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Nurseries are dens in the Clan camp where queens and their kits live.[1]


Nursery queens care for all kits under six moons.


The nursery is usually the most protected den of all dens in a Clan camp, and in case of a raid, warriors and even elders and queens will do anything to protect it, sometimes sacrificing their lives.[2]
She-cats move to the nursery shortly before giving birth, and stay there until their kits are apprenticed, after which they become warriors again.[3] The care of the kits is shared by all the queens.[1] Some queens decide not to return to warrior duties; instead, they remain in the nursery to help and supervise the other queens and kits and feed kits when their mother cannot, such as Daisy, Ferncloud and Goldenflower.

Clan nurseries[]

In the forest[]

ThunderClan nursery[]


ThunderClan's old nursery

ThunderClan's nursery is protected by a wall of brambles,[2] has a distinctive milky smell,[4] and has deep nests of moss and heather as beddings.[5] There is a huge gap in the bramble wall that two kits can squeeze through as an exit.[6] This nursery has another exit from the camp behind it, next to the dirt place, though it is usually not used.[7] It was the base of some attacks from ShadowClan.[8]

ShadowClan nursery[]

ShadowClan's nursery is in a hollow, shielded by a thorn bush. The scent of milk comes from inside.[9]

WindClan nursery[]

WindClan's nursery is under the gorse thicket that surrounds the camp and is near to the elders' den.[10]

RiverClan nursery[]

RiverClan's nursery is next to a shallow part of the river, where the kits inherit their love of water and learn how to swim quickly.[11] There are feathers woven into the branches of the roof and along the edges are sparkling rocks and shells from the river.[12]
In Bluestar's Prophecy, Bluefur notices the RiverClan nests are made of sticks that look oddly uncomfortable.[13] Crookedjaw states if the river were to flood, the nests would float. When Mistyfoot's kits are swept away, they are rescued from the river by Fireheart and Graystripe.[14]

In the gorge[]

SkyClan nursery[]

SkyClan's nursery is a deep, red-brown cave, protected by a massive red boulder. Inside the cave are a row of small claw marks across larger marks on a column of stone.[15] At first, Firestar thinks that they are kit marks across the queen's scratches, then discovers that they were actually from rats who had driven the original SkyClan from the gorge. After they defeated the rats, Leafdapple scratches over the marks, making them unseen.[16]

By the lake[]

ThunderClan nursery[]

ThunderClan's nursery is under the biggest bramble thicket[2] from a tree at the top of the stone hollow. The nests are made out of moss.[17]

ShadowClan nursery[]

ShadowClan's nursery is under low hanging brambles and pine tree branches. It is noted to have the lowest branches and be near the middle of the camp next to the apprentices' den and near to the elders' den so they are the most protected.[18]

RiverClan nursery[]

RiverClan's nursery is made of brambles near a tree beside the stream. Often there is a patch of sunlight just outside.[19]

WindClan nursery[]

WindClan's nursery is a gorse bush against a boulder.[20]

Nursery residents[]

Note: Queens are listed in the Allegiances of the respective book unless otherwise stated. An asterisk (*) seen by a kit's name indicates they were apprenticed during the book and therefore left the nursery.

In the Super Editions[]

Firestar's Quest[]

Modern ThunderClan
Queen Mate Kit(s)
Ferncloud[21] Dustpelt[22] Spiderkit,[22] Shrewkit[22]
Brightheart[21] Cloudtail[22] Whitekit[4]
Sandstorm[4] Firestar[4] Squirrelkit,[4] Leafkit[4]

Modern WindClan
Queen Mate Kit(s)
Morningflower[21] Cloudrunner[23] Gorsepaw, Quailkit, Storkkit
Ashfoot[21] Deadfoot[24] Crowkit[25]
Whitetail[21] Onestar[26] Heatherkit, Galekit[26]

Modern RiverClan
Queen Mate Kit(s)
Mosspelt[21] Unknown Featherkit,* Stormkit*[note 1][27][27]

Ancient SkyClan
Queen Mate Kit(s)
Birdflight[21] Cloudstar[28] Spottedkit,[28] Gorsekit[28]

Modern SkyClan
Queen Mate Kit(s)
Clovertail[29] Unknown Rockkit,*[30] Bouncekit,*[30] Tinykit*[30]
Petalnose[31] Rainfur[31] Sagekit,[31] Mintkit[31]

Note: No Ancient ThunderClan, ShadowClan, WindClan, and RiverClan or Modern ShadowClan queens and kits appeared by name in this book.

Bluestar's Prophecy[]

Queen Mate Kit(s)
Swiftbreeze[32] Adderfang[33] Leopardkit,*[34] Patchkit,*[34] Spottedkit,*[35] Redkit,*[35] Willowkit*[35]
Moonflower[32] Stormtail[36] Bluekit,*[37] Snowkit*[37]
Speckletail[38] Smallear[39] Lionkit,*[38] Goldenkit*[38]
Poppydawn[32] Windflight[40] Thistlekit,*[41] Rosekit,*[41] Sweetkit*[41]
Leopardfoot[42] Pinestar[42] Tigerkit,*[43] Nightkit,[43] Mistkit[43]
Snowfur[44] Thistleclaw[44] Whitekit*[45]
Robinwing[46] Fuzzypelt[47] Brindlekit,*[48] Frostkit*[48]
White-eye[49] Sparrowpelt[50] Runningkit,[51] Mousekit[51]
Bluefur[52] Oakheart[53] Stonekit,[54] Mistykit,[54] Mosskit[54]

Queen Mate Kit(s)
Featherstorm[55] Hal[56] Raggedkit,[55] Scorchkit[55]
Poolcloud[55] Toadskip[57] Wolfkit,[57] Foxkit[57]

Queen Mate Kit(s)
Rainflower[32] Shellheart[58] Oakkit,[32] Crookedkit[32]
Fallowtail[32] Reedfeather[32] Graykit,[32] Willowkit[32]
Graypool[32] Rippleclaw[32] Morningkit,[59] Splashkit[59]

Note: No WindClan queens and kits appeared by name in this book.

SkyClan's Destiny[]

Queen Mate Kit(s)
Fallowfern[60] Waspwhisker[61] Nettlekit,*[60] Creekkit,*[60] Rabbitkit,*[60] Plumkit*[60]
Clovertail[21] Patchfoot[60] Birdkit, Honeykit, Sandykit

Crookedstar's Promise[]

Queen Mate Kit(s)
Swiftbreeze[62] Adderfang[62] Leopardkit,*[62] Patchkit*[62]
Moonflower[62] Stormtail Bluekit,*[62] Snowkit*[62]
Poppydawn[62] Windflight Rosekit,[62] Sweetkit, Thistlekit
Leopardfoot[62] Pinestar[62] Tigerkit[62]
Queen Mate Kit(s)
Featherstorm[62] Hal[62] Raggedkit,[62] Scorchkit[55]
Poolcloud[62] Toadskip[62] Foxkit,[62] Wolfkit[62]
Queen Mate Kit(s)
Echomist[62] Hailstar[63] Volekit,*[62] Beetlekit,*[62] Petalkit*[62]
Rainflower[62] Shellheart[58] Oakkit,*[62] Stormkit/Crookedkit*[62]
Fallowtail[64] Reedfeather Graykit,*[64] Willowkit*[64]
Lakeshine[65] Cedarpelt[66] Sunkit,*[65] Frogkit*[65]
Shimmerpelt[67] Piketooth[68] Blackkit,*[67] Skykit*[67]
Ottersplash[69] Timberfur[70] Loudkit,*[71] Reedkit,*[71] Sedgekit*[71]
Brightsky[72] Mudfur[72] Three kits,[73] Leopardkit*[74]
Softwing[75] Owlfur[75] Dawnkit,*[76] Mallowkit*[76]
Graypool[76] Rippleclaw[76] Splashkit,[77] Morningkit,[77] Stonekit, Mistykit*[note 2]
Willowbreeze[78] Crookedstar[78] Willowkit,[79] Minnowkit,[79] Silverkit*[79]

