Allegiances, as presented in the opening pages of Rising Storm. Characters that were excluded from an Allegiances list, but appeared in the book, will be listed following the formal allegiances list.
Leader: | Bluestar—blue-gray she-cat, tinged with silver around her muzzle |
Deputy: | Fireheart—handsome ginger tom Apprentice, Cloudpaw |
Medicine cat(s): | Yellowfang—old dark gray she-cat with a broad, flattened face, formerly of ShadowClan Apprentice, Cinderpelt—dark gray she-cat |
Warriors: | Whitestorm—big white tom Apprentice, Brightpaw Darkstripe—sleek black-and-gray tabby tom Apprentice, Fernpaw Longtail—pale tabby tom with dark black stripes Apprentice, Swiftpaw Runningwind—swift tabby tom Mousefur—small dusky-brown she-cat Apprentice, Thornpaw Brackenfur—golden-brown tabby tom Dustpelt—dark brown tabby tom Apprentice, Ashpaw Sandstorm—pale ginger she-cat |
Apprentices: | Swiftpaw—black-and-white tom Cloudpaw—long-haired white tom Brightpaw—she-cat, white with ginger splotches Thornpaw—golden-brown tabby tom Fernpaw—pale gray with darker flecks, she-cat, pale green eyes Ashpaw—pale gray with darker flecks, tom, dark blue eyes |
Queens: | Frostfur—beautiful white coat and blue eyes Brindleface—pretty tabby Goldenflower—pale ginger coat Speckletail—pale tabby, and the oldest nursery queen Willowpelt—very pale gray she-cat with unusual blue eyes |
Elders: | Halftail—big dark brown tabby tom with part of his tail missing Smallear—gray tom with very small ears; the oldest tom in ThunderClan Patchpelt—small black-and-white tom One-eye—pale gray she-cat, the oldest she-cat in ThunderClan; virtually blind and deaf Dappletail—once-pretty tortoiseshell she-cat with a lovely dappled coat |
Leader: | Nightstar—old black tom |
Deputy: | Cinderfur—thin gray tom |
Medicine cat(s): | Runningnose—small gray-and-white tom |
Warriors: | Stumpytail—brown tabby tom Apprentice, Brownpaw Wetfoot—gray tabby tom Apprentice, Oakpaw Littlecloud—very small tabby tom Whitethroat—black tom with white chest and paws |
Apprentices: | Brownpaw—N/A* Oakpaw—N/A* |
Queens: | Dawncloud—small tabby Darkflower—black she-cat Tallpoppy—long-legged light brown tabby she-cat |
* It should be noted that in this volume only the ThunderClan apprentices were given a section to themselves.
Leader: | Tallstar—black-and-white tom with a very long tail |
Deputy: | Deadfoot—black tom with a twisted paw |
Medicine cat(s): | Barkface—short-tailed brown tom |
Warriors: | Mudclaw—mottled dark brown tom Apprentice, Webpaw Tornear—tabby tom Apprentice, Tawnypaw Onewhisker—brown tabby tom Apprentice, Whitepaw Runningbrook—light gray tabby she-cat |
Apprentices: | Webpaw—N/A* Tawnypaw—N/A* Whitepaw—N/A* |
Queens: | Ashfoot—gray queen Morningflower—tortoiseshell queen |
* It should be noted that in this volume only the ThunderClan apprentices were given a section to themselves.
Leader: | Crookedstar—huge light-colored tabby with a twisted jaw |
Deputy: | Leopardfur—unusually spotted golden tabby she-cat |
Medicine cat(s): | Mudfur—long-haired light brown tom |
Warriors: | Blackclaw—smoky black tom Apprentice, Heavypaw Stonefur—gray tom with battle-scarred ears Apprentice, Shadepaw Loudbelly—dark brown tom Graystripe—long-haired gray tom, formerly of ThunderClan |
Apprentices: | Heavypaw—N/A* Shadepaw—N/A* |
Queens: | Mistyfoot—dark gray she-cat Mosspelt—tortoiseshell she-cat |
Elders: | Graypool—thin gray she-cat with patchy fur and a scarred muzzle |
* It should be noted that in this volume only the ThunderClan apprentices were given a section to themselves.
Cats outside Clans[]
Barley—black-and-white tom that lives on a farm close to the forest
Blackfoot—large white tom with huge jet-black paws, formerly ShadowClan deputy
Boulder—silver tabby tom, formerly of ShadowClan
Princess—light brown tabby with a distinctive white chest and paws; a kittypet
Ravenpaw—sleek black cat who lives on the farm with Barley
Smudge—plump, friendly black-and-white kitten who lives in a house at the edge of the forest; a kittypet
Tigerclaw—big dark brown tabby tom with unusually long front claws, formerly of ThunderClan