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These notes reflect a bulleted list of major and minor events in Shattered Sky that can be easily navigated. They are intended to serve as a reference for those looking for specific events in re-reading and book discussions and include links to the relevant chapter subpages further detailing each chapter's events.

  • Alderheart's perspective.
  • Alderheart has a vision and sees the wandering cats of SkyClan.
  • Echosong, who is suffering from an infection, dies.
    • Before that, she gives SkyClan a prophecy, telling them to follow the blood trail.
  • Alderheart decides to tell Bramblestar about his vision after the battle.

  • Twigpaw's perspective.
  • All four Clans are preparing to attack the Kin.
  • Ivypool tells Twigpaw about the new part of the code Bramblestar implanted.
  • Onestar and Rowanstar start arguing and Mistystar breaks it up.
  • The four Clans begin their onslaught on the Kin.
    • Sleekwhisker discovers the ambush party and alerts the Kin, ruining the Clan's element of surprise.
  • Twigpaw sees Onestar pinning Darktail.
    • Darktail whispers something inaudible to Onestar, who calls for WindClan to retreat after hearing Darktail's message.
  • Twigpaw finds Violetpaw in the battle.
    • Violetpaw is pressured to attack Twigpaw by Needletail and Rain. Twigpaw sprains her leg backing away from Violetpaw, refusing to harm her.
    • Twigpaw is devastated that her own sister attacked her.

  • Alderheart's perspective.
  • Alderheart expresses concern about Twigpaw.
  • Jayfeather and Alderheart decide to go while Leafpool stays in camp.
  • Mistystar and the rest of RiverClan are revealed to be badly wounded, along with Perchwing having been killed, causing Mistystar to argue with Onestar.
  • The RiverClan leader blames Onestar and Rowanstar for the loss of the battle.
  • Mallownose suggests Twigpaw and Violetpaw aren't part of the prophecy.
    • The Clans start arguing amongst themselves.
      • Clouds cover the moon and the Gathering ends.
  • Alderheart tells Bramblestar about his vision and says the other Clans need to know.
    • The rest of ThunderClan and ShadowClan learn about SkyClan.
  • Alderheart and Bramblestar lead a patrol and tells RiverClan.
    • Mistystar says there is nothing she can do and that RiverClan needs to recover.
  • Then the patrol go to tell WindClan but are stopped by Crowfeather, but Gorsetail arrives and leads them to WindClan.
  • At camp, Bramblestar tells Onestar what Darktail did to SkyClan, but the WindClan leader explodes on them, forcing them to leave.
    • Alderheart is now sure that Onestar is hiding something.

  • Violetpaw's perspective.
  • Violetpaw is putting mousebile on Oakfur and Ratscar's ticks.
    • Needletail reprimands Violetpaw for helping the elders with their ticks and makes her stop.
  • Violetpaw confesses to Needletail that she feels bad for injuring Twigpaw in the battle.
    • Needletail tells her that she did what she had to and the the Kin is her family now.
  • Violetpaw decides to take a mouse to Puddleshine.
    • Needletail thinks that's a good idea and says she'll go with her to see how Darktail is doing.
  • Darktail tells Violetpaw that she is a credit to the Kin when they arrive with the mouse.
  • Rain enters the den just as Needletail and Violetpaw are leaving, and tells Puddleshine he can go and check on the other injured cats.
  • Violetpaw waits outside to listen to Rain and Darktail talking alone, but looks in sees realizes Rain on top of Darktail covering his nose and mouth, trying to suffocate him and take over leadership.
    • Darktail successfully pretends to be dead, making Rain uncover his face.
    • Rain walks towards Violetpaw with the intention of killing her as a witness to his crime, but before he can reach her Darktail catches him by surprise and kills Rain.
      • He then tells Violetpaw he always knew Rain would betray him.

