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Warriors Wiki
"He also says we have to know when to be quiet, or we'll never be good hunters."
— Shade Pelt to Dangling Leaf about Raven Pelt in Moth Flight's Vision, page 300

Shade Pelt is a dappled brown tom[2] with amber eyes.[5]


In the Super Editions[]

Moth Flight's Vision[]

Shade Pelt is born to Juniper Branch and Raven Pelt along with his littermates Dangling Leaf and Dusk Nose. He is later seen introducing himself to Cow, when Moth Flight brings her to the ShadowClan camp. When Moth Flight mentions Cow was a friend of Micah's, he asks if she knew Micah was dead. Dusk Nose says he shouldn't ask questions like that, because it might be rude. Dangling Leaf calls out that Raven Pelt said they can ask anything they like. Shade Pelt sniffs and responds that Raven Pelt said they had to learn when to be quiet, or they'll never be good hunters.
Later, he corrects Moth Flight when she says she has her own den, but he says she's just borrowing Sun Shadow's den until she can build her own. After Bubbling Stream goes to live in ShadowClan, Shade Pelt is mentioned to have been part of the expeditions that Bubbling Stream led them on outside of camp.

In the Novellas[]

Shadowstar's Life[]

Shadowstar notes how Shade Pelt has amber eyes like the cat who had watched her and Sun Shadow die. Later, Shade Pelt and Bubbling Stream sort herbs at Pebble Heart's request. He gets a thorn stuck in his paw and Pebble Heart treats him as Shadowstar recovers in his den. He applies comfrey to his wound and orders Shade Pelt to stay off his paws for the rest of the day.

Character pixels[]




Juniper Branch:[1] Living (As of Shadowstar's Life)


Ravenstar:[1] Living (As of The Ultimate Guide: Updated and Expanded Edition)


Dusk Nose:[1] Living (As of Shadowstar's Life)


Dangling Leaf:[1] Living (As of Shadowstar's Life)


Ravenstar ♂Juniper Branch ♀
Dusk Nose ♀Dangling Leaf ♂Shade Pelt ♂

    = Tom

    = She-cat

    = Gender unknown



Dangling Leaf: "I'm Dangling Leaf."
Dusk Nose: "I'm Dusk Nose."
Shade Pelt: "I'm Shade Pelt."
—Shade Pelt and his siblings introducing themselves to Cow Moth Flight's Vision, page 300

Dusk Nose: "You can't ask questions like that Shade Pelt, it's rude."
Dangling Leaf: "Raven Pelt says we can ask anything we like."
Shade Pelt: "He also says we have to know when to be quiet, or we'll never be good hunters."
—Shade Pelt and his siblings about Micah Moth Flight's Vision, page 300

External links[]

Notes and references[]

  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 Revealed in Moth Flight's Vision, page 289
  2. 2.0 2.1 Revealed in Moth Flight's Vision, page 299
  3. Revealed in Shadowstar's Life, allegiances
  4. Revealed in Shadowstar's Life, chapter 3
  5. Revealed in Shadowstar's Life, chapter 2