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Below contains in-depth information for chapter seventeen of Tallstar's Revenge. If you are looking for a shorter summary of the entire book, please check the main article.
Sparrow pads up to Tallpaw, reminding him that these are hard times before sitting beside him. As Heatherstar thanks the visitors for their help in the battle against ShadowClan, Hickorynose asks if she thought ShadowClan would have won, and the leader mentions that half of the Clan's warriors were away tunneling. She tells her Clan that they were lucky today but worries about a future attack once the visitors are gone. Plumclaw's eyes widen as she asks if the Clan has to stop tunneling, and Tallpaw looks to his father to see his reaction. Sandgorse asks if their skills aren't enough, and Heatherstar tells him that the warriors should share more skills.
The Clan gathers to sit vigil for Brackenwing, and Tallpaw squeezes in beside Palebird, wishing she would comfort him as he presses his muzzle into Brackenwing's blood-soaked pelt. Behind him, Sparrow asks Sandgorse about the gorge tunnel, and he growls out that they've spent half of leaf-bare and all of newleaf digging it out. When he mentions that they had to abandon the project, he explains that a dumb flood scared one of the apprentices but doesn't name Tallpaw specifically. Tallpaw flinches as he hears this, wondering if "one of the apprentices" is all he is to his father.Larksplash scolds them for talking during the vigil, and as Sandgorse joins his Clanmates, Tallpaw falls asleep, leaning against his mother.
Tallpaw is woken as the elders carry Brackenwing's body out of camp. Palebird offers to help as he stretches, feeling the stiffness in his legs. Dawnstripe suggests that Tallpaw goes to rest in his den, but after he tells her he slept through the night they go off to train, relieved that she doesn't ask how he's feeling. They pass Sparrow and Sandgorse, who are still discussing the tunnels, and Tallpaw wonders if they're the only things he cares about. The apprentice asks his mentor if they really need the tunnels, and Dawnstripe hesitates before explaining that it's a WindClan tradition. She tells him to let Heatherstar worry about it before Tallpaw begins to train, noticing Algernon watching him.
Feeling much better after the training session wraps up, Tallpaw daydreams about avenging Brackenwing, before asking Dawnstripe for permission to go hunting. He approaches the gorge, searching for rabbits, and quickly finds himself on top of the gorge tunnel. As he pauses for a moment, he feels the earth starting to rumble beneath his paws. He wonders if one of the tunnels is collapsing as he races for one of the entrances, startled as Sparrow bursts from a tunnel behind him. He asks the rogue where Sandgorse is, and when Sparrow explains that his father is still trapped, Tallpaw is furious that he left him underground. Desperate to find Sandgorse, he plunges into the tunnel Sparrow came from, quickly becoming trapped when the tunnel begins to cave in around him, burying him alive.