  • Alderheart's perspective.
  • Alderheart declares that Twigpaw's leg was only badly wrenched and not broken.
  • Leafpool has Alderheart get Jayfeather.
    • Alderheart spots Purdy.
      • Purdy says admits to having a belly-ache, but it comes and goes and is just something that comes with age.
  • Rowanstar and Bramblestar are arguing.
    • Alderheart notices many cats are listening in.
    • Tawnypelt interjects and Rowanstar tells her this is the leaders' business and Bramblestar agrees.
    • Tawnypelt tells them it is everyone's business.
    • Cinderheart suggests they shouldn't fight for Rowanstar.
  • Alderheart tells Jayfeather that Leafpool wants him
    • Alderheart has a vision and sees the cats of SkyClan.
      • Alderheart realizes that Echosong died and SkyClan is in the barn he and the others stayed in during their journey.
      • He sees Hawkwing and realizes he could be Twigpaw and Violetpaw's father.
    • Ivypool and Tigerheart arguing breaks through and his vision ends.
      • He realizes Twigpaw and Violetpaw might be part of SkyClan.

  • Twigpaw's perspective.
  • Twigpaw is lying in the apprentice den, worrying about Violetpaw, and if she believes Needletail about the sisters being enemies.
  • Bramblestar calls a Clan meeting. Alderheart tells everybody about his vision.
    • Rowanstar states they should fight the rogues, and not worry about helping SkyClan, causing an argument between the warriors.
    • Alderheart then reveals he may have seen Twigpaw's father.
    • Dovewing and Lionblaze offer to go look for SkyClan, and Sparkpelt volunteers to tag along with Tigerheart, but Rowanstar doesn't allow his deputy to leave.
    • Ivypool declares they are wrong and they should be focusing on getting rid of the Kin.
      • Twigpaw feels hurt that Ivypool doesn't want to help her find her family, and more cats agree with her.
      • Lilyheart tries to comfort Twigpaw by telling her she must put what's good for the Clan first.
  • Bramblestar refuses to look for SkyClan at the time being.
    • Twigpaw walks away, feeling betrayed that no one came to her defense.

  • Violetpaw's perspective.
  • At the Kin's camp, Needletail asks Violetpaw about Rain's death. Violetpaw reluctantly tells Needletail again.
    • Violetpaw encourages Needletail to come hunting to get her mind off Rain. She also points out that hunting will help prove their loyalty to the Kin.
      • Needletail asks if Darktail doubts her loyalty, but Violetpaw assures her that he doesn't.
    • They head out hunting and come back to the camp after a successful hunt.
  • Darktail has recruited kittypets into his rogue group.
  • Darktail makes the kittypets say an oath of loyalty to his rogues, and assigns each of them a cat to train them, and Violetpaw is chosen to look after Zelda.
    • Violetpaw takes Zelda hunting and Zelda tries eating an animal for the first time.
  • Max, Loki, and Zelda want to go back to their housefolk, but Darktail encourages them to stay, to which they reluctantly agree to.
    • Darktail plans on using the kittypets to fight for him.

  • Alderheart's perspective.
  • Alderheart comes back to the ThunderClan camp one morning after collecting herbs, only to find that Twigpaw is missing.
  • Berrynose and Tigerheart get into an argument which Purdy tries to defuse.
    • Purdy collapses and dies, after there was nothing Alderheart could do for him.
    • The Clan sits vigil for Purdy.
  • Alderheart confronts Bramblestar with his fear that Twigpaw may have run off to find SkyClan on her own.
    • Bramblestar calls a Clan meeting to discuss Twigpaw's disappearance. Molewhisker, Tigerheart, and Dovewing volunteer to search for Twigpaw.
  • Alderheart is devastated that Twigpaw could be dead.

  • Twigpaw's perspective.
  • Twigpaw snuck out of the dirtplace tunnel in search of SkyClan.
    • She wonders what it would be like to have a father.
  • Twigpaw encounters a group of three dogs on ShadowClan territory and climbs a tree to escape them.
    • She tries to spot the barn from her high vantage point in the tree without success.
    • This causes Twigpaw to lose her balance and fall down in front of a group of Twolegs, then passes out.

