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Warriors Wiki
See also: Cat names, how cats are named in the series.
Warrior ceremony

Brambleclaw's warrior ceremony

When a kit is born, it is up to their parents, usually their mother, to give them their prefix.[1] In a Clan, the name of a new kit is given with the suffix -kit at the end.[2] An apprentice usually has the suffix -paw,[3] unless otherwise noted.[4] A warrior, however, has a different suffix entirely, sometimes having to do with their description, personality,[5] or even a significance to another character.[6][7] Rarely, a cat will change its name if their parents or they themselves don't think it suits them anymore.[8] There have also been times when a character has earned their name based on an accomplishment,[9] a discovery of great importance,[10] or their actions in battle.[11] A leader, however, takes on -star as the final part of their name, to signify their connection to StarClan and also their rank as leader. Examples for all of this can be Sunkit, Sunpaw, Sunfall, and Sunstar.[12]

This page contains an ever-growing list of all canon Clan prefixes and suffixes in the Warriors series. For a list of canon Tribe or the Ancients prefixes and suffixes, click here.

Clan names[]










Interesting facts[]



The following information is from sources considered non-canon, retconned, or from adapted material.

See also[]

External links[]


  1. The following cites for the prefix Apple- [25][26][27][28][29][30][31]
  2. The following cites for the prefix Beech- [46][47][48][49][50]
  3. The following cites for the prefix Birch- [59][60][61][62][63][64][65]
  4. The following cites for the prefix Bracken- [86][87][88][89][90]
  5. The following cites for the prefix Bright- [98][99][100][101][102]
  6. The following cites for the prefix Cherry- [122][123][124][125][126]
  7. The following cites for the prefix Cloud- [136][137][138][139][140][141][142][143]
  8. The following cites for the prefix Dark- [169][170][171][172][173][174]
  9. The following cites for the prefix Dawn- [175][176][177][178][179][180][181][182]
  10. The following cites for the prefix Dew- [188][189][190][191][192][193][194]
  11. The following cites for the prefix Dusk- [203][204][205][206][207][208]
  12. The following cites for the prefix Ember- [224][225][226][227][228]
  13. The following cites for the prefix Fallow- [230][231][232][233][234][235]
  14. The following cites for the prefix Feather- [237][238][239][240][241][242][243][244]
  15. The following cites for the prefix Fern- [246][247][248][249][250][251][252]
  16. The following cites for the prefix Finch- [256][257][258][259][260]
  17. The following cites for the prefix Flower- [277][278][279][280][281]
  18. The following cites for the prefix Fox- [287][288][289][290][291]
  19. The following cites for the prefix Gorse- [308][309][310][311][312][313][314][315]
  20. The following cites for the prefix Gray- [321][322][323][324][325][326][327]
  21. The following cites for the prefix Hare- [333][334][335][336][337]
  22. The following cites for the prefix Hawk- [342][343][344][345][346][347][348]
  23. The following cites for the prefix Holly- [364][365][366][367][368][369]
  24. The following cites for the prefix Honey- [370][371][372][373][374]
  25. The following cites for the prefix Lark- [407][408][409][410][411]
  26. The following cites for the prefix Leaf- [413][414][415][416][417][418][419]
  27. The following cites for the prefix Lily- [428][429][430][431][432][433]
  28. The following cites for the prefix Mist- [475][476][477][478][479][480]
  29. The following cites for the prefix Morning- [491][492][493][494][495][496]
  30. The following cites for the prefix Moss- [497][498][499][500][501][502][503][504]
  31. The following cites for the prefix Mouse- [511][512][513][514][515]
  32. The following cites for the prefix Mud- [516][517][518][519][520][521]
  33. The following cites for the prefix Nettle- [527][528][529][530][531][532]
  34. The following cites for the prefix Night- [534][535][536][537][538][539][540][541][542][543]
  35. The following cites for the prefix Oak- [545][546][547][548][549]
  36. The following cites for the prefix Oat- [550][551][552][553][554]
  37. The following cites for the prefix Owl- [561][562][563][564][565][566][567]
  38. The following cites for the prefix Petal- [584][585][586][587][588][589]
  39. The following cites for the prefix Pine- [595][596][597][598][599]
  40. The following cites for the prefix Rabbit- [624][625][626][627][628][629]
  41. The following cites for the prefix Rain- [631][632][633][634][635][636][637][638][639]
  42. The following cites for the prefix Red- [645][646][647][648][649][650][651]
