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- These notes reflect a bulleted list of major and minor events in The Death of Bright Stream that can be easily navigated. They are intended to serve as a reference for those looking for specific events in re-reading and book discussions and include links to the relevant chapter subpages further detailing each chapter's events.
- Bright Stream and her Tribemates - Cloud Spots, Gray Wing, Jagged Peak, Turtle Tail, Shaded Moss, Tall Shadow, Rainswept Flower - are trapped under an overhang because there are eagles overhead, and are growing impatient, cold, and hungry.
- The day slowly drags on, and one of the eagles tries to reach into the overhang.
- It goes away eventually.
- Clear Sky decides that they need to act.
- There are protests at first, but Gray Wing says they should hear Clear Sky out.
- Clear Sky describes the plan: he and three other cats would attack the eagles, while Gray Wing would lead another three to draw the rest of the eagles away.
- The Tribe cats decide to act on this plan.
- Shaded Moss decides Turtle Tail, Bright Spots, and Bright Stream will go with Gray Wing.
- Clear Sky objects, thinking of Bright Stream's and his unborn kits.
- Bright Stream tells her mate she'll be fine.
- Clear Sky objects, thinking of Bright Stream's and his unborn kits.
- Bright Stream cautiously follows her group into the open, and they caterwaul to get the eagles' attention.
- Gray Wing yowls for Cloud Spots and Turtle Tail to lure the birds down and hide in between some boulders.
- Bright Stream realize the plan won't work unless all four eagles are distracted; two are still on the crag.
- Bright Stream tells Gray Wing she will lure the other two eagles.
- She goes into the open and pretends to be injured to lure the eagles; it works and she gets to safety just in time.
- Bright Stream sees Clear Sky leading his group to swarm the lone eagle.
- She and Gray Wing go into the open, and an eagle attacks Gray Wing, and she pushes the tom to safety, but gets captured in the process.
- Gray Wing tries to save her but fails; he yowls for her to fight back.
- Bright Stream tries to fight back against the eagle, but her efforts are futile.
- Bright Stream's strength fades, and she sees her Tribemates in the distance.
- She has a brief vision of her and Clear Sky playing with their kits, but know it will never happen.
- Bright Stream succumbs to her fate and passes away.
- She has a brief vision of her and Clear Sky playing with their kits, but know it will never happen.