  • Violetpaw's perspective.
  • Darktail has persuaded Max, Loki, and Zelda to stay much longer than what they originally intended.
  • Violetpaw is wakened by Dawnpelt in the early morning who tries to persuade Violetpaw to sneak away with her to ThunderClan, along with Juniperclaw and Strikestone.
    • Violetpaw refuses, saying she has to stay and watch over Needletail, who had been distressed ever since Rain was killed.
  • The next morning, Darktail announces the new plan to take over RiverClan's territory.
    • He orders the elders, Oakfur and Ratscar, along with the kittypet recruits, to attack first in the battle, to which Violetpaw protests.
  • The battle starts.
    • The Kin win the battle, and RiverClan loses their territory.
    • Max, Foxnose, Heronwing, Petalfur, Pinenose and Shadepelt all die in the battle.
    • Darktail refuses to let Mistystar take away the badly injured RiverClan warriors for treatment or the dead bodies of the RiverClan warriors for burial, instead of keeping the injured as prisoners and leaving the dead to rot in the open.
    • RiverClan retreats to ThunderClan territory.

  • Alderheart's perspective.
  • A quarter moon has passed since Tigerheart, Dovewing, and Molewhisker set out to look for Twigpaw.
  • Alderheart and Mothwing sneak off from the ThunderClan camp to try and get inside the RiverClan camp.
    • As they travel through WindClan territory, they are stopped by a patrol of Sedgewhisker, Leaftail, and Oatclaw, who let them pass.
  • They come across one of Darktail's patrols in RiverClan territory consisting of Raven, Needletail, and Violetpaw.
    • Mothwing tells them she needs to collect her herb store as an excuse to get inside the RiverClan camp.
    • Raven initially says no, but Needletail thinks they should be let in, as long as they tell Puddleshine what some of the herbs are used for. Alderheart suspects Needletail is purposefully trying to help them get inside.
    • Puddleshine plays along, realizing the silent plan.
  • Needletail is informed by Alderheart that Dawnpelt never made it to ThunderClan, to which she replies it was Dawnpelt's own fault if she was killed.
    • Alderheart is initially shocked but realized that she had to say that since Raven was still nearby in order to not betray herself. He has never seen Needletail so scared before.

  • Violetpaw's perspective.
  • Darktail is still keeping the kittypets in the camp, as well as the RiverClan prisoners. He forces them to recite a pledge of loyalty to the Kin in order for them to receive food.
    • Reedwhisker, RiverClan's deputy refused to recite the pledge but eventually gave in from the pain of hunger.
    • Darktail continues to starve the prisoners anyway.
  • Darktail pulls Violetpaw aside to confront her about the missing herbs.
    • Violetpaw replies she doesn't know where they went, afraid to say that Needletail had let Alderheart and Mothwing into the camp.
    • Darktail eventually pressures and threatens Violetpaw into admitting that Needletail said they could come in.
  • Darktail confronts Needletail violently about letting Alderheart and Mothwing take the herbs without his permission. He forces Needletail to live with the prisoners as a punishment.
    • Darktail also reveals to Violetpaw that he already knew all of this from Raven, and he was simply testing Violetpaw to see if she would tell the truth.

  • Alderheart's perspective.
  • Stormcloud visits Alderheart because he can't sleep and is constantly worried about the Clans and Darktail.
    • This makes Alderheart realize that Darktail could possibly totally wipe out all the Clans and their way of life.
  • Tigerheart, Dovewing, and Molewhisker return from their search for Twigpaw with the news she is most likely dead, devastating Alderheart.
    • The Clan holds a vigil for Twigpaw, despite having no physical body.
  • Lionblaze, Berrynose, and Rosepetal return from a patrol, reporting that some rogues entered ThunderClan and attacked them on their own territory.
    • Mistystar and Rowanstar disagree on whether to attack the rogues before they attack ThunderClan.
  • Mothwing suggests they might be able to rescue the prisoners if they had a cat on the inside they could trust with a plan.
    • Alderheart thinks about how Needletail was subtly trying to help him and Mothwing get inside the camp before.
  • Leafpool, Jayfeather, Alderheart, Mothwing, and Willowshine visit the Moonpool for the half-moon medicine cat meeting. Puddleshine and Kestrelflight do not show up.
    • Alderheart has a vision of the SkyClan cats again.
      • He hopes to see Twigpaw in SkyClan, but she is not there, so Alderheart sadly admits she must be dead if she hadn't made it to SkyClan by now.

