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The following is a list of characters that do not fit the guidelines for receiving their own page, whether it be due to lack of a name, proper history, or other matters. This page lists minor characters from Into the Wild.


Tabby queen with distinctive black markings[]

Description:Tabby she-cat with distinctive black markings[1]
Rank(s):Logo-thunderclan-textless ThunderClan queen[1]
History:The tabby queen appears around the nursery, exchanging a friendly lick with an exiting ginger queen. As the tabby enters the bramble bush den, she murmurs to the squealing kits inside. Rusty watches her as Lionheart gives him a tour of ThunderClan camp, and the importance of the queen's role within the Clan.

Small tabby[]

"I can't wait to start my training. I'm going to be the best warrior ThunderClan has ever seen!""
―Small tabby about becoming a warrior Into the Wild, page 132
Description:Small tabby tom[2]
Rank(s):Logo-thunderclan-textless ThunderClan kit[2]
History:Firepaw watches as a group of ThunderClan kits play as he grooms Yellowfang. The small tabby calls out to a gray-and-white kit, pretending to be Brokenstar. However, as he attacks his playmate, he is flung into an angered Yellowfang, who tells the kit off. With a single look, the tabby races off, hiding behind a tabby queen who stared angrily at the old cat through the clearing. Later on, Firepaw spots the young tabby sitting watching as the apprentices return to camp with their fresh-kill. The kit declares he cannot wait to start his warrior training and be the best warrior that ThunderClan has ever seen. Firepaw feels a hint of pride at the kits' admiring comments.

Little gray-and-white kit[]

Description:Little gray-and-white tom[3]
Rank(s):Logo-thunderclan-textless ThunderClan kit[2]
History:The gray-and-white kit play fights with the small tabby. He pretends to be Brokenstar as the two fight, bundling towards Highrock. He heaves the tabby off of his back into Yellowfang, startling the gray she-cat. He freezes as she hisses at them both and cautiously makes his way back to the safety of the nursery.

Fluffy gray kit[]

"Isn't that the kittypet, Firepaw?"
―Fluffy gray kit about Firepaw Into the Wild, page 131
Description:Fluffy gray cat[4]
Rank(s):Logo-thunderclan-textless ThunderClan kit[4]
History:As Firepaw, Graypaw, and Ravenpaw return to camp behind Tigerclaw, with their fresh-kill, the gray kit sits beside the other kits. The fluffy kit asks if the orange apprentice is Firepaw, the former kittypet. The black kit confirms it, as they all begin talking amongst themselves.

Tiny black kit[]

"Yeah! Look at his orange fur!"
―The black kit identifying Firepaw as the kittypet Into the Wild, page 131
Description:Tiny black cat[4]
Rank(s):Logo-thunderclan-textless ThunderClan kit[4]
History:As Firepaw, Graypaw, and Ravenpaw return to camp behind Tigerclaw, the kits all appear to watch them. The black kit identifies Firepaw as the former kittypet for their friend who asks.

Small tortoiseshell[]

"They say he's a good hunter. He looks a bit like Lionheart. Do you suppose he's as good as him?"
―Small tortoiseshell about Firepaw Into the Wild, page 132
Description:Small tortoiseshell cat[4]
Rank(s):Logo-thunderclan-textless ThunderClan kit[4]
History:As Firepaw, Graypaw, and Ravenpaw return to camp behind Tigerclaw, the kits all appear to watch them. The tortoiseshell remarks that Firepaw is said to be a good hunter and that he looks like Lionheart. They wonder aloud if he is as good as the older warrior.

Black RiverClan queen[]

"It never would have happened in the time of the great Clan cats."
―Black RiverClan queen responding to Runningnose's story Into the Wild, page 144
Description:Black she-cat[5]
Rank(s):Logo-riverclan-textless RiverClan queen[5]
History:Runningnose tells a story about how Twolegs have stopped access to a plant that cures kitten-cough, so now kits needlessly die. The black RiverClan queen growls that it would have never happened during the time of the Great Clans.

