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The following is a list of characters that do not fit the guidelines for receiving their own page, whether it be due to lack of a name, proper history, or other matters. This page lists minor characters from Winds of Change.


White cat[]

Description:White cat[1]
History:While Mudclaw reflects on the Great Journey, a white cat crosses a Thunderpath carrying a brown kit. A brown tabby kit follows them, unable to walk any further, and the white cat carries them.

Dark brown kit[]

Description:Dark brown kit with a creamy muzzle, underbelly and chest, a black nose, and blue eyes[1]
History:A white cat carries a dark brown kit across a Thunderpath. They place the kit down to carry a brown tabby kit in its place.

Brown tabby kit[]

Description:Brown tabby kit with a paler muzzle, a pink nose, and blue eyes[1]
History:A brown tabby kit follows a white cat across a Thunderpath. The kit quietly wails that it can't go any further, and the white cat carries them.

White cat[]

Description:White cat with yellow eyes and a scarred foreleg[2]
History:After Tallstar's death, a white cat joins Tornear and Ashfoot by cheering Mudclaw as WindClan's new leader.

Notes and references[]

  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 Revealed in Winds of Change, page 8
  2. Revealed in Winds of Change, page 55