  43. The following cites for the prefix Reed- [652][653][654][655][656][657][658][659]
  44. The following cites for the prefix Ripple- [662][663][664][665][666]
  45. The following cites for the prefix Robin- [668][669][670][671][672][673]
  46. The following cites for the prefix Rowan- [681][682][683][684][685]
  47. The following cites for the prefix Silver- [737][738][739][740][741][742][743]
  48. The following cites for the prefix Smoke- [756][757][758][759][760]
  49. The following cites for the prefix Snow- [771][772][773][774][775][776][777]
  50. The following cites for the prefix Sparrow- [787][788][789][790][791][792]
  51. The following cites for the prefix Spider- [795][796][797][798][799]
  52. The following cites for the prefix Splash- [804][805][806][807][808][809]
  53. The following cites for the prefix Stone- [827][828][829][830][831][832][833]
  54. The following cites for the prefix Storm- [835][836][837][838][839][840]
  55. The following cites for the prefix Sun- [846][847][848][849][850][851][852][853]
  56. The following cites for the prefix Swift- [863][864][865][866][867][868][869][870]
  57. The following cites for the prefix Thistle- [884][885][886][887][888]
  58. The following cites for the prefix Trout- [906][907][908][909][910]
  59. The following cites for the prefix White- [940][941][942][943][944][945][946][947][948][949][950][951][952]
  60. The following cites for the prefix Willow- [956][957][958][959][960][961][962][963][964]
  61. The following cites for the suffix -berry [91][136][137][349][681][940]
  62. The following cites for the suffix -claw [20][70][92][103][128][216][253][275][287][298][310][309][308][390][394][516][517][525][528][550][561][595]
  63. The following cites for the suffix -cloud [176][246][381][439][458][475][491][534][605][606][631][768][835][901]
  64. The following cites for the suffix -dawn [26][224][225][607][919]
  65. The following cites for the suffix -ear [71][237][511][624][754][891][905]
  66. The following cites for the suffix -face [41][60][104][133][262][447][612]
  67. The following cites for the suffix -fall [38][61][78][122][585][632][674][982]
  68. The following cites for the suffix -fang [16][40][274][442][512][944][976]
  69. The following cites for the suffix -feather [123][149][153][157][177][983][212][307][391][476][618][617][653][787][788][821]
  70. The following cites for the suffix -flight [66][256][333][334][362][396][506][590][984][856][864][965][973][974]
  71. The following cites for the suffix -flower [98][169][178][305][329][364][428][489][493][633][820]
  72. The following cites for the suffix -foot [34][985][86][144][147][152][170][183][185][226][265][271][272][277][282][311][342][392][420][986][505]
  73. The following cites for the suffix -frost [28][108][154][343][608][735]
  74. The following cites for the suffix -fur [13][23][30][29][35][36][46][47][987][84][87][129][155][203][299][988][344][371][398][989][422][429]
  75. The following cites for the suffix -heart [19][37][55][76][79][88][94][95][99][119][130][160][991][266][288][316][345][402][430][436][498][499]
  76. The following cites for the suffix -leaf [21][54][164][247][248][366][372][501][547][812][823][975]
  77. The following cites for the suffix -leap [186][255][289][295][379][423][627][626][636][781][819][818][921]
  78. The following cites for the suffix -mist [138][179][217][321][495]
  79. The following cites for the suffix -nose [43][51][56][165][190][189][205][267][270][286][290][320][359][452][556][563][576][589][598][689][699][703]
  80. The following cites for the suffix -pelt [24][89][96][120][997][131][139][168][180][210][239][249][268][301][302][318][341][367][373][425][462]
  81. The following cites for the suffix -shine [31][42][403][416][580][616][654][655][663][783][920][961]
  82. The following cites for the suffix -song [67][219][233][251][259][407][408][524][564][971]
  83. The following cites for the suffix -splash [145][409][531][560][637]
  84. The following cites for the suffix -spring [193][195][1003][363][677]
  85. The following cites for the suffix -step [236][1006][356][441][549][609][904][969]
  86. The following cites for the suffix -storm [58][1007][214][241][404][418][638][690][702][946]
  87. The following cites for the suffix -stream [114][281][742][831][910][963]
  88. The following cites for the suffix -stripe [116][174][182][252][325][426][443][743][784]
  89. The following cites for the suffix -tail [15][39][45][50][1008][1009][126][132][143][146][156][161][166][220][221][235][242][269][284][296][315]
  90. The following cites for the suffix -tooth [389][594][695][734][766][765][767][832][890][924]
  91. The following cites for the suffix -whisker [53][82][102][243][285][291][294][297][319][375][377][382][433][456][486][487][508][514][544][553][554][1012]
