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- These notes reflect a bulleted list of major and minor events in Hawkwing's Journey that can be easily navigated. They are intended to serve as a reference for those looking for specific events in re-reading and book discussions and include links to the relevant chapter subpages further detailing each chapter's events.
- Cloudstar, a former SkyClan leader, is sitting in the Gorge. He is joined by Brackenheart, a former SkyClan medicine cat, and Skystar, the founder and leader of the Clan itself.
- Cloudstar and Skystar both ask Brackenheart if he had figured out the meaning of a vision. Brackenheart states that it is too terrible.
- Skystar states that SkyClan must leave the gorge, and join with the other four Clans to solve their problems.
- Cloudstar objects, saying Firestar restored the Clan, but Brackenheart counters that Firestar is dead.
- Skystar believes that their fate lies in Firestar's kin.
- Hawkpaw is awakened by his brother, Duskpaw.
- Duskpaw is planning to head out for some Twoleg food with Cloudpaw and Pebblepaw.
- Hawkpaw refuses to go with them.
- Hawkpaw is later hunting with his mentor, Ebonyclaw; they scent an unusual odor.
- They approach the Twoleg Greenplace - it is on fire, with apprentices trapped inside.
- Hawkpaw is troubled over whether to help Pebblepaw or Duskpaw first and interprets the gestures of his littermate as a call to go for Pebblepaw.
- With Cloudpaw safe, Hawkpaw finds that Duskpaw's paw is stuck, with him having fallen unconscious. Guilt strikes him for misunderstanding the situation.
- Duskpaw is carried home to get help from the medicine cats.
- The cats of SkyClan gather upon seeing the group arrive.
- Ebonyclaw explains the situation to Echosong and Frecklewish.
- Frecklewish is sent to fetch some wet moss, comfrey and honey to treat the apprentices' burns, while Echosong performs a reanimation attempt on Duskpaw, soon deeming it hopeless.
- Cherrytail and Sharpclaw arrive at the scene, distressed over their son's death.
- The medicine cats begin to treat the wounds of Cloudpaw and Pebblepaw.
- Although grieving, Cherrytail praises her son for his bravery in saving his Clanmate and reassures him that it is not his fault that his brother had to die.
- Echosong calls Hawkpaw into the medicine cat den in order to treat his wounds.
- Hawkpaw continues to blame himself for Duskpaw's death.
- Several days have passed. It is the day of Hawkpaw's warrior ceremony.
- He grieves over his brother by his grave, wishing they could become warriors together.
- Leafstar calls for a Clan meeting. Cloudpaw receives the warriors name Cloudmist, Blossompaw becomes Blossomheart and Hawkpaw is named Hawkwing.
- Pebblepaw thanks Hawkwing for saving her life and expresses her gratitude, but Hawkwing's anger raises and he blurts out that he wishes he had saved Duskpaw instead of her.
- Visibly hurt by those words, Pebblepaw walks away.
- Hawkwing and Blossomheart are nearing the end of their vigil.
- During a Clan meeting, Echosong reveals she received a prophecy from Skystar, the founder of their Clan, in which she was told that 'the fire has burned out, but to dispel the darkness they must find the spark that still remains'.
- Echosong interprets the prophecy as Firestar having died and that they should seek his kin in ThunderClan, perhaps even leaving the gorge.
- It is suggested that the cats seek Barley's help in finding the Clan's new home.
- The Clan starts to interpret the words as a warning for the fire, which makes Hawkwing lash out, thinking it could have saved Duskpaw to know about it.
- Leafstar compromises that they go look for signs in the fire remains before sending anyone to look for the Clans, to make sure it was not about a real fire.
- A patrol inspects the place of the fire, without results. Hawkwing decides to stay longer, while the others return home.
- A stranger named Darktail appears, who states he was near the fire and inhaled so much smoke it impaired his breathing. Thus, he requests to receive treatment by a medicine cat.
- While getting treated outside of the camp, Darktail mentions he has knowledge of the other Clans, making the others believe he is part of the prophecy.
- Leafstar invites Darktail to their camp, grateful for any information the tom can give.
- Several days have passed since the discovery of Darktail.
- A patrol including Billystorm, Hawkwing, Waspwhisker, Blossomheart and Pebblepaw prepares to head out to find the Clans with Darktail's directions.
- The patrol enters the Twolegplace, which brings Hawkwing and Waspwhisker to reminisce about Duskpaw.
- Upon leaving the Twolegplace, the patrol spots some Twoleg kits. While the rest runs past them, Hawkwing trips and is seemingly attacked by one of them.
- Hawkwing reaches the patrol, claiming he was bleeding, but Billystorm corrects him, saying that they had only shot water at him out of strange shiny things in their hands.
- Everyone starts to laugh, which Hawkwing tolerates until he sees Pebblepaw laughing. They briefly argue, before the tom storms off.
- The patrol arrives at a tree that splits into three branches, like Darktail said.
- Hawkwing thinks that it splits into four branches, not three, because of a fourth smaller branch, but he is outvoted. The patrol follows the tree's path.
- The patrol chatters about whether or not the other four Clans will accept them on the way.
- They arrive at a clearing, and believe they are following Darktail's directions.
- Hawkwing detects a strong scent of badgers in the area, even though Darktail explained the badgers had moved out long ago.