  • Violetpaw's perspective.
  • Darktail is treating Violetpaw well, which seems to make Sleekwhisker jealous.
  • Unknown to Darktail, Violetpaw sneaks food into Needletail and the RiverClan prisoners.
    • Violetpaw explains to the starving prisoners the risk is worth it to her because she knows she made a mistake following Darktail in the first place.
  • Darktail asks Violetpaw to hunt.
    • Violetpaw remarks to herself how Darktail had been acting strangely nice to her ever since she betrayed Needletail.
  • Violetpaw sneaks away from the other cats with the excuse of hunting in ShadowClan territory.
    • Instead, she sneaks away to ThunderClan to see Twigpaw. She talks with Alderheart first, where he requests her to help sneak out the RiverClan prisoners.
    • She agrees, but then asks to see Twigpaw so she can apologize for attacking her. Alderheart informs her that it is believed she had been killed by a monster on the Thunderpath.
      • Alderheart also tells her that Twigpaw most likely snuck away from camp to go look for SkyClan on her own, thinking she and Violetpaw may have kin there.
      • Violetpaw still agrees to help ThunderClan rescue the prisoners secretly.
  • After Violetpaw arrives back at the RiverClan camp that night, she persuades Zelda, who is guarding the prisoners, to let her in to talk with Needletail.
    • Violetpaw explains ThunderClan's plan to Needletail. Needletail discourages Violetpaw to take any risks for her.
    • Violetpaw instead sneaks out the two ShadowClan elders, Oakfur and Ratscar, out of the RiverClan camp that night.

  • Alderheart's perspective.
  • Alderheart, Sparkpelt, and Ivypool are waiting at the ShadowClan and RiverClan border for Violetpaw to bring Oakfur and Ratscar, which she successfully does.
    • Violetpaw receives congratulations from the other cats and promises to sneak more cats out three nights from then.
  • Alderheart, Sparkpelt, and Ivypool run into a patrol of Loki and Roach.
    • Lionblaze meets them there and distracts them with Sparkpelt and Ivypool while Alderheart sneaks the elders to the ThunderClan camp.
  • Violetpaw sneaks Snowbird and her kits, Gullkit, Frondkit, and Conekit out of Darktail's camp next.
  • A couple of days after the escape, Rowanstar and Mistystar get into another argument, making Bramblestar call another Clan meeting to discuss the Clans' options.
    • The cats collectively agree they need to rescue the prisoners out of the camp at all once.
      • Tigerheart suggests incapacitating the guards and cats closest to Darktail.
  • When Alderheart meets up with Violetpaw that night, he explains to her ThunderClan's plan and gives her a leaf wrap of poppy seeds, instructing her to put three seeds into Darktail's and his followers' prey.
    • Alderheart compares Violetpaw to Twigpaw silently as she leaves.

  • Twigpaw's perspective.
  • Twigpaw passed out after she fell out of the tree, and woke up in a Twoleg den.
    • She eventually escaped after spending at least a quarter moon there, and began to search for the yellow barn Alderheart had described.
    • Twigpaw finally found the barn, but SkyClan had already been there but had moved on.
  • Twigpaw falls asleep after wandering the forests, unsure of where she was.
    • She dreams of a gray tom with blue eyes, encouraging her to get up. The tom tells her to follow the blood trail in the sky until the entire circle of the sun was unobstructed.
  • Twigpaw does as the gray tom instructs, and find SkyClan living beside a stream in a valley.
    • SkyClan is very enthusiastic to meet Twigpaw after she tells them she's from ThunderClan.
    • Twigpaw talks with Hawkwing, the SkyClan deputy, and Leafstar, the SkyClan leader. They are shocked to learn that Darktail is on the other Clans' territories now and explains SkyClan's past with him.
    • Twigpaw then learns Hawkwing is her father.
  • SkyClan agrees to follow Twigpaw back to the lake, and she leads them.
    • They wander for a long time but eventually find the lake and travel to the ThunderClan camp.