  92. The following cites for the suffix -wing [68][75][90][106][199][215][244][326][327][348][353][357][358][383][397][401][411][410][509][515][543]

Notes and references[]

  1. Revealed in Outcast, page 129
  2. Revealed in Twilight, page 146
  3. Revealed in Into the Wild, page 36
  4. Revealed in SkyClan's Destiny, page 311
  5. Revealed in Into the Wild, page 52
  6. Revealed in Erin Hunter Chat 6
  7. Revealed in Dawn, page 316
  8. Revealed in River, page 237
  9. Revealed in Bluestar's Prophecy, page 286
  10. Revealed in Twilight, page 287
  11. Revealed in Bramblestar's Storm, page 451
  12. Revealed in Secrets of the Clans, page 103
  13. 13.0 13.1 Acorn Fur
  14. Acornpaw
  15. 15.0 15.1 Acorntail
  16. 16.0 16.1 Adderfang
  17. Adderkit
  18. Adderpaw (WC)
  19. 19.0 19.1 Alderheart
  20. 20.0 20.1 Amberclaw
  21. 21.0 21.1 Amberleaf
  22. 22.0 22.1 Ambermoon
  23. 23.0 23.1 Antfur
  24. 24.0 24.1 Antpelt
  25. 25.0 25.1 Apple Blossom
  26. 26.0 26.1 Appledawn
  27. 27.0 27.1 Appledusk
  28. 28.0 28.1 Applefrost
  29. 29.0 29.1 Applefur (TF)
  30. 30.0 30.1 Applefur (OotS)
  31. 31.0 31.1 Appleshine
  32. 32.0 32.1 Arc Shadow
  33. 33.0 33.1 Archeye
  34. 34.0 34.1 Ashfoot
  35. 35.0 35.1 Ashfur (ShC)
  36. 36.0 36.1 Ashfur (TC)
  37. 37.0 37.1 Ashheart
  38. 38.0 38.1 Aspenfall
  39. 39.0 39.1 Aspentail
  40. 40.0 40.1 Badgerfang
  41. 41.0 41.1 Barkface
  42. 42.0 42.1 Bayshine
  43. 43.0 43.1 Beenose
  44. Beepaw (SkC)
  45. 45.0 45.1 Beetail
  46. 46.0 46.1 Beechfur (RC)
  47. 47.0 47.1 Beechfur (TC)
  48. Beechpaw (SkC)
  49. Beechstar
  50. 50.0 50.1 Beech Tail
  51. 51.0 51.1 Beetlenose
  52. Beetlepaw (SkC)
  53. 53.0 53.1 Beetlewhisker
  54. 54.0 54.1 Bellaleaf
  55. 55.0 55.1 Berryheart
  56. 56.0 56.1 Berrynose
  57. 57.0 57.1 Bigteeth
  58. 58.0 58.1 Billystorm
  59. 59.0 59.1 Birchbark
  60. 60.0 60.1 Birchface
  61. 61.0 61.1 Birchfall
  62. Birchpaw (ASC)
  63. Birchstar (RC)
  64. Birchstar (SkC)
  65. Birchstar (WC)
  66. 66.0 66.1 Birdflight
  67. 67.0 67.1 Birdsong
  68. 68.0 68.1 Birdwing
  69. 69.0 69.1 Blackbee
  70. 70.0 70.1 Blackclaw
  71. 71.0 71.1 Black Ear
  72. Blackstar
  73. 73.0 73.1 Blazefire
  74. Blizzardstar
  75. 75.0 75.1 Blizzardwing
  76. 76.0 76.1 Bloomheart
  77. Bloomkit
  78. 78.0 78.1 Blossomfall
  79. 79.0 79.1 Blossomheart
  80. Blossomkit (ShC)
  81. Bluestar
  82. 82.0 82.1 Blue Whisker
  83. Bluebellkit
  84. 84.0 84.1 Boulderfur
  85. 85.0 85.1 Bouncefire
  86. 86.0 86.1 Brackenfoot
  87. 87.0 87.1 Brackenfur
  88. 88.0 88.1 Brackenheart
  89. 89.0 89.1 Brackenpelt
  90. 90.0 90.1 Brackenwing
  91. 91.0 91.1 Brambleberry
  92. 92.0 92.1 Brambleclaw
  93. Branchkit
  94. 94.0 94.1 Braveheart
  95. 95.0 95.1 Breezeheart
  96. 96.0 96.1 Breezepelt
  97. 97.0 97.1 Briarlight
  98. 98.0 98.1 Brightflower
  99. 99.0 99.1 Brightheart
  100. 100.0 100.1 Brightsky
  101. 101.0 101.1 Brightspirit
  102. 102.0 102.1 Brightwhisker
  103. 103.0 103.1 Brindleclaw
  104. 104.0 104.1 Brindleface
  105. Brindlestar
  106. 106.0 106.1 Brindlewing
  107. 107.0 107.1 Bristlebark
  108. 108.0 108.1 Bristlefrost
  109. Bristlepaw (ASC)
  110. Brokenstar
  111. Brookkit
  112. Brownpaw
  113. Brushpaw
  114. 114.0 114.1 Bubbling Stream
  115. 115.0 115.1 Bugeater
  116. 116.0 116.1 Bumblestripe
  117. Buzzardkit
  118. Buzzardstar
  119. 119.0 119.1 Cedarheart
  120. 120.0 120.1 Cedarpelt (RC)
  121. Cedarstar
  122. 122.0 122.1 Cherryfall
  123. 123.0 123.1 Cherryfeather
  124. Cherrypaw (SHA)
  125. Cherrypaw (Website)
  126. 126.0 126.1 Cherrytail
  127. Chestnutkit
  128. 128.0 128.1 Chiveclaw
  129. 129.0 129.1 Cinderfur
  130. 130.0 130.1 Cinderheart
  131. 131.0 131.1 Cinderpelt
  132. 132.0 132.1 Cinnamontail
  133. 133.0 133.1 Clawface
  134. 134.0 134.1 Clawwhistle
  135. 135.0 135.1 Clear Sky
  136. 136.0 136.1 Cloudberry (RC)
  137. 137.0 137.1 Cloudberry (TC)
  138. 138.0 138.1 Cloudmist
  139. 139.0 139.1 Cloudpelt
  140. 140.0 140.1 Cloudrunner
  141. 141.0 141.1 Cloud Spots
  142. Cloudstar
  143. 143.0 143.1 Cloudtail
  144. 144.0 144.1 Cloverfoot
  145. 145.0 145.1 Cloversplash
  146. 146.0 146.1 Clovertail
  147. 147.0 147.1 Conefoot
  148. Copperpaw
  149. 149.0 149.1 Creekfeather
  150. Cricketkit
  151. Crookedstar
  152. 152.0 152.1 Crouchfoot
  153. 153.0 153.1 Crowfeather
  154. 154.0 154.1 Crowfrost
  155. 155.0 155.1 Crowfur
  156. 156.0 156.1 Crowtail
  157. 157.0 157.1 Curlfeather
  158. Curlypaw
  159. Cypresspaw
  160. 160.0 160.1 Daisyheart
  161. 161.0 161.1 Daisytail
  162. 162.0 162.1 Daisytoe
  163. Dandelionkit
  164. 164.0 164.1 Dangling Leaf
  165. 165.0 165.1 Dapplenose
  166. 166.0 166.1 Dappletail
  167. 167.0 167.1 Dappletuft
  168. 168.0 168.1 Dappled Pelt
