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"Let Tigerstar say what he likes. I'll tell RiverClan myself today. We're not ashamed of our mother. She was a noble leader—and our father was a great deputy."
— Stonefur to Fireheart in The Darkest Hour, page 11

Stonefur is a pale blue-gray tom[8] with blue eyes.[15]

Stonefur was a RiverClan deputy under Leopardstar's leadership in the forest territories. He was born as Stonekit to Bluefur and Oakheart alongside his sisters, Mistykit and Mosskit in ThunderClan; however, Bluefur gave her kits to Oakheart to be raised in RiverClan in order to become deputy, and Stonekit and Mistykit were adopted by Graypool. As an apprentice, Stonepaw was mentored by Softwing. He later became a warrior as Stonefur. He mentored Shadepelt, and after becoming Leopardstar's first deputy, Stonefur mentored Stormfur. When Stonefur learned he was half-Clan, he was imprisoned by Tigerstar alongside Mistyfoot, Featherpaw, and Stormpaw. To prove his loyalty to TigerClan, Stonefur was ordered to kill Featherpaw and Stormpaw; however, he refused and fought Blackfoot and Darkstripe to protect the apprentices, but in the end, Blackfoot and Darkstripe killed him. Stonefur ascended to StarClan and reluctantly gave Blackstar one of his nine lives, but later appeared once more to grant Mistystar one of her lives.


Looking for a longer overview? Find one here!

The Prophecies Begin[]

"You'll have to kill me first, Tigerstar!"
―Stonefur to Tigerstar when refusing to kill Stormpaw and Featherpaw The Darkest Hour, page 169
Mistyfoot and Stonefur apprentices

Stonefur training Stormpaw.

Stonefur is a warrior of RiverClan, and his apprentice is Shadepaw. He, his sister, and father participate in a battle at Sunningrocks against ThunderClan. Oakheart warns Redtail that no ThunderClan cat would ever hurt his son. During a Gathering, Graypaw notes that Stonefur is one of the forest's greatest warriors. Fireheart notes how he, Mistyfoot, and Bluestar look very similar, and Bluestar later confesses to Fireheart that Stonefur and Mistyfoot are her kits with Oakheart that she gave up to become deputy.
Half-Clan cats imprisoned

TigerClan imprisoning the half-Clan cats.

He becomes Leopardstar's deputy after Crookedstar's passing to greencough, and he becomes a mentor to Graystripe's son, Stormpaw, while his sister, Mistyfoot, mentors Featherpaw, Graystripe's daughter. During another battle over Sunningrocks, he and Mistyfoot attack Bluestar, but Fireheart intervenes, revealing that Bluestar is their mother. They reject Bluestar, saying that she is no mother of theirs, leaving Bluestar heartbroken. When Bluestar fell over the gorge in order to save her Clan from dogs, Stonefur and Mistyfoot, along with Fireheart, assist in bringing her to the shore where the two reconcile with their mother as she loses her ninth life. The two siblings stay briefly in ThunderClan to mourn their mother one last time before returning to RiverClan; however, Frostfur and other cats get suspicious when the two are sharing tongues with Bluestar. Fireheart admits they are Bluestar's kits, and the Clan remembers when Bluestar lost her kits those many moons ago.
Stonefur's death

Stonefur fighting Darkstripe and Blackfoot.

Under Tigerstar's influence, Leopardstar merges RiverClan with ShadowClan to become TigerClan. With Tigerstar taking more control, he imprisons all of the half-Clan cats, as he sees them as abominations. Tigerstar orders Stonefur to prove his loyalty by killing Graystripe and Silverstream's half-Clan kits, Stormpaw and Featherpaw. Stonefur refuses, and Tigerstar orders Darkstripe to kill him. When Stonefur overpowers him, Blackfoot is brought in and kills Stonefur. He joins StarClan and reunites with his mother, father, and his other sister, Mosskit.

Super Editions[]

This section summarizes Stonefur's significant Super Editions appearances. If you're looking for a full list, find one here!

