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"What if her journey lay beyond the valley? Past Highstones? Out of sight of the moor? [Moth Flight's] belly tightened at the thought. It felt strange enough to be so far from her Clan..."
Moth Flight pondering her journey in Moth Flight's Vision, page 59

Below contains in-depth information for chapter seven of Moth Flight's Vision. If you are looking for a shorter summary of the entire book, please check the main article.
Chapter Number: 7 (of 37)
Page Numbers: 58-63

Chapter description[]

Moth Flight follows the ditch until she is sure her trail is disguised, before hopping out and shaking the water from her paws. She follows a dirt track until it veers toward a Twoleg nest. The she-cat decides to avoid it, as there might be dogs, and she pushes through a patch of bracken. Moth Flight enters into a meadow and sniffs at some stems, not recognizing the plants. She remarks at how different it is from the sparse moor and continues to follow the valley. The she-cat is wary of how far the journey is going to take her, as it feels strange to be away from her Clanmates on the moor. She wonders if the moth simply wanted show her the rich foliage of the valley. As she travels, Moth Flight realizes she is getting hungry and thirsty, so she tastes the air for water. She finds herself on the edge of a large field, where monsters have left tracks filled with water. Though it tastes bitter, Moth Flight drinks from one of them, avoiding the clumsy sheep that are grazing.
She spots a mouse and attempts to catch it, thinking of how easy Gorse Fur's training comes back to her when Wind Runner isn't watching, but is distracted as the moth reappears. She gives chase, but it climbs higher in the sky. Moth Flight stops following it as she hears a dog's bark, which growls happily as it sees her. The sheep around her begin to run in panic, and she sprints toward the edge of the field as the dog races toward her, aiming for the thick hedge. The dog is faster than her and she feels its hot breath on her haunches, along with a nip on her tail.
Moth Flight realizes she'll have to wind it down first before she can outrun it, and skids to a halt, lashing out with her forepaws. Before she can land a blow, a yellow tom flashes between them and the dog gives chase. Confused, she watches him until she is snapped out of her daze by two cats beside her, urging her away. She inquires about the yellow tabby, and one of the cats, a brown tom, asks her if she means Micah. The black-and-white she-cat tells her that he doesn't need any help, and the tom tells her to follow them to safety. They quickly push through the hedge, and Moth Flight hopes that the yellow tom will be safe.





Notes and references[]

  1. Revealed in Moth Flight's Vision, page 58
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 Revealed in Moth Flight's Vision, page 62
  3. Revealed in Moth Flight's Vision, page 59
  4. 4.0 4.1 Revealed in Moth Flight's Vision, page 60