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The following is a list of characters that do not fit the guidelines for receiving their own page, whether it be due to lack of a name, proper history, or other matters. This page lists minor characters from Fading Echoes.


Early ShadowClan patrol[]

Description:Multiple cats[1]
Rank(s):Logo-shadowclan-textless ShadowClan[1]
History:Dovepaw senses the ShadowClan patrol sleepily leaving their camp. Their are clumsy with their paws on the needle-strewn ground.

RiverClan queen[]

Rank(s):Logo-riverclan-textless RiverClan queen[2]
Kin:Unnamed kits (Kits)
History:While RiverClan grieves for Leopardstar, the queen shoos her kits into the nursery with a flurry of paws.

RiverClan kits[]

Description:Multiple cats[2]
Rank(s):Logo-riverclan-textless RiverClan kits[2]
Kin:Queen (mother)
History:While RiverClan grieves for Leopardstar, the kits are shooed in the nursery by their mother.


"But Sedgewhisker is one of the cats being chased! One of the dogs has caught up to her! It's biting her!"
―Dovepaw describing one of the dogs Fading Echoes, page 48
Description:Multiple dogs[3]
History:Dovepaw hears the dogs attack Sedgewhisker and her patrol in WindClan. Lionblaze insists they will be fine, but Dovepaw goes to WindClan camp to see her. Ivypaw, who came with her, is alarmed, saying she did not tell her about any dogs. The whole of WindClan is alerted to the ThunderClan apprentices' presence and Sedgewhisker explains to them that they knew about the dog that chased her patrol though is adamant they could handle it. Dovepaw feels angry and sad, blaming her powers for her sensing the dog attack Sedgewhisker. Back at ThunderClan camp, Dovepaw confesses to Firestar that she heard a dog on WindClan. Firestar doesn't believe her, asking what the nonsense she is saying about hearing the dog. Firestar interrogates Dovepaw, Lionblaze and Jayfeather, and he later concludes that only Dovepaw knew about the dog then. Later, during a Gathering, Dovepaw tells Tigerheart that Sedgewhisker was bitten by a dog.

Sedgewhisker's patrol[]

"They're with her... They're attacking the dog."
―Dovepaw describing the patrol rescue Sedgewhisker Fading Echoes, page 48
Description:Multiple cats[3]
Rank(s):Logo-windclan-textless WindClan[3] warriors[4]
History:Dovepaw hears dogs chase Sedgewhisker's patrol and insists they must help them, but Lionblaze reassures WindClan are used to dogs. He reminds her they can outrun rabbits if they wish so they'll be fine. That night, Dovepaw remembers seeing the patrol support Sedgewhisker back to their camp. She goes to WindClan camp with Ivypaw out of worry and Weaselfur catches the three together. He asks Sedgewhisker if she hasn't caused enough trouble, getting her patrol caught by the dog. Sedgewhisker insists her patrol wasn't hurt, only she was. Sedgewhisker tells her Clan that Dovepaw knew the dog chased her patrol but insists it wasn't anything they couldn't handle. Heathertail asks Dovepaw how she knew their patrol was being chased. Dovepaw lies she guessed, and no cat believed her.

ShadowClan kit[]

Rank(s):ShadowClan kit[5]
History:Dovepaw senses the kit across the border. They are are wailing as they waking up from a bad dream.


History:Dovepaw senses the Twolegs across the lake and on the far side of RiverClan. They are in their nests, yowling.

WindClan guard[]

"It's okay. It's just a guard. He won't see us."
―Dovepaw reassuring Ivypaw about the guard Fading Echoes, page 62
Rank(s):Logo-windclan-textless WindClan warrior[6]
History:When Ivypaw and Dovepaw sneak to WindClan camp, Dovepaw mentions almost everyone is asleep. She reassures her sister it is only the guard and he won't see them. She sees the silhouette of the guard in the clearing of the camp, shoulders bunched in tiredness and his back turned away from the apprentices as he scans the opposing horizon.

