveals that Mosspaw has been made an apprentice early.
The brothers discuss Brokenstar, and while Nightpelt is concerned about young cats being trained, Clawface assures Nightpelt that that Brokenstar knows what he is doing.
Nightpelt and Archeye go hunting, and Archeye does his best to assure Nightpelt that he is doing the right thing and is an asset to the group of ragtag elders.
The elders are soon joined by Featherstorm, who is mourning the death of her son, Mosspaw, the same cat that Brokenstar had just recently apprenticed.
Nightpelt and the others think that Brokenstar was just trying to get rid of Featherstorm, as she is of no use when she mourns.
Days go by, and Nightpelt and the other elders learn to make their own little Clan, and even Featherstorm starts to contribute.
Nightpelt runs into a group of ShadowClan cats consisting of Brokenstar, Clawface, and many others. Clawface reveals that they are going to go raid WindClan.
ShadowClan's plan is to raid them under the cover of darkness, drive them out, and avenge the death of Raggedstar, their former leader.
Nightpelt sees that Volepaw, Littlepaw, and the others are now apprentices and he is horrified at what he sees.
Clawface tells Nightpelt that the kits are now apprentices and that Brokenstar knows what he is doing.
The following day, Ashfur joins the group of elders for confronting Brokenstar, and he is happily taken into the group.
As leafbare continues on, more and more cats join Nightpelt's group and they peel away from Brokenstar and ShadowClan.
Nightpelt, Ashfur, and Poolcloud go out hunting, and Poolcloud scents fox.
They attempt to scare the fox, and Poolcloud is gravely injured.
Nightpelt attempts to get help from Yellowfang and ShadowClan, but Brokenstar initially tells them no.
Yellowfang goes to help the ShadowClan elders anyways, despite Brokenstar's words.
Poolcloud dies from her wounds, and Yellowfang believes that this is Brokenstar's fault since he is the one who exiled the elders.
Nightpelt, Archeye, and the others all sit vigil for Poolcloud and they bury her.
During a newleaf stroll through the forest, Nightpelt comes across Littlepaw and Volepaw hunting a mouse.
Nightpelt asks Volepaw if he wants to come see his mother, Featherstorm.
Despite showing hesitance to say no, Volepaw stands his ground and says that he does not want to see his mom.
He is encouraged to say no by Littlepaw, who says that their mentors are waiting for them at Carrionplace.
Nightpelt is horrified that they are training the apprentices in such a place, and he offers to accompany the young cats.
Nightpelt sees Brokenstar and Clawface waiting for Volepaw and Littlepaw.
Clawface greets Nightpelt warmly and asks about the elders.
Nightpelt says they are fine, and turns on Brokenstar, wanting to know why he has the apprentices fighting dangerous creatures like rats.
Brokenstar takes this moment to jab at Nightpelt, saying that he should have taught him better fighting moves instead of just how to hunt.
Brokenstar, Clawface, and Nightpelt watch as Littlepaw and Volepaw take on one rat.
Volepaw is injured, and a second rat comes to attack the apprentices.
Nightpelt, and later Clawface, jump into the fray to attack the rat and save the young cats.
Nightpelt returns to camp afterwards, and Featherstorm confronts him about the scent of her son on him.
Before he can answer, Clawface and Runningnose break through the barrier to the elders' camp with Volepaw among them.
Volepaw's injury has affected his ability to walk, and Runningnose is concerned that he would not be able to properly walk again.
Featherstorm is worried for her son and the young apprentice opts to stay with the elders due to Brokenstar not wanting to waste his time with an injured cat.
Nightpelt worries that Brokenstar will take out his anger on Clawface and Runningnose, but they decide to tell Brokenstar that Volepaw has died of his wounds.
This is untrue, since Volepaw is staying with the elders.
Runningnose opts not to tell Yellowfang, who is currently away from camp, since the older medicine cat would fight Brokenstar over it and he wants to protect Yellowfang from him.
Clawface continues to stress that Brokenstar is a great leader, but he also could not stand to see Volepaw in pain and Brokenstar do nothing about it.
Volepaw soon recovers, and he talks to Nightpelt about what happened, saying that he knows he cannot be a regular warrior with his injury.
Featherstorm, Volepaw, Nightpelt, and the others are sunning themselves, when Nightpelt scents ShadowClan.
Some of ShadowClan's cats barge into the elders' camp, and take their prey, saying they need it to attack WindClan.
Later, Nightpelt watches in horror as ShadowClan attacks WindClan, and he discusses Brokenstar and ShadowClan with Yellowfang, who he happens to run into.
