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Warriors Wiki
Warriors Wiki

Oliver is a white tom.[1]


Website family tree[]

Oliver is shown to be the father of Cloudtail, Nami, Livy, Zack, and Taylor, as well as the mate of Princess.

Official art[]




Princess:[2] Living (As of Dawn)


Cloudtail:[3] Living (As of The Elders' Quest)


Nami:[2] Status unknown
Livy:[2] Status unknown
Zack:[2] Status unknown
Taylor:[2] Status unknown
See more
Whitewing:[4] Living (As of The Elders' Quest)
Ambermoon:[5] Deceased, verified StarClan member


Dewnose:[5] Living (As of The Elders' Quest)
Snowbush:[5] Deceased, verified StarClan member


Dovewing:[6] Living (As of The Elders' Quest)
Ivypool:[6] Living (As of The Elders' Quest)
Leafshade:[7] Living (As of The Elders' Quest)
Honeyfur:[7] Living (As of The Elders' Quest)
Myrtlebloom:[8] Living (As of The Elders' Quest)


Larksong:[7] Deceased, verified StarClan member
Bayshine:[8] Living (As of The Elders' Quest)


Shadowsight:[9] Living (As of The Elders' Quest)
Flipclaw:[10] Living (As of The Elders' Quest)
Nightheart:[11] Living (As of The Elders' Quest)
Flickerkit:[12] Deceased, verified StarClan member
Birchfeather:[13] Living (As of The Elders' Quest)
Rowankit:[13] Deceased, verified StarClan member
Sunkit:[14] Living (As of The Elders' Quest)


Lightleap:[9] Living (As of The Elders' Quest)
Pouncestep:[9] Living (As of The Elders' Quest)
Thriftear:[10] Living (As of The Elders' Quest)
Bristlefrost:[10] Deceased, no residence
Finchlight:[11] Living (As of The Elders' Quest)
Moonpaw:[15] Living (As of The Elders' Quest)
Moonpaw's sister:[16] Deceased, verified ghost
Hazelkit:[14] Living (As of The Elders' Quest)
Oakkit:[14] Living (As of The Elders' Quest)


Sprucepaw:[17] Living (As of The Elders' Quest)
Shinepaw:[14] Living (As of The Elders' Quest)
Poolkit:[14] Living (As of The Elders' Quest)


Redpaw:[17] Living (As of The Elders' Quest)
Goldenpaw:[14] Living (As of The Elders' Quest)
Beechkit:[14] Living (As of The Elders' Quest)
Quickkit:[14] Living (As of The Elders' Quest)


    = Tom

    = She-cat

    = Gender unknown



The following information is from sources considered non-canon, retconned, or from adapted material.

Notes and references[]

  1. 1.0 1.1 Revealed on the Warriors website family tree (screenshot)
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 Revealed on the Warriors website family tree (screenshot)
  3. Revealed in Fire and Ice, page 230
  4. Revealed in Firestar's Quest, page 509
  5. 5.0 5.1 5.2 Revealed in The Last Hope, page 216
  6. 6.0 6.1 Revealed in Sunrise, page 317
  7. 7.0 7.1 7.2 The allegiances of The Apprentice's Quest establish that Leafshade, Honeyfur, and Larksong are born to Lilyheart. While never outright stated that Snowbush is the father of this litter, Snowbush is confirmed to be Lilyheart's mate on page 74 of River of Fire.
  8. 8.0 8.1 Revealed in Thunder, page 60
  9. 9.0 9.1 9.2 Revealed in Tigerheart's Shadow, page 187
  10. 10.0 10.1 10.2 Revealed in River of Fire, page 203
  11. 11.0 11.1 Revealed in Squirrelflight's Hope, page 107
  12. Revealed in Squirrelflight's Hope, page 253
  13. 13.0 13.1 Revealed in River, allegiances
  14. 14.0 14.1 14.2 14.3 14.4 14.5 14.6 14.7 Revealed in The Elders' Quest, allegiances
  15. Revealed in The Elders' Quest, page 33
  16. Revealed in The Elders' Quest, page 255
  17. 17.0 17.1 Revealed on the Warriors website family tree (screenshot)
  18. Revealed on Vicky's Facebook