"I've seen Firestar watching you when he thinks no one's looking. Now Brambleclaw's started treating you like you've just come down from Silverpelt." |
— Ivypaw to Dovepaw in Fading Echoes, chapter 8 |
- Below contains in-depth information for chapter eight of Fading Echoes. If you are looking for a shorter summary of the entire book, please check the main article.
- Chapter Number: 8 (of 24)
- Page Numbers: 85-98
Chapter description[]
- Dovepaw is woken up by Ivypaw re-entering the apprentices' den after having returned from the dawn patrol. Dovepaw wonders if Firestar told his deputy about her powers so he would make more allowances for her, wishing she was treated like an ordinary apprentice. Ivypaw snaps at her, irritated that she has been assigned to more dawn patrols after having been confined to camp for a quarter moon after crossing into WindClan territory.
- Lionblaze calls out for Dovepaw, asking her if she hears anything, as has become their customary greeting. The pair is interrupted by Briarpaw running towards them, announcing Brambleclaw wants them to patrol the border. Thornclaw explains that Brambleclaw wants the patrol to check the ShadowClan border, before Dovepaw and Briarpaw race through the thorn barrier and into the forest. The patrol starts to head for the Ancient Oak, before Graystripe joins their patrol, explaining that Firestar wants them to keep an eye on the situation. Briarpaw asks him if he thinks Firestar will mention ShadowClan crossing the border at the Gathering, however Thornclaw wonders if there will be one with all of the rain.
- Looking down at the lake, Graystripe comments that it was hard to believe that it had ever been empty, before Lionblaze slides off a fallen tree. Dovepaw teases him as he tries to find his footing again in the patch of wild garlic he fell into, before the patrol continues on to the border. Dovepaw briefly contemplates casting her senses further to see if there were any ShadowClan cats nearby, but decides against it, joining the patrol in scenting around the border as Thornclaw and Briarpaw find ShadowClan scent on the inside of ThunderClan territory. Dovepaw recognizes the scent as belonging to Tigerheart, but the rest of the patrol fails to recognize it with the smell of wild garlic tainting it.
- A ShadowClan patrol approaches, Thornclaw and Lionblaze watching them warily as Briarpaw scrambles to join them. Dovepaw smells the bush again, confirming it to have belonged to Tigerheart, wondering what he had been doing in their territory. The patrol, consisting of Crowfrost, Ratscar, Tigerheart, and Pinepaw, approaches them, questioning why they're on the border as Graystripe snarls at them. Lionblaze demands the patrol explain why there's ShadowClan scent within their territory, with Tigerheart and Ratscar denying the claims. Dovepaw watches Tigerheart, noticing how he's giving nothing away, as Thornclaw tells the patrol to smell the scent for themselves. Crowfrost refuses, with Ratscar asking if ThunderClan is trying to trick them into a fight.
- Tigerheart decides to check the scent, with Dovepaw realizing that he'll cover his old scent and admiring his cunning. Dovepaw hisses at him, asking if he had crossed, which startles him. He begs her not to tell, saying that he'll explain it all at the Gathering the next night. She agrees, and he returns to his Clanmates, explaining to them that the scent was imagined. Ratscar and Graystripe face off at the border, before Thornclaw asks them if they're leaving. The ThunderClan patrol leaves first as Dovepaw looks back at Tigerheart, who stands watching her.
- Out of habit, Dovepaw looks for Ivypaw using her senses, finding her sister training with Blossompaw. Graystripe leaves the patrol to talk to Firestar, reporting their findings and reassuring his Clanmates that he thinks it's a single warrior. Dovepaw extends her senses to find what the ShadowClan patrol is doing, finding that they've returned to their camp. Firestar assures his Clan that he will strengthen patrols along that border and mention it at the Gathering if necessary, citing the need to not overreact. Several warriors seem displeased at this, before the patrol breaks up.
- Jayfeather asks Lionblaze and Dovepaw if they know who the warrior is, explaining that he caught Tigerheart sniffing around a few nights prior. Dovepaw, surprised at this, says nothing, trusting that he'll explain at the Gathering. Lionblaze is surprised as well, remembering the patrol to bring the river back. Dovepaw decides to keep quiet until she hears from Tigerheart at the Gathering.
Notes and references[]
Fading Echoes chapters | |
Prologue • Chapter 1 • Chapter 2 • Chapter 3 • Chapter 4 • Chapter 5 • Chapter 6 • Chapter 7 • Chapter 8 • Chapter 9 • Chapter 10 • Chapter 11 • Chapter 12 • Chapter 13 • Chapter 14 • Chapter 15 • Chapter 16 • Chapter 17 • Chapter 18 • Chapter 19 • Chapter 20 • Chapter 21 • Chapter 22 • Chapter 23 • Chapter 24 |