WindClan tabby tom[]

"Do you really think they're that clever, Nightcloud?"
―The tabby tom about ThunderClan Fading Echoes, page 65
Description:Tabby tom[7]
Rank(s):Logo-windclan-textless WindClan[7]
History:When Dovepaw and Ivypaw invade WindClan camp, Harespring asks if it is an invasion. The tabby tom lashes his tail, saying he does not smell any others, but his tone hints he believes there still might be others. Nightcloud says they could have disguised their scent and the tabby tom sneers, asking Nightcloud if she really thinks they are that clever.

Young WindClan apprentice[]

"Don't they teach ThunderClan 'paws about scent makers?"
―The apprentice about Dovepaw and Ivypaw Fading Echoes, page 66
Rank(s):Logo-windclan-textless WindClan apprentice[4]
History:When Dovepaw and Ivypaw invade WindClan camp, the apprentice is pacing angrily behind Whitetail, lips curled. He asks if ThunderClan don't teach their apprentices about how scent markers work.

One of the WindClan warriors[]

"Or Tigerstar."
―The WindClan warrior about Leopardstar's loyalty to Tigerstar Fading Echoes, page 109
Rank(s):Logo-windclan-textless WindClan warrior[8]
History:Mistystar announces Leopardstar's passing, remembering the she-cat's loyalty and dedication to her Clanmates. The WindClan warrior gives a sour remark, saying the former leader would have done anything for Tigerstar as well. Dovepaw sees the WindClan warrior whispering into one of her Clanmates' ears.

One of the WindClan warriors' Clanmates'[]

Rank(s):Logo-windclan-textless WindClan[8]
History:Mistystar announces Leopardstar's passing, remembering the she-cat's loyalty and dedication to her Clanmates. A WindClan warrior remarks the former leader would have done anything for Tigerstar as well. Dovepaw sees the WindClan warrior whispering the ear of one of her Clanmates.

Cluster of ShadowClan and RiverClan apprentices[]

Description:Multiple cats[9]
Rank(s):Logo-shadowclan-textless ShadowClan and Logo-riverclan-textless RiverClan apprentices[9]
History:During a Gathering, Blossompaw and Briarpaw go towards the cluster of ShadowClan and RiverClan apprentices.

Two WindClan warriors[]

Description:Two cats[9]
Rank(s):Logo-windclan-textless WindClan warriors[9]
History:During a Gathering, the two WindClan warriors are seen gossiping with Snowbird and Redwillow.

Grumbling WindClan elder[]

"Now you tell me! Once my ears have been shredded and half my pelt is hanging in this fox-toothed bush."
―The grumbling elder to Dovepaw Fading Echoes, page 117
Rank(s):Logo-windclan-textless WindClan elder[10]
History:As Tigerheart and Dovepaw secretly talk during a Gathering, the elder rustles a bramble bush and alerts them. Dovepaw smells his WindClan scent and guesses he is an elder looking for somewhere quiet to make dirt. She calls over to the elder, saying it is quiet over to a different spot. The elder drags himself out of the bramble bush, complaining about Dovepaw only telling him now after going through the bush. He describes the experience as shredding his ears and ripping half his pelt off and leaving in in the bush, describing it as a 'fox-toothed bush'. Dovepaw twitches her whiskers in amusement of the elder's rambling.

Calling cat[]

History:While Ivypaw has her first dream with Hawkfrost, she hears a faint yowl drift across the meadow that is the cat calling.[11]


Description:Sleek cats, some of which have soft pelts[12]
Rank(s):Logo-starclan-textless StarClan[12]
History:As Jayfeather follows after Yellowfang, he sees the StarClan cats. They are content and sleek and either walking through long grass or stretching out in sunny hollows, pelts fur soft in the sun's rays.


Description:Tabby cat[12]
Rank(s):Logo-starclan-textless StarClan[12]
History:As Jayfeather follows after Yellowfang, he sees the tabby hunting. They crouch, waggle their rump then pounce after a plump mouse.

White cat with rose-tipped paws[]

Description:White she-cat with rose-tipped paws[12]
Rank(s):Logo-starclan-textless StarClan[12]
History:As Jayfeather follows after Yellowfang, he sees the the white cat. She is stretching up a ash tree with a cracked trunk, happily plucking at the bark while watching a squirrel on a high branch. With a sudden jump she rushes upwards and is swallowed by fluttering leaves.

