Allegiances, as presented in the opening pages of Midnight. Characters that were excluded from an Allegiances list, but appeared in the book, will be listed following the formal allegiances list.
Leader: | Firestar-ginger tom with a flame-colored pelt |
Deputy: | Graystripe-long-haired gray tom |
Medicine cat(s): | Cinderpelt-dark gray she-cat Apprentice, Leafpaw |
Warriors: | Mousefur-small dusky brown she-cat Apprentice, Spiderpaw Dustpelt-dark brown tabby tom Apprentice, Squirrelpaw Sandstorm-pale ginger she-cat Apprentice, Sorrelpaw Cloudtail-long-haired white tom Brackenfur-golden brown tabby tom Apprentice, Whitepaw Thornclaw-golden brown tabby tom Apprentice, Shrewpaw Brightheart-white she-cat with ginger patches Brambleclaw-dark brown tabby tom with amber eyes Ashfur-pale gray (with darker flecks) tom, dark blue eyes Rainwhisker-dark gray tom with blue eyes Sootfur-lighter gray tom with amber eyes |
Apprentices: | Sorrelpaw-tortoiseshell and white she-cat with amber eyes Squirrelpaw-dark ginger she-cat with green eyes Leafpaw-light brown tabby she-cat with amber eyes and white paws Spiderpaw-long-limbed black tom with brown underbelly and amber eyes Shrewpaw-small dark brown tom with amber eyes Whitepaw-white she-cat with green eyes |
Queens: | Goldenflower-pale ginger coat, the oldest nursery queen Ferncloud-pale gray (with darker flecks) she-cat, green eyes |
Elders: | Frostfur-beautiful white she-cat with blue eyes Dappletail-once-pretty tortoiseshell she-cat, the oldest cat in ThunderClan Speckletail-pale tabby she-cat Longtail-pale tabby tom with dark black stripes, retired early due to failing sight |
*Birchkit, Hollykit, and Larchkit all appeared in this book, but were excluded from the allegiances list (which does not include kits).
Leader: | Blackstar-large white tom with huge jet black paws |
Deputy: | Russetfur-dark ginger she-cat |
Medicine cat(s): | Littlecloud-very small tabby tom |
Warriors: | Oakfur-small brown tom Apprentice, Smokepaw Tawnypelt-tortoiseshell she-cat with green eyes Cedarheart-dark gray tom Rowanclaw-ginger she-cat Apprentice, Talonpaw Tallpoppy-long-legged light brown tabby she-cat |
Apprentices: | Smokepaw-N/A* Talonpaw-N/A* |
Elders: | Runningnose-small gray-and-white tom, formerly the medicine cat |
* It should be noted that in this volume only the ThunderClan apprentices were given a section to themselves.
Leader: | Tallstar-elderly black-and-white tom with a very long tail |
Deputy: | Mudclaw-mottled dark brown tom Apprentice, Crowpaw-dark smoky gray, almost black, tom with blue eyes* |
Medicine cat(s): | Barkface-short-tailed brown tom |
Warriors: | Onewhisker-brown tabby tom Webfoot-dark gray tabby tom Tornear-tabby tom Whitetail-small white she-cat |
Elders: | Morningflower-tortoiseshell she-cat |
* It should be noted that in this volume only the ThunderClan apprentices were given a section to themselves; however, Crowpaw was given a description due to his importance to the plot in this book.
Leader: | Leopardstar-unusually spotted golden tabby she-cat |
Deputy: | Mistyfoot-gray she-cat with blue eyes |
Medicine cat(s): | Mudfur-long-haired light brown tom Apprentice, Mothwing-beautiful golden tabby she-cat with amber eyes |
Warriors: | Blackclaw-smoky black tom Heavystep-thickset tabby tom Stormfur-dark gray tom with amber eyes Feathertail-light gray she-cat with blue eyes Hawkfrost-broad-shouldered dark brown tom Mosspelt-tortoiseshell she-cat |
Queens: | Dawnflower-pale gray she-cat |
Elders: | Shadepelt-very dark gray she-cat Loudbelly-dark brown tom |
Cats outside Clans[]
Barley—black-and-white tom that lives on a farm close to the forest
Ravenpaw—sleek black cat that lives on the farm with Barley
Purdy—elderly tabby tom that lives in woods near the sea