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"If we were in the same Clan it would be so easy..."
Tigerheart to Dovepaw in Fading Echoes, chapter 9

Below contains in-depth information for chapter nine of Fading Echoes. If you are looking for a shorter summary of the entire book, please check the main article.
Chapter Number: 9 (of 24)
Page Numbers: 99-118

Chapter description[]

Dovepaw, along with the rest of the ThunderClan patrol, prepare to leave for the Gathering. She talks briefly with Ivypaw, wondering if Brambleclaw will ever forgive Leafpool and Squirrelflight, and promising to talk to Petalfur. As the patrol sets off, Thornclaw, Foxleap, Rosepetal, and Lionblaze discuss ShadowClan's aggression, with Squirrelflight warning them to not cause trouble during the truce. Brambleclaw reminds her that aggression is sometimes necessary, shocking her and Lionblaze as the patrol regroups at the tree bridge.
ThunderClan is the first to arrive at the Gathering, where Dovepaw, Blossompaw, and Briarpaw fool around and climb the Great Oak. Squirrelflight yowls at them, before Millie starts to bicker with her. As RiverClan emerges with Mistystar at the lead, Petalfur goes to join Dovepaw to chat. When WindClan arrives, the two she-cats wave Sedgewhisker over, who ignores them, upsetting Petalfur. Dovepaw, remembering how she crossed the border, sees Brambleclaw staring at her, believing that he's wondering about what the WindClan leader, Onestar, will say about it.
Once ShadowClan arrives, Dovepaw sees Tigerheart and attempts to get his attention, before being scolded by Sandstorm as the Gathering is now starting. Onestar speaks first, thanking the WindClan warriors who journeyed to unblock the stream. He stares at ThunderClan as he reminds the Clans that he will not tolerate trespassers, before allowing Mistystar to speak.
Mistystar reports the deaths of Leopardstar and Rippletail, with the other Clan leaders offering their sympathy. Blackstar speaks next, mentioning the activity on their shared border with ThunderClan. Dovepaw stares at Tigerheart, feeling sympathy towards him before Sandstorm scolds her. Blackstar continues his report, threatening ThunderClan before Firestar steps up to give his report.
Firestar's report is met with several WindClan warriors muttering about him attempting to avoid battle as he explains to Blackstar that borders are worth fighting for, matching the ShadowClan leader's unspoken threat. He then announces Poppyfrost's new litter, before descending from the oak as the Clans begin to mingle.
Seizing her chance, Dovepaw searches for Tigerheart, finding him underneath a bush at the edge of the clearing. She reminds him that he promised to explain why he was trespassing, to which he says that he can't explain but that his Clan wasn't planning to invade. Dovepaw is displeased at this, reminding him that she could report him to Firestar, but he begs her to trust him. She agrees, seeing his desperation, and he thanks her. She asks him if something is threatening the forest, and he assures her that he would tell her if there was, reminding the apprentice that they were almost friends during their shared journey.
As the two cats draw closer together, Dovepaw changes the subject, jerking away suddenly. She asks how he was wounded, to which Tigerheart explains that it was a training wound and that it didn't hurt. His explanation is cut off when a WindClan elder wanders too close, before disappearing. Dovepaw stays behind, wondering about his erratic behavior before rejoining her Clanmates, who had been looking for her.
Dovepaw asks why no cat is sharing tongues, and Sandstorm explains that WindClan and ShadowClan are fussing over borders. Both Clans begin to gang up on ThunderClan, but before any fight could break out, clouds draw over the moon, ending the Gathering. Firestar glares at Onestar and Blackstar, before gathering his Clan and leading them off the island.





Notes and references[]
