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"This is the new RiverClan. A greater, stronger, more powerful Clan than it has ever been before. No longer will we wait for the approval of dead cats to do what we know needs to be done. We will do whatever it takes to make RiverClan the strongest Clan, the richest in prey and territory, and the more influential...We will enjoy our living seasons to the fullest, and not worry about what lies beyond. And I will take you there!"
— Splashtail to RiverClan in Wind, page 278

Splashtail is a broad-shouldered[16] thick-furred[17] brown tabby tom[3] with gray-[18]green eyes.[19]

Splashtail was a former leader of RiverClan in the lake territories. He was born as Splashkit to Sneezecloud and Havenpelt alongside his sister, Fogkit. As an apprentice, Splashpaw was originally mentored by Softpelt. However, after Softpelt's death in a battle caused by the impostor, Splashpaw's training was completed by Minnowtail. Fueled with ambition at a young age, Curlfeather approached him about a new change for RiverClan. As a young warrior, Splashtail conspired with Curlfeather to kill Reedwhisker with the promise of becoming her deputy. After betraying Curlfeather, Splashtail was chosen as Owlnose's deputy, and the young tom's decisiveness and resolve balanced Owlnose's uncertainty.

When Tigerstar forcibly took over RiverClan, Splashtail was one of his strongest oppositionists and began meeting in secret with Berryheart to conspire against Tigerstar's rule. He briefly served as Duskfur's temporary deputy under her temporary leadership. Splashtail eventually rose to be RiverClan's leader after Podlight claimed that he was visited by StarClan. Despite lying about receiving his nine lives, he framed himself as Splashstar, promising to lead his Clan to a greatness never seen before. Harelight was his first deputy, but Splashtail murdered him after he challenged his leader's decisions. He grew more deranged and violent, threatening to kill kits to force others to obey him. After the other Clans confronted him for his actions, Splashtail attempted to escape but was killed by Frostpaw and went to the Dark Forest afterwards.


In The Broken Code arc

Lost Stars

Splashkit is a RiverClan kit, and his sister is Fogkit. Both kits are children of Sneezecloud and Havenpelt.

The Silent Thaw

He is now an apprentice by the name of Splashpaw, and Softpelt has become his mentor.

Veil of Shadows

Splashpaw's mentor, Softpelt, has died during a devastating battle between the Clans.

Darkness Within

Splashpaw's new mentor is Minnowtail.

In the A Starless Clan arc


"You should have faith in yourself. You're a bright, talented medicine-cat apprentice, and StarClan wouldn't guide you wrong."
―Splashtail to Frostpaw River, page 213
He is now a warrior named Splashtail. Splashtail goes on a hunting patrol with Reedwhisker, Fognose, Podlight, and Curlfeather. At some point, Reedwhisker goes missing, and the rest of the patrol assumes he either got lost or returned to camp without them. However, to their surprise, Reedwhisker is not in camp, and they have found out that Mistystar has died suddenly. When Frostpaw learns of Reedwhisker's whereabouts from Leopardstar and leads the patrol to find him, Splashtail and Gorseclaw are doubtful of Frostpaw's capabilities. They find Reedwhisker dead in a ravine, and Splashtail and Gorseclaw dip their heads in respect. As they carry his body out of the ravine, Splashtail wonders what will happen to RiverClan.
Splashtail escorts Frostpaw to the Moonpool to ask StarClan who their leader should be, and he reassures Frostpaw, having found a new respect for her. Frostpaw reflects how they used to be friends since they were young, and while his sharp words hurt when they were searching for Reedwhisker, she is glad he thinks her to be capable. Frostpaw does not speak with StarClan, but finds a curled feather on the path near the Moonpool. She interprets it as Curlfeather should be their leader, and excitedly tells Splashtail that they should return to camp. When they return, Splashtail is exhausted and Frostpaw thanks him for his help. After Curlfeather's death, Mothwing and Splashtail help Frostpaw to her den, and he suggests that Mothwing should pick some senior warriors to lead, but Mallownose shoots that idea down.


