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Warriors Wiki
Warriors Wiki

Allegiances, as presented in the opening pages of Onestar's Confession. Characters that were excluded from an Allegiances list, but appeared in the book, will be listed following the formal allegiances list.

Logo-windclan-textless WindClan[]

Leader: Tallstar — large black-and-white tom with amber eyes
Apprentice, Morningpaw (tortoiseshell-and-white she-cat with amber eyes)
Deputy: Deadfoot — lean black tom with a twisted left paw
Apprentice, Onepaw (pale brown tabby tom)
Medicine cat(s): Hawkheart — stone-gray tom with flecks of darker brown fur

Barkface — short-tailed dark brown tom

Warriors: Stagleap — dark brown tom with amber eyes

Wrenflight — brown she-cat

Meadowslip — gray she-cat

Mistmouse — light brown tabby she-cat

Doespring — light brown she-cat

Pigeonflight — dark gray tom with white patches

Larksplash — tortoiseshell-and-white she-cat
Apprentice, Ashpaw (gray she-cat)

Aspenfall — gray-and-white tom

Mudclaw — dark brown tabby tom

Tornear — gray tabby tom

Crowfur — black tom

Rushtail — light brown tom

Oatwhisker — creamy-brown tabby tom

Darkfoot — blue-gray tom

Cloudrunner — pale gray tom

Rabbitear — pale brown she-cat with a fluffy white belly and yellow eyes

Flytail — snowy white tom

Bristlebark — black tom

Ryestalk — gray tabby she-cat

Queens: Sorrelshine — gray-and-brown she-cat

Elders: Hareflight — light brown tom

Redclaw — dark ginger tom

Hickorynose — brown tom

Appledawn — pale cream she-cat

Plumclaw — dark gray she-cat

Logo-thunderclan-textless ThunderClan[]

Leader: Sunstar — bright ginger tom with yellow eyes
Deputy: Bluefur — thick-furred blue-gray she-cat with blue eyes
Apprentice, Runningpaw (light brown tabby tom)
Medicine cat(s): Featherwhisker — pale silvery tom with bright amber eyes, long whiskers, sweeping, plumy tail

Spottedleaf — dark tortoiseshell she-cat with a distinctive dappled coat

Warriors: Brindleface — pale gray tabby she-cat

Sparrowpelt — big, dark brown tabby tom with yellow eyes

Redtail — tortoiseshell tom with a ginger tail
Apprentice, Mousepaw (brown she-cat)

Thrushpelt — sandy-gray tom with white flash on his chest and green eyes

Robinwing — small brown she-cat with ginger patch on her chest and amber eyes

Patchpelt — small black-and-white tom with amber eyes

Dappletail — tortoiseshell she-cat with beautiful dappled coat

Speckletail — pale tabby she-cat with amber eyes

Leopardfoot — black she-cat with green eyes

Frostfur — white she-cat with blue eyes

Thistleclaw — gray-and-white tom with amber eyes

Lionheart — golden tabby tom with green eyes

Goldenflower — pale ginger tabby she-cat with yellow eyes

Tigerclaw — big dark brown tabby tom with unusually long front claws

Whitestorm — big white tom

Rosetail — gray tabby she-cat with a bushy reddish tail

Queens: Willowpelt — pale gray she-cat with blue eyes (mother to Darkkit, dark gray tabby tom)

Elders: Swiftbreeze — tabby-and-white she-cat with yellow eyes

Poppydawn — long-haired, dark red she-cat with a bushy tail and amber eyes

Goosefeather — speckled gray tom

Fuzzypelt — black tom

Adderfang — mottled brown tabby tom with yellow eyes

Smallear — gray tom with very small ears and amber eyes

Windflight — gray tabby tom with pale green eyes

One-eye — pale gray she-cat, blind in one eye

Logo-riverclan-textless RiverClan[]

Leader: Crookedstar — light brown tabby tom with green eyes and a twisted jaw

Deputy: Timberfur — brown tom

Medicine cat(s): Brambleberry — white she-cat with black spotted fur and blue eyes
Apprentice, Mudfur (mottled light brown tom)

Warriors: Rippleclaw — black-and-silver tabby tom
Apprentice, Mallowpaw (tortoiseshell tabby and white she-cat)

Voleclaw — gray tom

Echomist — pale gray she-cat
Apprentice, Mistypaw (pale gray she-cat)

Cedarpelt — mottled brown tabby tom

Frogleap — gray tom

Owlfur — brown-and-white tom

Blackclaw — black tom

Ottersplash — white-and-pale-ginger she-cat

Sedgecreek — brown tabby she-cat
Apprentice, Dawnpaw (ginger and white she-cat)

Beetlenose — tom with crow-black fur

Reedtail — pale gray tabby tom

Softwing — white she-cat with tabby patches
Apprentice, Stonepaw (pale blue-gray tom)

Skyheart — pale brown tabby she-cat

Whitefang — white tom with brown paws

Leopardfur — unusually spotted golden tabby she-cat

Lilystem — pale gray she-cat

Shimmerpelt — black she-cat

Piketooth — dark brown tabby tom

Petaldust — tortoiseshell she-cat

Lakeshine — mottled gray-and-white she-cat

Oakheart — reddish-brown tom with amber eyes

Loudbelly — dark brown tom

Willowbreeze — pale gray tabby she-cat with amber eyes

Graypool — dark gray she-cat with yellow eyes

Sunfish — pale gray she-cat

Elders: Fallowtail — brown she-cat

Birdsong — tabby-and-white she-cat

Logo-shadowclan-textless ShadowClan[]

Leader: Raggedstar — large, dark brown tabby tom

Deputy: Cloudpelt — white tom with blue eyes

Medicine cat(s): Yellowfang — dark gray she-cat with a broad, flattened face

Runningnose — small gray-and-white tom

Warriors: Blizzardwing — mottled white tom

Wolfstep — gray tom with a torn ear

Deerfoot — light brown tom

Tangleburr — gray and brown she-cat

Blackfoot — white tom with black paws

Flintfang — gray tom

Fernshade — tortoiseshell she-cat

Russetfur — dark ginger she-cat

Boulder — gray tom

Clawface — brown tom

Brokentail — dark brown tabby tom
Apprentice, Stumpypaw (brown tom)

Brackenfoot — pale ginger tom with dark ginger legs

Hollyflower — dark gray-and-white she-cat

Mudclaw — gray tom with brown legs

Lizardstripe — pale brown tabby she-cat with yellow eyes

Toadskip — dark brown tabby tom with white splashes and white legs

Featherstorm — brown tabby she-cat

Scorchwind — ginger tabby tom

Newtspeck — black-and-ginger tabby she-cat

Ashheart — pale gray she-cat with blue eyes

Amberleaf — dark ginger she-cat with brown legs and ears

Frogtail — dark gray tom

Nettlespot — white she-cat with ginger flecks

Finchflight — black-and-white tom

Nutwhisker — brown tom with amber eyes
Apprentice, Cinderpaw (gray tom)

Rowanberry — cream-and-brown she-cat with amber eyes

Mousewing — black tom with long, thick fur

Elders: Deerleap — gray tabby she-cat with white legs

Archeye — gray tabby tom with black stripes and thick stripe over one eye

Crowtail — black tabby she-cat

Poolcloud — gray-and-white she-cat

Nightpelt — black tom

Lizardfang — light brown tabby tom with one hooked tooth

Ashfur — gray tom