  169. 169.0 169.1 Darkflower
  170. 170.0 170.1 Darkfoot
  171. Darkstar (CotC)
  172. Darkstar (MV)
  173. Darkstar (SkC)
  174. 174.0 174.1 Darkstripe
  175. 175.0 175.1 Dawnbright
  176. 176.0 176.1 Dawncloud
  177. 177.0 177.1 Dawnfeather
  178. 178.0 178.1 Dawnflower
  179. 179.0 179.1 Dawn Mist
  180. 180.0 180.1 Dawnpelt
  181. Dawnstar
  182. 182.0 182.1 Dawnstripe
  183. 183.0 183.1 Deadfoot
  184. 184.0 184.1 Deerdapple
  185. 185.0 185.1 Deerfoot
  186. 186.0 186.1 Deerleap
  187. Deerpaw (PC)
  188. Dewkit (ShC)
  189. 189.0 189.1 Dew Nose
  190. 190.0 190.1 Dewnose
  191. 191.0 191.1 Dew Petal
  192. 192.0 192.1 Dewspots
  193. 193.0 193.1 Dewspring
  194. Dewstar
  195. 195.0 195.1 Doespring
  196. Doestar
  197. Dovestar (RC)
  198. Dovestar (WC)
  199. 199.0 199.1 Dovewing
  200. Downkit
  201. Driftkit
  202. Duckpaw
  203. 203.0 203.1 Duskfur
  204. Duskkit
  205. 205.0 205.1 Dusk Nose
  206. Duskpaw
  207. 207.0 207.1 Dusk Smoke
  208. 208.0 208.1 Duskwater
  209. 209.0 209.1 Dust Muzzle
  210. 210.0 210.1 Dustpelt
  211. Duststar
  212. 212.0 212.1 Eagle Feather
  213. Eaglekit (WC)
  214. 214.0 214.1 Eaglestorm
  215. 215.0 215.1 Eaglewing
  216. 216.0 216.1 Ebonyclaw
  217. 217.0 217.1 Echomist
  218. 218.0 218.1 Echosnout
  219. 219.0 219.1 Echosong
  220. 220.0 220.1 Eeltail (CotC)
  221. 221.0 221.1 Eeltail (MV)
  222. Eggpaw
  223. Elderkit
  224. 224.0 224.1 Emberdawn (LH)
  225. 225.0 225.1 Emberdawn (TBC)
  226. 226.0 226.1 Emberfoot
  227. Emberkit (CJ)
  228. Emberstar
  229. 229.0 229.1 Fallensnow
  230. 230.0 230.1 Fallowfern
  231. Fallowkit
  232. Fallowpaw
  233. 233.0 233.1 Fallowsong
  234. Fallowstar
  235. 235.0 235.1 Fallowtail
  236. 236.0 236.1 Fawnstep
  237. 237.0 237.1 Feather Ear
  238. Featherkit (Website)
  239. 239.0 239.1 Featherpelt
  240. Featherstar
  241. 241.0 241.1 Featherstorm
  242. 242.0 242.1 Feathertail
  243. 243.0 243.1 Featherwhisker
  244. 244.0 244.1 Featherwing
  245. Fennelstar
  246. 246.0 246.1 Ferncloud
  247. 247.0 247.1 Fern Leaf
  248. 248.0 248.1 Fernleaf
  249. 249.0 249.1 Fernpelt
  250. 250.0 250.1 Fernshade
  251. 251.0 251.1 Fernsong
  252. 252.0 252.1 Fernstripe
  253. 253.0 253.1 Ferretclaw
  254. 254.0 254.1 Fidgetflake
  255. 255.0 255.1 Finleap
  256. 256.0 256.1 Finchflight
  257. Finchkit (WC)
  258. 258.0 258.1 Finchlight
  259. 259.0 259.1 Finch Song
  260. Finchstar
  261. Firkit
  262. 262.0 262.1 Fireface
  263. 263.0 263.1 Firefern
  264. Firestar
  265. 265.0 265.1 Flailfoot
  266. 266.0 266.1 Flameheart
  267. 267.0 267.1 Flamenose
  268. 268.0 268.1 Flamepelt
  269. 269.0 269.1 Flametail
  270. 270.0 270.1 Flashnose
  271. 271.0 271.1 Flaxfoot
  272. 272.0 272.1 Fleetfoot
  273. Flickerkit
  274. 274.0 274.1 Flintfang
  275. 275.0 275.1 Flipclaw
  276. Floatkit
  277. 277.0 277.1 Flower Foot
  278. Flowerpaw (TC)
  279. Flowerstar
  280. 280.0 280.1 Flowerstem (AVoS)
  281. 281.0 281.1 Flower Stream
  282. 282.0 282.1 Flutterfoot
  283. Flystar
  284. 284.0 284.1 Flytail
  285. 285.0 285.1 Flywhisker
  286. 286.0 286.1 Fognose
  287. 287.0 287.1 Foxclaw
  288. 288.0 288.1 Foxheart
  289. 289.0 289.1 Foxleap
  290. 290.0 290.1 Foxnose
  291. 291.0 291.1 Foxwhisker
  292. 292.0 292.1 Frecklewish (SkC)
  293. 293.0 293.1 Frecklewish (TC)
  294. 294.0 294.1 Fringewhisker
  295. 295.0 295.1 Frogleap
  296. 296.0 296.1 Frogtail
  297. 297.0 297.1 Frondwhisker
  298. 298.0 298.1 Frostclaw
  299. 299.0 299.1 Frostfur
  300. Frostpaw (RC)
  301. 301.0 301.1 Furzepelt
  302. 302.0 302.1 Fuzzypelt
  303. Galekit
  304. Galestar
  305. 305.0 305.1 Goldenflower
  306. Goldenstar
  307. 307.0 307.1 Goosefeather
  308. 308.0 308.1 Gorseclaw (WC)
  309. 309.0 309.1 Gorseclaw (TC)
  310. 310.0 310.1 Gorseclaw (RC)
  311. 311.0 311.1 Gorsefoot
  312. Gorsepaw (WC)
  313. Gorsestar
  314. 314.0 314.1 Gorsetail (TNP)
  315. 315.0 315.1 Gorsetail (PoT)
  316. 316.0 316.1 Grassheart
  317. Grasskit (WC)
  318. 318.0 318.1 Grasspelt
  319. 319.0 319.1 Grasswhisker
  320. 320.0 320.1 Gravelnose
  321. 321.0 321.1 Graymist
  322. Graypaw (River)
  323. Graypaw (Wind)
  324. 324.0 324.1 Graypool
  325. 325.0 325.1 Graystripe
  326. 326.0 326.1 Gray Wing
  327. 327.0 327.1 Graywing (RC)
  328. 328.0 328.1 Greeneyes
  329. 329.0 329.1 Greenflower
  330. 330.0 330.1 Gullswoop
  331. Hailstar
  332. 332.0 332.1 Halftail
  333. 333.0 333.1 Hareflight (FQ)
  334. 334.0 334.1 Hareflight (TR)
  335. 335.0 335.1 Harelight
  336. 336.0 336.1 Harepounce
  337. Harestar
  338. 338.0 338.1 Harrybrook
  339. 339.0 339.1 Harveymoon
  340. Hatchkit
  341. 341.0 341.1 Havenpelt
  342. 342.0 342.1 Hawkfoot
  343. 343.0 343.1 Hawkfrost
  344. 344.0 344.1 Hawkfur
  345. 345.0 345.1 Hawkheart
  346. 346.0 346.1 Hawksnow
  347. Hawkstar