"He's just new to this, that's all. And so am I. Owlnose will be a great leader once he learns how to deal with the senior warriors, and I'm going to get better and do everything I can to help him."
―Splashtail to Frostpaw about helping Owlnose Sky, page 247
Splashtail attempts to encourage Frostpaw to eat while she grieves for her mother's death and explains how Mothwing is organizing patrols while the Clan is still in shock. When a ShadowClan patrol arrives asking for catmint to treat Rowankit, Splashtail and Mallownose aggressively confront them until Snaketooth convinces them to allow the ShadowClan patrol to see Mothwing and Frostpaw. After Mothwing explains they do not have any catmint to spare, she sharply tells them to leave, and Splashtail and Mallownose escort them out of camp. When Frostpaw reflects about who to choose as leader, she briefly thinks about Splashtail but notes he is too young to lead. Splashtail visits Frostpaw again after she made her decision, comforting and reassuring her that she made the right choice. When Owlnose stumbles over organizing patrols, Splashtail prompts him on who to send. After, Splashtail compliments Frostpaw again that she made the right choice.
Later, Splashtail helps Brackenpelt to the medicine den after she hit her head on the riverbank when it collapsed. Owlnose blames himself for not knowing about the unstable riverbanks before ordering his warriors to cross, though Splashtail defends him. He also suggests sending larger patrols to make sure all of the riverbanks are stable, though Duskfur and Gorseclaw notice how Owlnose tends to rely on Splashtail. After StarClan does not show up to grant Owlnose his nine lives, Splashtail wonders if StarClan is waiting until Owlnose has led for a while. Mothwing prompts Owlnose to pick a deputy and he picks Splashtail since they work well together. His decision is criticized by most of the Clan since Splashtail is young and has not mentored an apprentice yet, though the Clan is interrupted when Tawnypelt arrives with news of an emergency Gathering that night.
Owlnose and Splashtail's newest roles causes a stir at the Gathering, with Owlnose and Mothwing lying about what was going on. The new leader and his medicine cat tell the other Clans that Mistystar died of greencough, and that Reedwhisker died before he could get his nine lives. After the Gathering, Splashtail and Owlnose struggle to organize patrols until Mothwing steps in. Splashtail notices Frostpaw watching worriedly and she shares her concerns about Owlnose's indecisiveness. Splashtail hopes he and Owlnose will get better over time, and he reassures Frostpaw that she is doing a great job. Frostpaw briefly wonders if she has feelings for Splashtail, but Fidgetflake interrupts them. When Frostpaw, Mothwing, and Owlnose return from the Moonpool, Tigerstar arrives with a patrol to attempt to help RiverClan under his guidance. Splashtail angrily refuses Tigerstar's offer, insisting he must leave or fight. A battle erupts in RiverClan's camp, though it quickly ends when Tigerstar has Duskfur pinned down. Splashtail insists that no cat shall die today. He angrily glares at Tigerstar as the ShadowClan leader insists this is for RiverClan's own good now that he is in charge of the Clan.