- Hawkwing was right about the badgers, and the patrol is assaulted by three badgers.
- They drive off the badgers. Waspwhisker is badly injured, and Billystorm is killed.
- Hawkwing feels guilty for being so horrible to Pebblepaw seeing her grieve over her dead mentor.
- They sit vigil for Billystorm, and Hawkwing worries about Leafstar's reaction to her mate's death when they return.
- The patrol buries Billystorm the next morning.
- Hawkwing thanks Pebblepaw for saving him during the battle. Pebblepaw wished she'd helped Billystorm instead, which makes Hawkwing realize Pebblepaw blamed herself.
- They then debate whether to continue on without Billystorm or go home.
- They decide to return to the gorge, with Waspwhisker being outvoted.
- The patrol meets Betsy, a kittypet, on their way home, and she informs them that the area has been infested with badgers for moons.
- This makes Hawkwing suspicious of Darktail, as he said the badgers in the area had left long ago, wondering if Darktail deliberately led them into danger.
- Hawkwing questions whether or not he should have brought Darktail to SkyClan.
- The patrol of Hawkwing, Waspwhisker, Pebblepaw, and Blossomheart return to SkyClan after three days of travel.
- They are greeted by a border patrol of Plumwillow, Rabbitleap, and Nettlesplash, who take them back to camp.
- While they were away, a group of raccoons had attacked the camp. They learn that Leafstar lost a life and many were injured, as well as Darktail participating in the battle.
- Hawkwing informs Leafstar of Billystorm's death before anyone else.
- Distressed at all of the horrible things that had been happening to her Clan, Leafstar calls for a Clan meeting to discuss the "spark that remains" prophecy.
- The Clan is gathering around the Skyrock. Hawkwing admires Leafstar for calling a meeting when she's just learned that her mate has died far from home.
- Leafstar addresses the situation, and how they need to find the 'spark that remains' as soon as possible.
- Hawkwing learns that Darktail is still living with SkyClan, and openly challenges him about leading the patrol into danger.
- Other cats defend Darktail, explaining how valiantly he fought against the raccoons, but Hawkwing isn't convinced and gets even more furious.
- Leafstar refuses to throw out Darktail without proof, and he is the only cat with an idea of where Firestar's kin had gone.
- Frecklewish races into the clearing from the medicine den, explaining Echosong has had another vision. SkyClan must find the 'spark that remains' or else they will be lost forever.
- Hawkwing still insists they drive out Darktail. He then argues with Sharpclaw, his father, about how to fulfill the prophecy. Hawkwing's anger reaches a climax, and he says he survived a quest Billystorm couldn't.
- Leafstar has had enough of Hawkwing, and sends him to help Echosong with bedding and ticks, an apprentices' duty. Hawkwing admits defeat, and ponders how that went so wrong.
- Hawkwing is helping Echosong in her den, complaining about Darktail's misinterpretation of her vision
- Darktail enters the den, and announces that he wants to take another patrol to look for the other Clans, but instead this time, Darktail would join the patrol.
- Darktail offers for Hawkwing to join him, and Hawkwing agrees as a chance to prove himself to his Clan.
- Darktail enters the den, and announces that he wants to take another patrol to look for the other Clans, but instead this time, Darktail would join the patrol.
- After Hawkwing finishes helping Echosong, Darktail introduces his friend, Rain, to Leafstar and Sharpclaw. He explains that Rain might have an idea of where the other Clans live and can help SkyClan.
- Rain is welcomed into the camp, and Leafstar approves of Darktail taking both Rain and Hawkwing on the new quest. Sharpclaw is upset that Hawkwing is going, but Leafstar holds firm to her decision.
- The next day, Sagenose, Firefern, and Harrybrook had been chosen to go with Hawkwing, Darktail and Rain on the quest.
- Darktail leads the patrol past some cows, then to an abandoned Twoleg barn where a friend of his, Toad, lives.
- Toad confirms that a large group of cats traveling together had passed through and stayed in the barn a long time ago.
- The patrol decides to check out the barn for traces of the Clans. Unfortunately, they meet two dogs there, and Darktail orders for the cats to climb trees, as dogs can't climb.
- Toad falls from a branch and lands next to the two dogs. The patrol has no choice but to abandon Toad so they can escape.
- The questing cats jump off the tree and run away from the dogs.
- The cats decide to search the area to see if they can find the Clans.
- However, they find no evidence of Clan cats.
- The cats decide to search the area to see if they can find the Clans.
- Darktail is upset at Toad's death, but Hawkwing comforts him and explains what happened to his brother.
- After that, the patrol agrees to rest for the night and continue home the next morning.
- The cats reach a rest area and eat after hunting. Hawkwing wakes up and remembers the quest failure.
- Darktail leads the patrol back to the gorge the next morning, and tells Hawkwing he shares his feelings.
- The patrol return to the gorge, but find the border scents stale.
- They sense something is wrong and enter camp, finding everyone around the medicine den.
- The patrol return to the gorge, but find the border scents stale.
- It is revealed that raccoons attacked SkyClan again, and Leafstar lost a life.
- Sharpclaw then appears, and takes Hawkwing and Darktail to speak with Leafstar.
