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"He had to convince these cats that he really was Jay's Wing...They certainly wouldn't believe him if he told them the truth."
Jaypaw in Long Shadows, page 194

Below contains in-depth information for chapter fifteen of Long Shadows. If you are looking for a shorter summary of the entire book, please check the main article.
Chapter Number: 15 (of 28)
Page Numbers: 187-196

Chapter Summary[]

Jaypaw emerges from a tunnel into a crowd of cats. To his confusion, they congratulate him on becoming a sharpclaw and call him Jay's Wing. Broken Shadow tells him he was lucky to survive the challenge when Fallen Leaves never made it out of the tunnels. Jaypaw realizes that he can see and wonders if he is dreaming, but feels that his surroundings are too real to be a dream. Dove's Wing congratulates him, lamenting that their mother Falcon Swoop was unable to see him become a sharpclaw. Whispering Breeze comments that perhaps Falcon Swoop can still see her children, and she must love them just as much as she did in life, and Dove's Wing hopes she's right. Jaypaw tries to explain that he's not who they seem to think he is, and asks where ThunderClan is, but the other cats are confused. Dove's Wing asks if Rock told Jaypaw about ThunderClan, and Jaypaw is about to ask if she knows more about the mysterious cat, but Furled Bracken warns him not to tell anyone about his experience in the tunnels. Furled Bracken also mentions that Jaypaw has been in the tunnels for two nights, to his surprise.
Stone Song and Broken Shadow express their grief over the loss of their son, Fallen Leaves, one moon ago. Jaypaw realizes he is among The Ancients, the same cats who are marked on the stick, and observes how the terrain of the lake territories has changed since their time. He comments on Twolegs building Twoleg nests where Horseplace will one day be. Furled Bracken is confused by Jaypaw's apparent knowledge of the future, but Dove's Wing interrupts them. She leads Jaypaw to his nest and fetches Rising Moon to treat his bleeding paw pads. He smells his own scent on the nest, and wonders if Rising Moon is a medicine cat. Jaypaw falls asleep and briefly believes he has awoken back in the ThunderClan medicine cat den with Leafpool before realizing he is still with the Ancients. He hopes to find answers about the prophecy and learn more about the Ancients. He thinks he must convince them he really is Jay's Wing, as they wouldn't believe the truth, and attributes his confusion to hunger and exhaustion. Rising Moon treats his paws with dock, and Jaypaw learns that the Ancients don't have a singular medicine cat or as much knowledge of herbs as the modern Clans. He suggests using horsetail, only to discover that these cats are not aware of the herb, and lies that one of the elders mentioned it to him. He wonders if they believe in StarClan due to their lack of a medicine cat and Dove's Wing's uncertainty about her mother's spirit. Dove's Wing promises to bring him something to eat, and he falls asleep.





Notes and references[]

  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 Revealed in Long Shadows, page 187
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 Revealed in Long Shadows, page 188
  3. 3.0 3.1 Revealed in Long Shadows, page 189
  4. 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 Revealed in Long Shadows, page 190
  5. Revealed in Long Shadows, page 191
  6. Revealed in Long Shadows, page 193
  7. 7.0 7.1 Revealed in Long Shadows, page 195