Splashtail: "I care about you. I care too much to be okay with you maybe making the wrong choice. You have to make the right one, even if it means we might not get to be mates. Frostpaw, it's all about what's best for RiverClan."
Frostpaw: "I've already made my choice, and I know it's the right one. I told you, I'm going to be a warrior."
—Splashtail and Frostpaw's argument Shadow, page 161
Following RiverClan's defeat, Splashtail strongly opposes Tigerstar and ShadowClan's occupation of his Clan. When Tigerstar appoints Icewing and Cloverfoot as temporary leaders while he returns to ShadowClan, Duskfur advocates for Splashtail to lead since he was appointed deputy. However, Tigerstar insists Splashtail is too inexperienced, though Frostpaw wonders if the ShadowClan leader wanted a new leader who would not challenge him. He attends the emergency Gathering, though remains silent during Tigerstar's explanation of the battle. Later, Frostpaw reapplies poultice to his wounds from the battle and scolds him to working tirelessly despite her instructions to rest.
Splashtail disagrees with Frostpaw's decision to step down and train as a warrior. The gray she-cat begins to suspect if he is avoiding her, but also wonders if they can become future mates now that she is training to be a warrior. She abruptly confesses that she wants to be mates with him one day. While Splashtail also has feelings for her, he still views her as a medicine cat. One night, Splashtail, Mallownose, and Duskfur speak with Berryheart, Whorlpelt, and Yarrowleaf at the greenleaf Twolegplace to discuss Tigerstar's unjust occupation of RiverClan. The brown tabby insists that he has the perfect idea who their new medicine cat apprentice should be, and Sunbeam and Nightheart wonder if Splashtail's plans violate the warrior code. While fishing, Splashtail gets a sharp pebble lodged in his forepaw and praises Frostpaw when she expertly removes it. He once again presses her decision to forgo her medicine cat training, though apologizes when Frostpaw sharply defends her choice. She stays behind to fish with him, though he snaps at her to be quiet when she tries to strike up a conversation. After successfully catching a fish and returning to camp, Splashtail apologizes for snapping at her and explains how he needs time to accept her new path. The two briefly argue about Frostpaw's choice again with Splashtail pressing her to make the right choice for RiverClan, though Frostpaw is convinced she does not have a connection with StarClan.
At the Gathering, Splashtail and several others speak out against Icewing's report that things are well in RiverClan under Tigerstar's guidance. After Frostpaw receives a vision from Reedwhisker about his murder, Frostpaw decides to tell Splashtail about it, knowing she can trust him. The brown tabby is shocked by Frostpaw's revelation, although he is not fully convinced by her hypothesis that a RiverClan cat killed their former deputy. He questions the validity of her vision, especially since her previous ones were false, and convinces her to speak with an experienced medicine cat to verify her message. Frostpaw decides to speak with Whistlepaw, the WindClan medicine cat apprentice, and Splashtail warns her to be careful.


«He cast his eyes over the assembled cats, and Frostpaw felt a chill as his gaze swept over her. Splashtail couldn't have seen her, but she felt his hatred. She felt his determination to be leader. Even though her crush on him was long gone, she saw him in a way that only a cat who had cared for him deeply could, and what she saw terrified her. He'd nearly killed her to get what he wanted. What else would be be willing to do? Who would he be willing to sacrifice?»
—Frostpaw's thoughts about Splashtail's leadership Thunder, page 338
At an emergency Gathering a quarter-moon later, Splashtail announces that Frostpaw is still missing. Whistlepaw reveals that she found traces of Frostpaw's blood on the moor, indicating that she might have died. Meanwhile, Frostpaw and Nightheart travel to the Cats of the Park under Riverstar's guidance. There, Frostpaw learns to meditate, and she accepts that it was Splashtail who had attempted to murder her when she tried to reach Whistlepaw. Upon further reflection, Frostpaw realizes that she remembers Splashtail following her, she remembers his shadow following her and Curlfeather to the Moonpool. Later on, a vision from Riverstar reveals that Splashtail and Curlfeather plotted together to kill Reedwhisker, though he eventually turned on her.
When Frostpaw returns to the lake along with Nightheart, Wasp, and Waffle, they hide while spectating the Gathering. Duskfur, RiverClan's temporary leader, announces that Podlight is their new medicine cat. The new healer declares that he received a dream from RiverClan indicating that Splashtail should be their new leader. Frostpaw wonders if Splashtail is scheming with Podlight to secure leadership, since the new medicine cat is her mother's littermate. She is horrified and scared for her Clan at the prospective idea of Splashtail leading RiverClan, after everything he has done to her.