Other paler pelts[]

"Being forgotten is nothing to fear. Not even the stars last forever. All cats fade and disappear eventually. They've earned their peace."
―Yellowfang about the cats Fading Echoes, page 220
Description:Multiple cats with paler pelts, some so ghostly they hardly seemed there at all[13]
Rank(s):Logo-starclan-textless StarClan[13]
History:After seeing the ghost of five of Firestar's lives, Jayfeather notices other pelts are paler too. He notes some appear to ghostly that they barely seemed to be present at all. They appear more like mist than solid flesh. Jayfeather asks if the cats are half-dead as well but Yellowfang says they've just been in StarClan for a very very long time. It has been so long since they have been alive that they are forgotten by living cats. Jayfeather asks if she means they are forgotten by everyone. Yellowfang explains it's nothing to fear. All cats fade and disappear eventually, but the cats deserve their peace.

Wraithlike tortoiseshell[]

"Being forgotten is nothing to fear. Not even the stars last forever. All cats fade and disappear eventually. They've earned their peace."
―Yellowfang about the cats Fading Echoes, page 220
Description:Wraithlike tortoiseshell cat[13]
Rank(s):Logo-starclan-textless StarClan[13]
History:Jayfeather asks if the paler cats are half-dead as well as the tortoiseshell crosses their path. They hardly even acknowledge Yellowfang's greeting. The she-cat explains they've just been in StarClan for a very very long time. It has been so long since they have been alive that they are forgotten by living cats. Jayfeather asks if she means they are forgotten by everyone. Yellowfang explains it's nothing to fear. All cats fade and disappear eventually, but the cats deserve their peace.

Watchers in the shadows[]

"Cats long dead and forgotten. Ignore them."
―Spottedleaf to Jayfeather about the watchers Fading Echoes, page 224
Description:Multiple cats[14]
Rank(s):Logo-place-of-no-stars-textless The Place of No Stars[14]
History:When Jayfeather, Spottedleaf and Yellowfang travel to the Dark Forest, Jayfeather feels chilled by the watcher's gazes, their eyes glowing in the gloom. He asks Spottedleaf who they are and she explains they are dead and long-forgotten cats. She tells Jayfeather to ignore them. The medicine cat wonders how, feeling their menace through their stares and the evil haunting their minds beyond the reach of all memories but their own.

Wiry brown tom[]

"Worry about your pelt later! You wanted to learn some killing moves! Stop acting like a frightened kit and listen."
―Hawkfrost to the wiry brown tom Fading Echoes, page 230
Description:Wiry brown tom with ragged fur[15]
Rank(s):Clan warrior,[16] then Logo-place-of-no-stars-textless The Place of No Stars[15]
History:Darkstripe is lecturing the warriors to always go for the throat before demonstrating on the wiry tom. He grabs him, hooking claws into his fur and throwing him to the ground. The brown tom helplessly struggles as Darkstripe slices at his throat, blood rising in the cut. Hawkfrost knocks Darkstripe away from the brown tom, grabbing him then shoving him to the other Dark Forest cats. The brown tom shakes himself then grooms his wound. Hawkfrost snaps for him to worry about his fur later, insisting that he wanted to learn killing techniques, then he should stop acting like a scared kit and pay attention. Jayfeather is shocked at the brutality, but Spottedleaf explains they have always lived outside the warrior code. They were always rogues within their own Clans, and are rogues now. She believes they never deserved to be called warriors.

ShadowClan cat[]

―ShadowClan cat calling for Tigerheart Fading Echoes, page 253
Rank(s):Logo-shadowclan-textless ShadowClan[17]
History:While Tigerheart and Dovepaw are together at the ThunderClan-ShadowClan border, the ShadowClan cat calls for Tigerheart and makes Dovepaw freeze. Tigerheart hides Dovepaw so his Clanmate doesn't see her before turning back to meet them.

