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Warriors Wiki
Warriors Wiki
"I was found by Twolegs and taken to a cold den with lots of rogue cats. I stayed there for a while, and eventually a Twoleg family came and took me home with them. They used to call me Jake, but I haven't used that name since I ran away from them. There's not much use for a name when you're a loner like me."
— Jake to Ivypool about his past in Ivypool's Heart, page 163

Jake is a black-and-white tom.[2]


In the Super Editions[]

Ivypool's Heart[]

At the sun-drown-place, a loner named Jake angrily confronts Ivypool and the other Clan cats for trespassing on his territory, though Jake backs down when he realizes he is outnumbered. He recognizes the word "Clan", and he explains that his name is Jake, or rather, his former Twolegs used to call him that before he ran away. Jake was found by Twolegs and lived in a shelter until he was adopted by a Twoleg family, though he eventually ran away. He never knew his parents or his siblings either. The black-and-white tom warns the Clan cats about crabs on the sand before scampering away.

Character pixels[]


Notes and references[]

  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 Revealed in Ivypool's Heart, page 163
  2. Revealed in Ivypool's Heart, page 162