Yellowfang tells Nightpelt that this time, Brokenstar has brought Badgerpaw, a three moon old kitten, into the battle as well.
Nightpelt leaves Yellowfang to herself, and makes his way back to camp.
He meets Volepaw, who shows Nightpelt that his wound is healing, although he still worries if he will be able to contribute to ShadowClan.
Nightpelt offers to help teach Volepaw when the young apprentice reveals that Brokenstar was more concerned with battle training and not with how to catch prey.
Volepaw is initially defensive, but he warms up to Nightpelt when he sticks to his offer and asks Volepaw what he is able to scent.
Their training is cut short when Volepaw and Nightpelt scent other cats nearby, and they run into Brightflower, a ShadowClan queen and Yellowfang's mother.
She is horrified and upset that her kits, Marigoldkit and Mintkit, are dead, and she says that Brokenstar has claimed that Yellowfang killed them.
Nightpelt is disturbed by this and wants to know what happened, because he believes Yellowfang would not ever harm a kit.
Nightpelt offers Brightflower a place in their camp, and he leaves to confront Brokenstar and ShadowClan over the accusations against Yellowfang.
He arrives at camp to find only Runningnose, who explains that Brokenstar has left to drive out and kill what remains of WindClan.
Nightpelt learns that Brokenstar and ShadowClan were victorious, and he leaves ShadowClan's camp.
Blackfoot and Clawface are seen by Nightpelt hunting on WindClan land.
They offer a rabbit to Nightpelt as a gesture of goodwill and say the elders can celebrate, but they cannot return to camp yet.
Nightpelt calls out Blackfoot and Clawface when they both agree that Yellowfang has killed innocent kits.
Nightpelt silently sends out a prayer to StarClan, wanting to know when the violence with ShadowClan will end, if it ever will, and when Brokenstar's tyranny will finally cease to exist.
Volepaw alerts Nightpelt of an approaching ShadowClan patrol, including Runningnose and Cinderfur.
Runningnose explains that all ShadowClan cats do is fight, and they are unable to hunt properly for themselves or fix their dens, and everyone is running ragged.
Nightpelt explains to Cinderfur that they all know what they need to do, confront Brokenstar and take him out, but Cinderfur objects.
The gray tom mews that they cannot go against their StarClan-appointed leader, and that they are good cats.
Cinderfur wants to try talking to Brokenstar instead of fighting, so they leave and try to talk it out.
Nightpelt later thinks to himself that it has been three days and thinks that talking to a badger would have been easier.
Nightpelt runs into his brother, Clawface, with four kits who he does not recognize at first.
Upon further inspection, and seeing that one of them is bleeding, Nightpelt has discovered that Clawface has kidnappedfourThunderClankits.
Nightpelt tells the rest of the ShadowClan elders and refugees that Brokenstar has sunken to a new low, having taken innocent ThunderClan kits.
Yellowfang comes barging into camp and reveals that she did not kill Brightflower's kits and that she knows how ShadowClan can save the ThunderClan kits, by teaming up with ThunderClan.
They deceive Brokenstar and his group of cats by acting like they caught Yellowfang in ShadowClan territory.
Nightpelt and Ashfur locate the den where they are keeping the ThunderClan kits.
Yellowfang attacks Brokenstar, and the entire camp breaks out into camp.
They are surrounded, but ThunderClan soon barges into ShadowClan's camp and turns the tide.
Yellowfang confronts Brokenstar about the deaths of Raggedstar, Marigoldkit, and Mintkit, and he admits to being responsible for all three deaths.
Brokenstar and his band of supporters are driven out of ShadowClan with the help of Nightpelt and the elders.
Whitestorm leaves ShadowClan in peace, with Nightpelt in charge as leader, and Cinderfur as his deputy.
Nightpelt and ShadowClan attend the next Gathering, and declare that he has assumed leadership of ShadowClan and will be Nightstar once he travels to the Moonstone.
As he promised, Nightpelt and Runningnose go to the Moonstone for Nightpelt to obtain his nine lives.
Nightpelt dreams and meets with Raggedstar, and the StarClan cat tells Nightpelt that he cannot be given nine lives.
Nightpelt is shocked, but Raggedstar mews that StarClan cannot interfere since Brokenstar is still alive.
Raggedstar agrees with Nightpelt, that he is the cat ShadowClan needs, so he and Runningnose keep the secret that Nightpelt was not given nine lives by StarClan.
Nightpelt vows to be the best he can be for ShadowClan until a StarClan-appointed leader their nine lives, but for now, he will help ShadowClan reclaim its rightful place in the forest and make amends for Brokenstar's tyranny.