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Warriors Wiki
"Not rushing into every battle doesn't make me a coward. I can fight as well as you any day."
— Mossfire retorting against Jumpfoot in Code of the Clans, page 88

Mossfire is a tortoiseshell[1] she-cat.[3]


In the Field Guides[]

Code of the Clans[]

"We think Mossfire should be leader. Jumpfoot is too quick to go to battle. We want peace for our kits."
―A ShadowClan queen Code of the Clans, page 88
Mossfire is an ancient ShadowClan warrior. Mossfire comforts Flowerstem, when ShadowClan's deputy, Brightwhisker, dies. Brightwhisker was going to be Clan leader, but had died of greencough before she could get her nine lives or appoint a new deputy.
Jumpfoot volunteers to be the new Clan leader, but the queens nominate Mossfire instead, because she would be less likely to take their kits into battle. Mossfire stands alongside Jumpfoot and dips her head to Redscar, saying that her Clanmates have honored her, and she would be proud to serve as their leader. Jumpfoot hisses that not every cat wants her to be leader, and that no one wants a Clan full of cowards, too afraid to defend their borders. Mossfire snarls back that she isn't a coward for not rushing into battle, and that she could fight just as well as he could. Flowerstem lets out a yowl of protest, saying that this is no way to choose a leader, but Jumpfoot says that they should fight, and whoever StarClan favors will be the new Clan leader.
The two cats begin to circle each other, unsheathing their claws. On her first try, Mossfire misses Jumpfoot, but on her second try, she scores a long set of scratches across his flank. Jumpfoot fights back again. Soon, Mossfire gasps in pain, and the sound of ripping fur follows this as she fought back. Jumpfoot falls to the ground, and then Mossfire also collapses. Both cats begin to die, lying near each other, from blows struck too close and too hard. Three elders begin to edge toward their bodies, to rearrange them and prepare them for their vigil. The two cats soon die of their injuries. Under the oak tree where Mossfire and Jumpfoot are buried grew snowdrops. Using one of the stems, Redscar made up a fake sign from StarClan. He appoints Flowerstem as leader and she agrees, saying she would become leader in memory of Mossfire and Jumpfoot.
This event leads to a rule in the warrior code: When a deputy dies or retires, the Clan leader must choose the new deputy before moonhigh.

Character pixels[]

Killed victims[]

This list shows the victims Mossfire has killed:




Flowerstar:[1] Deceased, verified StarClan member



Author statements[]

  • Vicky thinks Mossfire resides in StarClan.[4]


"But... she never chose a deputy! Who will be our leader now?"
―Mossfire after Brightwhisker passes away Code of the Clans, page 87

"My Clanmates honor me, and I would be willing to be their leader."
―Mossfire Code of the Clans, page 88

Jumpfoot: "Not all of them want you. Who'd want a Clan full of cowards, too frightened to defend their borders?"
Mossfire: "Not rushing into every battle doesn't make me a coward. I can fight as well as you any day."
—Jumpfoot protesting against Mossfire becoming leader Code of the Clans, page 88

"To honor Mossfire's memory and Jumpfoot's, yes, I will."
―Flowerstem agreeing to become leader after her sister's death Code of the Clans, page 92

Notes and references[]

  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 Revealed in Code of the Clans, page 87
  2. 2.0 2.1 Revealed in Code of the Clans, page 89
  3. Revealed in Code of the Clans, page 88
  4. Revealed on Vicky's Facebook