Yellowfang's Secret[]

Queen Mate Kit(s)
Featherstorm[55] Hal,[56] Blizzardwing Raggedkit,*[55] Scorchkit,*[55] Dawnkit,*[83] Mosskit,*[83] Volekit*[83]
Poolcloud[84] Toadskip[84] Foxkit,*[57] Wolfkit*[57]
Brightflower[55] Brackenfoot[85] Yellowkit,*[55] Rowankit,*[55] Nutkit,*[55] Marigoldkit,[86] Mintkit[86]
Rowanberry[87] Clawface[85] Stumpykit,*[87] Cinderkit*[87]
Lizardstripe[88] Mudclaw[89] Tanglekit,*[90] Runningkit,*[90] Deerkit,*[90] Brokenkit
Nettlespot[91] Toadskip[91] Cloudkit,*[92] Littlekit[93]
Newtspeck[55] Unknown Littlekit,*[83] Wetkit,*[83]Brownkit*[83]
Fernshade[55] Wolfstep[94] Badgerkit*[94]
Hollyflower[55] Blizzardwing Blackkit,*[95] Flintkit,*[95] Fernkit*[95]

Queen Mate Kit(s)
Moonflower[55] Stormtail[55] Bluekit,[55] Snowkit[55]
Poppydawn[32] Windflight Thistlekit,[32]Sweetkit,[32]Rosekit[32]

Queen Mate Kit(s)
Rainflower[55] Shellheart[58] Oakkit,[55] Crookedkit[55]
Fallowtail[55] Reedfeather[55] Graykit,[55] Willowkit[55]

Note: No WindClan queens and kits appeared by name in this book.

Tallstar's Revenge[]

Queen Mate Kit(s)
Palebird[96] Sandgorse,[97] Woollytail[98] Tallkit,*[99] Finchkit,[100] Bristlekit,[101] Rabbitkit,[101] Flykit,[101] Wrenkit*[101]
Brackenwing[96] Redclaw[102] Barkkit,*[103] Shrewkit*[103]
Mistmouse[96] Hareflight[104] Ryekit,*[104] Doekit,*[104] Stagkit*[104]
Meadowslip[105] Hickorynose[105] Hopkit,*[106] Sorrelkit,*[106] Pigeonkit*[106]
Wrenflight[107] Stagleap[108] Ashkit, Morningkit,[109] Onekit*[107]

Queen Mate Kit(s)
Featherstorm[96] Unknown Unknown
Poolcloud[96] Toadskip[84] Unknown
Brightflower[96] Brackenfoot[85] Unknown
Silverflame[110] Unknown Three kits[110]

Queen Mate Kit(s)
Moonflower[96] Stormtail[36] Unknown
Poppydawn[96] Windflight[40] None

Queen Mate Kit(s)
Lilystem[96] Unknown Unknown
Echomist[96] Hailstar[63] Unknown

Moth Flight's Vision[]

Queen Mate Kit(s)


Gray Wing[111] Silver Stripe,[111] Black Ear,[111] White Tail[111]

Moth Flight[112]

Micah[112] Bubbling Stream,[113] Spider Paw,[113] Blue Whisker,[113] Honey Pelt[113]

Bramblestar's Storm[]

Queen Mate Kit(s)
Dawnpelt[114] Crowfrost[115] Sleekwhisker,[115] Juniperclaw,[116] Strikestone[117]
Snowbird[114] Scorchfur[118] Beenose, Yarrowleaf, Bluebellkit[119][120]
Queen Mate Kit(s)
Sedgewhisker[114] Emberfoot[119] Larkkit, Featherkit
Queen Mate Kit(s)
Icewing[114] Mintfur[blog 1] Unknown
Petalfur[114] Mallownose[119] Brackenpelt, Jayclaw, Owlnose[119]

Hawkwing's Journey[]

Modern SkyClan
Queen Mate Kit(s)
Plumwillow[121] Sandynose[121] Dewkit,[121] Finkit,[121] Reedkit[121]
Birdwing[122] Sagenose[123] Curlykit,[122] Fidgetkit,[122] Snipkit[122]

Tigerheart's Shadow[]

Queen Mate Kit(s)
Dovewing[124] Tigerheart[124] Shadowkit,[124] Pouncekit,[124] Lightkit[124]
Berryheart[124] Sparrowtail[124] Spirekit,[124] Sunkit,[124] Hollowkit[124]

Leopardstar's Honor[]

Queen Mate Kit(s)
Ottersplash[125] Timberfur[70] Sedgekit, Loudkit, Reedkit [125]
Lakeshine[125] Cedarpelt[66] Frogkit, Sunkit[125]
Shimmerpelt[125] Piketooth[68] Blackkit, Skykit, Leopardkit[note 3][125]
Sunfish[126] Beetlenose[126] Grasskit, Vixenkit, Whitekit[126]
Lilystem[127] Unknown Heavykit,[127] Shadekit,[127] Unknown kit
Mosspelt[128] Frogleap[129] Dawnkit,[128] Woodkit,[128] Robinkit[128]
Mistyfoot[130] Blackclaw[131] Reedkit,[130] Perchkit,[131] Primrosekit,[132] Pikekit[131]
Skyheart[133] Unknown Unknown

Onestar's Confession[]

Queen Mate Kit(s)
Sorrelshine[134] Unknown Whitetail,[135] Unnamed kits[136]
Whitetail[137] Onestar[137] Heatherkit, Galekit[138]
Queen Mate Kit(s)
Willowpelt[134] Unknown Darkkit[134]

Queen Mate Kit(s)
Tallpoppy[139] Unknown Applekit, Marshkit, Toadkit[140]

In the novellas[]

Hollyleaf's Story[]

Queen Mate Kit(s)
Ferncloud[141] Dustpelt[141] None
Daisy[141] Spiderleg[141] Toadkit, Rosekit[141]
Millie[141] Graystripe[141] Briarkit, Blossomkit, Bumblekit[141]
Queen Mate Kit(s)
Snowbird[141] Scorchpaw[141] None

Queen Mate Kit(s)
Icewing[141] Mintfur[141] Pricklekit, Beetlekit, Petalkit, Grasskit[141]

In The Prophecies Begin novel arc[]

Into the Wild[]

Queen Mate Kit(s)
Frostfur[142] Lionheart[143] Brackenkit,[144] Thornpaw,[145] Cinderkit,[144] Brightkit[145]
Goldenflower[142] Patchpelt Swiftpaw,[146] Lynxkit[147]
Brindleface[142] Whitestorm Ashkit,[148] Fernkit,[148] Elderkit, Tulipkit[149]
Speckletail[142] Smallear[38] Snowkit, Mistlekit[150]

Queen Mate Kit(s)
Dawncloud[142] Finchflight Unknown kit[151]
Brightflower[142] Brackenfoot None

Queen Mate Kit(s)
Morningflower[152] Cloudrunner[23] Gorsepaw[152]
Ashfoot[152] Deadfoot[153] Eaglekit[154][155]

Note: No RiverClan queens or kits appeared in this book.