- Hawkwing explains what happened on the quest to the leader, causing outrage from Sandynose and Mistfeather.
- Echosong shoos them out of the den, as Hawkwing wonders what will happen if SkyClan doesn't follow StarClan's will.
- Hawkwing is awoken by Sharpclaw calling a meeting, exiting the warrior's den last.
- His father explains they must be on guard in order to protect themselves from oncoming threats.
- Waspwhisker thinks the threat may be in the gorge, referring to Darktail. Sharpclaw agrees with him.
- However, Hawkwing defends the white tom.
- This makes Sharpclaw outraged, asking his son if he thinks Darktail is Duskpaw's replacement. Hawkwing then walks out of the meeting.
- However, Hawkwing defends the white tom.
- Pebblepaw asks him if he's alright, which he confirms. He then goes back to his den.
- Later on, Hawkwing is patrolling near Twolegplace.
- He finds Darktail doing something suspicious as Bouncefire speaks.
- Hawkwing makes an excuse and goes to see what Darktail's up to.
- He finds Darktail doing something suspicious as Bouncefire speaks.
- As he follows the white tom, he notices Twoleg scraps on the ground.
- Darktail has the scraps in his mouth, dropping them in separate locations.
- Hawkwing goes back to the gorge, wondering if Darktail can ever be trusted.
- Hawkwing follows Waspwhisker's patrol, remembering the actions taken to protect themselves from raccoons.
- Waspwhisker doesn't appear to be happy with Darktail, constantly snapping at him.
- Hawkwing briefly considers reporting the white tom's actions with the Twoleg food, but decides against it.
- Suddenly, unfamiliar cats appear and begin to attack the patrol.
- He watches Darktail fight the rogue leader as he fights a ginger tom.
- The rogue leader calls for a retreat, and the rogues pelt away.
- Suddenly, unfamiliar cats appear and begin to attack the patrol.
- Waspwhisker is proud of Darktail, but still critiques his actions.
- Falling back, Hawkwing asks Darktail if he likes Twoleg food, and he says yes.
- The tabby tom then finds more Twoleg food, but decides not to question Darktail about it.
- The patrol returns to the gorge, and Waspwhisker goes to tell Leafstar about the rogue attack.
- She calls a Clan meeting, but the gorge explodes with yowling.
- The clamor continues until Leafstar calls for silence.
- She calls a Clan meeting, but the gorge explodes with yowling.
- Leafstar then says SkyClan will continue searching for the Clans. This is protested by Tinycloud.
- Everyone looks at Echosong, who thinks there's something she can't grasp.
- Darktail suggests to ask StarClan for advice, but the medicine cat says that's not how their ancestors work.
- After this, the Clan meeting breaks up.
- Later, Hawkwing wants to apologize to Sharpclaw, but he decides against it.
- Cherrytail advises him to do so, but he switches the topic to the future.
- His mother explains that SkyClan will be lost if they are exiled, which rattles Hawkwing.
- Cherrytail advises him to do so, but he switches the topic to the future.
- The tabby wonders what life would be like outside the gorge, and thinks about his Clan's history.
- Hawkwing knows that as long as he's around, SkyClan will live.
- It is morning, and Sharpclaw is assigning patrols.
- He takes a patrol out with Hawkwing and Darktail. The latter tells Hawkwing he knows the tom is in love with Pebblepaw.
- He replies back, saying he'll decide later on if he'll be her mate.
- He takes a patrol out with Hawkwing and Darktail. The latter tells Hawkwing he knows the tom is in love with Pebblepaw.
- Hawkwing thinks about apologizing to his father, and notices Sharpclaw is not impressed with Darktail.
- A rabbit hops out from the bushes, making him realize he must catch it.
- Moments later, he catches the rabbit.
- A rabbit hops out from the bushes, making him realize he must catch it.
- Hawkwing notices the tension between him and Sharpclaw has lessened, but the dark ginger tom is still distant.
- Remembering Darktail's word, he goes to speak with Pebblepaw. They make up and become friends.
- Later, Hawkwing is woken by something in the bushes. He goes to investigate.
- The tom finds the rogue group, and goes to warn his Clanmates of the oncoming danger.
- Hawkwing warns his Clanmates of the rogues.
- They initially don't believe him until Stormheart cries out.
- Sharpclaw then leads his Clan into battle.
- They initially don't believe him until Stormheart cries out.
- Hawkwing tells the apprentices to stay in their den, but they want to fight.
- He assists Pebblepaw with a ginger rogue, and then goes to help Sandynose and Bouncefire.
- He goes with the latter tom after Darktail waves them over.
- A rogue intercepts their path, but the white tom doesn't fight the enemy and instead bites down on Bouncefire's neck, killing him.
- Hawkwing, angered, tries to attack Darktail, but another rogue blocks his path.
- A rogue intercepts their path, but the white tom doesn't fight the enemy and instead bites down on Bouncefire's neck, killing him.
- As he fights the tom, the dark tabby notices Darktail is creeping up on Sharpclaw.
- Rain also sneaks up on the deputy, and both rogues kill him, much to the shock of Hawkwing.
- He goes over and asks Darktail why he would do this, and the rogues states this has been his plan.
- Relaxing, the rogue asks Hawkwing if he'd like to join his group, but he refuses.
