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Warriors Wiki
"I have returned. Let vengeance begin."
Unidentified cat in The Forgotten Warrior, prologue

Below contains in-depth information for the prologue of The Forgotten Warrior. If you are looking for a shorter summary of the entire book, please check the main article.
Chapter Number: Prologue (of 25)
Page Numbers: 1-4

Chapter description[]

An unidentified cat is traveling to the woods. Before the cat can reach the woods, they hear a hiss from a gray tom that is from a nearby farm, saying that the territory the traveling cat is on is his and that he or she should keep looking for somewhere to rest. The traveling cat questions the tom, asking if he lives in the hedge they are next to. The tom says that he lives in the farm close by and that he dislikes strangers. The traveler states that he is just passing through and is no threat to the farm cat's prey. The tom snorts and asks if the traveler is one of the cats from the lake, but the traveler just asks him why he would ask that. The tom tells them that he has seen them near his territory before, and that he has heard them talking about mountains, and assumes that they are looking for food there. The traveler scornfully remarks that they might have other things to do than look for food in the mountains. The farm cat continues to talk about what he has heard the cats from the lake talking about, like their ancestors who look down on them. He also says that he doesn't care what they get up to, as long as he is out of trouble with them. The traveling cat interrupts the tom as he is about to finish, saying that he is right and they should not steal his prey.
With that, the traveling cat starts to walk away, only to be followed by the farm cat, who says that the traveling cat is one of the cats from the lake, and that he has seen them before. The traveling cat says that maybe they were, but a long time ago, and the other cat continues to question, asking if the traveling cat got lost. Faintly amused, the cat says they had known where they were the whole time. The traveler continues walking, while the farm cat disappears in the hedge, back to his farm.
The traveler continues into the woods and peers around, hoping to find a good spot for a temporary nest. They spot a mouse, and get into the hunter's crouch before pouncing on it, killing it instantly. With dusk near, the cat keeps walking up the hill and wonder if the cats that they remember will still be there. With the day almost gone, the cat settles at the crest of a hill, taking a deep breath, and thinking about vengeance.




Notes and references[]

  1. 1.0 1.1 Revealed in The Forgotten Warrior, page 1