Fire and Ice[]

Queen Mate Kit(s)
Frostfur[156] Lionheart[143] Brackenpaw,* Cinderpaw,* Thornpaw, Brightkit[157][158]
Goldenflower[156] Patchpelt[159] Swiftpaw*[159]
Brindleface[156] Whitestorm[160] Ashkit, Fernkit, Cloudkit[note 4]</ref>
Speckletail[156] Smallear[39] Mistlekit [161][39]

Queen Mate Kit(s)
Dawncloud[156] Finchflight None
Brightflower[156] Brackenfoot None
Darkflower[156] Scorchwind Unknown

Queen Mate Kit(s)
Morningflower[156] Cloudrunner[23] Gorsepaw
Ashfoot[156] Deadfoot[155] Eaglekit

Note: No RiverClan queens or kits appeared in this book.

Forest of Secrets[]

Queen Mate Kit(s)
Frostfur[162] Lionheart Thornkit,* Brightkit*[163]
Goldenflower[source?] Tigerclaw[163] Bramblekit,[163] Tawnykit[163]
Brindleface[162] Whitestorm Ashkit, Fernkit, Cloudkit*[163]
Speckletail[162] Smallear[164] Snowkit[164]
Willowpelt[162] Whitestorm[165] None

Queen Mate Kit(s)
Dawncloud[162] Finchflight Unknown
Brightflower[162] Brackenfoot Unknown
Darkflower[162] Scorchwind Unknown

Queen Mate Kit(s)
Morningflower[162] Cloudrunner[23] Gorsepaw
Ashfoot[162] Deadfoot None

Queen Mate Kit(s)
Mistyfoot[162] Blackclaw[131] Reedkit, Perchkit, Primrosekit, Pikekit[166]
Greenflower[167] Unknown Unknown

Rising Storm[]

Queen Mate Kit(s)
Goldenflower[168] Tigerstar[163] Bramblekit, Tawnykit[163]
Willowpelt[169] Whitestorm[170] Sorrelkit, Sootkit,Rainkit[170]
Speckletail[168] Smallear[39] Snowkit[164]
Brindleface[source?] Whitestorm[source?] Ashpaw,* Fernpaw*[source?]

Queen Mate Kit(s)
Dawncloud[source?] Finchflight Unknown
Brightflower[source?] Brackenfoot Unknown
Darkflower[source?] Scorchwind Unknown

Queen Mate Kit(s)
Morningflower[source?] Cloudrunner Gorsepaw
Ashfoot[source?] Deadfoot None

Queen Mate Kit(s)
Mistyfoot[source?] Blackclaw Unknown
Mosspelt[source?] fostering Silverstream and Graystripe's kits Frogleap Stormkit, Featherkit[note 5]

A Dangerous Path[]

Queen Mate Kit(s)
Goldenflower[source?] Tigerstar[source?] Bramblepaw,* Tawnypaw*[source?]
Willowpelt[source?] Whitestorm[source?] Sorrelkit, Sootkit, Rainkit[source?]
Speckletail[source?] Smallear[source?] Snowkit[note 6]</ref>

Queen Mate Kit(s)
Tallpoppy[source?] Unknown Unknown

Queen Mate Kit(s)
Morningflower[source?] Cloudrunner Unknown
Ashfoot[source?] Deadfoot Unknown
Whitetail[source?] Onestar[source?] Heatherkit

Queen Mate Kit(s)
Mosspelt[source?] Frogleap Unknown

The Darkest Hour[]

Queen Mate Kit(s)
Willowpelt[source?] Whitestorm[source?] Sorrelkit, Sootkit, Rainkit

Queen Mate Kit(s)
Tallpoppy[source?] Unknown Unknown

Queen Mate Kit(s)
Morningflower[source?] Cloudrunner Unknown
Ashfoot[source?] Deadfoot Unknown
Whitetail[source?] Onestar[source?] Heatherkit

Queen Mate Kit(s)
Mosspelt[source?] Unknown Unknown

In The New Prophecy arc[]


Queen Mate Kit(s)
Ferncloud[source?] Dustpelt[22] Hollykit,[171] Larchkit,[171] Birchkit[171]
Goldenflower[172] None None

Queen Mate Kit(s)
Dawnflower[source?] Unknown Unknown

Note: No ShadowClan or WindClan queens and kits appeared by name in this book.


Queen Mate Kit(s)
Ferncloud[source?] Dustpelt[source?] Hollykit,[source?] Larchkit[173], Birchkit[source?]
Goldenflower[source?] None None

Queen Mate Kit(s)
Dawnflower[source?] Unknown Unknown

Tribe of Rushing Water
Queen Mate Kit(s)
Star[source?] Unknown Unknown

Note: No ShadowClan or WindClan queens and kits appeared by name in this book.


Queen Mate Kit(s)
Ferncloud[source?] Dustpelt[source?] Hollykit,[174] Birchkit[source?]
Goldenflower[source?] None None

Queen Mate Kit(s)
Tallpoppy[source?] Unknown Toadkit,[140] Applekit,[140] Marshkit[140]

Queen Mate Kit(s)
Ashfoot[source?] Unknown Unknown
Whitetail[source?] Onestar[source?] Heatherkit, Galekit[source?]

Queen Mate Kit(s)
Mosspelt[source?] Unknown Unknown
Dawnflower[source?] Unknown Tumblekit,[175] Pebblekit,[176] Minnowkit[176]

Tribe of Rushing Water
Queen Mate Kit(s)
Wing[source?] Unknown Unknown
Flight[source?] Unknown Unknown


Queen Mate Kit(s)
Ferncloud[source?] Dustpelt[source?] Birchkit[source?]

Queen Mate Kit(s)
Tallpoppy[source?] Unknown Toadkit, Applekit, Marshkit[source?]

Queen Mate Kit(s)
Whitetail[source?] Onestar[source?] Heatherkit

Queen Mate Kit(s)
Mosspelt[source?] Unknown Unknown
Dawnflower[source?] Unknown Unknown


Queen Mate Kit(s)
Ferncloud[source?] Dustpelt[source?] Birchkit*[source?]
Sorreltail[source?] Brackenfur[177] None
Daisy[source?] Smoky[178] Berrykit,[178] Hazelkit,[178] Mousekit[178]

Queen Mate Kit(s)
Tallpoppy[source?] Unknown Toadkit, Applekit, Marshkit[source?]

Queen Mate Kit(s)
Whitetail[source?] Onestar[source?] Heatherkit

Queen Mate Kit(s)
Mosspelt[source?] Unknown Willowkit[179]
Dawnflower[source?] Unknown Minnowkit, Pebblekit, Tumblekit[source?]


Queen Mate Kit(s)
Ferncloud[source?] Dustpelt[source?] Birchpaw*[source?]
Sorreltail[source?] Brackenfur[source?] Honeykit, Molekit, Poppykit, Cinderkit[180]
Daisy[source?] Smoky[source?] Berrykit, Hazelkit, Mousekit[source?]

Queen Mate Kit(s)
Tallpoppy[source?] Unknown Toadkit, Applekit, Marshkit[source?]
Queen Mate Kit(s)
Whitetail[source?] Onestar[source?] Heatherkit

Queen Mate Kit(s)
Dawnflower[source?] Unknown Minnowkit, Pebblekit, Tumblekit[source?]

In the Power of Three arc[]

The Sight[]

Queen Mate Kit(s)
Squirrelflight[source?] Brambleclaw[181] Jaykit, Hollykit,

Lionkit*[note 7]

Ferncloud[source?] Dustpelt[source?] Foxkit, Icekit[182]

Queen Mate Kit(s)
Tawnypelt[source?] Rowanclaw[183] None
Snowbird[source?] Scorchpaw Unknown
Queen Mate Kit(s)
Unknown Unknown Buzzardkit[184]
Gorsetail[source?] Beechfur Sedgekit, Swallowkit, Thistlekit[source?]

