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Warriors Wiki
"It's Petalfall. She's had another falling fit, and she's so weak she can hardly open her eyes."
— Quailheart reporting on Petalfall's condition in Cloudstar's Journey, chapter 6

Quailheart is a dappled gray tom.[2]


In the A Vision of Shadows arc[]

Shattered Sky[]

Upon SkyClan's return to the other Clans in the lake territories, Alderheart and the other medicine cats happily witness SkyClan's ancestors joining StarClan.

In the Novellas[]

Cloudstar's Journey[]

Quailheart is a SkyClan warrior. With Mintpaw hurt from a falling tree, Quailheart fetches Fawnstep herbs for the treatment. When Buzzardtail volunteers to carry Mintpaw to the medicine den, Quailheart helps him get the young cat on his shoulders and follows him into the den. Later, Cloudstar is on a border patrol with Quailheart, Stoatfur, and Rainleap. Redstar, the leader of ThunderClan, appears through a patch of bracken. He questions Cloudstar about the goings-on in his Clan. Cloudstar hears Quailheart snarl at the open contempt Redstar shows them. Cloudstar ends the conversation coolly and watches Redstar stalk away. The patrol discusses what to do about the Twolegs as they head back to camp.
After the Gathering, Quailheart gives a somber report on Petalfall, and Fawnstep and Cloudstar rush to the medicine den and see how close to death she is. Fawnstep tells Quailheart to fetch some poppy seeds to soothe the wailing she-cat in the nest. Quailheart asks how many poppy seeds are needed and brings them over moments later. Later, Cloudstar asks Fawnstep if she has enough herbs for Petalfall's vigil, watching Quailheart spread leaves over Petalfall's body.

Character pixels[]




  • He is mistakenly called a she-cat.[4]
  • His name is misspelled as 'Quail-heart'.[5]

Notes and references[]

  1. 1.0 1.1 Revealed in Shattered Sky, page 265
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 Revealed in Cloudstar's Journey, allegiances
  3. 3.0 3.1 Revealed on Vicky's Facebook (screenshot)
  4. Revealed in Cloudstar's Journey, chapter 4
  5. Revealed in Cloudstar's Journey, chapter 5