  348. 348.0 348.1 Hawkwing
  349. 349.0 349.1 Hayberry
  350. 350.0 350.1 Hazel Burrow
  351. Hazelstar
  352. 352.0 352.1 Hazeltail
  353. 353.0 353.1 Hazelwing
  354. Heatherstar
  355. 355.0 355.1 Heathertail
  356. 356.0 356.1 Heavystep
  357. 357.0 357.1 Heronwing (RC)
  358. 358.0 358.1 Heronwing (TC)
  359. 359.0 359.1 Hickorynose
  360. Hillkit
  361. 361.0 361.1 Hollowbelly
  362. 362.0 362.1 Hollowflight
  363. 363.0 363.1 Hollowspring
  364. 364.0 364.1 Hollyflower
  365. Hollykit (TNP)
  366. 366.0 366.1 Hollyleaf
  367. 367.0 367.1 Hollypelt
  368. Hollystar
  369. 369.0 369.1 Hollytuft
  370. 370.0 370.1 Honeyfern
  371. 371.0 371.1 Honeyfur
  372. 372.0 372.1 Honeyleaf
  373. 373.0 373.1 Honey Pelt
  374. 374.0 374.1 Honeytail
  375. 375.0 375.1 Hootwhisker
  376. Hopkit (WC)
  377. 377.0 377.1 Hopwhisker
  378. Hopekit
  379. 379.0 379.1 Houndleap
  380. Houndstar
  381. 381.0 381.1 Icecloud
  382. 382.0 382.1 Icewhisker
  383. 383.0 383.1 Icewing
  384. 384.0 384.1 Ivypool
  385. Ivystar
  386. 386.0 386.1 Ivytail (RC)
  387. 387.0 387.1 Ivytail (ShC)
  388. 388.0 388.1 Jagged Peak
  389. 389.0 389.1 Jaggedtooth
  390. 390.0 390.1 Jayclaw
  391. 391.0 391.1 Jayfeather
  392. 392.0 392.1 Jumpfoot
  393. 393.0 393.1 Juniper Branch
  394. 394.0 394.1 Juniperclaw
  395. Juniperkit
  396. 396.0 396.1 Kestrelflight
  397. 397.0 397.1 Kestrelwing
  398. 398.0 398.1 Kinkfur
  399. 399.0 399.1 Kinktail
  400. 400.0 400.1 Kitescratch
  401. 401.0 401.1 Kite Wing
  402. 402.0 402.1 Lakeheart
  403. 403.0 403.1 Lakeshine
  404. 404.0 404.1 Lakestorm
  405. Larchkit (TNP)
  406. Larchkit (MV)
  407. 407.0 407.1 Larksong (BP)
  408. 408.0 408.1 Larksong (AVoS)
  409. 409.0 409.1 Larksplash
  410. 410.0 410.1 Larkwing (FQ)
  411. 411.0 411.1 Larkwing (BrS)
  412. Lavenderkit
  413. Leafkit (WC)
  414. 414.0 414.1 Leafpool
  415. 415.0 415.1 Leafshade
  416. 416.0 416.1 Leafshine
  417. Leafstar
  418. 418.0 418.1 Leafstorm
  419. 419.0 419.1 Leaftail
  420. 420.0 420.1 Leopardfoot
  421. Leopardstar
  422. 422.0 422.1 Lichenfur
  423. 423.0 423.1 Lightleap
  424. Lightningpaw
  425. 425.0 425.1 Lightningpelt
  426. 426.0 426.1 Lightning Stripe
  427. 427.0 427.1 Lightning Tail
  428. 428.0 428.1 Lilyflower
  429. 429.0 429.1 Lilyfur
  430. 430.0 430.1 Lilyheart
  431. Lilystar
  432. 432.0 432.1 Lilystem
  433. 433.0 433.1 Lilywhisker
  434. 434.0 434.1 Lionblaze
  435. 435.0 435.1 Lioneye
  436. 436.0 436.1 Lionheart
  437. Lionstar
  438. 438.0 438.1 Littlebird
  439. 439.0 439.1 Littlecloud
  440. Littlekit (YS)
  441. 441.0 441.1 Littlestep
  442. 442.0 442.1 Lizardfang
  443. 443.0 443.1 Lizardstripe
  444. 444.0 444.1 Lizardtail
  445. 445.0 445.1 Logfur
  446. 446.0 446.1 Longtail
  447. 447.0 447.1 Lostface
  448. 448.0 448.1 Loudbelly
  449. Lynxkit
  450. 450.0 450.1 Maggottail
  451. 451.0 451.1 Mallowfur
  452. 452.0 452.1 Mallownose
  453. 453.0 453.1 Mallowtail
  454. 454.0 454.1 Mapleshade
  455. Maplestar
  456. 456.0 456.1 Maplewhisker
  457. Marigoldkit
  458. 458.0 458.1 Marshcloud
  459. Marshkit
  460. Marshpaw
  461. 461.0 461.1 Marshscar
  462. 462.0 462.1 Meadowpelt
  463. 463.0 463.1 Meadowslip
  464. 464.0 464.1 Midgepelt
  465. 465.0 465.1 Milkfur (MV)
  466. 466.0 466.1 Milkfur (YS)
  467. 467.0 467.1 Milkfur (WC)
  468. Minnowkit (CotC)
  469. Minnowkit (CP)
  470. 470.0 470.1 Minnowtail
  471. 471.0 471.1 Mintfur (RC)
  472. 472.0 472.1 Mintfur (SkC)
  473. Mintkit (ShC)
  474. Mintpaw (CJ)
  475. 475.0 475.1 Mistcloud
  476. 476.0 476.1 Mistfeather
  477. Mistkit (TC)
  478. 478.0 478.1 Mistmouse
  479. Mistpaw
  480. 480.0 480.1 Mistpelt
  481. Mistlekit (SkC)
  482. Mistlekit (TC)
  483. Mistystar
  484. Molepaw (TNP)
  485. 485.0 485.1 Molepelt
  486. 486.0 486.1 Molewhisker (RC)
  487. 487.0 487.1 Molewhisker (TC)
  488. Monkeystar
  489. 489.0 489.1 Moonflower
  490. Moonpaw (CS)
  491. 491.0 491.1 Morningcloud
  492. 492.0 492.1 Morning Fire
  493. 493.0 493.1 Morningflower
  494. Morningkit
  495. 495.0 495.1 Morningmist
  496. Morningstar
  497. 497.0 497.1 Mossfire
  498. 498.0 498.1 Mossheart (ShC)
  499. 499.0 499.1 Mossheart (TC)
  500. Mosskit (TC)
  501. 501.0 501.1 Mossleaf
  502. Mosspaw (ShC)
  503. 503.0 503.1 Mosspelt
  504. 504.0 504.1 Moss Tail
  505. 505.0 505.1 Mossyfoot
  506. 506.0 506.1 Moth Flight
  507. 507.0 507.1 Mothpelt
  508. 508.0 508.1 Mothwhisker
  509. 509.0 509.1 Mothwing
  510. Mottlepaw
  511. 511.0 511.1 Mouse Ear
  512. 512.0 512.1 Mousefang
  513. 513.0 513.1 Mousefur
  514. 514.0 514.1 Mousewhisker
  515. 515.0 515.1 Mousewing
  516. 516.0 516.1 Mudclaw (ShC)
  517. 517.0 517.1 Mudclaw (WC)
  518. 518.0 518.1 Mudfur
  519. 519.0 519.1 Mud Paws
  520. 520.0 520.1 Mudpuddle
  521. 521.0 521.1 Mudthorn
  522. 522.0 522.1 Mumblefoot
