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"There's a whole forest for you to explore. And even that is just part of the Clans' territories. There are lands beyond—Mothermouth, Highstones, and even farther."
Moonflower to Bluekit and Snowkit in Bluestar's Prophecy, page 26

Highstones, also known as Devil's Fingers, are the mountains at the edge of the forest territories. It is home to Mothermouth, the large cave opening leading to the Moonstone, a sacred place to Clan cats.[3]


«Looking back the way they had come, Firestar saw a single warrior of StarClan shining in the sky. Just below it, hills stood like jagged teeth, and Firestar realized that he was gazing back at Highstones; that last glimpse of the world he had known made him feel lonlier and more lost than ever.»
—Firestar's thoughts during his journey Firestar's Quest, page 128
Highstones are the three[4] tall, craggy[5] peaks, though not as tall as the mountains where the Tribe of Rushing Water live.[1] The peaks are narrower and lower than the ones in the mountains.[6] Highstones can easily be seen from far away.[2] The landscape leading up to the Highstones is covered in rough, bristly grass dotted with large boulders,[6] with rocky soil and patches of heather.[7] Highstones is on the very edge of the forest territories in the west.[5] It is neutral ground, unclaimed by any Clan, just as Fourtrees isn't claimed by any Clan, though it is divided by a Thunderpath.[8] WindClan lives closest to Highstones, and RiverClan and ThunderClan cats must cross WindClan grounds to reach it.[9] Cats are supposed to be given free passage by WindClan, but this law is not always obeyed.[10]
Highstones is also home to Mothermouth, an abandoned Twoleg mine, and the Moonstone.[3] The cave entrance is a square and black hole, and yawns beneath a stone archway.[9] Inside Mothermouth is a tunnel leading to the Moonstone. The air inside is cold[11] and stale, with a tang of dust and stone.[12] Mothermouth also has two tunnels, one to the Moonstone, and the other that goes somewhere deep into the earth. Cats must find their way through a tunnel by using their whiskers to feel the edges of it, or by following the scent trail of the cat ahead of them. There are tunnels branching off in opposite directions, but only one leads to the cavern. It is much like a maze. The "right" tunnel has tall, smooth walls glistening with moisture. It is a rough, downward slope.[11][13]

Location history[]

"No. We must climb to the top of Highstones. Those peaks are the end of the sun trail Stoneteller promised us. We have to go there before we make any decisions about where to stay."
―Shaded Moss about their journey The Sun Trail, page 166
During a time of hardship, several cats from the ancient Tribe set out on a journey to find a new home urged by Stoneteller's dream of a land of plenty. After emerging from the mountains, the traveling cats decide to aim for the land beyond the distant peaks due east.[2] They learn from a local rogue that the peaks are called Highstones.[1] Moth Flight later follows a moth to Highstones and discovers the Moonstone.[7] Several seasons later, the six journeying cats—Brambleclaw, Squirrelpaw, Stormfur, Feathertail, Tawnypelt, and Crowpaw—stand on top of Highstones with Ravenpaw as they begin their journey to the sun-drown-place.[14] Midnight informed the journeying cats that a dying warrior will show them the way to their new home,[15] which would eventually be revealed to be a shooting star as the Clans stand on Highstones at the start of the Great Journey.[16]
When Graystripe and Millie arrive at the forest, Ravenpaw and Barley guide them to the Highstones where they saw the Clans leave seasons prior.[17] Barley does the same for SkyClan when they arrive looking for the other Clans; Barley points them in the direction of Highstones.[18] Later, while journeying to Barley's farm to fetch their missing Clanmates, Hawkwing and his patrol rest at Mothermouth for the night before continuing on.[19] Graystripe later returns to the forest territories to find the Moonstone, and he is relieved to see the familiar peeks of Highstones in the distance.[4]

Book mentions[]


Map art[]

Official art[]


Interesting facts[]

  • Bluefur was not taken to Highstones by Pinestar when she was an apprentice because Pinestar had been busy, and had neglected to take her to the Moonstone, so she was taken when she became a warrior instead. Bluefur's littermate, Snowfur, also did not make the trip to Highstones as an apprentice, and it is still unknown whether or not she visited the Moonstone at all, as Snowfur did not attend the trip to Highstones with Bluefur.[20]
  • The second known exception to the rule is Squirrelflight. According to Midnight, she had never been to the Moonstone before she and the five other journeying cats left, as confirmed by Brambleclaw when he sees how nervous she is travelling through WindClan territory. When they return from their journey, in the time between them getting back and the Clans leaving for the lake, she never officially went with her leader, except for when they passed it on the way to the sun-drown-place, on the way back, and on the way to the lake.[21]

Author statements[]

  • According to Cherith, Highstones is a series of hills and the Moonstone is a cave underneath it.[22]


  • "Highstones" was originally written as "HighStones" every time it was mentioned in Into the Wild. This was later fixed in the reprint.[23]

See also[]

External links[]

Notes and references[]

  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 Revealed in The Sun Trail, chapter 11
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 Revealed in The Sun Trail, chapter 9
  3. 3.0 3.1 Revealed in Into the Wild, chapter 13
  4. 4.0 4.1 Revealed in Graystripe's Vow, chapter 11
  5. 5.0 5.1 Revealed in Moth Flight's Vision, chapter 3
  6. 6.0 6.1 Revealed in The Sun Trail, chapter 12
  7. 7.0 7.1 Revealed in Moth Flight's Vision, chapter 10
  8. Revealed in Shadowstar's Life, chapter 4
  9. 9.0 9.1 Revealed in Into the Wild, chapter 14
  10. Revealed in Rising Storm, chapter 6
  11. 11.0 11.1 Revealed in Into the Wild, chapter 15
  12. Revealed in Firestar's Quest, chapter 4
  13. Revealed in Moth Flight's Vision, chapter 17
  14. Revealed in Midnight, chapter 13
  15. Revealed in Midnight, chapter 24
  16. Revealed in Dawn, chapter 20
  17. Revealed in Graystripe's Adventure, page 202
  18. Revealed in Hawkwing's Journey, chapter 24
  19. Revealed in Darkest Night, chapter 9
  20. Revealed in Bluestar's Prophecy, page 234
  21. Revealed in Midnight, page 158
  22. Revealed in Erin Hunter Chat 1
  23. Revealed in Into the Wild, page 168