"I am a true leader. And you and the other leaders would do well to note who it is that speaks against me: a disgraced RiverClan exile, and the medicine cat from the Clan who invaded my Clan and tried to take us over! There's no doubt in my mind that the more upheaval he can cause in RiverClan, the better Tigerstar will like it. I am Splashstar, and unless you leaders know otherwise, you had better treat me with the respect my new name deserves. After all, what is the point of these Gatherings if the leaders can't even agree on who holds a rightful place in their Clan as leader or medicine cat?"
―Splashtail at the Gathering Wind, page 180
As the other leaders begin to accept Splashtail as RiverClan's newest leader, Frostpaw speaks up from the crowd, surprising everyone who thought she was dead. She insists that Splashtail and Curlfeather conspired together to kill Reedwhisker, and Splashtail later turned on her mother. However, Splashtail claims that he knew about Curlfeather's manipulations of Frostpaw but was working against her. He claims that Frostpaw is confused and, as RiverClan's newest leader, he refuses to welcome her back into RiverClan, saying that he is unable to trust Frostpaw given her past mistakes and does not want to cause a rift in RiverClan while they recover from their many losses.
A quarter-moon later, Frostpaw sneaks into RiverClan's camp and spots Splashtail aggressively training his warriors for battle. Mothwing tells Frostpaw that Splashtail has been in no hurry to visit the Moonpool for his nine lives. During the half-moon meeting, Jayfeather questions Podlight's visions about Splashtail being the rightful leader of RiverClan, and the other medicine cats urge Podlight that Splashtail needs to visit the Moonpool for his leader ceremony. Later, Puddleshine and Frostpaw spy on Splashtail and Podlight visiting the Moonpool. With Mothwing busy attending to Splashtail's mother as she gives birth to her new litter, it is just Podlight and Splashtail at the Moonpool. Due to the sanctity of the leadership ceremonies, Podlight and Splashtail are unsure how they are supposed to proceed, but both toms plan to just wait long enough for their Clanmates to believe them. Splashtail scoffs about potentially seeing Reedwhisker again after killing him. Riverstar appears, though Splashtail and Podlight cannot see him, further proving that they are liars.
At the Gathering, Splashtail announces that he is Splashstar, but Frostpaw openly calls him a liar. However, Leafstar and Harestar accept Splashstar. Splashtail announces Harelight as his new deputy and the birth of his mother's kits: Floatkit, Rapidkit, and Troutkit. After the Gathering, Duskfur and Icewing inform Frostpaw that they believe what she said about Splashtail. Later, Splashtail accuses Duskfur, Icewing, and Mothwing of being traitors when they disappear. Harelight questions his leader's motives, and Splashtail kills him with a swipe at the throat. Promising to lead RiverClan to a new glory, Splashtail appoints Berryheart as his new deputy.


"Fight! If you're going to die anyway, you may as well die as heroes! Don't back down! StarClan won't protect you! It hasn't protected you for moons! They've watched you suffer humiliation after humiliation! This is your chance for revenge! Give your last drop of blood for your Clan!"
―Splashtail to his cats Star, page 183
Splashtail is haunted by Curlfeather's violently wounded ghost in his dreams and in the waking world. She taunts him for weak leadership when the other Clans are against him; Curlfeather even mocks that his own Clanmates are plotting behind his back. Setting his sights on controlling the other Clans, Splashtail first plots against ShadowClan in retribution for their prior takeover. Using Berryheart and Brackenpelt as pawns, the two she-cats lure Tigerstar and several of his strongest warriors to the island with a ruse that RiverClan has overthrown Splashtail. However, RiverClan's warriors trap the ShadowClan cats on the island, preventing them from escaping. As a result, Splashtail leads his other warriors in a violent assault on ShadowClan's camp, ruthlessly targeting the nursery and the elder's den. Meanwhile, Fognose and Sneezecloud steal SkyClan's kits as hostages upon Splashtail's orders.
Splashtail's warriors overwhelm the remaining ShadowClan cats, and Splashtail claims them as RiverClan's prisoners. He threatens to kill Cinnamontail's four kits if ShadowClan revolts. Before returning to his own camp, Splashtail orders Berryheart's death when he learns of her imminent betrayal. As RiverClan's prisoner, Nightheart learns of Splashtail's ruthless regiment over his Clan: Mosspelt and his own mother Havenpelt are imprisoned in the nursery, his younger littermates are held as hostages to coerce RiverClan to fight, Graysludge and Mistslime were given horrid names as a sign of their mother's betrayal, and the Clan priorities constant battle training over hunting. When Gorseclaw overhears Nightheart speaking with Fognose, the RiverClan warrior drags him to Splashtail's den, where the leader is yowling to himself while his littermates cower nearby. Splashtail indifferently tells Gorseclaw to kill Nightheart, goading the white tom when he hesitates.
Owlnose arrives and attempts to coerce his Clanmates to turn against Splashtail, but the RiverClan leader silences him with a slash. Squirrelstar, Harestar, Leafstar, and numerous warriors from the other Clans arrive to put a stop to Splashtail's violence. Splashtail instead forces his warriors to attack by threatening to kill Troutkit. While RiverClan is quickly overwhelmed, Splashtail flees the camp with Floatkit, attempting to reform a new RiverClan. However, he is thwarted by Frostpaw, who manages to kill him.