  523. 523.0 523.1 Myrtlebloom
  524. 524.0 524.1 Nectarsong
  525. 525.0 525.1 Needleclaw
  526. 526.0 526.1 Needletail
  527. 527.0 527.1 Nettlebreeze
  528. 528.0 528.1 Nettleclaw
  529. 529.0 529.1 Nettlepad
  530. Nettlepaw (RC)
  531. 531.0 531.1 Nettlesplash
  532. 532.0 532.1 Nettlespot
  533. 533.0 533.1 Newtspeck
  534. 534.0 534.1 Nightcloud
  535. 535.0 535.1 Nightfur
  536. 536.0 536.1 Nightheart (ASC)
  537. Nightkit (TC)
  538. 538.0 538.1 Nightmask
  539. 539.0 539.1 Nightsky
  540. Nightstar (RC)
  541. Nightstar (ShC)
  542. 542.0 542.1 Nightwhisper
  543. 543.0 543.1 Nightwing
  544. 544.0 544.1 Nutwhisker
  545. 545.0 545.1 Oakfur
  546. 546.0 546.1 Oakheart
  547. 547.0 547.1 Oakleaf
  548. Oakstar
  549. 549.0 549.1 Oakstep
  550. 550.0 550.1 Oatclaw
  551. Oatpaw (RC)
  552. 552.0 552.1 Oatspeckle
  553. 553.0 553.1 Oatwhisker (TC)
  554. 554.0 554.1 Oatwhisker (WC)
  555. 555.0 555.1 Oddfoot
  556. 556.0 556.1 Olivenose
  557. 557.0 557.1 One-eye
  558. Onestar
  559. 559.0 559.1 Otterheart
  560. 560.0 560.1 Ottersplash
  561. 561.0 561.1 Owlclaw
  562. 562.0 562.1 Owlfur
  563. 563.0 563.1 Owlnose
  564. 564.0 564.1 Owl Song
  565. Owlstar (CotC)
  566. Owlstar (SotC)
  567. 567.0 567.1 Owlwhisker
  568. 568.0 568.1 Palebird
  569. 569.0 569.1 Palefoot
  570. 570.0 570.1 Palesky
  571. 571.0 571.1 Parsleyseed
  572. 572.0 572.1 Patchfoot
  573. Patchkit (MV)
  574. 574.0 574.1 Patch Pelt
  575. 575.0 575.1 Patchpelt
  576. 576.0 576.1 Pearnose
  577. 577.0 577.1 Pebblefoot
  578. 578.0 578.1 Pebblefur
  579. 579.0 579.1 Pebble Heart
  580. 580.0 580.1 Pebbleshine
  581. Perchkit
  582. Perchpaw (MV)
  583. 583.0 583.1 Perchwing
  584. 584.0 584.1 Petaldust
  585. 585.0 585.1 Petalfall
  586. 586.0 586.1 Petalfur
  587. Petalkit (LC)
  588. Petalkit (MV)
  589. 589.0 589.1 Petalnose
  590. 590.0 590.1 Pigeonflight
  591. 591.0 591.1 Pigeonfoot
  592. Pikepaw (BotC)
  593. Pikepaw (MO)
  594. 594.0 594.1 Piketooth
  595. 595.0 595.1 Pineclaw
  596. 596.0 596.1 Pinefur
  597. 597.0 597.1 Pine Needle
  598. 598.0 598.1 Pinenose
  599. Pinestar
  600. 600.0 600.1 Pink Eyes
  601. 601.0 601.1 Plumclaw
  602. 602.0 602.1 Plumstone
  603. 603.0 603.1 Plumwillow
  604. 604.0 604.1 Podlight
  605. 605.0 605.1 Poolcloud
  606. 606.0 606.1 Poppycloud
  607. 607.0 607.1 Poppydawn
  608. 608.0 608.1 Poppyfrost
  609. 609.0 609.1 Pouncestep
  610. 610.0 610.1 Pouncetail (RC)
  611. 611.0 611.1 Pouncetail (ShC)
  612. 612.0 612.1 Prickleface
  613. Pricklekit (RC)
  614. Pricklekit (WC)
  615. Primrosepaw
  616. 616.0 616.1 Puddleshine
  617. 617.0 617.1 Quailfeather (TBC)
  618. 618.0 618.1 Quailfeather (CotC)
  619. 619.0 619.1 Quailheart
  620. Quailkit (WC)
  621. Quickpaw
  622. 622.0 622.1 Quick Water
  623. Quietkit
  624. 624.0 624.1 Rabbitear
  625. 625.0 625.1 Rabbitfur
  626. 626.0 626.1 Rabbitleap (TC)
  627. 627.0 627.1 Rabbitleap (SkC)
  628. Rabbitstar
  629. 629.0 629.1 Rabbittail
  630. Raggedstar
  631. 631.0 631.1 Raincloud
  632. 632.0 632.1 Rainfall
  633. 633.0 633.1 Rainflower
  634. 634.0 634.1 Rainfur (SkC)
  635. 635.0 635.1 Rainfur (TC)
  636. 636.0 636.1 Rainleap
  637. 637.0 637.1 Rainsplash
  638. 638.0 638.1 Rainstorm
  639. 639.0 639.1 Rainwhisker
  640. Rapidkit
  641. 641.0 641.1 Ratscar
  642. Ravenpaw
  643. Ravenstar
  644. 644.0 644.1 Ravenwing
  645. 645.0 645.1 Red Claw
  646. 646.0 646.1 Redclaw
  647. 647.0 647.1 Redscar
  648. Redstar
  649. 649.0 649.1 Redtail
  650. 650.0 650.1 Redthistle
  651. 651.0 651.1 Redwillow
  652. 652.0 652.1 Reedclaw
  653. 653.0 653.1 Reedfeather
  654. 654.0 654.1 Reedshine (CotC)
  655. 655.0 655.1 Reedshine (MV)
  656. Reedstar
  657. 657.0 657.1 Reed Tail
  658. 658.0 658.1 Reedtail
  659. 659.0 659.1 Reedwhisker
  660. Ridgekit
  661. 661.0 661.1 Rileypool
  662. 662.0 662.1 Rippleclaw
  663. 663.0 663.1 Ripple Shine
  664. Ripplestar
  665. 665.0 665.1 Rippletail (RC)
  666. 666.0 666.1 Rippletail (ShC)
  667. Riverstar
  668. Robinkit
  669. Robinstar
  670. 670.0 670.1 Robinwing (RC)
  671. 671.0 671.1 Robinwing (SkC)
  672. 672.0 672.1 Robinwing (TC)
  673. 673.0 673.1 Robinwing (WC)
  674. 674.0 674.1 Rockfall
  675. 675.0 675.1 Rockshade
  676. 676.0 676.1 Rooktail
  677. 677.0 677.1 Rootspring
  678. 678.0 678.1 Rosebush
  679. 679.0 679.1 Rosepetal
  680. 680.0 680.1 Rosetail
  681. 681.0 681.1 Rowanberry
  682. 682.0 682.1 Rowanclaw
  683. 683.0 683.1 Rowanfur
  684. Rowankit (ASC)
  685. Rowanstar (CotC)
  686. Rubblekit
  687. Rubblepaw
  688. 688.0 688.1 Runningbrook
  689. 689.0 689.1 Runningnose
  690. 690.0 690.1 Runningstorm
  691. 691.0 691.1 Runningwind
  692. Rushpaw (BotC)
  693. 693.0 693.1 Rushtail (RC)
  694. 694.0 694.1 Rushtail (WC)
  695. 695.0 695.1 Rushtooth
  696. 696.0 696.1 Russetfur