  • Violetpaw's perspective.
  • Violetpaw is preparing to feed Darktail and his closest followers the poppy seeds as the sun is setting.
    • She brings Darktail, Roach, Raven, Nettle, and Sleekwhisker the poppy seed prey and they all eat together.
    • Violetpaw gets up after she's certain Darktail and his followers are in a deep sleep, but is caught by Sleekwhisker. Violetpaw is taken before Darktail by Sleekwhisker, Roach, and Raven.
    • Darktail was informed of Violetpaw's plan by Sleekwhisker and decides to punish Violetpaw.
  • Darktail decides to take out the punishment on Needletail, as he knows Violetpaw is very close to her.
    • Darktail takes Needletail and Violetpaw down to the lake with Roach, Raven, and Sleekwhisker. He plans to drown Needletail with Violetpaw watching as punishment.
    • Darktail also offers to Needletail that her life could be spared as long as she killed Violetpaw instead.
  • Needletail uses the opportunity to get close enough to Violetpaw to tell her to run while she fought off Darktail's cats.
    • Violetpaw successfully runs away at the cost of Needletail's life as Darktail's cats drown her.

  • Alderheart's perspective.
  • At the ThunderClan camp, cats are preparing to sneak out the prisoners, assuming that Violetpaw's plan worked.
    • They hear sounds of fighting coming from the RiverClan camp as they approach, and knew that the plan had gone wrong.
    • Instead, it appeared that the prisoners had already started fighting the rogues without ThunderClan. Bramblestar calls to attack and ThunderClan helps the prisoners fight the rogues
  • The Clan cats eventually reclaim the RiverClan camp as Darktail calls for the Kin to retreat.
    • Rowanstar decides to let the ShadowClan prisoners who wanted to come back to ShadowClan come back.
    • Scorchfur informs the other Clans about what happened to Violetpaw and Needletail. Nobody knows what happened to either cat after Darktail took them down to the lake.
  • When they arrive back at the ThunderClan camp, they discover that Twigpaw has returned with SkyClan.
    • Jayfeather announces the medicine cats should go to the Moonpool and ask StarClan what to do about SkyClan coming back to the lake.
    • At the Moonpool, Firestar confirms that SkyClan is part of the prophecy, but not all Clans are around the lake, referring to fallen ShadowClan.

  • Twigpaw's perspective.
  • Violetpaw makes it back to the ThunderClan camp safely and informs everyone of Needletail's death.
    • Twigpaw introduces her sister to Hawkwing, their father.
    • Hawkwing then proceeds to encourage both of his kits to join SkyClan with him when this is all over, to which Twigpaw and Violetpaw are unsure about.
  • The Clans gather together, excited that SkyClan has returned and certain they can drive out the rogues.
    • Rowanstar is ready to attack the rogues. Bramblestar, Leafstar, and Mistystar all agree to fight alongside Rowanstar in the final battle.
    • Alderheart points out they still need to involve one more Clan for the attack to be complete; WindClan.

