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"You'll be able to hunt and spend the night there. But be careful. Sol has a way of making cats believe in him. I know, because I believed in him too. Enough to leave my housefolk, where I was happy."
Jingo warning the Clan cats to be careful of Sol in Sunrise, page 158

Below contains in-depth information for chapter thirteen of Sunrise (book). If you are looking for a shorter summary of the entire book, please check the main article.
Chapter Number: 13 (of 28)
Page Numbers: 146-161

Chapter description[]

Hollyleaf wakes, briefly surprised to find herself in the Twoleg nest instead of ThunderClan's camp, before remembering the journey to find Sol. Brambleclaw returns from an outing out of the nest, and he reports that it's quiet, but the scent of dogs is still strong. Brackenfur says they need to get going to Purdy's nest, and Jingo appears at the entrance of the den as Brambleclaw wakes the rest of the patrol. They set out, Jingo leading them into Twoleg territory and warns the Clan cats that they will not be touching the ground until they reach their destination. As they exchange surprised glances, Jingo explains that it is not safe to walk on the ground, as the dogs hunt them like prey. The loner leads them atop a fence, past a little nonthreatening yapping house dog, then onto the roof of a row of monster nests. Hazeltail is surprised monsters have nests, and they watch as a Twoleg enters the nest and a moment later, a monster roars out onto the nearby Thunderpath.
They continue to travel along as the sunlight of the day strengthens, eventually get to the ground and take turns leaping across a gap onto a wall, escaping two dogs. Hazeltail is hesitant to jump, convinced she won't make it, but Brambleclaw reassures her and she clears it. They travel along the wall with the dogs scrabbling at the bottom and trailing them. They are confronted by an aggressive huge blue-furred tom kittypet, who urges them to get a move on the get the noisy dogs away. Lionblaze move forward, prepared to fight, but Brambleclaw holds him back. Jingo calmly handles the situation, and the tom snorts and leaves them be. They continue on, and reach a corner and move along a fence between two Twoleg dens, losing the trailing dogs. Jingo leads them up a creeper that grew on a nest and onto a tall roof. They can see the sun-drown-place and mountains in the distance. She leads them down to another monster nest, and onto the ground to cross a Thunderpath, then continue along another wall.
Every cat is tired and hungry, and Brackenfur asks how much longer until they reach Purdy's nest. Jingo begins to say it isn't too far now, but is cut of when a gust of wind brings with it a sudden icy rain, alarming the cats. Jingo quickly leads them into the shelter in the branches of a nearby pine tree, and the loner is amused as the cats who come from a forest struggle among the branches. By the time the storm passes, daylight is fading and Hollyleaf hopes they will reach Purdy's nest before dark. As they crawl out from the pine, her pelt is clumped and covered in needles and she thinks to herself she may as well be a rogue and not a Clan cat, then sadly thinks maybe that is who she is after all.
Jingo continues to lead them, until they spot a holly bush next to a fence on the other side of a Thunderpath, and she tells them that Purdy's nest is right beyond it. Brambleclaw gives her their thanks for leading them all the way there. The loner warns them to be careful, that Sol has a way of manipulating cats to believe in him, enough for her to leave behind her old home where she had been happy, and her eyes grow sad. Birchfall wonders why she didn't go back to her housefolk, and Jingo explains the other cats need her and it's her job to be their leader now. Hollyleaf feel sympathy towards her as she hears the loneliness in her voice, and notes that she lacks the support a Clan leader would have from their medicine cat, deputy, and senior warriors. They say their goodbyes, and as Jingo departs, Brambleclaw quietly whispers goodbye, referring to her as Jingostar and may StarClan light her path.
The patrol reaches Purdy's nest, which looks more abandoned than the one Jingo's group resided in. Lionblaze recalls how they previously met Purdy and he said his Upwalker had died, and Hollyleaf wonders if he may not even be there. They stop for a quick hunt, and Hollyleaf catches prey for herself and for Purdy when they found him. Brambleclaw leads them into the cold abandoned den, where plants grew in from outside. The scent of cats fill the air, and Brambleclaw calls Purdy's name. When here is no response, he leads the patrol deeper inside. A tom's voice sounds behind them, asking if they were looking for him.





Notes and references[]

  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 Revealed in Sunrise, page 146
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 Revealed in Sunrise, page 147
  3. Revealed in Sunrise, page 151
  4. 4.0 4.1 Revealed in Sunrise, page 155
  5. Revealed in Sunrise, page 156