- Darktail then bounds away after telling him he can die.
- Relaxing, the rogue asks Hawkwing if he'd like to join his group, but he refuses.
- Hawkwing fights with another rogue, thinking about Darktail.
- To the warrior's horror, Patchfoot is killed by another rogue.
- The queens screech for help in the nursery. He and Pebblepaw then fight several rogues away.
- Hawkwing saves Bellapaw and Rileypaw from the rogues, and assigns them to guard the elders.
- Sandynose and Plumwillow turn up, and Sandynose reveals Plumwillow is expecting kits.
- Hawkwing saves Bellapaw and Rileypaw from the rogues, and assigns them to guard the elders.
- Hawkwing realizes that SkyClan is going to lose the battle.
- This is confirmed moments later, as Leafstar calls a retreat.
- He remembers Darktail asking him to join his group after Sharpclaw was murdered.
- Hawkwing then realizes it is his fault everything happened.
- The dark tabby then notices Birdwing's kits are crossing the stepping stones.
- Snipkit falls off and is swept away in the river.
- Hawkwing attempts to dive in after her, but he nearly drowns in the process and climbs onto the riverbank.
- Snipkit falls off and is swept away in the river.
- After a brief search for the kit with Echosong and Pebblepaw, they give up on finding her.
- The next morning, Hawkwing is overwhelmed with grief at the loss of everyone.
- He confesses to Pebblepaw it is his fault, but the she-cat says it's not.
- He also tells her about Darktail's offer to join, but Pebblepaw comforts him again. Hawkwing begins to feel better sitting next to the apprentice.
- The group of cats awaken, and search again for Snipkit's body.
- However, they don't find the kit, and continue alongside the river.
- A raccoon appears and attacks Echosong, but it is driven away by Hawkwing and Pebblepaw.
- However, they don't find the kit, and continue alongside the river.
- After gathering cobwebs, Curlykit and Fidgetkit ask to search for their sister, but their request is shot down.
- Hawkwing and Pebblepaw then go out hunting.
- He confesses to the apprentice that Darktail was involved with luring predators to the gorge and making the Clan weak, and it's his fault.
- However, Pebblepaw states he didn't know what Darktail could do.
- He confesses to the apprentice that Darktail was involved with luring predators to the gorge and making the Clan weak, and it's his fault.
- They return at sunhigh with prey, and another request by the kits to search for Snipkit is denied.
- They decide the rest of SkyClan is in Twolegplace, and start traveling there.
- Hawkwing scents cat, and Ebonyclaw appears, welcoming them to her den.
- The cats then reunite with their respective family members.
- After some protests and suggestions for what to do next, Leafstar silences her Clan.
- The SkyClan leader performs the deputy ceremony, and appoints Waspwhisker as the new deputy.
- Hawkwing, despite missing Sharpclaw, approves of Leafstar's decision.
- The SkyClan leader performs the deputy ceremony, and appoints Waspwhisker as the new deputy.
- Hawkwing and Pebblepaw look for their lost Clanmates.
- He thinks their efforts aren't working, but she convinces him otherwise.
- Suddenly, the cats find Cherrytail and Cloudmist.
- He thinks their efforts aren't working, but she convinces him otherwise.
- The two explain they were attacked by Darktail and hid.
- They are told to come to Ebonyclaw's den, and be careful on the stepping stones.
- Mother and daughter are excitedly welcomed by SkyClan after returning with Hawkwing and Pebblepaw.
- They are told to come to Ebonyclaw's den, and be careful on the stepping stones.
- Hawkwing apologizes about the loss of Sharpclaw, but his family comforts him.
- Later, he returns to camp to find Leafstar sorting out patrols to examine the gorge.
- Due to him feeling sick, Pebblepaw takes his place instead.
- The patrol returns, announcing the gorge is overrun, and they must move on.
- At the same moment, Echosong states she's received a vision of a lake, which confirms Leafstar's plan to leave.
- This causes many protests by some who don't want to leave, such as Ebonyclaw and Harveymoon.
- At the same moment, Echosong states she's received a vision of a lake, which confirms Leafstar's plan to leave.
- Leafstar and Echosong say they will leave and SkyClan will be a Clan again.
- Leafstar calls a Clan meeting and beckons the apprentices forward.
- She performs a warrior ceremony and names them Bellaleaf, Rileypool, Pebbleshine, and Parsleyseed.
- The Clan begins to leave, but the brown-and-cream tabby calls them back for an apprentice ceremony.
- Fidgetpaw and Curlypaw become the respective apprentices to Echosong and Hawkwing.
- Hawkwing is shocked at becoming a mentor, but dedicates himself to his new apprentice.
- Fidgetpaw and Curlypaw become the respective apprentices to Echosong and Hawkwing.
- The next day, SkyClan is preparing to leave.
- Nettlesplash and Mintfur announce they are staying behind to care for their kits, and Ebonyclaw and Harveymoon wish to stay with their Twolegs.
- Hawkwing wonders whether he is being stupid to leave, but his thoughts are broken by Curlypaw asking on how to hunt. He agrees to teach her how.
- The warrior knows he will be traveling with Pebbleshine.
- Suddenly, Macgyver appears. He is told about SkyClan leaving, and agrees to travel with them.