In Bluestar's Prophecy, Bluefur gives birth to Stonekit, Mistykit, and Mosskit, and the Clan believes Thrushpelt to be their father. However, Bluefur realizes that in order to save her Clan from Thistleclaw's tyranny, she must give up her kits to become deputy. She sneaks them out one night, but due to the heavy snow of leaf-bare, Mosskit dies of hypothermia along the way. Stonekit and Mistykit wail for their mother to come back as Oakheart leads them to RiverClan. Moons later, Crookedstar announces their warrior names at a Gathering, Stonefur and Mistyfoot.
In Crookedstar's Promise, Oakheart "discovers" two kits and brings them to Graypool who decides to foster them after her other kits, Splashkit and Morningkit, died. The kits have trouble adjusting to eating fish, much to the Clan's displeasure, and they wonder what rogue would abandon her kits in the snow. Crookedstar discovers that they're Oakheart and Bluefur's kits from Mapleshade, and he confronts his brother. Oakheart confesses the truth, and Crookedstar agrees to keep his brother's secret. He becomes an apprentice, and moons later, the Clan congratulates Stonefur's bravery for chasing off a Twoleg.


This section summarizes Stonefur's significant Novellas appearances. If you're looking for a full list, find one here!

"That was not my destiny. I wish you well, Mistyfoot. You will need great courage for what lies ahead, but remember that you are not alone. I will always walk beside you. We will meet again soon."
―Stonefur to Mistyfoot Mistystar's Omen, chapter two
In Mistystar's Omen, as she dies, Leopardstar wonders out loud what she did to deserve Mistyfoot's loyalty after what happened to Stonefur, though Mistyfoot adamantly insists that it was Tigerstar and Blackfoot who killed her brother. During Leopardstar's vigil, Stonefur appears to his sister in a dream. He reveals that he's been with her the entire time since his death and wishes her well for the future. During Mistyfoot's nine lives ceremony, Stonefur grants her the gift of equality. He appears to Mistystar later as her son, Reedwhisker, lies critically injured. Stonefur encourages her to trust in Mothwing's skills as a medicine cat, despite her not believing in StarClan, and he sends an omen of a moth.
«I never even questioned what I was told to do. Stonefur would have been a better Clanmate than Darkstripe; I knew it even then. He was loyal and brave. It didn't matter that he was half-Clan.»
—Blackfoot's thoughts about Stonefur Blackfoot's Reckoning, chapter nine
In Blackfoot's Reckoning, Blackfoot has a flashback to Stonefur's death. Stonefur, Mistyfoot, Stormpaw, and Featherpaw are held prisoner by TigerClan, and Stonefur speaks against Tigerstar, who denounces half-Clan cats. When Tigerstar orders Stonefur to kill the apprentices to prove his loyalty, he refuses, and on Tigerstar's order, Darkstripe and Blackfoot kill the RiverClan deputy. Stonefur reluctantly gives Blackfoot a life for integrity.

Detailed description[]

Stonefur is a long-legged,[9] stocky, fluffy,[16] and thick-furred,[17] pale blue-gray tom.[21] He has battle-scarred ears,[12] one of which is shredded,[22] broad shoulders,[23] a pink nose,[24] and blue eyes.[15]

Character pixels[]

Main images[]

Alternate images[]

Official art[]


Lives granted[]

The following is a list of gifts Stonefur has granted during nine lives ceremonies:


Stonefur's parents are Bluestar and Oakheart. His siblings are Mistystar and Mosskit. For more of Stonefur's family, click here!



Main article: Stonefur/Trivia
Did you know that Stonefur is named after Bluestar's mentor, Stonepelt? For more trivia about Stonefur, click here!


"I can't feel my paws. How can I walk if I don't know where my paws are?"
―Stonekit to Bluefur, Mosskit, and Mistykit Bluestar's Prophecy, page 481

Stonekit: "It smells fishy."
Graypool: "I know, dear. That's because it's a fish."
—Graypool and Stonekit about a fish Crookedstar's Promise, pages 453-454

Stonefur: "I'm stuffed."
Mallowtail: "You deserve it. I've never seen anyone chase off a Twoleg before."
Graypool: "I wish you wouldn't take so many chances, Stonefur. It wasn't that long ago you were an apprentice."
Stonefur: "It wasn't just me. It was the whole patrol."
—Stonefur, Mallowtail, and Graypool Crookedstar's Promise, page 459

"We forgive you, Bluestar."
―Stonefur and Mistyfoot to Bluestar A Dangerous Path, page 298

See more
"No cat has ever questioned my loyalty. Come down here and tell me to my face that I'm a traitor!"
―Stonefur to Tigerstar The Darkest Hour, page 167

"Mistyfoot and I never even knew that Bluestar was our mother until a couple of moons ago. We have been loyal RiverClan warriors all our lives. Let any cat who thinks different come out here and prove it!"
―Stonefur to Tigerstar The Darkest Hour, page 167

