Hi! Stoney here! I would like to request my rollback + chatmod rights to be removed, as you know... I've been pretty inactive. Somebody else deserves this more than me, as I'm barely even found rollbacking, even editing...
Not much to explain, so this is it. And I'm not leaving the wiki, I just want my rights removed. Being a part of the wiki is really a privilege itself. Thanks, Stoneclaw 01:54,10/5/2012
I'm sorry to see you resigning. You're a lot more active than a lot of us. But I respect your decision. Shelly For a limited time only 02:13, October 5, 2012 (UTC)
Disappointing, but I acknowledge your decision. I have removed your rollbacker and chat moderator rights. Atelda insert vague subtext here 03:59, October 5, 2012 (UTC)