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"What mattered most was being loyal to your Clan, and following the code, and setting a good example. That was how to make sure the Clan stayed strong."
Spotpaw's thoughts in Spotfur's Rebellion, chapter 2

Below contains in-depth information for chapter two of Spotfur's Rebellion. If you are looking for a shorter summary of the entire book, please check the main article.
Chapter Number: 2 (of 10)
Page Numbers: N/A

Chapter description[]

Bumblestripe is bringing Stempaw and Spotpaw back to the camp. Bumblestripe is still very angry at Spotpaw, and when they arrive at the camp he tells Leafshade and Rosepetal that Spotpaw attacked him during Shellfur's training. Every cat in the clearing gasps in shock, and Cherryfall asks Bumblestripe if she actually attacked him. Spotpaw yowls that she was only playing, and Stempaw defends her. Bumblestripe angrily asks Leafshade what kind of mentor she is, and Spotpaw says that Stempaw and her snuck out of camp, and it wasn't Leafshade's fault. Leafshade shushes her, and says that she will make sure this never happens again. Leafshade and Rosepetal are very disappointed in Spotpaw and Stempaw. They apologize to them, and while deciding their punishment, Rosepetal thinks that they should have different punishments because she thinks they are a bad influence on each other. She also says that they will train separately. Leafshade tells her to go to the apprentice's den and think about what she has done.
Cinderheart and Lionblaze were peering at her through the den entrance. Cinderheart says to Spotpaw that she heard what happened. Spotpaw says that Bumblestripe should be the one in trouble, as he let her sneak up to him, and it could have been a ShadowClan cat, or a rogue. When Lionblaze says that he is disappointed in her, Spotpaw growls that Bumblestripe should have been watching to see if any cat was coming.
After silence stretched on, she asks if he should have. Cinderheart says that it is important to stay alert, but it is more important to stay loyal to your Clan. Outraged, Spotpaw says she is loyal, but Lionblaze says that interrupting Shellpaw's training lesson is not loyal, and if Shellpaw does not learn what he has to learn, ThunderClan would suffer. Spotpaw admits that he is right, and Cinderheart adds that half the reason why Bumblestripe was so angry was because he might have hurt Spotpaw before recognizing her, and that he was imagining what could have happened. Spotpaw sulkily says that she can take care of herself, but she suddenly remembers Bumblestripe's flashing teeth on her throat, dangerously. Lionblaze explains to her that if Bumblestripe did hurt her, not only Spotpaw would be injured, he would be less reliable on himself when there is an actual surprise attack next time, as he would be afraid that the attacker may be one of his Clanmates. Cinderheart adds that the Clan would have been distrustful of Bumblestripe if he did hurt her, and a Clan where cats do not completely trust each other is a weak Clan. Spotpaw, heavy with the information, says that she did not think of that. Cinderheart says that a true warrior has to think of the consequences of an action before committing it.
Lionblaze explains when Darktail came to the lake, that time was when ShadowClan cats did not trust one another. Rowanstar was a good warrior, but he was a weak leader, and apprentices in the Clan were disobeying their mentors, and were challenging his leadership. Darktail offered them a life where they did not have to follow the warrior code, and that put ShadowClan and the rest of the Clans in danger. Spotpaw argues that that would not happen again, with such a small action she did today. Cinderheart replies that it would not, as long as every cat tries best to be a loyal warrior. Spotpaw, now alarmed, says that she wants to be a loyal warrior, but she is only an apprentice. Lionblaze says that StarClan watches over every cat in the Clan, and they guide their steps and one of the ways they do it is to follow the warrior code. Cinderheart adds that a strong Clan depends on strong warriors, and that Spotpaw could be a good examples for other apprentices and kits in the nursery. Spotpaw doubts it, and says that she doubts the older apprentices will listen to her, but Cinderheart encourages and says that her littermates and Stempaw listen to her. Spotpaw announces that she will be good with determination.
Leafshade praises Spotpaw as she comes back from patrolling. It has been three sunrises since she had gotten in trouble, and she has been trying to be the best apprentice. Leafshade was not angry at her anymore, and Cinderheart had praised her. Soon, Stempaw comes and asks Spotpaw if she wants to share a vole with him. Spotpaw was hungry, but decided that being a good apprentice was now more important. She apologetically says to Stempaw that she still has to change Bramblestar's bedding, and Stempaw acknowledges that, but looks a little disappointed. She went up to her leader's den, and inside was the fresh moss she had lined the previous day that was scattered and clawed. Hooking a ball of moss, clearing out the den. Then, Thriftkit, Flipkit, and Bristlekit appears, and asks her what she is doing. She replies that she is clearing out Bramblestar's den, explaining that when cats sleep better, they are better warriors. Thriftkit asks if she could have the moss ball Spotpaw was holding, and Spotpaw gives it to her. Soon, Fernsong appears and takes the kits away from her, telling the kits that she has work to do. Bristlekit says that she wants to be like Spotpaw when she becomes an apprentice, and Spotpaw says thanks. Spotpaw decides that it is easy being a good influence, and continues cleaning out Bramblestar's den.
After a while, Bramblestar appears in the den. When Bramblestar says that he is sorry for making such a mess, Spotpaw replies awkwardly that it's okay, and that he has a lot to do. Bramblestar tells Spotpaw that he still remembers how long it takes to clear out dens, back when Firestar was his mentor. Amazed, Spotpaw asks if Firestar was his mentor, and if he taught him how to be a leader. Bramblestar replies that he taught him everything an apprentice has to, and that he is trying to live up to him. Spotpaw imagines Leafshade as a Clan leader for a moment, and that she was her apprentice, but puts the thought away when she decides that she thinks Leafshade does not even want to be leader. Spotpaw asks if Firestar was always special, and Bramblestar replies that Firestar made ThunderClan what it is now, and that he hopes to be half the leader he was. Spotpaw stares at him admiringly, thinking that even Bramblestar, who already seemed so wise was trying to be better and looking up to another cat. She decides that her parents were right, and being loyal to your Clan, following the warrior code, and setting a good example was the way that the Clan stayed strong.





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