Silver tabby[]

"Indeed. The great Clans would have killed any Twolegs that dares enter their territory. If TigerClan roamed this forest still, Twolegs would not have built this far into our land."
―Silver tabby about the Great Clans Into the Wild, pages 144-145
Description:Silver tabby[5]
History:As Runningnose and a black RiverClan queen converse, the silver tabby adds their opinions to the mix. They declare that the Great Clans would have killed all Twolegs that dared enter their territory. They also state that if TigerClan still roamed this forest, Twolegs would never have built so far into their territory. Spottedleaf replies to them that they wouldn't have territories there either if the Great Clans still roamed this land.

Tortoiseshell RiverClan queen[]

"It is unprecedented! The Clans have never shared hunting rights!"
―Tortoiseshell queen in response to Brokenstar Into the Wild, page 150
Description:Tortoiseshell she-cat[6]
Rank(s):Logo-riverclan-textless RiverClan queen[6]
History:Brokenstar announces during a Gathering that the other Clans should allow ShadowClan to hunt in their territories. The tortoiseshell queen cries that this is unprecedented, declaring that the Clans have never shared hunting rights before.

Huge gray tom[]

Description:Huge gray tom[7]
Rank(s):Logo-shadowclan-textless ShadowClan warrior[7]
History:When ShadowClan attacks ThunderClan, the tom is seen being clawed and bitten at by Frostfur and Goldenflower.

Black warrior[]

Description:Black cat[8]
Rank(s):Logo-shadowclan-textless ShadowClan warrior[8]
History:When ShadowClan attacks ThunderClan, the black warrior is locked in a fierce tussle with Darkstripe.

Tortoiseshell warrior[]

Description:Tortoiseshell warrior[8]
Rank(s):Logo-shadowclan-textless ShadowClan warrior[7]
History:When ShadowClan attacks ThunderClan, the tortoiseshell is nipped at by the elders Smallear, Patchpelt and One-eye. The tortoiseshell fights against them with twice their speed and ferocity.

Tabby warrior queen[]

Description:Large tabby she-cat with sharp claws[8]
Rank(s):Logo-shadowclan-textless ShadowClan warrior queen[8]
History:When ShadowClan attacks ThunderClan, Firepaw catches the much larger queen and bites her leg. She yowls and turns against the apprentice, lashing with her sharp claws and teeth bared, lunging at Firepaw's neck. The tom ducks to avoid her bite, and the tabby queen cannot match his speed. Firepaw claws her back until she squeals and struggles away from him, rushing headlong into the thick undergrowth surrounding the ThunderClan camp.

Tabby tom[]

Description:Scarred tabby tom[8]
Rank(s):Logo-shadowclan-textless ShadowClan warrior[7]
History:When ShadowClan attacks ThunderClan, Bluestar fights the tabby. He struggles to escape but is held so tightly and clawed so fiercely that Firepaw knows he will bear the scars from this for many moons.

Scrawny tortoiseshell[]

Description:Scrawny tortoiseshell she-cat[9]
Rank(s):Logo-shadowclan-textless ShadowClan warrior[9]
History:When ShadowClan attacks ThunderClan, the tortoiseshell slices down on Firepaw's side before leaping on top of him. Firepaw fights to escape the tortoiseshell's grasp before she rakes his belly with hind paws. Firepaw feints defeat and the tortoiseshell grips him triumphantly and begins to seek her teeth into his neck. Firepaw jumps up, flinging the tortoiseshell away. The apprentice is on the tortoiseshell in an instant, plunging his teeth into the winded warrior's shoulder. The bite sends the tortoiseshell wailing into the undergrowth of ThunderClan camp.

Black tom[]

Description:Black tom[10]
Rank(s):Logo-shadowclan-textless ShadowClan warrior[7]
History:When ShadowClan attacks ThunderClan, towards the end of the battle, Ravenpaw and Graypaw lash out at the black tom until he runs howling into the bushes.

