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"A new prophecy has come! A doom that will change everything has been foretold in the stars."
Bluestar to the whole of StarClan in Midnight, page 1

Below contains in-depth information for the prologue of Midnight (book). If you are looking for a shorter summary of the entire book, please check the main article.
Chapter Number: Prologue (of 24)
Page Numbers: 1-6

Chapter description[]

On a moonless, starry night, a pool rests in a hollow in the forest. A blue-gray she-cat pads down to the water and sits beside it on a flat stone, glancing around her as more cats approach and settle beside the pool. The blue-gray she-cat stands and declares the arrival of a prophecy that foretells danger, to which a bracken-colored tom agrees. The she-cat speaks the prophecy of darkness, air, water, and sky, and she calls upon the other cats to present their choices for the four cats who will fulfill the prophecy. The bracken-colored tom, Oakheart, chooses first, presenting an image of a pale gray cat in the pool. Though the blue-gray she-cat, Bluestar, has doubts, StarClan approves Oakheart's choice. A lean black cat, Nightstar, chooses a tawny-colored she-cat, and though one cat doubts her loyalty due to her heritage, Bluestar points out that cats without pure Clan blood may be necessary for the Clans to come together. StarClan hesitantly agrees with Nightstar's selection.
A second black cat with a twisted paw, Deadfoot, takes his turn, presenting a gray-black form in the pool. Oakheart protests that the cat is merely an apprentice, but despite arguments, Deadfoot is sure of the apprentice's abilities, saying that he may one day be a leader. Bluestar suggests that he might choose another cat, but he angrily refuses, and StarClan is forced to reluctantly approve his choice. At Oakheart's prompting, Bluestar presents her choice at last, and an image of a dark tabby appears in the pool. When Oakheart teases her, she defends her choice fiercely, insistent that he is fit to face the prophecy, and StarClan readily approves. With the four cats selected, Bluestar sends the cats to prepare their Clans, reminding them that they will be with the journeying cats.






Important events[]


  • "Darkness, air, water, and sky will come together, and shake the forest to its roots."[2]

Notes and references[]

  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 Revealed in Midnight, page 3
  2. 2.0 2.1 Revealed in Midnight, page 2
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 Revealed in Midnight, page 4
  4. Revealed in Midnight, page 5