Queen Mate Kit(s)
Dawnflower[source?] Unknown Unknown

Dark River[]

Queen Mate Kit(s)
Daisy[source?] None None
Ferncloud[source?] Dustpelt[source?] Foxkit, Icekit[source?]

Queen Mate Kit(s)
Tawnypelt[source?] Rowanclaw[source?] Dawnkit, Tigerkit, Flamekit[185]
Snowbird[source?] Scorchpaw Unknown

Queen Mate Kit(s)
Gorsetail[source?] Beechfur Thistlekit, Sedgekit, Swallowkit[186]

Queen Mate Kit(s)
Dawnflower[source?] Unknown Unknown
Graymist[source?] Unknown Sneezekit, Mallowkit[187]
Icewing[source?] Mintfur None


Queen Mate Kit(s)
Daisy[source?] Spiderleg[source?] Rosekit, Toadkit[source?]
Ferncloud[source?] Dustpelt[source?] Foxkit,* Icekit*[source?]
Millie[source?] Graystripe[188] None

Queen Mate Kit(s)
Tawnypelt[note 8] Rowanclaw[source?] Dawnkit, Tigerkit, Flamekit[source?]
Snowbird[source?] Scorchfur Unknown

Queen Mate Kit(s)
Gorsetail[source?] Beechfur Thistlekit, Sedgekit, Swallowkit[source?]

Queen Mate Kit(s)
Dawnflower[source?] Unknown Unknown
Graymist[source?] Unknown Sneezekit, Mallowkit
Icewing[source?] Mintfur Beetlekit, Pricklekit, Petalkit, Grasskit[189]

Tribe of Rushing Water
Queen Mate Kit(s)
Flight of Startled Heron[source?] Unknown Three unidentified kits[189]
Swoop of Chestnut Hawk[source?] Unknown Two unidentified kits[189]


Queen Mate Kit(s)
Daisy[source?] Spiderleg[190] Rosekit, Toadkit
Ferncloud[source?] Dustpelt[source?] None[source?]
Millie[source?] Graystripe[source?] Bumblekit, Blossomkit, Briarkit[191]

Queen Mate Kit(s)
Tawnypelt[source?] Rowanclaw Dawnkit, Tigerkit, Flamekit[source?]
Snowbird[source?] Scorchfur Berrykit, Cloverfoot, Rippletail[192]

Queen Mate Kit(s)
Gorsetail[source?] Beechfur Thistlekit, Sedgekit, Swallowkit[source?]

Queen Mate Kit(s)
Dawnflower[source?] Unknown Unknown
Graymist[source?] Unknown Sneezekit, Mallowkit[source?]
Icewing[source?] Mintfur Beetlekit, Pricklekit, Petalkit, Grasskit[source?]

Long Shadows[]

Queen Mate Kit(s)
Daisy[source?] Spiderleg[source?] Rosekit, Toadkit[source?]
Ferncloud[source?] Dustpelt[source?] None
Millie[source?] Graystripe[source?] Bumblekit, Blossomkit, Briarkit[source?]
Whitewing[source?] Birchfall[193] None

Queen Mate Kit(s)
Tawnypelt[source?] Rowanclaw None
Snowbird[source?] Scorchfur None

Queen Mate Kit(s)
Icewing[source?] Mintfur Beetlekit, Pricklekit, Petalkit, Grasskit[source?]

Note: No WindClan queens and kits appeared by name in this book.


Queen Mate Kit(s)
Daisy[source?] Spiderleg Rosekit, Toadkit[source?]
Ferncloud[source?] Dustpelt[source?] None
Millie[source?] Graystripe[source?] Bumblekit, Blossomkit, Briarkit[source?]
Whitewing[source?] Birchfall[source?] Dovekit, Ivykit[194]

Queen Mate Kit(s)
Snowbird[source?] Scorchfur None

Queen Mate Kit(s)
Icewing[source?] Mintfur Beetlekit, Pricklekit, Petalkit, Grasskit[source?]

Note: No WindClan queens and kits appeared by name in this book.

In the Omen of the Stars arc[]

The Fourth Apprentice[]

Queen Mate Kit(s)
Whitewing[source?] Birchfall[source?] Dovekit,* Ivykit*[source?]
Ferncloud[source?] Dustpelt[source?] None
Daisy[source?] None None
Poppyfrost[source?] Berrynose[195] Molekit, Cherrykit[196]

Queen Mate Kit(s)
Ivytail[source?] Unknown Unknown
Kinkfur[source?] Unknown Unknown

Queen Mate Kit(s)
Duskfur[source?] Unknown Unknown
Mosspelt[source?] None None

Note: No WindClan queens and kits appeared by name in this book.

Fading Echoes[]

Queen Mate Kit(s)
Ferncloud[197] Dustpelt[22] None
Daisy[197] None None
Poppyfrost[197] Berrynose[195] Molekit, Cherrykit[197]

Queen Mate Kit(s)
Kinkfur[source?] Unknown Unknown
Ivytail[source?] Unknown Unknown

Queen Mate Kit(s)
Duskfur[source?] Unknown Unknown
Mosspelt[source?] None None

Note: No WindClan queens or kits appeared by name in this book.

Night Whispers[]

Queen Mate Kit(s)
Ferncloud[source?] Dustpelt[source?] None
Daisy[source?] None None
Poppyfrost[source?] Berrynose[source?] Molekit, Cherrykit[source?]

Queen Mate Kit(s)
Kinkfur[source?] Unknown Sparrowkit, Mistkit, Dewkit[source?]
Ivytail[source?] Unknown Unknown

Queen Mate Kit(s)
Duskfur[source?] Unknown Unknown
Mosspelt[source?] Unknown Unknown

Note: No WindClan queens or kits appeared by name in this book.

Sign of the Moon[]

Queen Mate Kit(s)
Ferncloud[source?] Dustpelt[source?] None
Daisy[source?] Spiderleg[source?] None
Poppyfrost[source?] Berrynose[source?] Molekit, Cherrykit[source?]

Queen Mate Kit(s)
Kinkfur[source?] Unknown Sparrowkit, Mistkit, Dewkit[source?]
Ivytail[source?] Unknown Unknown

Queen Mate Kit(s)
Duskfur[source?] Unknown Unknown
Mosspelt[source?] None None
Tribe of Rushing Water
Queen Mate Kit(s)
Brook Where Small Fish Swim[source?] Stormfur[source?] Lark That Sings at Dawn, Pine That Clings to Rock[source?]
Night of No Stars[source?] Sheer Path Beside Waterfall[source?] Unknown

Note: No WindClan queens or kits appeared by name in this book.

The Forgotten Warrior[]

Queen Mate Kit(s)
Ferncloud[source?] Dustpelt None
Daisy[source?] None None
Poppyfrost[source?] Berrynose[source?] Molekit, Cherrykit*[198]
Sorreltail[source?] Brackenfur[source?] Seedkit, Lilykit[199][200]

Queen Mate Kit(s)
Kinkfur[source?] Unknown Sparrowkit, Mistkit, Dewkit[source?]
Ivytail[source?] Unknown Unknown

Queen Mate Kit(s)
Duskfur[source?] Unknown Unknown
Mosspelt[source?] None None

Note: No WindClan queens or kits appeared by name in this book.

The Last Hope[]

Queen Mate Kit(s)
Ferncloud[source?] Dustpelt[source?] None
Daisy[source?] None None
Brightheart[201] Cloudtail[source?] Snowkit, Amberkit, Dewkit[202]
Sorreltail[source?] Brackenfur[source?] Seedkit, Lilykit[source?]