In the Changing Skies arc

The Elders' Quest

Coming Soon

In the Super Editions

Ivypool's Heart

"And now, maybe we can go home and see what Splashtail has done to our Clans."
―Icewing about returning home Ivypool's Heart, chapter 33
When Whistlepaw receives a dream from StarClan to right an ancient wrong or it will result in a river of blood, the other Clans wonder if it might refer to Splashtail's reign of RiverClan. While the other four Clans agree to send representatives to the fox-head mountain, Splashtail refuses to participate. However, Icewing arrives with news of her exile in ShadowClan and Splashtail's growing violence.

Character pixels

Official art

Killed victims

This list shows the victims Splashtail has killed:


Leader info




Havenpelt:[3] Living (As of The Elders' Quest)


Sneezecloud:[3] Living (As of The Elders' Quest)


Fognose:[3] Living (As of Star)
Rapidsplash:[14] Living (As of The Elders' Quest)
Floatshimmer:[14] Living (As of The Elders' Quest)


Troutshine:[14] Living (As of The Elders' Quest)
See more


Eelkit:[24] Living (As of The Elders' Quest)


Heronkit:[24] Living (As of The Elders' Quest)


Graymist:[25] Living (As of The Last Hope)


Mallownose:[26] Living (As of The Elders' Quest)

First cousins:

Brackenpelt:[27] Living (As of The Elders' Quest)
Jayclaw:[27] Deceased, verified StarClan member
Owlnose:[27] Living (As of The Elders' Quest)


Graymist ♀See more
Havenpelt ♀Sneezecloud ♂Duskfur ♀Mallownose ♂Petalfur ♀
Fognose ♀Splashtail ♂Troutshine ♂Rapidsplash ♀Owlnose ♂Brackenpelt ♀
Floatshimmer ♀Podlight ♂Curlfeather ♀Jayclaw ♂
Graysky ♂Frostdawn ♀Mistpool ♀
Eelkit ♂Heronkit ♀

    = Tom

    = She-cat

    = Gender unknown



Toys and Plush

Berryheart & Splashtail - Mini Collector Figures

Berryheart and Splashtail

Berryheart and Splashtail

  • Series 7
  • This unlikely duo of allies found themselves standing together as leader and deputy of RiverClan. Berryheart's regret over Needletail's death and helping Darktail take over her Clan have made her determined to never again let an outsider harm her Clan - but perhaps the greatest harm came from within all along. Splashtail is young, and around Clanmates he's mild and pleasant, but inside burns a burning hunger for power that hasn't been seen in generations, with the strength to sweep all the Clans away in its fervor.
  • Sturdy mini figure of Berryheart and Splashtail, approximately 7cm in height.
  • Also included in a three-pack bundle with the rest of Series 7: Briarlight and Purdy, and Onestar and Darktail.
  • Approximate individual price is $12.99 USD, and the three-pack bundle is $38.97 USD.


Interesting facts

  • Splashtail was made deputy despite the fact he never mentored an apprentice before.[28]


Splashtail: "Making such a big decision was a real responsibility. The past few days must have been hard for you."
Frostpaw: "StarClan guided my thoughts."
Splashtail: "Of course. You're our medicine cat. Whoever you choose, RiverClan will support you."
—Splashtail to Frostpaw after she's made her decision on who should be leader Sky, page 139

"We can't appear vulnerable. The other Clans must believe for now that Owlstar has StarClan's blessing. I'm sure it won't be long before he does."
―Splashtail standing up for his leader Sky, page 201