  697. 697.0 697.1 Ryestalk
  698. 698.0 698.1 Ryewhisker
  699. 699.0 699.1 Sagenose
  700. 700.0 700.1 Sagewhisker
  701. 701.0 701.1 Sandgorse
  702. 702.0 702.1 Sandstorm
  703. 703.0 703.1 Sandynose
  704. 704.0 704.1 Scorchfur
  705. 705.0 705.1 Scorchwind
  706. 706.0 706.1 Sedgecreek
  707. Sedgestar
  708. 708.0 708.1 Sedgewhisker
  709. Seedpaw
  710. 710.0 710.1 Seedpelt (FQ)
  711. 711.0 711.1 Seedpelt (MV)
  712. 712.0 712.1 Seedpelt (PC)
  713. 713.0 713.1 Shade Pelt
  714. 714.0 714.1 Shadepelt (TPB)
  715. 715.0 715.1 Shadepelt (AVoS)
  716. Shadestar
  717. 717.0 717.1 Shadowsight
  718. Shadowstar
  719. 719.0 719.1 Sharpclaw
  720. 720.0 720.1 Shattered Ice
  721. 721.0 721.1 Sheeptail
  722. 722.0 722.1 Shell Claw
  723. 723.0 723.1 Shellfur
  724. 724.0 724.1 Shellheart
  725. 725.0 725.1 Shimmerpelt (BrS)
  726. 726.0 726.1 Shimmerpelt (CP)
  727. 727.0 727.1 Shiningheart
  728. 728.0 728.1 Shivering Rose
  729. 729.0 729.1 Shortwhisker
  730. 730.0 730.1 Shredtail
  731. 731.0 731.1 Shrewclaw
  732. 732.0 732.1 Shrewfoot
  733. Shrewpaw (TC)
  734. 734.0 734.1 Shrewtooth
  735. 735.0 735.1 Shyfrost
  736. 736.0 736.1 Shyheart
  737. 737.0 737.1 Silverflame
  738. 738.0 738.1 Silverhawk
  739. 739.0 739.1 Silvermask
  740. Silverpaw (BotC)
  741. Silverpaw (TPB)
  742. 742.0 742.1 Silverstream
  743. 743.0 743.1 Silver Stripe
  744. 744.0 744.1 Skyheart
  745. Skystar
  746. 746.0 746.1 Skywatcher
  747. 747.0 747.1 Slatefur
  748. 748.0 748.1 Slatepelt
  749. 749.0 749.1 Sleek Fur
  750. 750.0 750.1 Sleekwhisker
  751. 751.0 751.1 Slightfoot
  752. 752.0 752.1 Sloefur (RC)
  753. 753.0 753.1 Sloefur (ShC)
  754. 754.0 754.1 Smallear
  755. Smallstar
  756. 756.0 756.1 Smokefoot
  757. 757.0 757.1 Smokehaze
  758. Smokepaw (SotC)
  759. Smokepaw (TNP)
  760. 760.0 760.1 Smoketalon
  761. Snailpaw
  762. 762.0 762.1 Snail Shell
  763. 763.0 763.1 Snaketail (FQ)
  764. 764.0 764.1 Snaketail (PoT)
  765. 765.0 765.1 Snaketooth (ShC)
  766. 766.0 766.1 Snaketooth (RC)
  767. 767.0 767.1 Snaptooth
  768. 768.0 768.1 Sneezecloud
  769. Snipkit
  770. 770.0 770.1 Snookthorn
  771. 771.0 771.1 Snowbird
  772. 772.0 772.1 Snowbush
  773. 773.0 773.1 Snowfur
  774. Snowkit (TPB)
  775. Snowstar
  776. 776.0 776.1 Snow Tail
  777. 777.0 777.1 Snowtuft
  778. 778.0 778.1 Softpelt
  779. 779.0 779.1 Softwing
  780. 780.0 780.1 Songbird
  781. 781.0 781.1 Songleap
  782. 782.0 782.1 Sootfur
  783. 783.0 783.1 Sorrelshine
  784. 784.0 784.1 Sorrelstripe
  785. 785.0 785.1 Sorreltail
  786. 786.0 786.1 Sparkpelt
  787. 787.0 787.1 Sparrowfeather (DF)
  788. 788.0 788.1 Sparrowfeather (StC)
  789. 789.0 789.1 Sparrowpelt (SkC)
  790. 790.0 790.1 Sparrowpelt (TC)
  791. Sparrowstar
  792. 792.0 792.1 Sparrowtail
  793. Specklepaw
  794. 794.0 794.1 Speckletail
  795. 795.0 795.1 Spiderfoot
  796. 796.0 796.1 Spiderleg
  797. 797.0 797.1 Spider Paw
  798. 798.0 798.1 Spiderpelt
  799. Spiderstar
  800. 800.0 800.1 Spikefur
  801. 801.0 801.1 Spiketail
  802. 802.0 802.1 Spireclaw
  803. 803.0 803.1 Spiresight
  804. 804.0 804.1 Splashfoot
  805. 805.0 805.1 Splashheart
  806. Splashkit (CP)
  807. 807.0 807.1 Splashnose
  808. Splashpaw (TNP)
  809. 809.0 809.1 Splashtail
  810. 810.0 810.1 Spotfur
  811. 811.0 811.1 Spotted Fur
  812. 812.0 812.1 Spottedleaf
  813. Spottedpaw (ShC)
  814. 814.0 814.1 Spottedpelt
  815. 815.0 815.1 Squirrelfur
  816. Squirrelstar
  817. 817.0 817.1 Squirrelwhisker
  818. 818.0 818.1 Stagleap (TC)
  819. 819.0 819.1 Stagleap (WC)
  820. 820.0 820.1 Star Flower
  821. 821.0 821.1 Starlingfeather
  822. 822.0 822.1 Starlingwing
  823. 823.0 823.1 Stemleaf
  824. Stempaw (ASC)
  825. 825.0 825.1 Stoatfur (ShC)
  826. 826.0 826.1 Stoatfur (SkC)
  827. 827.0 827.1 Stoneclaw
  828. 828.0 828.1 Stonefur
  829. 829.0 829.1 Stonepelt
  830. Stonestar
  831. 831.0 831.1 Stonestream
  832. 832.0 832.1 Stonetooth
  833. 833.0 833.1 Stonewing
  834. Storkkit
  835. 835.0 835.1 Stormcloud
  836. 836.0 836.1 Stormfur
  837. 837.0 837.1 Stormheart
  838. Stormkit (CP)
  839. 839.0 839.1 Storm Pelt
  840. 840.0 840.1 Stormtail
  841. Streamkit
  842. 842.0 842.1 Strikestone
  843. Stripekit
  844. Stripestar
  845. 845.0 845.1 Stumpytail
  846. 846.0 846.1 Sunbeam
  847. 847.0 847.1 Sunfish
  848. 848.0 848.1 Sunpelt (LC)
  849. 849.0 849.1 Sunpelt (SkC)
  850. 850.0 850.1 Sun Shadow
  851. 851.0 851.1 Sunspots
  852. Sunstar
  853. 853.0 853.1 Sunstrike
  854. 854.0 854.1 Sunnypelt
  855. 855.0 855.1 Sunnytail
  856. 856.0 856.1 Swallowflight
  857. 857.0 857.1 Swallowtail (RC)
  858. 858.0 858.1 Swallowtail (WC)
  859. Swampkit
  860. Swankit
  861. 861.0 861.1 Sweetbriar
  862. Sweetpaw
  863. 863.0 863.1 Swiftbreeze
  864. 864.0 864.1 Swiftflight