Queen Mate Kit(s)
Kinkfur[source?] Unknown Sparrowkit, Mistkit, Dewkit[source?]
Ivytail[source?] Unknown Unknown
Pinenose Unknown Unnamed kits, Weaselkit[203]

Queen Mate Kit(s)
Duskfur[source?] None None
Mosspelt[source?] None None

Note: No WindClan queens or kits appeared by name in this book.

In the A Vision of Shadows arc[]

The Apprentice's Quest[]

Queen Mate Kit(s)
Daisy[204] None None
Lilyheart[204] Snowbush[205] Leafkit, Larkkit, Honeykit[204]

Queen Mate Kit(s)
Grassheart[204] Stonewing[204] None
Pinenose[204] Spikefur[206] Birchkit, Lionkit, Slatekit, Puddlekit[204]

Queen Mate Kit(s)
Heathertail[204] Breezepelt[204] Smokekit, Brindlekit[204]

Queen Mate Kit(s)
Icewing[204] Mintfur[207] Nightkit, Breezekit[204]

Thunder and Shadow[]

Queen Mate Kit(s)
Daisy[source?] None None
Lilyheart[208] Snowbush[source?] Leafkit, Larkkit, Honeykit,[204]

Queen Mate Kit(s)
Grassheart[208] Stonewing[208] Snakekit, Flowerkit, Whorlkit[209]
Pinenose[source?] Spikefur[source?] Birchkit,[204] Lionkit,[204] Slatekit,[204] Puddlekit,[204] Violetkit[source?][note 9]

Queen Mate Kit(s)
Heathertail[208] Breezepelt[source?] Smokekit, Brindlekit[208]

Queen Mate Kit(s)
Icewing[source?] Mintfur[210] Nightkit, Breezekit[208]

Shattered Sky[]

Queen Mate Kit(s)
Daisy[source?] None None
Blossomfall[source?] Thornclaw[211] Stemkit, Eaglekit, Plumkit, Shellkit[211]
The Kin
Queen Mate Kit(s)
Snowbird[212] Scorchfur[118] Conekit, Gullkit, Frondkit[212]

Note: No WindClan or ShadowClan queens or kits were revealed in this book.

Darkest Night[]

Queen Mate Kit(s)
Daisy[213] None None
Cinderheart[213] Lionblaze[213] None
Blossomfall[213] Thornclaw[213] Stemkit, Eaglekit, Plumkit, Shellkit[213]
Queen Mate Kit(s)
Snowbird[213] Scorchfur[213] Gullkit, Conekit, Frondkit[213]
Queen Mate Kit(s)
Tinycloud[213] Sparrowpelt[213] Quailkit, Pigeonkit, Sunnykit[213]

Note: No RiverClan or WindClan queens or kits were revealed in this book.

River of Fire[]

Queen Mate Kit(s)
Daisy[214] None None
Blossomfall[214] Thornclaw[211] Stemkit, Eaglekit, Plumkit, Shellkit[211]
Cinderheart[214] Lionblaze[source?] Snapkit, Spotkit, Flykit[214]
Ivypool[214] Fernsong[215] Flipkit, Bristlekit, Thriftkit[216]

Queen Mate Kit(s)
Tinycloud[214] Sparrowpelt[source?] Quailkit, Pigeonkit, Sunnykit[214]
Snowbird[214] Scorchfur[217] Gullkit, Conekit, Frondkit[214]
Yarrowleaf[218] Nettle[218] Hopkit, Flaxkit[219]

The Raging Storm[]

Queen Mate Kit(s)
Daisy[220] None None
Ivypool[220] Fernsong[220] Bristlekit, Thriftkit, Flipkit[220]
More Coming Soon

In The Broken Code arc[]

Lost Stars[]

Queen Mate Kit(s)
Daisy[221] None None
Sorrelstripe[221] Dewnose[221] Myrtlekit, Baykit[221]
Sparkpelt[221] Larksong Flamekit, Finchkit
Queen Mate Kit(s)
Violetshine[222] Tree Rootkit, Needlekit
Bellaleaf[222] Rabbitleap[221] Wrenkit[221]

Darkness Within[]

Queen Mate Kit(s)
Daisy[223] None None
Queen Mate Kit(s)
Nectarsong[223] Dewspring None
Queen Mate Kit(s)
Curlfeather[223] Jayclaw Mistkit, Frostkit, Graykit

The Place of No Stars[]

Queen Mate Kit(s)
Daisy[223] None None
Spotfur Stemleaf None
Queen Mate Kit(s)
Nectarsong[223] Dewspring Beekit, Beetlekit
Queen Mate Kit(s)
Curlfeather[223] Jayclaw Mistkit, Frostkit, Graykit

A Light in the Mist[]

Queen Mate Kit(s)
Daisy[223] None None
Spotfur Stemleaf None
Queen Mate Kit(s)
Nectarsong[223] Dewspring Beekit, Beetlekit
Queen Mate Kit(s)
Curlfeather[223] Jayclaw Mistkit, Frostkit, Graykit

In the A Starless Clan arc[]


Queen Mate Kit(s)
Daisy[223] None None
Spotfur[224] Stemleaf[225] Bristlekit, Graykit, Stemkit[226]
Queen Mate Kit(s)
Dovewing[226] Tigerstar[227] Rowankit, Birchkit[226]
Cinnamontail[226] Slatefur[227] Streamkit, Bloomkit, Firkit, Whisperkit[226]
Queen Mate Kit(s)
Blossomheart[226] Harrybrook[228] Ridgekit, Duskkit[226]
Queen Mate Kit(s)
Larkwing[226] Unknown Brookkit, Stripekit[226]


Queen Mate Kit(s)
Daisy[223] None None
Spotfur[224] Stemleaf[225] Bristlekit, Graykit, Stemkit[226]
Queen Mate Kit(s)
Dovewing[226] Tigerstar[227] Rowankit, Birchkit[226]
Cinnamontail[226] Slatefur[227] Streamkit, Bloomkit, Firkit, Whisperkit[226]
Queen Mate Kit(s)
Blossomheart[226] Harrybrook[228] Ridgekit, Duskkit[226]
Queen Mate Kit(s)
Larkwing[226] Unknown Brookkit, Stripekit[226]


Queen Mate Kit(s)
Daisy[223] None None
Spotfur[224] Stemleaf[225] Bristlekit, Graykit, Stemkit[226]
Queen Mate Kit(s)
Dovewing[226] Tigerstar[227] Birchkit[226]
Cinnamontail[226] Slatefur[227] Streamkit, Bloomkit, Firkit, Whisperkit[226]
Queen Mate Kit(s)
Blossomheart[226] Harrybrook[228] Ridgekit, Duskkit[226]
Queen Mate Kit(s)
Larkwing[226] Unknown Brookkit, Stripekit[226]


Queen Mate Kit(s)
Daisy[223] None None
Spotfur[224] Stemleaf[225] Bristlekit, Graykit, Stemkit[226]
Queen Mate Kit(s)
Dovewing[226] Tigerstar[227] Birchkit[226]
Cinnamontail[226] Slatefur[227] Streamkit, Bloomkit, Firkit, Whisperkit[226]
Queen Mate Kit(s)
Blossomheart[226] Harrybrook[228] Ridgekit, Duskkit[226]
Queen Mate Kit(s)
Larkwing[226] Unknown Brookkit, Stripekit[226]
Featherpelt[229] Oatclaw[221] None
Queen Mate Kit(s)
Havenpelt[229] Sneezecloud[221] None