"What does it matter now how they died? I'm more interested in why they chose cats like these to replace them! For StarClan's sake! They might as well have chosen kits!"
―Harestar about Splashtail and Owlnose Sky, page 212

"I will do whatever it takes to save RiverClan. Nothing comes before that. And if you're not ready, Mallownose, to do whatever needs to be done to push ShadowClan out, perhaps you shouldn't be coming to these meetings."
―Splashtail to Mallownose about his meetings with Berryheart Shadow, page 146

"Don't you want to see the leadership of RiverClan change? You want to be deputy, right? Ever since you were an apprentice, you've wanted power. I could sense it from fox-lengths away."
―Curlfeather to Splashtail Wind, page 3

"What a joke it would be if we saw Reedwhisker. I could kill him all over again!"
―Splashtail to Podlight at the Moonpool Wind, chapter 10

Curlfeather: "We both know I should be RiverClan's leader, if only you hadn't been so greedy and killed me."
Splashtail: "I did it for RiverClan!"
Curlfeather: "Do you really believe that?"
Splashtail: "Of course I do!"
Curlfeather: "Then why is RiverClan such a mess?"
Splashtail: "It's not. RiverClan is doing better than it has in moons. It has a leader who will make its warriors strong. It's preparing for battle. By newleaf, RiverClan will control every territory around the lake!"
Curlfeather: "Do you think StarClan will let you, when they wouldn't even give you their blessing?"
Splashtail: "I don't need their blessing! [...] Only a weak leader needs nine lives! I'm not going to let a bunch of dead cats tell me what to do. I'm going to be stronger than you could ever imagine. I'm going to be leader of all the Clans."
—Splashtail arguing with Curlfeather's spirit Star, pages 3-4

"It's for your own good. You'll see, in time. Once I'm leader of both RiverClan and ShadowClan, everyone will be happier."
―Splashtail echoing Tigerstar's words Star, page 77

"We're all one Clan now. Or hadn't you realized? This is the first dawn of your new lives as RiverClan warriors."
―Splashtail to ShadowClan Star, page 129

"Splashstar has convinced them that if we don't control the other Clans, the other Clans will control us. He told them that Tigerstar's occupation was only the start. It was just an excuse to make RiverClan part of ShadowClan. He said that the other Clans let him do it because they want to be rid of RiverClan too. New borders will give them extra land."
―Havenpelt about Splashtail's reign Star, page 125

External links

Notes and references

  1. Splashtail's profile on the Warriors official website (backup link)
  2. Revealed in Shadow, page 60
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 Revealed in Lost Stars, allegiances
  4. 4.0 4.1 4.2 Revealed in The Silent Thaw, allegiances
  5. Wind recap: the story so far on the Warriors official website (backup link)
  6. 6.0 6.1 Revealed in Star, page 196
  7. Revealed in River, allegiances
  8. 8.0 8.1 Revealed in Sky, page 199
  9. 9.0 9.1 Revealed in Thunder, page 336
  10. Revealed in Wind, page 178
  11. Revealed in Graystripe's Vow, allegiances
  12. Revealed in Shadow, page 12
  13. Revealed in Thunder, page 259
  14. 14.0 14.1 14.2 14.3 Revealed in Wind, page 181
  15. Revealed in Star, page 320
  16. Revealed in Star, page 75
  17. Revealed in Sky, page 35
  18. Revealed in Star, page 160
  19. Revealed in Wind, page 22
  20. Revealed in Thunder, page 303
  21. Revealed in River, page 246
  22. Revealed in Wind, page 277
  23. Revealed in Star
  24. 24.0 24.1 Revealed in The Elders' Quest, allegiances
  25. Revealed in Dark River, allegiances
  26. Revealed in Dark River, page 134
  27. 27.0 27.1 27.2 Revealed in Bramblestar's Storm, page 56
  28. Revealed in Sky, page 200
  1. Splashtail and Fognose were apprenticed at the very end of leaf-bare, meaning they would have been born in late greenleaf. In addition, an article on the Warriors website confirms that Splashtail and Fognose are barely half-a-year older than Frostdawn and her littermates.[4][5]
