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"He knows! He knows we're the Three!"
Jayfeather realizing that Firestar knows of the prophecy in Fading Echoes, chapter 6

Below contains in-depth information for chapter six of Fading Echoes. If you are looking for a shorter summary of the entire book, please check the main article.
Chapter Number: 6 (of 24)
Page Numbers: 71-77

Chapter description[]

Jayfeather wakes up to the scent of WindClan in ThunderClan's camp. He exits his den to see Heathertail and Breezepelt with Dovepaw and Ivypaw, with other ThunderClan cats now awake. Firestar reassures his Clan, and takes the cross-faced WindClan warriors, Dovepaw and Ivypaw, their mentors, and Jayfeather outside of camp to discuss it. Heathertail and Breezepelt tell Firestar that the two mouse-brained apprentices had woken up all of WindClan. Hearing this, Firestar asks why they did it. Dovepaw explains that she heard a dog on WindClan territory, and wanted to check on them, while trying to take all the blame.
Breezepelt interrupts, rhetorically asking that Dovepaw was worried about WindClan over a dog. Firestar thanks the two WindClan warriors for bringing the 'paws back, promising to Breezepelt that it won't happen again. After Breezepelt and Heathertail leave, Firestar calls the apprentices' bluff, but leaves it at that, expressing his disappointment in them. He then asks for an extra moment with Dovepaw, inviting Lionblaze and Jayfeather as well.
Firestar asks Dovepaw how she knew about the dogs, and his suspicion elevates when Jayfeather and Lionblaze sheepishly shake their heads when asked about hearing the animal. Firestar questions them more, then states that Dovepaw hears things that other cats can't, like with the beavers. He brings up that Jayfeather can enter dreams by his own will, which is something all medicine cats cannot do, as well as Lionblaze's power of not being hurt in battle, grouping the three together. Jayfeather inwardly notes that Firestar must know that they are the Three, while Firestar takes a deep breath, about to say something.




Notes and references[]