  • Violetpaw's perspective.
  • Twigpaw, Violetpaw, Reedwhisker, Hawkwing, Squirrelflight, and Tigerheart are going to talk with Onestar about joining the fight to defeat Darktail.
    • They arrive in WindClan's camp to find Darktail's rogues attacking WindClan, and winning.
    • Darktail calls for the fighting to stop right after the other Clan cats join the fight.
      • He then engages in a questionable dialogue with Onestar in front of Darktail, implying that he knew Onestar well, to everyone's confusion.
    • Darktail then calls for the Kin to retreat and promises to be back to finish off WindClan.
  • Onestar then decides to explain his past with Darktail, as long as all the Clan leaders are present.
    • Squirrelflight and Hawkwing take the opportunity to inform Onestar of SkyClan's return.
  • Squirrelflight brings all of the leaders to the WindClan camp, and Onestar then starts explaining.
    • When he was a warrior in the forest territories, Onewhisker, he snuck off to Twolegplace to chat with the kittypets there occasionally.
    • One kittypet, Smoke, developed a relationship with Onestar and became pregnant with his kits.
    • Smoke wanted to bring up their kits in WindClan and teach them to be warriors, but Onestar declined, saying it would be too hard to explain.
    • Smoke went back to her housefolk, and met up with Onestar a few moons later after the kits had been born.
      • Only one kit had survived, and Smoke begged Onestar to at least take his son to WindClan, to which Onestar refused.
      • Smoke then turned on Onestar, promising to raise their son alone and teach him to hate the Clans.
      • That kit was Darktail, Onestar's and Smoke's son. Because of this, Onestar blames himself for Darktail's evil reign and thinks of himself as unworthy as a leader.
  • After his spiel, Onestar also reveals that he called for WindClan to retreat in the battle because of what Darktail whispered to him: "What do you think will happen to a cat who rejected, and then killed, his own son? Surely that cat would end up in the Dark Forest. Think of that when you're on your last life!"
    • This scared Onestar enough to flee the battle because he was on his last life, as he publicly reveals, to everyone's shock.
  • Onestar then agrees to help drive out Darktail to make up for his mistakes.

  • Alderheart's perspective.
  • The medicine cats meet at the Moonpool, where they visit StarClan and learn that SkyClan's ancestors have rejoined StarClan as well.
    • The StarClan cats encourage the medicine cats to drive out the rogues, but in order to do so, the Clans will need to "remember their names," to the medicine cats' confusion.
  • Back at the camp the next day, Bramblestar is preparing everyone for the final battle with Darktail. He calls for a meeting of all five Clans.
    • Alderheart and the medicine cats are still unsure of what StarClan meant by remembering their names.
  • Alderheart gets an idea after overhearing Hawkwing telling Twigpaw about how SkyClan attacks from trees, a fighting style unique to their Clan.
    • In order for the Clans to remember their names, they must each attack in the way that is unique to their Clan: RiverClan attacks from the water, SkyClan attacks from above, ShadowClan cats are masters of disguise, therefore surprising the enemy, WindClan cats dart in and out, distracting enemies and providing openings for their Clanmates, and ThunderClan cats attack head-on to try and push the enemy line backward with brute force.
  • Twigpaw's perspective.
  • All five Clans are walking into the final assault on the Kin. Leafstar gives the signal for her Clan to follow her and attack through the trees.
    • Hawkwing asks Violetpaw and Twigpaw to join him in the trees. Violetpaw declines, but Twigpaw accepts enthusiastically.
  • The Clans attack the rogues in the ShadowClan camp, catching them all off-guard.
    • Each Clan attacks using their own specialties, fulfilling the prophecy Firestar gave them to remember their names.
  • Eventually, all the rogues flee, leaving Darktail facing off with Onestar.
    • They eventually fight and roll down to the lake, and start fighting in the water with the warriors of all five Clans watching.
    • The Clans stood there waiting for a long time, but neither cat resurfaced, both having drowned each other.
  • Violetpaw's perspective.
  • Loki and Zelda are finally going home, having seen Darktail defeated.
  • Twigpaw calls Violetpaw over to say goodbye to the ShadowClan cats, who are leaving.
    • Bramblestar offers SkyClan to share ThunderClan's territory for the time being, but eventually, they will have to find their own camp.
    • Violetpaw notices Tigerheart talking with Dovewing before Rowanstar calls him away.
  • Hawkwing offers Violetpaw and Twigpaw a place in SkyClan if they want it.
    • They are unsure, but Hawkwing tells them to think about it. Violetpaw hopes that the three of them come out of this okay after all they've been through.