Queen Mate Kit(s)
Daisy[223] None None
Spotfur[224] Stemleaf[225] Bristlekit,* Graykit,* Stemkit*[226]
Queen Mate Kit(s)
Cinnamontail[226] Slatefur[227] Streamkit, Bloomkit, Firkit, Whisperkit[226]
Queen Mate Kit(s)
Blossomheart[226] Harrybrook[228] Ridgekit, Duskkit[226]
Queen Mate Kit(s)
Larkwing[226] Unknown Brookkit, Stripekit[226]
Featherpelt[229] Oatclaw[221] Leafkit, Branchkit, Grasskit[230]
Queen Mate Kit(s)
Havenpelt[229] Sneezecloud[221] Rapidkit, Floatkit, Troutkit[231]

In the Field Guides[]

Code of the Clans[]

Queen Mate Kit(s)
Leopardfoot[42] Pinestar[42] Tigerkit, Nightkit, Mistkit[43]

Queen Mate Kit(s)
Splashnose[232] Unknown Driftkit, Fallowkit[232]
Lilyfur[source?] Unknown None
Oakleaf[source?] Unknown None
Fernshade[source?] Wolfstep Badgerkit*[233]

Queen Mate Kit(s)
Daisytail[source?] Unknown Specklepaw*[234]
Hawkfoot[source?] Unknown None
Unknown Unknown Wolfkit, Runningkit, Smallkit[235]

Queen Mate Kit(s)
Cloudberry[source?] Ryewhisker[236] Unknown
Sunspots[source?] Unknown Two unnamed kits
Hayberry[source?] Unknown Wildkit, Minnowkit[237]

Battles of the Clans[]

Queen Mate Kit(s)
Songbird Morningstar[238] None
Daisy Smoky Berrykit, Mousekit, Hazelkit

Queen Mate Kit(s)
Fallowtail Reedfeather[239] Graykit,[32] Willowkit[32]

Queen Mate Kit(s)
Clovertail Unknown Rockkit,[29] Bouncekit,[29] Tinykit[29]
Birdflight Cloudstar[240] Gorsekit,[241] Spottedkit[241]

Note: No ShadowClan or WindClan queens were revealed in this book

In the Tigerstar and Sasha arc[]

Into the Woods[]

Queen Mate Kit(s)
Tallpoppy Unknown Unknown

Return to the Clans[]

Queen Mate Kit(s)
Mistyfoot Blackclaw Unknown

In the Ravenpaw's Path arc[]

A Clan in Need[]

Queen Mate Kit(s)
Sandstorm Firestar Squirrelkit, Leafkit

Queen Mate Kit(s)
Ashfoot Deadfoot Crowkit[25]

In the SkyClan and the Stranger arc[]

The Rescue[]

Queen Mate Kit(s)
Clovertail Patchfoot None
Leafstar Billystorm[242] Firekit,[243] Stormkit,[243] Harrykit[243]

Beyond the Code[]

Queen Mate Kit(s)
Clovertail Patchfoot None
Leafstar Billystorm Firekit, Stormkit, Harrykit

After the Flood[]

Queen Mate Kit(s)
Clovertail Patchfoot None
Leafstar Billystorm Firekit, Stormkit, Harrykit
Cherrytail Sharpclaw None[244]

See also[]

Notes and references[]

