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"The stronger ones will help the weaker. You know how fast the sickness spreads. We need to stay strong and healthy to provide for ourselves and the ones who are sick."
Leafpool in Long Shadows, page 175

Below contains in-depth information for chapter thirteen of Long Shadows. If you are looking for a shorter summary of the entire book, please check the main article.
Chapter Number: 13 (of 28)
Page Numbers: 161-181

Chapter Summary[]

Lionblaze dreams of hunting a squirrel in WindClan territory, but the squirrel transforms into Heatherpaw's bloodied body. He worries that if he goes to fetch the catmint like Jaypaw asked him to, he will end up killing Heatherpaw for real. He feels that he cannot show weakness to Jaypaw because his brother depends on him, and he also thinks that he will never forgive Heatherpaw for betraying him. As Lionblaze returns with a hunting patrol, Jaypaw snaps at him that Brightheart, Honeyfern, and Cloudtail have all come down with greencough. Lionblaze suggests that Hollyleaf could fetch the catmint, or Leafpool could ask Barkface for some, but Jaypaw lashes out in fury, stating that it must be Lionblaze. He explains that Hollyleaf is too strict about the warrior code to even consider it, and Barkface would tell Onestar, who may take advantage of ThunderClan's weakness.
After Lionblaze returns from another hunting patrol, he overhears his Clanmates as they gather around the fresh-kill pile. Leafpool admits to Sandstorm that Millie will die if she doesn't receive catmint soon, and Jaypaw shoots another glare at Lionblaze. Despite Sandstorm and Leafpool's protests, Firestar emerges from his den to speak with the Clan from a distance. He suggests that the sick cats can be moved to the Twoleg nest, where the Clan leader can look after them. Lionblaze, Hollyleaf, and others agree with the plan, but Jaypaw is vocally against it. When Firestar breaks off in a bout of coughing, Brambleclaw takes over addressing the Clan. He instructs the healthy cats to gather bedding and prey to prepare the Twoleg nest. When Squirrelflight complains that she wants to be out helping, she is placed in charge of explaining the plan and delegating tasks to warriors as they return from patrols.
Lionblaze and Hollyleaf lead Foxpaw and Icepaw to gather bedding. They bring it to the Twoleg nest, where they observe their Clanmates hard at work patching holes in the walls and building nests. Lionblaze feels uneasy within the den, and wonders if the sick cats will be comfortable in such a strange place. Whitewing suggests scent-marking the new fresh-kill pile as well as the borders around the Twoleg den to keep away foxes. As Jaypaw and Mousewhisker bring herbs to the den, Jaypaw remarks loudly that they still need catmint. Lionblaze is filled with guilt and rushes off to gather more moss.
Once the construction is completed, the healthy cats settle down in the Twoleg den as Leafpool explains to them that they must stay away from the sick cats until they've recovered in order to stop the spread of sickness. The sick cats leave camp, and Brambleclaw convinces Daisy that she and her healthy kits cannot go with Rosekit. Graystripe desperately tries to reach Millie, but Lionblaze and Hollyleaf hold him back and Firestar convinces him to stay away so he can remain healthy. He promises Graystripe he will send for him if Millie is truly dying. Mousefur offers to go with the sick cats, but Brambleclaw convinces her to stay and help her healthy Clanmates. Leafpool instructs the remaining cats to clear out all the bedding from camp and bring in fresh bedding. The cats are all exhausted, but work together to complete the task. Lionblaze dreams of a lush patch of catmint growing along the stream at the WindClan border. He tries to gather it, but the water turns to blood and splashes on his paws. He hears Tigerstar's voice taunting him, asking where his powers have gone.





Notes and references[]

  1. 1.0 1.1 Revealed in Long Shadows, page 161
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 Revealed in Long Shadows, page 162
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 Revealed in Long Shadows, page 163
  4. 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 Revealed in Long Shadows, page 164
  5. 5.0 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 Revealed in Long Shadows, page 165
  6. Revealed in Long Shadows, page 166
  7. 7.0 7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 7.5 Revealed in Long Shadows, page 168
  8. 8.0 8.1 Revealed in Long Shadows, page 171
  9. Revealed in Long Shadows, page 172
  10. Revealed in Long Shadows, page 173
  11. Revealed in Long Shadows, page 175
  12. 12.0 12.1 12.2 12.3 12.4 12.5 12.6 Revealed in Long Shadows, page 176
  13. 13.0 13.1 Revealed in Long Shadows, page 177
  14. 14.0 14.1 Revealed in Long Shadows, page 179