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"I know it's hard, but you'll get stronger every day. You're a young cat with a long life ahead of you. Which is what Stemleaf would have wanted. For you to live a long, happy life. And to keep fighting. We'll take back ThunderClan one day and turn it back into what a Clan should be."
Squirrelflight to Spotfur in Spotfur's Rebellion, chapter 10

Below contains in-depth information for chapter ten of Spotfur's Rebellion. If you are looking for a shorter summary of the entire book, please check the main article.
Chapter Number: 10 (of 10)
Page Numbers: N/A

Chapter description[]

Blankly, Spotfur thinks about how they failed and recalls Stemleaf's death, imagining what could have been their kits. She shuts her eyes, and remembers the attack on Bramblestar. Tigerstar's voice breaks through her daze, saying that now they had lost their eyes in ThunderClan. Twigbranch argues that Finleap and Bristlefrost are still there. Spotfur says that Bristlefrost defended the leader, and Kitescratch agrees. Squirrelflight answers that she asked Bristlefrost to do so. Lionblaze hisses that she wasn't defending the real Bramblestar. The ginger she-cat is unmoved, and Jayfeather adds that the attack only made things harder. Squirrelflight sighs, meowing that she did not fault Spotfur and Kitescratch, and now they had to make sure the others did not die in vain. Spotfur cringes, thinking of Stemleaf.
Later, Spotfur lies at the edge of the camp, and Squirrelflight approaches her. The ginger she-cat sits down, and Spotfur rests her head on her paws, feeling empty. She murmurs that if they had not attacked, Stemleaf would still be alive. Squirrelflight meows that they are going to find a way to save the real Bramblestar. She gently adds that they were very brave. Spotfur says that she doesn't know what to do anymore, and the former deputy urges her to keep fighting, and says that they would take back the Clan one day. Spotfur asks what would happen if Bramblestar never comes back, and Squirrelflight replies that she does not know but she would always fight for the Clan. Spotfur thinks about how she and Stemleaf had fought and planned for the future. She realizes that whatever happens, she will always fight for ThunderClan. Spotfur echoes that one day they will take back the Clan.





Notes and references[]

  1. 1.00 1.01 1.02 1.03 1.04 1.05 1.06 1.07 1.08 1.09 1.10 Revealed in Spotfur's Rebellion, chapter 10
  2. Bramblestar's impostor is acting through Bramblestar's body, and thus is who is listed as mentioned in this chapter.