  865. 865.0 865.1 Swiftfoot
  866. 866.0 866.1 Swift Minnow
  867. Swiftpaw (TPB)
  868. Swiftstar (LC)
  869. Swiftstar (WC)
  870. 870.0 870.1 Swiftwing
  871. 871.0 871.1 Tallpoppy
  872. 872.0 872.1 Tall Shadow
  873. Tallstar
  874. Talonpaw
  875. Talonstar
  876. 876.0 876.1 Tangleburr
  877. Tanglepaw (RC)
  878. 878.0 878.1 Tanglewhisker
  879. Tansypaw (SkC)
  880. Tansypaw (WC)
  881. 881.0 881.1 Tawnyfur
  882. 882.0 882.1 Tawnypelt
  883. 883.0 883.1 Tawnyspots
  884. 884.0 884.1 Thistleclaw
  885. 885.0 885.1 Thistleheart
  886. Thistlepaw (CotC)
  887. Thistlepaw (TNP)
  888. 888.0 888.1 Thistletail
  889. 889.0 889.1 Thornclaw
  890. 890.0 890.1 Thorntooth
  891. 891.0 891.1 Thriftear
  892. 892.0 892.1 Thrushpelt (TC)
  893. 893.0 893.1 Thrushpelt (WC)
  894. 894.0 894.1 Thrushtalon
  895. 895.0 895.1 Thrushwing
  896. Thunderstar
  897. Tigerstar (AVoS)
  898. Tigerstar (TPB)
  899. 899.0 899.1 Timberfur
  900. 900.0 900.1 Tiny Branch
  901. 901.0 901.1 Tinycloud
  902. 902.0 902.1 Toadfoot
  903. 903.0 903.1 Toadskip
  904. 904.0 904.1 Toadstep
  905. 905.0 905.1 Tornear
  906. 906.0 906.1 Troutclaw
  907. 907.0 907.1 Trout Fur
  908. Troutkit
  909. Troutstar
  910. 910.0 910.1 Troutstream
  911. Tulipkit
  912. Tumblekit
  913. 913.0 913.1 Turtlecrawl
  914. Turtlekit (ShC)
  915. 915.0 915.1 Twigbranch
  916. 916.0 916.1 Twigtail
  917. Vinestar
  918. 918.0 918.1 Vinetail
  919. 919.0 919.1 Violet Dawn
  920. 920.0 920.1 Violetshine
  921. 921.0 921.1 Vixenleap
  922. 922.0 922.1 Voleclaw
  923. Volestar
  924. 924.0 924.1 Voletooth
  925. 925.0 925.1 Volewhisper
  926. Wafflepaw
  927. 927.0 927.1 Wasptail
  928. 928.0 928.1 Waspwhisker
  929. Wavepaw
  930. 930.0 930.1 Weaselfur
  931. Weaselkit
  932. 932.0 932.1 Weaselwhisker
  933. 933.0 933.1 Webfoot
  934. Webkit
  935. 935.0 935.1 Weedwhisker
  936. 936.0 936.1 Wetfoot
  937. 937.0 937.1 Whiskernose
  938. Whisperkit
  939. Whistlepaw
  940. 940.0 940.1 Whiteberry
  941. 941.0 941.1 Whitebreeze
  942. 942.0 942.1 Whiteclaw
  943. 943.0 943.1 White-eye
  944. 944.0 944.1 Whitefang
  945. Whitestar
  946. 946.0 946.1 Whitestorm
  947. 947.0 947.1 White Tail
  948. 948.0 948.1 Whitetail (StC)
  949. 949.0 949.1 Whitetail (WC)
  950. 950.0 950.1 Whitethroat
  951. 951.0 951.1 Whitewater
  952. 952.0 952.1 Whitewing
  953. 953.0 953.1 Whorlpelt
  954. 954.0 954.1 Wildfur
  955. Wildkit
  956. 956.0 956.1 Willowbreeze
  957. 957.0 957.1 Willowclaw
  958. Willowkit (CP)
  959. 959.0 959.1 Willownose
  960. 960.0 960.1 Willowpelt
  961. 961.0 961.1 Willowshine
  962. Willowstar
  963. 963.0 963.1 Willow Stream
  964. 964.0 964.1 Willow Tail
  965. 965.0 965.1 Windflight
  966. Windstar
  967. Wishkit
  968. 968.0 968.1 Wolfheart
  969. 969.0 969.1 Wolfstep
  970. Woodkit (RC)
  971. 971.0 971.1 Woodsong
  972. 972.0 972.1 Woollytail
  973. 973.0 973.1 Wrenflight (SkC)
  974. 974.0 974.1 Wrenflight (WC)
  975. 975.0 975.1 Yarrowleaf
  976. 976.0 976.1 Yellowfang
  977. Yellowstar
  978. 978.0 978.1 Yew Tail
  979. Tigerclaw
  980. Leafdapple
  981. Owl Eyes
  982. Sunfall
  983. Doefeather
  984. Squirrelflight
  985. Blackfoot
  986. Mistyfoot
  987. Bluefur
  988. Gorse Fur
  989. Leopardfur
  990. Sparrow Fur
  991. Fireheart
  992. Pineheart
  993. Tigerheart
  994. Crookedjaw
  995. All kits
  996. All apprentices
  997. Cedarpelt (ShC)
  998. Nightpelt
  999. Raggedpelt
  1000. Raven Pelt
  1001. River Ripple
  1002. Wind Runner
  1003. Harespring
  1004. All leaders
  1005. Flowerstem (CotC)
  1006. Hailstep
  1007. Cloudstorm
  1008. Brokentail
  1009. Buzzardtail
  1010. Stonetail
  1011. Talltail
  1012. Onewhisker
  1013. Revealed in Bluestar's Prophecy, allegiances
  1014. Revealed in Midnight, allegiances
  1015. Revealed in Leopardstar's Honor, page 81
  1016. Revealed in Crookedstar's Promise, allegiances
  1017. Revealed in Fire and Ice, allegiances
  1018. Revealed in Bluestar's Prophecy, page 402
  1019. Revealed in Squirrelflight's Hope, page 261
  1020. Revealed in Squirrelflight's Hope, page 2
  1021. Revealed in SkyClan's Destiny, allegiances
  1022. Revealed in page 1 of the preview of Yellowfang's Secret in Enter the Clans
  1023. Revealed in The First Battle, page 137
  1024. Revealed in Moth Flight's Vision, page 206
  1025. Revealed in Moth Flight's Vision, page 182
  1026. Revealed in Riverstar's Home, page 260
  1027. Revealed on Vicky's Facebook
  1028. 1028.0 1028.1 Revealed on Vicky's Facebook
  1029. Revealed on Vicky's Facebook
  1030. Revealed on Vicky's Facebook
  1031. Revealed on Vicky's Facebook
  1032. 1032.0 1032.1 Revealed on Vicky's Facebook
  1033. Muddyclaw
  1034. Revealed on Vicky's Facebook
  1035. Revealed on Vicky's Facebook
  1036. Wanderkit
  1037. Revealed on Vicky's Facebook
