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"I can take care of Twigkit. I always will, and I'll do everything I can do make sure that she's happy. If nothing else comes of my quest, at least I can make sure that this little one has a good life."
Alderpaw's thoughts about Twigkit in The Apprentice's Quest, page 296

Below contains in-depth information for chapter twenty-four of The Apprentice's Quest. If you are looking for a shorter summary of the entire book, please check the main article.
Chapter Number: 24 (of 24)
Page Numbers: 278-296

Chapter description[]

A few days later, Alderpaw visits the nursery to check on Lilyheart, who is nursing Twigkit and Violetkit. The two sisters have grown stronger since they arrived, and their eyes have opened. Twigkit explains that it is nice to be with her mother, referring to Lilyheart, but Leafkit, Lilyheart's own daughter, argues that Lilyheart isn't her mother. The queen insists that she loves them dearly regardless, and Alderpaw wonders if the kits will stay with Lilyheart after the Gathering. Jayfeather calls for his apprentice that Bramblestar and Leafpool wish to speak with him. Alderpaw recalls speaking with his father earlier about his quest and meeting Darktail and his rogues. Bramblestar had reasoned that there was nothing more ThunderClan could do for SkyClan. In the leader's den, Alderpaw explains to Squirrelflight, Leafpool, and Jayfeather how he and Needlepaw found Violetkit and Twigkit by following Sandstorm's guidance. Bramblestar asks if the two she-kits could be part of the prophecy, though the medicine cats are unsure. Regardless, Bramblestar reasons that they should not give up the kits at the Gathering.
Alderpaw and Sparkpaw carry Violetkit and Twigkit to the Gathering, with Sparkpaw insistent that the two kits her brother had found are part of the prophecy. As they approach the island, Twigkit and Violetkit are scared and confused by all the scents and cats, though Sparkpaw and Alderpaw reassure them. Mistystar begins the Gathering, but Rowanstar interrupts by asking Bramblestar to share his important news with everyone else. Bramblestar elaborates how Alderpaw was sent on a quest to find what lies in the shadows and found the two kits outside Clan territory, but Rowanstar adds that it was Alderpaw and Needlepaw who found the two kits together. He argues that ShadowClan has rightful claim to the kits, who may be part of the prophecy, and Onestar and Mistystar agree. Bramblestar relents that ShadowClan can have one of the she-kits, much to Alderpaw's dismay. Mistystar ends the Gathering, and Rowanstar decides to take Violetkit. As the ShadowClan leader carries her away, Twigkit and Violetkit cry out for each other. Alderpaw, initially frozen by the cruelty of separating the sisters, comforts Twigkit and resolves to care for her.





Important events[]

  • The Clan leaders decide that Violetkit and Twigkit should be split up, with Twigkit staying in ThunderClan and Violetkit going to ShadowClan.[9]

Notes and references[]

  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 Revealed in The Apprentice's Quest, page 278
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 Revealed in The Apprentice's Quest, page 280
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 Revealed in The Apprentice's Quest, page 282
  4. 4.0 4.1 4.2 Revealed in The Apprentice's Quest, page 285
  5. 5.0 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 5.6 5.7 5.8 Revealed in The Apprentice's Quest, page 287
  6. 6.0 6.1 Revealed in The Apprentice's Quest, page 288
  7. Revealed in The Apprentice's Quest, page 279
  8. Revealed in The Apprentice's Quest, page 281
  9. Revealed in The Apprentice's Quest, page 295