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Warriors Wiki
"Lulu and Patch have gone to a new home. But we still see them sometimes, and they are very happy. At least I know they are together."
Violet in Ravenpaw's Farewell, chapter 3

Patch is a gray-and-pale orange tom.[3]


In the Novellas[]

Ravenpaw's Farewell[]

"Lulu, Patch, get down! I’m so sorry. I think they’re a bit overexcited by your visit."
―Violet to Lulu and Patch Ravenpaw's Farewell
Patch is a kittypet and son of Violet alongside his siblings, Lulu, Riley, and Bella.
When Ravenpaw and Barley come to visit Violet's home, she calls to her kits that she is home, calling them poppets. They poke their heads out from pelts then swarm forward, meowing and purring and tugging their fur. Violet introduces Barley as her brother to her kits. Patch and Lulu, climb on Barley's head and Violet tells them to come back down, apologizing to Ravenpaw that they may have gotten a little too excited about their visit.
A few moons later, Violet comes with her kits Riley and Bella, but not Patch and Lulu. Barley asks what happened to the other two kits, and Violet sadly states that they are in new homes. She still sees them sometimes, and it comforts her that they are still together.

Character pixels[]




Violet:[1] Living (As of Ravenpaw's Farewell)


Bellaleaf:[1] Living (As of Star)
Lulu:[1] Living (As of Ravenpaw's Farewell)


Rileypool:[1] Deceased, residence unknown


Wrenflight:[4] Living (As of Star)


Two unnamed kits:[5] Deceased, residence unknown


Barley:[6] Living (As of Graystripe's Vow)
Hoot:[7] Living (As of The Heart of a Warrior)
Jumper:[7] Living (As of The Heart of a Warrior)


Unnamed she-cat:[8] Status unknown


Unnamed ♀
See moreJumper ♂Violet ♀Hoot ♂Barley ♂Ravenpaw ♂
Rabbitleap ♂Bellaleaf ♀Rileypool ♂Lulu ♀Patch ♂
Wrenflight ♀Two kits

    = Tom

    = She-cat

    = Gender unknown



Interesting facts[]

  • Vicky stated that none of Violet's kits are related to Firestar in any way.[9]
  • He has rogue blood through Violet.[6]

Notes and references[]

  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 Revealed in Ravenpaw's Farewell, chapter 2
  2. Revealed in Ravenpaw's Farewell, chapter 3
  3. Revealed in Ravenpaw's Farewell, allegiances
  4. Revealed in Lost Stars, allegiances
  5. Revealed in Lost Stars, chapter 2
  6. 6.0 6.1 Revealed in Secrets of the Clans, page 138
  7. 7.0 7.1 Revealed in Secrets of the Clans, page 139
  8. Revealed in The Darkest Hour, page 247
  9. Revealed on Vicky's Facebook