Tigerstar: "Stonefur, I will give you one chance to show your loyalty to TigerClan. Kill these two half-Clan apprentices."
Graystripe: "Firestar! We must do something!"
Ravenpaw: "We can't just watch them die!"
Firestar: "Wait just a moment. Let's see what Stonefur does."
Stonefur (to Leopardstar): "I take orders from you. You must know this is wrong. What do you want me to do?"
Leopardstar: "These are difficult times. As we fight for survival we must be able to count on every one of our Clan mates. There is no room for divided loyalties. Do as Tigerstar tells you."
Stormpaw (to Featherpaw): "We'll fight him. I won't let him kill us."
Stonefur: "You'll have to kill me first, Tigerstar!"
Tigerstar (to Darkstripe): "Very well. Kill him."
Blackfoot: "Get a move on, Darkstripe. You're fighting like a kittypet!"
Tigerstar (to Blackfoot): "Finish it."
—Stonefur, Tigerstar, Leopardstar, Featherpaw, and Stormpaw The Darkest Hour, pages 168-171

"Even my mentor, Stonefur, is dead. Apart from Feathertail, he was the closest thing to kin that I had in RiverClan."
―Stormfur to Squirrelpaw about Stonefur Dawn (book), page 321

Stonefur: "Did you think I would miss this night? I have been watching you all this time, and I am so proud that you are going to lead our Clan."
Mistyfoot: "It should have been you."
Stonefur: "That was not my destiny. I wish you well, Mistyfoot. You will need great courage for what lies ahead, but remember that you are not alone. I will always walk beside you. We will meet again soon."
—Stonefur to Mistyfoot during Leopardstar's vigil Mistystar's Omen, chapter two

Mistystar: "Stonefur? Stonefur! Have you come for Reedwhisker? Please don't take him to StarClan yet!"
Stonefur: "Reedwhisker's life hangs by the thinnest fish scale. He needs all the help he can get."
Mistystar: "Then speak to Willowshine! Tell her what she should do!"
Stonefur: "The lake is not the only source of prey. RiverClan has another medicine cat."
Mistystar: "But Mothwing doesn't believe in you! How can she be a true medicine cat? She has lied to the whole Clan, and she will be forever blind to what you tell her."
Stonefur: "Did StarClan tell you how to give birth to your kits?"
Mistystar: "No, of course not."
Stonefur: "So you trusted your instincts, and acted alone?"
Mistystar: "Well, I had Mudfur to help me, but yes, I guess my instincts told me what to do."
Stonefur: "Perhaps you should trust Mothwing to act alone."
—Stonefur to Mistyfoot about reinstating Mothwing as a medicine cat Mistystar's Omen, chapter nine

External links[]

Notes and references[]

  1. 1.0 1.1 Revealed in The Darkest Hour, page 262
  2. Revealed in Crookedstar's Promise, page 452
  3. Revealed in The Darkest Hour, page 136
  4. Revealed in Crookedstar's Promise, page 457
  5. Revealed in Bluestar's Prophecy, page 466
  6. 6.0 6.1 Revealed in The Darkest Hour, page 172
  7. Revealed in Bluestar's Prophecy, page 465
  8. 8.0 8.1 8.2 Revealed in Onestar's Confession, allegiances
  9. 9.0 9.1 Revealed in Crookedstar's Promise, page 459
  10. 10.0 10.1 Revealed in The Darkest Hour, allegiances
  11. Revealed in The Darkest Hour, chapter 15
  12. 12.0 12.1 Revealed in Fire and Ice, allegiances
  13. Revealed in A Dangerous Path, page 253
  14. Revealed in The Darkest Hour, page 310
  15. 15.0 15.1 Revealed in The Darkest Hour, page 11
  16. Revealed in Crookedstar's Promise, page 453
  17. Revealed in Mistystar's Omen, page 19
  18. Revealed in Forest of Secrets, page 198
  19. Revealed in Lost Stars, chapter 20
  20. Revealed in Crookedstar's Promise, page 450
  21. Stonefur is noted to be a copy of his sister Mistystar in appearance,[18] who is specified to be pale blue-gray.[19] Separately, he has also been referred to as pale.[20]
  22. Revealed in The Darkest Hour, page 162
  23. Revealed in Bluestar's Prophecy, page 5
  24. Revealed in Bluestar's Prophecy, page 467
  25. Revealed in Blackfoot's Reckoning, chapter 9
  26. Revealed in Mistystar's Omen, chapter 3