- The warrior knows he will be traveling with Pebbleshine.
- The cats leave the Twoleg nest and venture into Twolegplace.
- Hawkwing notes he is leaving part of his life behind, but he knows the cats next to him are his future.
- It has now been two days since SkyClan set out on their quest. Leafstar tells her cats to get through Twolegplace quickly.
- They cross a log and continue walking through Twolegplace.
- After a while, SkyClan doesn't recognize any familiar locations, and Leafstar's confidence is fading.
- They run into Shorty, and they explain what happened to them.
- He offers a place to stay, and they agree.
- They run into Shorty, and they explain what happened to them.
- Leafstar is happily introduced to Shorty's litter with Cora as other rogues hear about the incident.
- Hawkwing is concerned about Curlypaw's whereabouts, but brushes the thought off and goes hunting.
- He later returns and finds Leafstar and Stick in an argument.
- The warrior expresses his worry about Curlypaw to Pebbleshine, but they are interrupted with news that the missing apprentice has been taken.
- After returning with the news on Curlypaw, Bellaleaf frantically explains what happened to them, adding about Stick's refusal to help.
- He protests this, but is scolded by Shorty.
- Several cats agree to get Curlypaw back, but they are interrupted by Harley, a fellow rogue.
- He explains that Dodge has the apprentice and will give her back for a deal, also adding that no one will be injured.
- Despite Stick's claims about Harley being bad, Leafstar agrees to the meeting.
- He explains that Dodge has the apprentice and will give her back for a deal, also adding that no one will be injured.
- The patrol reaches Dodge's camp, and the latter faces them.
- Curlypaw sees Leafstar, but before she can get far, she is cuffed by a guard.
- Dodge reveals that he knows about Darktail, and even tipped the white rogue to where SkyClan lived to cause his revenge.
- SkyClan is given an ultimatum of fighting with him to drive Stick's cats out, or fight him in exchange for Curlypaw.
- Hawkwing knows how badly they are outnumbered, and suddenly speaks up against Dodge.
- The rogue leader is enraged and states he can prove his cats can win.
- Hawkwing watches Dodge's building rage, as Leafstar warns him to be careful.
- He then gives a ultimatum to the rogue. If the warrior wins, SkyClan will leave, but if Dodge wins, they will fight Stick, and Curlypaw will be released either way.
- Dodge disagrees, but he is taunted more by Hawkwing and he fights.
- He then gives a ultimatum to the rogue. If the warrior wins, SkyClan will leave, but if Dodge wins, they will fight Stick, and Curlypaw will be released either way.
- Rogue and warrior battle each other fiercely, with Hawkwing noticing wounds on Dodge.
- Meanwhile, SkyClan cheers for the warrior as the rogue begins to lose steam.
- Suddenly, Dodge pins Hawkwing down, making the latter think about Sharpclaw's stealthy murder by Darktail and Rain.
- Enraged by the thought, he blindly tears through Dodge's throat.
- The rogue is flung into the ground and dies moments later.
- Enraged by the thought, he blindly tears through Dodge's throat.
- While SkyClan cheers for their Clanmate, Dodge's cats begin to menacingly approach them.
- Before they attack, Harley commands them to stop.
- He asks the rogues if they always want to live like this, fighting and killing.
- Despite some protests among the rogues, they agree to leave Stick's cats alone.
- Now leader, Harley commands for Curlypaw to be set free.
- Despite some protests among the rogues, they agree to leave Stick's cats alone.
- Shorty appears, offering to take SkyClan home.
- After a brief conversation, Harley agrees and orders the cats to leave his territory.
- Hawkwing recalls the events that happened in the past few days, while also teaching Curlypaw the hunter's crouch.
- Blossomheart is worried if they'll ever find Barley, making her brother agree with her.
- Leafstar calls a meeting and orders for SkyClan to continue moving.
- Blossomheart is worried if they'll ever find Barley, making her brother agree with her.
- Bellaleaf points out a landmark that will lead them to the barn.
- Hawkwing notices Pebbleshine is unusually excited, but doesn't question her further and instead says he won't lose her.
- Suddenly, Bellaleaf points out Barley's den, much to the relief of SkyClan.
- She and her brother call for Barley, and the loner appears.
- He agrees to let SkyClan into his barn, and give them a little information on the Clans.
- Barley then allows the cats to hunt.
- He agrees to let SkyClan into his barn, and give them a little information on the Clans.
- Hawkwing is proud with Curlypaw's hunting skills, while overhearing a conversation between Barley and Leafstar.
- The next day, SkyClan is pointed to the Clan's direction.
- Cherrytail announces she is staying behind, much to her Clanmates's disappointment.
- Moments later, Cloudmist decides to stay with her mother.
- Cherrytail announces she is staying behind, much to her Clanmates's disappointment.
- Hawkwing is momentarily upset at losing more of his family, but he is comforted by Pebbleshine.
- Later, he tells Curlypaw to try looking for prey, and goes after a squirrel in the trees.
- However, the hunt goes horribly wrong and he falls, spraining his leg.
- He rests in his den, and Pebbleshine enters.
- The she-cat announces she is expecting Hawkwing's kits, much to his happiness.
- Hawkwing then resolves to protect his family, and raise them with the Clans.