  1. 1.0 1.1 Revealed in Into the Wild, page 32
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 Revealed in Secrets of the Clans, page 16
  3. Revealed in Into the Wild, page 48
  4. 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 Revealed in Firestar's Quest, page 509
  5. Revealed in Forest of Secrets, page 2
  6. Revealed in Bluestar's Prophecy, page 11
  7. Revealed in Midnight, page 124
  8. Revealed in Into the Wild, pages 192-195
  9. Revealed in Secrets of the Clans, page 58
  10. Revealed in Secrets of the Clans, page 30
  11. Revealed in Secrets of the Clans, page 43
  12. Revealed in Secrets of the Clans, page 42
  13. Revealed in Bluestar's Prophecy, page 416
  14. Revealed in Forest of Secrets, pages 121-124
  15. Revealed in Firestar's Quest, page 196
  16. Revealed in Firestar's Quest, page 476
  17. Revealed in Sunset, page 24
  18. Revealed in Secrets of the Clans, page 62
  19. Revealed in Secrets of the Clans, pages 48-49
  20. Revealed in Secrets of the Clans, page 36
  21. 21.0 21.1 21.2 21.3 21.4 21.5 21.6 21.7 Revealed in Firestar's Quest, allegiances
  22. 22.0 22.1 22.2 22.3 22.4 22.5 Revealed in Firestar's Quest, page 18
  23. 23.0 23.1 23.2 23.3 Revealed on the Warriors website family tree (screenshot)
  24. Revealed in a letter
  25. 25.0 25.1 Revealed in Secrets of the Clans, page 37
  26. 26.0 26.1 Revealed on the Warriors website family tree
  27. 27.0 27.1 Revealed in Rising Storm, page 272
  28. 28.0 28.1 28.2 Revealed in Cloudstar's Journey, chapter 10
  29. 29.0 29.1 29.2 29.3 Revealed in Firestar's Quest, page 279
  30. 30.0 30.1 30.2 Revealed in Firestar's Quest, page 336
  31. 31.0 31.1 31.2 31.3 Revealed in Firestar's Quest, page 372
  32. 32.00 32.01 32.02 32.03 32.04 32.05 32.06 32.07 32.08 32.09 32.10 32.11 32.12 32.13 32.14 32.15 32.16 32.17 Revealed in Bluestar's Prophecy, allegiances
  33. Revealed in Bluestar's Prophecy, page 32
  34. 34.0 34.1 Revealed in Bluestar's Prophecy, page 8
  35. 35.0 35.1 35.2 Revealed in Bluestar's Prophecy, page 362
  36. 36.0 36.1 Revealed in Bluestar's Prophecy, page 24
  37. 37.0 37.1 Revealed in Bluestar's Prophecy, pages 18-19
  38. 38.0 38.1 38.2 38.3 Revealed in Bluestar's Prophecy, page 48
  39. 39.0 39.1 39.2 39.3 Revealed on the Warriors website family tree (screenshot)
  40. 40.0 40.1 Revealed in Bluestar's Prophecy, page 315
  41. 41.0 41.1 41.2 Revealed in Bluestar's Prophecy, page 47
  42. 42.0 42.1 42.2 42.3 Revealed in Bluestar's Prophecy, page 216
  43. 43.0 43.1 43.2 43.3 Revealed in Bluestar's Prophecy, page 266
  44. 44.0 44.1 Revealed in Bluestar's Prophecy, page 320
  45. Revealed in Bluestar's Prophecy, page 327
  46. Revealed in Bluestar's Prophecy, page 322
  47. Revealed on the Warriors website family tree (screenshot)
  48. 48.0 48.1 Revealed in Bluestar's Prophecy, page 329
  49. Revealed in Bluestar's Prophecy, page 425
  50. Revealed in Bluestar's Prophecy, page 410
  51. 51.0 51.1 Revealed in Bluestar's Prophecy, page 467
  52. Revealed in Bluestar's Prophecy, page 448
  53. Revealed in Bluestar's Prophecy, page 452
  54. 54.0 54.1 54.2 Revealed in Bluestar's Prophecy, page 465
  55. 55.00 55.01 55.02 55.03 55.04 55.05 55.06 55.07 55.08 55.09 55.10 55.11 55.12 55.13 55.14 55.15 55.16 55.17 55.18 55.19 55.20 55.21 55.22 55.23 55.24 55.25 Revealed in Yellowfang's Secret, allegiances
  56. 56.0 56.1 Revealed in Yellowfang's Secret, pages 100-101
  57. 57.0 57.1 57.2 57.3 57.4 Revealed in Yellowfang's Secret, page 31
  58. 58.0 58.1 58.2 Revealed in Crookedstar's Promise, page 8
  59. 59.0 59.1 Revealed in Forest of Secrets, pages 2-3
  60. 60.0 60.1 60.2 60.3 60.4 60.5 Revealed in SkyClan's Destiny, allegiances
  61. Revealed in SkyClan's Destiny, page 15
  62. 62.00 62.01 62.02 62.03 62.04 62.05 62.06 62.07 62.08 62.09 62.10 62.11 62.12 62.13 62.14 62.15 62.16 62.17 62.18 62.19 62.20 62.21 62.22 62.23 62.24 62.25 Revealed in Crookedstar's Promise, allegiances
  63. 63.0 63.1 Revealed in Crookedstar's Promise, page 1
  64. 64.0 64.1 64.2 Revealed in Crookedstar's Promise, page 10
  65. 65.0 65.1 65.2 Revealed in Crookedstar's Promise, page 222
  66. 66.0 66.1 Revealed in Crookedstar's Promise, page 209
  67. 67.0 67.1 67.2 Revealed in Crookedstar's Promise, page 248
  68. 68.0 68.1 Revealed in Crookedstar's Promise, page 149
  69. Revealed in Crookedstar's Promise, page 250
  70. 70.0 70.1 Revealed in Crookedstar's Promise, page 292
  71. 71.0 71.1 71.2 Revealed in Crookedstar's Promise, page 259
  72. 72.0 72.1 Revealed in Crookedstar's Promise, page 150
  73. Revealed in Crookedstar's Promise, page 279
  74. Revealed in Crookedstar's Promise, page 286
  75. 75.0 75.1 Revealed in Crookedstar's Promise, page 405
  76. 76.0 76.1 76.2 76.3 Revealed in Crookedstar's Promise, page 419
  77. 77.0 77.1 Revealed in Crookedstar's Promise, page 447
  78. 78.0 78.1 Revealed in Crookedstar's Promise, page 321
  79. 79.0 79.1 79.2 Revealed in Crookedstar's Promise, page 474
  80. Revealed in Crookedstar's Promise, page 466
  81. Revealed in Crookedstar's Promise, page 465
  82. 82.0 82.1 Revealed in Crookedstar's Promise, page 486
  83. 83.0 83.1 83.2 83.3 83.4 83.5 Revealed in Yellowfang's Secret, page 418
  84. 84.0 84.1 84.2 Revealed in Yellowfang's Secret, page 15
  85. 85.0 85.1 85.2 Revealed in Yellowfang's Secret, page 467
  86. 86.0 86.1 Revealed in Yellowfang's Secret, page 473
  87. 87.0 87.1 87.2 Revealed in Yellowfang's Secret, page 396
  88. Revealed in Yellowfang's Secret, page 309
  89. Revealed in an unknown book, page 69
  90. 90.0 90.1 90.2 Revealed in Yellowfang's Secret, pages 341-342
  91. 91.0 91.1 Revealed in Yellowfang's Secret, page 257
  92. Revealed in Yellowfang's Secret, page 178
  93. Revealed in Yellowfang's Secret, page 232
  94. 94.0 94.1 Revealed in Yellowfang's Secret, page 455
  95. 95.0 95.1 95.2 Revealed in Yellowfang's Secret, page 308
  96. 96.0 96.1 96.2 96.3 96.4 96.5 96.6 96.7 96.8 96.9 Revealed in Tallstar's Revenge, allegiances
  97. Revealed in Tallstar's Revenge, page 20
  98. Revealed in Tallstar's Revenge, page 253
  99. Revealed in Tallstar's Revenge, page 13
  100. Revealed in Tallstar's Revenge, page 21
  101. 101.0 101.1 101.2 101.3 Revealed in Tallstar's Revenge, page 274
  102. Revealed in Tallstar's Revenge, page 176
  103. 103.0 103.1 Revealed in Tallstar's Revenge, page 173
  104. 104.0 104.1 104.2 104.3 Revealed in Tallstar's Revenge, page 25
  105. 105.0 105.1 Revealed in Tallstar's Revenge, page 472
  106. 106.0 106.1 106.2 Revealed in Tallstar's Revenge, page 208
  107. 107.0 107.1 Revealed in Tallstar's Revenge, page 493
  108. Revealed in Onestar's Confession, page 25
  109. Revealed in Onestar's Confession, page 6
  110. 110.0 110.1 Revealed in Tallstar's Revenge, page 132
  111. 111.0 111.1 111.2 111.3 111.4 Revealed in Moth Flight's Vision, page 7
  112. 112.0 112.1 Revealed in Moth Flight's Vision, page 301
  113. 113.0 113.1 113.2 113.3 Revealed in Moth Flight's Vision, page 321
  114. 114.0 114.1 114.2 114.3 114.4 Revealed in Bramblestar's Storm, allegiances
  115. 115.0 115.1 Revealed in Thunder and Shadow, page 334
  116. Revealed in Thunder and Shadow, page 348
  117. Revealed in Shattered Sky, pages 114-115
  118. 118.0 118.1 Revealed in Bramblestar's Storm, page 292
  119. 119.0 119.1 119.2 119.3 Revealed in Bramblestar's Storm, page 56
  120. Revealed on Kate'sBlog
  121. 121.0 121.1 121.2 121.3 121.4 Revealed in Hawkwing's Journey, page 333
  122. 122.0 122.1 122.2 122.3 Revealed in Hawkwing's Journey, allegiances
  123. Revealed in Hawkwing's Journey, chapter 17
  124. 124.0 124.1 124.2 124.3 124.4 124.5 124.6 124.7 124.8 124.9 Revealed in Tigerheart's Shadow
  125. 125.0 125.1 125.2 125.3 125.4 125.5 Revealed in Leopardstar's Honor, allegiances
