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The following is a list of characters that do not fit the guidelines for receiving their own page, whether it be due to lack of a name, proper history, or other matters. This page lists minor characters from Tallstar's Revenge.


Plumclaw's parents[]

Description:Unnamed cats[1]
History:When Tallkit asks Plumclaw if she was glad she was a tunneler, she responds that both of her parents were tunnelers as well.


History:While on a patrol, Dawnstripe asks if Larksplash had scented RiverClan, to which the latter responds it was only a Twoleg.

ShadowClan deputy[]

Rank(s):Logo-shadowclan-textless ShadowClan deputy[3]
History:When Tallpaw asks about Stonetooth at a Gathering, Doespring mentions that he had been deputy for so long only the elders remembered who came before him.


Description:Three apprentices[3]
History:While at a Gathering, a group of three apprentices consisting of Blizzardpaw, Moonpaw and an unnamed apprentice are gathered around Shrewpaw while he boasts about himself.

Silverflame's kits[]

"Our nursery is full. Three new kits have been born to Silverflame."
―Cedarstar about Silverflame and her kits Tallstar's Revenge, page 132
Description:Three kits[4]
Rank(s):Logo-shadowclan-textless ShadowClan kits[4]
History:Cedarstar announces during a Gathering that three new kits have been given birth by Silverflame. Tallpaw notices ShadowClan uneasiness at this announcement and wonders if there is a secret behind these kits.



Silverflame:[4] Deceased, verified StarClan member


Brightflower:[5] Deceased, verified StarClan member
See more
Marigoldkit:[6] Deceased, verified StarClan member
Yellowfang:[5] Deceased, verified StarClan member
Rowanberry:[5] Deceased, verified StarClan member


Nutwhisker:[5] Deceased, verified StarClan member
Mintkit:[6] Deceased, verified StarClan member


Brokenstar:[7] Deceased, no residence
Stumpytail:[8] Deceased, verified the Place of No Stars member
Cinderfur:[8] Deceased, verified StarClan member


Hopekit:[7] Deceased, verified StarClan member
Wishkit:[7] Deceased, verified StarClan member


Turtlekit:[9] Deceased, verified StarClan member
Quietkit:[9] Deceased, verified StarClan member
Rubblekit:[9] Deceased, verified StarClan member

    = Tom

    = She-cat

    = Gender unknown

Two ThunderClan warriors[]

Description:Two burly ThunderClan cats with fresh scars on their muzzles[10]
Rank(s):Logo-thunderclan-textless ThunderClan warriors[10]
History:During a Gathering, Pinestar announces there was a dog on their territory but their patrols drove it back to the Twolegplace. When Tallpaw asks if the other Clans ever go hungry Cloudrunner tells him how the other Clans would never admit to hunger. He then points out two burly ThunderClan warriors, mentioning the scars on their muzzle have hardly had time to heal and that the dog must have put up a fight before being driven out.

Huge tabby[]

Description:Huge tabby[11]
Rank(s):Logo-shadowclan-textless ShadowClan[11]
History:When ShadowClan invades WindClan, Tallpaw watches as Dawnstripe leaps into the middle of the fighting before disappearing under a huge tabby.

ShadowClan tom[]

Rank(s):Logo-shadowclan-textless ShadowClan[11]
History:When ShadowClan invades WindClan, Shrewpaw and Hareflight wrestle a ShadowClan tom at the entrance to the medicine den. Hareflight unbalances the tom and Shrewpaw swoops in and bites the tom's hind legs.

ShadowClan she-cat[]

Rank(s):Logo-shadowclan-textless ShadowClan[11]
History:When ShadowClan invades WindClan, Brackenwing compliments Shrewpaw from across the clearing. She then knocks a ShadowClan she-cat to the ground.

Two ShadowClan toms[]

"You need rogues to defend you?"
―ShadowClan tom sneering at Redclaw about Sparrow Tallstar's Revenge, chapter 15
Description:Two toms[11]
Rank(s):Logo-shadowclan-textless ShadowClan[11]
History:When ShadowClan invades WindClan, Redclaw and Sparrow fight two ShadowClan toms. One of them sneers at Redclaw, taunting the tom about Sparrow's help in the battle. Sparrow then lashes out and sends the tom flying while Redclaw lunges and sends the other tom reeling with a blow to their muzzle.

ShadowClan tabby[]

Description:Tabby tom[11]
Rank(s):Logo-shadowclan-textless ShadowClan[11]
History:When ShadowClan invades WindClan Tallpaw watches as Aspenfall chases away a tabby tom.

White ShadowClan warrior[]

Description:White cat[11]
Rank(s):Logo-shadowclan-textless ShadowClan warrior[11]
History:When ShadowClan invades WindClan Tallpaw watches as Redclaw hisses at a white warrior.

ShadowClan warriors[]

Description:ShadowClan warriors[11]
Rank(s):Logo-shadowclan-textless ShadowClan[11]
History:When ShadowClan invades WindClan Tallpaw watches as Hareflight and Dawnstripe heard a gang of yowling ShadowClan warriors towards the entrance.

Shocked gray tom[]

"I said don't answer."
―Gray tom rolling his eyes at Talltail Tallstar's Revenge, page 302
Description:Scrawny gray tom with clumped, knotted fur.[12]
History:While on his journey to find Sparrow, Talltail encounters an old tom and nearly attacks him, believing it is Sparrow, but stops himself. The gray tom is shocked, and Talltail admits he believed he was someone else. The gray tom asks Talltail who he thought he was, guessing not a friend. He notes Talltail is a Clan cat and asks Talltail if he's looking for another Clan cat. Talltail reassures no, and asks if he's seen any traveling rogues pass by. The old cat is unsure, and notes he might've seen the group near a Nofur's den that is dark gray and bigger than some other dens. The gray tom warns to not go inside as it is colder than death and there is no escape when the Twoleg shuts the door. He explains he was trapped there for three sun-ups one time, and was fortunate there was a water-pool. Talltail begins to walk away and the gray tom asks if he wants to share prey as he heard Clan cats are good hunters. Talltail replies he cannot stop, he must find the rogues.