- The she-cat announces she is expecting Hawkwing's kits, much to his happiness.
- Hawkwing continues moving despite his leg pain, noting how SkyClan has been struggling to find the Clans.
- Pebbleshine and Hawkwing excitedly talk about their kits as Leafstar calls her Clan to a halt.
- He, along with his Clanmates, decide to hunt.
- The cats in the patrol suggest to try Twolegplace for prey.
- There, Pebbleshine encourages the patrol to try scavenging in one of the Twoleg monsters.
- The cats in the patrol suggest to try Twolegplace for prey.
- The cats agree and urge Hawkwing and Pebbleshine to stay back, but the latter decides to join in.
- Hawkwing spots a Twoleg and urgently tells his Clanmates to get away.
- However, Pebbleshine is still tackling a chicken when the monster awakens.
- Hawkwing spots a Twoleg and urgently tells his Clanmates to get away.
- Despite his best efforts trailing it, Hawkwing fails to save Pebbleshine and she is taken away.
- Hawkwing sits in a bush, noting on how SkyClan had remained in the area for days for Pebbleshine without success.
- Blossomheart attempts to convince her brother to eat, but he refuses.
- Hawkwing then thinks about how Darktail caused this, but the thought fades away.
- Blossomheart attempts to convince her brother to eat, but he refuses.
- Leafstar and Echosong tell Hawkwing they need to move on, and Curlypaw brings her mentor a mouse, but he insists on staying.
- However, after being told of his feats, Hawkwing agrees to continue traveling with his Clan.
- He questions if they are going in the wrong direction, but Echosong says StarClan will guide them.
- Convinced, he goes to the fresh-kill pile and wonders if he'll see Pebbleshine again.
- SkyClan continues traveling in the supposed direction of the Clans.
- He has been struggling with grief for Pebbleshine, and only Plumwillow truly knows his pain.
- They find the potential camp of the Clans, however, Hawkwing notices there are no signs of other cats in the area.
- Leafstar and Waspwhisker assigns the patrols, Hawkwing is the leader of one.
- Shortly after leaving, the cats are allowed to hunt.
- He tests Curlypaw, thinking he hasn't been committed to training her.
- Shortly after returning from exploring, Macgyver says he's found a potential campsite.
- He tests Curlypaw, thinking he hasn't been committed to training her.
- While seeing it, Hawkwing thinks this would be the perfect camp except there are no Clans.
- The patrol then meets a kittypet, Max.
- Despite being insulted by him, the patrol asks the kittypet if he's seen any groups of cats.
- Max says no, and the patrol decide to report to Leafstar with their findings.
- All assigned patrols report to the SkyClan leader with good news.
- Max says no, and the patrol decide to report to Leafstar with their findings.
- However, Echosong suddenly blurts out StarClan does not intend them to live here.
- This earns her massive protests from her Clanmates, and she defends herself, stating it isn't right.
- Hawkwing agrees with the medicine cat, and Leafstar lets the heavily pregnant Plumwillow decide what to do next.
- She tells the brown-and-cream tabby she wishes to stay, much to the disapproval of Echosong.
- This upsets Hawkwing, as his hopes of seeing Pebbleshine are now jeopardized.
- Hawkwing is dreaming of being in the nursery with Pebbleshine, but wakes up to a bird squawking.
- He reflects on how SkyClan made the area a camp, and what the warrior has lost.
- Blossomheart wakes her brother from his thoughts, and takes him hunting with Bellaleaf and Curlypaw.
- While examining the Twoleg nests, they test Curlypaw's stalking.
- However, the gray she-cat gets it wrong, and Hawkwing corrects her, feeling ashamed at how terrible of a mentor he's being.
- While examining the Twoleg nests, they test Curlypaw's stalking.
- Shortly after, Hawkwing tries catching prey, but is interrupted to Curlypaw being attacked by a water-bird.
- He, Bellaleaf, and Blossomheart, after a short fight, drive the bird away.
- They decide to return to camp to have their wounds tended to.
- He, Bellaleaf, and Blossomheart, after a short fight, drive the bird away.
- While on the way there, Blossomheart gives Hawkwing to think of his future, and he agrees with the ginger-and-white she-cat.
- It is sunset, as Hawkwing watches the apprentices play.
- Suddenly, Leafstar and Echosong barge out of the medicine den, arguing.
- Echosong claims she's had another vision, but Leafstar denies it.
- The tabby says she knows the lake isn't the right place, and Hawkwing agrees with her.
- Leafstar states they will stay until they receive more guidance, and the argument disbands.
- The tabby says she knows the lake isn't the right place, and Hawkwing agrees with her.
- The next morning, Hawkwing is awoken by Curlypaw screeching about Plumwillow's kitting.
- He sees that something is wrong, as the queen is refusing to push.
- He tells her they have both lost mates, and that she can see Sandynose in her kits.
- Plumwillow finally understands, and pushes.
- She gives birth to three healthy kits.
- Plumwillow finally understands, and pushes.
- The gray she-cat asks if Hawkwing could help her with the kits, and he agrees.
- He later returns from hunting, and Dewkit, Finkit, and Reedkit come and greet him.
- Curlypaw suddenly appears, and Hawkwing asks her why she didn't show up to battle practice.
- He is told she went hunting, and he accepts her answer.