  126. 126.0 126.1 126.2 Revealed in Leopardstar's Honor, page 77
  127. 127.0 127.1 127.2 Revealed in Leopardstar's Honor, page 134
  128. 128.0 128.1 128.2 128.3 Revealed in Leopardstar's Honor, page 320
  129. Revealed in Leopardstar's Honor, page 198
  130. 130.0 130.1 Revealed in Leopardstar's Honor, page 328
  131. 131.0 131.1 131.2 131.3 Revealed in Leopardstar's Honor, page 346
  132. Revealed in Leopardstar's Honor, page 331
  133. Revealed in Leopardstar's Honor, page 461
  134. 134.0 134.1 134.2 Revealed in Onestar's Confession, allegiances
  135. Revealed in Onestar's Confession, page 109
  136. Revealed in Onestar's Confession, page 35
  137. 137.0 137.1 Revealed in Onestar's Confession, page 253
  138. Revealed in Onestar's Confession, page 254
  139. Revealed in Onestar's Confession, page 166
  140. 140.0 140.1 140.2 140.3 Revealed in Starlight, page 109
  141. 141.00 141.01 141.02 141.03 141.04 141.05 141.06 141.07 141.08 141.09 141.10 141.11 141.12 Revealed in Hollyleaf's Story, allegiances
  142. 142.0 142.1 142.2 142.3 142.4 142.5 Revealed in Into the Wild, allegiances
  143. 143.0 143.1 Revealed in Blackfoot's Reckoning, chapter 6
  144. 144.0 144.1 Revealed in Fire and Ice, pages 97-98
  145. 145.0 145.1 Revealed in Forest of Secrets, page 63
  146. Revealed in Rising Storm, page 225
  147. Revealed in Into the Wild, page 153
  148. 148.0 148.1 Revealed in Rising Storm, pages 41-42
  149. Revealed in Into the Wild, page 226
  150. Revealed in Into the Wild, page 120
  151. Revealed in Into the Wild, page 255
  152. 152.0 152.1 152.2 Revealed in A Dangerous Path, page 106
  153. Revealed in Crowfeather's Trial, page 211
  154. Revealed in Fire and Ice, page 2
  155. 155.0 155.1 Revealed on the Warriors website family tree (screenshot)
  156. 156.0 156.1 156.2 156.3 156.4 156.5 156.6 156.7 156.8 Revealed in Fire and Ice, allegiances
  157. Revealed in Fire and Ice, pages 95-97
  158. Revealed in Forest of Secrets, pages 62-63
  159. 159.0 159.1 Revealed on the Warriors website family tree (screenshot)
  160. Revealed on the Warriors website family tree (screenshot)
  161. Revealed in Fire and Ice, page 195
  162. 162.0 162.1 162.2 162.3 162.4 162.5 162.6 162.7 162.8 162.9 Revealed in Forest of Secrets, allegiances
  163. 163.0 163.1 163.2 163.3 163.4 163.5 163.6 Revealed in Rising Storm, pages 19-20
  164. 164.0 164.1 164.2 Revealed in A Dangerous Path, page 44
  165. Revealed in Forest of Secrets, page 247
  166. Revealed in Mistystar's Omen, chapter 3
  167. Revealed in Forest of Secrets, page 197
  168. 168.0 168.1 Revealed in Rising Storm, allegiances
  169. Revealed in Rising Storm, page 12
  170. 170.0 170.1 Revealed in Rising Storm, page 120
  171. 171.0 171.1 171.2 Revealed in Midnight, page 84
  172. Goldenflower decided to stay at the nursery until she became an elder
  173. Larchkit died during this book of starvation
  174. Hollykit dies during this book of starvation
  175. Revealed in Dawn, page 269
  176. 176.0 176.1 Revealed in Twilight, allegiances
  177. Revealed in Sunset, page 25
  178. 178.0 178.1 178.2 178.3 Revealed in Secrets of the Clans, page 150
  179. Revealed in Twilight, page 167
  180. Revealed in Sunset, page 27
  181. Revealed in Sunset, pages 37-38
  182. Revealed in The Sight, page 5
  183. Revealed in Dark River, page 22
  184. Revealed in The Sight, page 291
  185. Revealed in Dark River, page 21
  186. Revealed in Dark River, page 273
  187. Revealed in Dark River, allegiances
  188. Revealed in The Sight, page 145
  189. 189.0 189.1 189.2 Revealed in Outcast, allegiances
  190. Revealed in Long Shadows, page 236
  191. Revealed in Eclipse, page 159
  192. Revealed on Kate'sBlog
  193. Revealed in Long Shadows, page 288
  194. Revealed in Sunrise, page 317
  195. 195.0 195.1 Revealed in The Fourth Apprentice, allegiances
  196. Revealed in The Fourth Apprentice, page 299
  197. 197.0 197.1 197.2 197.3 Revealed in Fading Echoes, allegiances
  198. Revealed in The Forgotten Warrior, page 49
  199. Revealed in The Forgotten Warrior, page 146
  200. Revealed in The Forgotten Warrior, page 168
  201. Revealed in The Last Hope, page 83
  202. Revealed in The Last Hope, page 216
  203. Revealed in The Last Hope, page 272
  204. 204.00 204.01 204.02 204.03 204.04 204.05 204.06 204.07 204.08 204.09 204.10 204.11 204.12 204.13 204.14 204.15 204.16 Revealed in The Apprentice's Quest, allegiances
  205. Revealed in Shattered Sky, page 74
  206. Revealed in Thunder and Shadow, page 347
  207. Kate's Blog
  208. 208.0 208.1 208.2 208.3 208.4 208.5 Revealed in Thunder and Shadow, allegiances
  209. Revealed in Thunder and Shadow, page 96
  210. Kate's Blog
  211. 211.0 211.1 211.2 211.3 Revealed in Shattered Sky, page 47
  212. 212.0 212.1 Revealed in Shattered Sky, allegiances
  213. 213.00 213.01 213.02 213.03 213.04 213.05 213.06 213.07 213.08 213.09 213.10 213.11 Revealed in Darkest Night, allegiances
  214. 214.0 214.1 214.2 214.3 214.4 214.5 214.6 214.7 214.8 Revealed in River of Fire, allegiances
  215. Revealed in Darkest Night, pages 72-73
  216. Revealed in River of Fire, page 203
  217. Revealed in Shattered Sky, chapter 13
  218. 218.0 218.1 Revealed in River of Fire, chapter 5
  219. Revealed in River of Fire, chapter 17
  220. 220.0 220.1 220.2 220.3 Revealed in The Raging Storm, allegiances
  221. 221.00 221.01 221.02 221.03 221.04 221.05 221.06 221.07 221.08 221.09 221.10 Revealed in Lost Stars, allegiances
  222. 222.0 222.1 Revealed in an unknown book, undefined
  223. 223.00 223.01 223.02 223.03 223.04 223.05 223.06 223.07 223.08 223.09 223.10 223.11 223.12 223.13 Revealed in Darkness Within, allegiances
  224. 224.0 224.1 224.2 224.3 224.4 Revealed in Daisy's Kin, chapter 9
  225. 225.0 225.1 225.2 225.3 225.4 Revealed in Darkness Within, page 163
  226. 226.00 226.01 226.02 226.03 226.04 226.05 226.06 226.07 226.08 226.09 226.10 226.11 226.12 226.13 226.14 226.15 226.16 226.17 226.18 226.19 226.20 226.21 226.22 226.23 226.24 226.25 226.26 226.27 226.28 226.29 226.30 226.31 226.32 226.33 226.34 226.35 226.36 226.37 226.38 226.39 226.40 226.41 226.42 Revealed in River, allegiances
  227. 227.0 227.1 227.2 227.3 227.4 227.5 227.6 227.7 227.8 Revealed in River, page 33
  228. 228.0 228.1 228.2 228.3 228.4 Revealed on the Warriors website family tree (screenshot)
  229. 229.0 229.1 229.2 229.3 Revealed in Thunder, allegiances
  230. Revealed in Wind, page 184
  231. Revealed in Wind, page 181
  232. 232.0 232.1 Revealed in Code of the Clans, page 44
  233. Revealed in Code of the Clans, page 55
  234. Revealed in Code of the Clans, page 49
  235. Revealed in Code of the Clans, page 118
  236. Revealed in Code of the Clans, page 11
  237. Revealed in Code of the Clans, page 116
  238. Revealed in Battles of the Clans, page 141
  239. Revealed in Battles of the Clans, page 54
  240. Revealed in Firestar's Quest, page 6
  241. 241.0 241.1 Revealed in Firestar's Quest, pages 496-497
  242. Revealed in SkyClan's Destiny, page 462
  243. 243.0 243.1 243.2 Revealed in The Rescue, page 86
  244. Revealed in After the Flood, page 17
  1. Born to Graystripe and Silverstream[source?]
  2. Born to Oakheart and Bluefur[source?]
  3. Born to Mudfur and Brightsky[source?]
  4. Brindleface nursed Cloudkit when Fireheart brought him to ThunderClan[source?]
  5. Mosspelt adopted Featherkit and Stormkit when they joined RiverClan[source?]
  6. Snowkit is taken by a hawk and is assumed to be dead[source?]
  7. Squirrelflight was the adoptive mother to Jaykit, Hollykit and Lionkit. They were later revealed to be the kits of Leafpool and Crowfeather.[source?]
  8. Tawnypelt left the nursery to go to the Tribe, so Snowbird watched her kits.[source?]
  9. Born to Hawkwing and Pebbleshine[source?]

Author references