Dark gray and brown tom[]

"The trail comes from this way."
―One of the warriors following Talltail's scent trail Tallstar's Revenge, page 308
Description:Dark gray-and-brown[13] tom[14]
Rank(s):Logo-shadowclan-textless ShadowClan warrior[14]
History:The ShadowClan warriors' voices wake Talltail. He sees the patrol weaving around the bottom of a pine's trunk. Talltail, in a gnarled part of the tree, smells their ShadowClan scents and realizes they are a patrol. One of the warriors snarls that the scent they have caught of Talltail is fresh and he still has to be nearby. Talltail climbs further up the tree as the ShadowClan warriors search around the tree. After searching some more, one of the toms notes the scent leads from the Thunderpath and the patrol decides to search there.

Dark gray and brown cats[]

"Those cats that smelled like WindClan? Why would they come back? I clawed that she-cat's ears until she shrieked!"
―One of the warriors talking about the rogues Tallstar's Revenge, page 308
Description:Two[14] dark gray-and-brown cats[13]
Rank(s):Logo-shadowclan-textless ShadowClan warriors[14]
History:The ShadowClan warriors' voices wake Talltail. He sees the patrol weaving around the bottom of a pine's trunk. Talltail, in a gnarled part of the tree, smells their ShadowClan scents and realizes they are a patrol. One of the warriors snarls that the scent they have caught of Talltail is fresh and he still has to be nearby. Talltail climbs further up the tree as the ShadowClan warriors search around the tree, and they discuss that the scent might be from one of those rogues hanging near WindClan. Another cat remarks how they clawed one of the rogues' ears. They locate the scent towards the Thunderpath and decide to follow it.

Mottled warrior[]

Description:Mottled,[14] dark-gray-and-brown[13] tom with a tabby head[15]
Rank(s):Logo-shadowclan-textless ShadowClan warrior[13]
History:The ShadowClan warriors' voices wake Talltail. He sees the patrol weaving around the bottom of a pine's trunk. Talltail, in a gnarled part of the tree, smells their ShadowClan scents and realizes they are a patrol. A mottled warrior scrabbles outside the pine trunk as he climbs up, saying there's a hole there. As Talltail flees further up the tree, the mottled warrior notes the nest is still warm. The warriors search the tree, and and the tom asks his Clanmates if they're sure they can't see Talltail from down below. He then suggests they should search near the Thunderpath instead.

Ginger-and-black she-cat[]

"A Clan cat? That's worse!"
―Ginger-and-black she-cat being scared of Talltail Tallstar's Revenge, page 317
Description:Ginger-and-black she-cat[16]
Rank(s):Logo-kittypet-textless Kittypet[16]
History:Talltail lands in a patch of grass behind a Twoleg den and spots the kittypet below a bush near the Twoleg den. He wonders if she could give him a clue on if he was going the right way. The kittypet is frightened and warns that her Twolegs will be back in a moment and they will chase him off. Talltail asks if she has seen any rogues recently, and the she-cat backs away, saying only him. Talltail insists he is a Clan cat, and the kittypet declares that is worse than rogues. Scared, she scrambles out of the bush and rushes towards a fence, jumping over it and disappearing.

Ginger-and-black she-cat's Twolegs[]

"My Twolegs will be back in a moment. They'll chase you off."
―Ginger-and-black she-cat to Talltail Tallstar's Revenge, page 317
Description:Multiple Twolegs[16]
History:The ginger-and-back she-cat threatens that her Twolegs will be back in a moment and they will chase Talltail off. Talltail asks if she can tell him if she has seen any rogues recently before her Twolegs chase him off.

Notes and references[]

  1. 1.0 1.1 Revealed in Tallstar's Revenge, page 48
  2. 2.0 2.1 Revealed in Tallstar's Revenge, chapter 9
  3. 3.0 3.1 Revealed in Tallstar's Revenge, page 128
  4. 4.0 4.1 4.2 Revealed in Tallstar's Revenge, page 132
  5. 5.0 5.1 5.2 5.3 Revealed in Yellowfang's Secret, allegiances
  6. 6.0 6.1 Revealed in Yellowfang's Secret, page 473
  7. 7.0 7.1 7.2 Revealed in Yellowfang's Secret, page 320
  8. 8.0 8.1 Revealed in Yellowfang's Secret, page 396
  9. 9.0 9.1 9.2 Revealed on the Warriors website family tree (screenshot)
  10. 10.0 10.1 Revealed in Tallstar's Revenge, page 133
  11. 11.00 11.01 11.02 11.03 11.04 11.05 11.06 11.07 11.08 11.09 11.10 11.11 11.12 11.13 Revealed in Tallstar's Revenge, chapter 15
  12. Revealed in Tallstar's Revenge, page 301
  13. 13.0 13.1 13.2 13.3 Revealed in Tallstar's Revenge, page 307
  14. 14.0 14.1 14.2 14.3 14.4 Revealed in Tallstar's Revenge, page 309
  15. Revealed in Tallstar's Revenge, page 308
  16. 16.0 16.1 16.2 16.3 Revealed in Tallstar's Revenge, page 317