First wave of warriors[]

Description:Multiple huge cats[18]
Rank(s):Logo-shadowclan-textless ShadowClan warriors[18]
History:As the battle for the clearing between ShadowClan and ThunderClan begins, the first wave of warriors hits the ThunderClan cats.

Dark tabby tom[]

Description:Dark tabby tom[18]
Rank(s):Logo-shadowclan-textless ShadowClan warrior[18]
History:As the battle for the clearing between ShadowClan and ThunderClan begins, the dark tabby lunges at Ivypaw. Ivypaw kicks him, catching his cheek and sending him falling backwards. He gives a yowl of surprise, which chokes his throat. Ivypaw swerves away from the tom.

ShadowClan warrior[]

"Hey! where are you going?"
―the warrior's confusion of the ThunderClan cats Fading Echoes, page 286
Rank(s):ShadowClan warrior[19]
History:During the battle for the clearing between ShadowClan and ThunderClan, the ThunderClan cats head into ShadowClan's side of the forest. The ShadowClan warrior gives a shocked yowl after them, asking what they are doing.

ShadowClan warriors[]

Description:Multiple cats[20]
Rank(s):Logo-shadowclan-textless ShadowClan warriors[20]
History:During the battle for the clearing between ShadowClan and ThunderClan, the ShadowClan warriors are pounding to the pines and thundering over the grass, spitting with rage as Lionblaze faces to attack them. The ThunderClan cats are in the trees, poised to drop on the fast-approaching warriors. Lead by Blackstar, they stream through the trees, skidding to a halt beside him, The ThunderClan cats then begin diving onto the ShadowClan warriors. More warriors stream through the trees, faces twisted in outrage and yowls edged with fury before spinning in surprise. They give bewildered yowls as they are attacked by the ThunderClan cats.


Description:Multiple cats[21]
History:The cats are present during a training session in the Dark Forest. Shredtail is standing on a rock and the cats are swiping at him from every side. Shredtail attempts to reach them by attacking with blows.


History:Dovepaw senses the dog yapping near the horseplace. It reminds her of a fox that was in the area recently.

Cats of StarClan[]

Description:Multiple cats[23]
Rank(s):Logo-starclan-textless StarClan[23]
History:During a vision, Jayfeather sees the StarClan cats line the hollow of the Moonpool. They sit silently and still as Jayfeather notices Rock among them. He wonders if he changed their minds and they will face the Dark Forest together. However, the StarClan cats turned to face one and another, fur glistening and whiskers stiffening. They shatter into shards, leaving only Rock and Jayfeather.

Notes and references[]

  1. 1.0 1.1 Revealed in Fading Echoes, page 9
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 Revealed in Fading Echoes, page 11
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 Revealed in Fading Echoes, page 48
  4. 4.0 4.1 4.2 Revealed in Fading Echoes, page 66
  5. 5.0 5.1 Revealed in Fading Echoes, page 57
  6. 6.0 6.1 Revealed in Fading Echoes, page 62
  7. 7.0 7.1 Revealed in Fading Echoes, page 65
  8. 8.0 8.1 8.2 Revealed in Fading Echoes, page 109
  9. 9.0 9.1 9.2 9.3 Revealed in Fading Echoes, page 114
  10. 10.0 10.1 Revealed in Fading Echoes, page 117
  11. Revealed in Fading Echoes, page 123
  12. 12.0 12.1 12.2 12.3 12.4 12.5 Revealed in Fading Echoes, page 218
  13. 13.0 13.1 13.2 13.3 Revealed in Fading Echoes, page 220
  14. 14.0 14.1 Revealed in Fading Echoes, page 224
  15. 15.0 15.1 Revealed in Fading Echoes, page 229
  16. Revealed in Fading Echoes, page 230
  17. Revealed in Fading Echoes, page 253
  18. 18.0 18.1 18.2 18.3 Revealed in Fading Echoes, page 280
  19. Revealed in Fading Echoes, page 2
  20. 20.0 20.1 Revealed in Fading Echoes, page 287
  21. Revealed in Night Whispers, page 79
  22. Revealed in Night Whispers, page 104
  23. 23.0 23.1 Revealed in Night Whispers, page 157