- Curlypaw suddenly appears, and Hawkwing asks her why she didn't show up to battle practice.
- Plumwillow admits to the warrior that she is concerned about the Twolegs in the area.
- Hawkwing remembers their many attempts at catching SkyClan, but they always got away in time.
- Later on, the Clan eats fresh-kill, and Hawkwing plays moss-ball with the kits.
- Out of nowhere, dogs burst into camp, and he and Plumwillow snatch up the kits and run.
- Hawkwing and Plumwillow hide until all sounds of the dogs die away.
- By night, they are back at camp, and learn their Clanmates are okay.
- The cats talk protest about the dogs and Twolegs, and Leafstar suggests to move camp.
- This is met with even more protesting.
- Suddenly, Echosong silences everyone.
- This is met with even more protesting.
- She announces she is leaving, and has received another vision.
- Leafstar, shocked, asks her why. Echosong says she will follow StarClan's will and Fidgetpaw will tend to SkyClan.
- Bellaleaf and Harrybrook agree to come with the medicine cat, making Leafstar tell her son to follow his heart.
- Leafstar, shocked, asks her why. Echosong says she will follow StarClan's will and Fidgetpaw will tend to SkyClan.
- Hawkwing, despite wanting to leave, agrees to stay with SkyClan.
- At sunrise, the departing cats say goodbye, and Echosong says she'll relay messengers to Leafstar.
- This makes Hawkwing briefly think about the Clanmates they've left behind.
- Echosong goes to him, and tells him his life is set out for him.
- Hawkwing then plays with Dewkit.
- Hawkwing finds Curlypaw is missing, but she appears a moment later.
- Suspicious of his apprentice's behavior, he decides to question her later in the day.
- He notes that Leafstar moved camp again, and then recalls what happened to Parsleyseed.
- The latter had told his Clan he was becoming a kittypet, explaining he didn't feel safe.
- Despite his Clan's protests and Macgyver's words, he maintained his word.
- By the next morning, Parsleyseed was gone.
- Despite his Clan's protests and Macgyver's words, he maintained his word.
- Returning to the present, he praises Curlypaw when she catches a rabbit.
- The patrol is walking back, and the gray-she cat asks to speak with Hawkwing alone. He agrees.
- However, a dog chases the patrol into the camp, and Plumwillow says the kits are missing.
- Hawkwing and Plumwillow then venture to the Twoleg nest, and find the kits in a mesh trap.
- However, a dog chases the patrol into the camp, and Plumwillow says the kits are missing.
- A female Twoleg picks the kits up and begins to cuddle them.
- She doesn't do so for long, as the pair attack her and take them back to the camp.
- Much to Hawkwing and Plumwillow's concern, the kits talk about how they like the Twolegs.
- They realize they have to get Leafstar to leave the lake.
- SkyClan is eating later on, and Curlypaw urgently asks Hawkwing she needs to speak with him, and he agrees.
- He thinks she's going to tell him about love interests as they travel to a location to speak.
- However, she tells him she is becoming a kittypet, much to her mentor's shock.
- He thinks she's going to tell him about love interests as they travel to a location to speak.
- He tries to tell Curlypaw she needs to stay, and why she would abandon StarClan.
- She just questions their existence and says she'll leave in the morning.
- Hawkwing, deciding not to protest any more, lays with Plumwillow in the nursery.
- He sees Leafstar looking at the moon, and wonders how he'll convince her to leave the lake.
- Hawkwing is not angry with Curlypaw as they walk out of camp.
- After confirming she's leaving, the apprentice leaves for her new life.
- Returning to camp, he speaks with Leafstar and Waspwhisker, telling them they need to leave the lake to protect the kits.
- Leafstar admits Hawkwing's right, as she wonders if SkyClan's touch with StarClan will be improve if they leave.
- This is protested by Waspwhisker, who doesn't want to leave with leaf-bare approaching.
- Leafstar admits Hawkwing's right, as she wonders if SkyClan's touch with StarClan will be improve if they leave.
- However, Leafstar calls a Clan meeting, telling her Clan they must leave the lake.
- Protests erupt from several cats, but they decide to travel with their leader.
- After helping Plumwillow, Hawkwing sits with Leafstar, who says she'll miss the lake.
- The next morning, Hawkwing is woken by a frantic Rileypool, who says Twolegs are invading the camp.
- He looks out of his den to find Twolegs trapping Fidgetpaw.
- Cats then charge for the Twolegs, but Leafstar stops them.
- He looks out of his den to find Twolegs trapping Fidgetpaw.
- A Twoleg traps Waspwhisker as the leader states they need to leave.
- Plumwillow and Hawkwing hide with the kits until the Twoleg noise fades.
- Sagenose suffers an emotional breakdown when he sees his son and Birdwing trapped, along with Clovertail.
- The pale gray tabby tries running for his family, but he is stopped twice by Hawkwing and Leafstar.
- Leafstar informs her Clan that nothing can be done, and she performs the deputy ceremony.
- She names Hawkwing the new deputy, and he is momentarily stunned by the decision.
- His Clanmates support him, and he accepts his new role with pride.
- She names Hawkwing the new deputy, and he is momentarily stunned by the decision.
- He then follows SkyClan in the direction of Echosong.
