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Warriors Wiki
"Precious Dove's Wing, you know how much Falcon Swoop loved you and Jay's Wing while she was alive. I'm sure she still loves you, wherever she may be."
Whispering Breeze comforting Dove's Wing and Jay's Wing in Long Shadows, page 189

Falcon Swoop is a she-cat.[1]


In the Power of Three arc[]

Long Shadows[]

Dove's Wing: "You're a sharpclaw! It's so exciting! I wish our mother could see you."
Whispering Breeze: "Perhaps Falcon Swoop can see you."
Dove's Wing: "Do you really think so, Whispering Breeze?"
—Whispering Breeze assuring Falcon Swoop's kits that it's possible she's watching over them. Long Shadows, page 188
Although she doesn't formally appear, she is mentioned when Jaypaw, as Jay's Wing, comes out of the tunnels. His sister, Dove's Wing, tells him that she wishes their mother, Falcon Swoop, could see him now. Whispering Breeze says that maybe she can, since she loved them so much when she was alive, and she probably still loves them wherever she is.
She is noted to have died under the paws of a Twoleg monster and her mate, revealed to be Falling Rain, left the Ancients out of despair and grief from losing his mate. When Furled Bracken announces in his speech before casting the stones in decision whether to leave for the mountain or not, Dove's Wing is deeply grieved by mention of the death of her mother, and Jaypaw, despite not knowing Falcon Swoop while she was alive, bows his head in respect as well, because Jay's Wing was her son too.




Whispering Breeze:[3] Living (As of Long Shadows)


Falling Rain:[2] Status unknown


Jay's Wing:[1] Deceased, Reincarnated as Jayfeather


Dove's Wing:[1] Deceased, Reincarnated as Dovewing


Falling Rain ♂Falcon Swoop ♀Whispering Breeze ♀
Jay's Wing ♂Dove's Wing ♀

    = Tom

    = She-cat

    = Gender unknown




The following information is from sources considered non-canon, retconned, or from adapted material.

  • On Vicky's Facebook, Falcon Swoop is a dark gray tabby she-cat with blue eyes and a white-tipped tail.[4]

External links[]

Notes and references[]

  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 Revealed in Long Shadows, page 188
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 Revealed in Long Shadows, page 217
  3. 3.0 3.1 Revealed in Long Shadows, page 218
  4. Revealed on Vicky's Facebook