Dawncloud's kits[]

"I do not wish to lose any more of my kits."
―Dawncloud about her kits Into the Wild, page 225
Rank(s):Logo-shadowclan-textless ShadowClan kits[11]
Kin:Dawncloud (mother),[12] Finchflight (father),[13] Blossomkit (sister),[13] Swampkit (sibling)[13]
History:When Yellowfang brings ThunderClan cats ShadowClan's elders to help rescue stolen ThunderClan kits, she introduces Dawncloud and mentions that she had two kits that died while driving out WindClan. Dawncloud explains she doesn't want to lose anymore of her kits as her motivation to help drive out Brokenstar.


See more


Blizzardwing:[14] Deceased, verified StarClan member


Featherstorm:[15] Deceased, verified StarClan member


Mosspaw:[15] Deceased, verified StarClan member
Volewhisper:[15] Deceased, verified StarClan member


Raggedstar:[16] Deceased, verified StarClan member
Scorchwind:[16] Deceased, verified StarClan member
Blackstar:[17] Deceased, verified StarClan member
Flintfang:[17] Deceased, verified StarClan member


Fernshade:[17] Deceased, verified StarClan member

First cousins:

Hopekit:[18] Deceased, verified StarClan member
Wishkit:[18] Deceased, verified StarClan member
Brokenstar:[18] Deceased, no residence
Rowanclaw:[19] Deceased, verified StarClan member
Cedarheart:[19] Deceased, verified StarClan member
Lavenderkit:[19] Deceased, verified StarClan member
Badgerfang:[20] Deceased, verified StarClan member


    = Tom

    = She-cat

    = Gender unknown

Silver tabby[]

Description:Silver tabby tom with claws as sharp as black-thorns[21]
Rank(s):Logo-shadowclan-textless ShadowClan warrior[21]
History:During the battle to rescue ThunderClan kits from ShadowClan, Firepaw grasps the silver tabby but is shaken off. The warrior turns on him, grasping the apprentice with claws as sharp as black-thorns. Firepaw manages to sink his teeth in, and the silver tabby's yowl indicates he bit a tender spot, so Firepaw bites harder. The silver warrior screeches again before pulling himself free and running into the bushes.

Young ShadowClan apprentice[]

"This is not your battle."
―Firepaw to the young ShadowClan apprentice Into the Wild, page 260
Rank(s):Logo-shadowclan-textless ShadowClan apprentice[21]
History:During the battle to rescue ThunderClan kits from ShadowClan, the young apprentice leaps at Firepaw from the edge of ShadowClan camp. He is clearly fearful as his soft kitten fur is fluffed up. Firepaw batters the apprentice away, saying this is not his battle.

Notes and references[]

  1. 1.0 1.1 Revealed in Into the Wild, page 32
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 Revealed in Into the Wild, page 108
  3. Revealed in Into the Wild, pages 108-109
  4. 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 Revealed in Into the Wild, page 131
  5. 5.0 5.1 5.2 Revealed in Into the Wild, page 144
  6. 6.0 6.1 Revealed in Into the Wild, page 150
  7. 7.0 7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 Revealed in Into the Wild, page 192
  8. 8.0 8.1 8.2 8.3 8.4 8.5 Revealed in Into the Wild, page 193
  9. 9.0 9.1 Revealed in Into the Wild, page 194
  10. Revealed in Into the Wild, page 195
  11. Revealed in Into the Wild, page 255
  12. Revealed in Into the Wild, page 225
  13. 13.0 13.1 13.2 Revealed on the Warriors website family tree (screenshot)
  14. Revealed in Yellowfang's Secret, page 406
  15. 15.0 15.1 15.2 Revealed in Yellowfang's Secret, page 418
  16. 16.0 16.1 Revealed in Yellowfang's Secret, allegiances
  17. 17.0 17.1 17.2 Revealed in Blackfoot's Reckoning, chapter 2
  18. 18.0 18.1 18.2 Revealed in Yellowfang's Secret, page 320
  19. 19.0 19.1 19.2 Revealed on the Warriors website family tree (screenshot)
  20. Revealed in Yellowfang's Secret, page 455
  21. 21.0 21.1 21.2 21.3 Revealed in Into the Wild, page 259