- As Hawkwing sits on a rock, he recalls the night Leafstar told him the real reason she made him deputy.
- His thoughts are broken by Macgyver, who asks to go hunting.
- The deputy notices something is wrong with him, but before he can react, Macgyver collapses.
- His thoughts are broken by Macgyver, who asks to go hunting.
- Later, Hawkwing and Firefern argue as he notes Blossomheart and Rileypool are now ill.
- Firefern leaves to collect borage as the tabby worries about his sister.
- Plumwillow suddenly hurries over, and frantically states Finkit is ill.
- As Firefern takes him over to the sick nest, Plumwillow is urged to care for her other kits.
- Leafstar returns from hunting, stunned to find Finkit ill.
- As Firefern takes him over to the sick nest, Plumwillow is urged to care for her other kits.
- Sagenose and Firefern then get into an argument about her potentially getting sick.
- Hawkwing says she must take the risk, but Sagenose worries the Clan will fall ill.
- Hawkwing wonders how SkyClan will continue to survive.
- Days later, he notes Sagenose's prediction is true, as Firefern is now deathly ill and close to death.
- Leafstar sits with her only remaining daughter, considering splitting up.
- She calls a Clan meeting, and tells SkyClan of her plans.
- Leafstar sits with her only remaining daughter, considering splitting up.
- Before anyone reacts, Echosong returns, much to Hawkwing's relief.
- Echosong pads through a stream, making Hawkwing realize she's truly back.
- She is informed of the recent events, and taken to the sick cats.
- There, she states the sick cats weren't given borage, they were given comfrey.
- She is informed of the recent events, and taken to the sick cats.
- She and two others go to get the correct herb, and give it to the sick.
- Echosong worriedly tells Hawkwing she is worried about Firefern and Rileypool, which also makes him worry for Finkit.
- Later, Hawkwing notes that Blossomheart, Macgyver, and Finkit have recovered, but Firefern and Rileypool died.
- After their vigil is complete, Leafstar states that StarClan will guide their future.
- Plumwillow, however, doesn't believe her Clan leader, says StarClan watches them suffer and that they're just rogues now.
- After their vigil is complete, Leafstar states that StarClan will guide their future.
- This is protested, and Hawkwing says they care for each other.
- After more protests and arguing, Leafstar allows the cats to leave, making Hawkwing wonder if SkyClan will end.
- The next morning, he wakes up and finds that Sandynose and Fallowfern have returned.
- Plumwillow is overjoyed seeing her mate again, showing much more happiness than she expressed to Hawkwing.
- After telling his story, Sandynose asks to see his kits, and his mate agrees.
- The kits are confused and state Hawkwing is their father.
- Plumwillow explains the deputy's role with her kits, and he is thankful for his help.
- The kits are confused and state Hawkwing is their father.
- Leafstar calls a Clan meeting, and the cats agree to stay.
- Hawkwing knows SkyClan is strong again, but wonders what his place is.
- Later, he is tackled by his adopted kits, but he leaves to speak with Leafstar.
- Hawkwing is aroused from his sleep by the kits, who explain that he's their real father, not Sandynose.
- He tells the kits Plumwillow wanted Sandynose to be their father, and tells Pebbleshine's story.
- The kits still protest that it's unfair, but Hawkwing tells them to give Sandynose more time.
- He tells the kits Plumwillow wanted Sandynose to be their father, and tells Pebbleshine's story.
- They leave, and the deputy wonders when he'll raise his own kits.
- SkyClan encounters a Twolegplace.
- Leafstar calls a Clan meeting, stating they must trek through it according to Echosong.
- Later, they quickly cross through it and emerge onto frosty ground.
- They find small amounts of prey, and manage to catch some.
- Later, Hawkwing is hunting, but a ginger rogue steals his prey.
- Leafstar says to give it to him, but Hawkwing uses the prey to see if they can get hints on the Clans.
- The plan backfires, as the rogue pounds away after giving no useful answers.
- Leafstar says to give it to him, but Hawkwing uses the prey to see if they can get hints on the Clans.
- After sheltering in a copse, Leafstar calls a Clan meeting.
- She announces that Echosong received a vision.
- The latter explains Skystar came to her, and told her to embrace the shadows, for they can clear the sky.
- She also mentions a maple leaf with five points, much to the confusion of the cats.
- Leafstar, however, appears to understand the meaning and states they must find the Clans.
- She also mentions a maple leaf with five points, much to the confusion of the cats.
- Hawkwing agrees they're on the right track, and the meeting disbands due to rain.
- After the weather improves, Leafstar decides to make Plumwillow's kits apprentices, and they are named Dewpaw, Finpaw, and Reedpaw.
- Hawkwing thinks about everything, and notices Plumwillow is giving him a grateful look.
- He watches the new apprentices go out to learn the hunting crouch, and wonders what will fill the void Pebbleshine left behind.
- Echosong comes to sit next to him, asking him about what he sees on the horizon. He says he sees the future.
- She them tells him she saw a she-cat looking just like Hawkwing pointing at a maple leaf.
- Echosong comes to sit next to him, asking him about what he sees on the horizon. He says he sees the future.
- Echosong states he deserves happiness at last, making him believe SkyClan's suffering is worth it and they'll find the lake soon.