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Warriors Wiki
"I'm not inventing anything. Your solution is like knocking down a tree to catch a bird. We need to move this rock carefully. We need to use our brains as well as our paws."
Sunbeam to Cherryfall about the task in Thunder, page 207

Below contains in-depth information for chapter fifteen of Thunder (book). If you are looking for a shorter summary of the entire book, please check the main article.
Chapter Number: 15 (of 22)
Page Numbers: 199-212

Chapter description[]

A quarter-moon after Nightheart's disappearance, Ivypool prepares Sunbeam's second trial. She briefly reflects about her place in ThunderClan with Nightheart gone, especially since several cats wonder if she'll even stay with him missing. Ivypool asks if she's ready for her next challenge, and Sunbeam agrees. Dewnose, Plumstone, and Lionblaze press if she wants to join with Nightheart gone, but Sparkpelt defends her. Ivypool points out a large stone jutting over the edge of the stone hollow camp. The Clan deputy instructs Sunbeam to push it back from the edge with Alderheart, Bayshine, and Cherryfall so it does not fall into camp. As Cherryfall leads the patrol into the forest up a steep trail, Sunbeam worries about messing up and sending the boulder down on the camp. At the top of the hollow, Sunbeam realizes that the stone is nearly as large as a badger.
Cherryfall proposes shoving the rock into the camp, but Bayshine suggests rolling the stone onto something so they can drag it away from the edge. While the other three cats search for the right piece of tree bark, Cherryfall complains and grumbles about their idea. Out of patience, Sunbeam snaps at Cherryfall for not helping them search and that her idea might accidentally damage the camp. Cherryfall argues that she's a senior warrior and should be respected, mentioning how Rowanstar failed to listen to his senior warriors when Darktail took over ShadowClan. Alderheart and Bayshine support Sunbeam's idea, and Sunbeam briskly apologizes for snapping. Cherryfall begrudgingly helps them search for tree bark. Meanwhile, Sunbeam worries about making an enemy in ThunderClan.
They eventually find a decent piece of sycamore bark, and they drag it next to the stone. Together, the four cats manage to roll the boulder on top of the tree bark and pull on the bark. After dragging the rock at least three tail-lengths from the edge, Ivypool emerges from the undergrowth to congratulate them. The Clan deputy admits to Sunbeam that she will never be able to please every cat but she should focus on completing the task safely. While Sunbeam regrets that Nightheart is not here to celebrate with her, she is grateful to have supportive friends in ThunderClan.





Important events[]

  • Sunbeam passes her second trial.[6]

Notes and references[]

  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 Revealed in Thunder, page 199
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.8 2.9 Revealed in Thunder, page 200
  3. Revealed in Thunder, page 201
  4. 4.0 4.1 Revealed in Thunder, page 202
  5. 5.0 5.1 Revealed in Thunder, page 207
  6. Revealed in Thunder, page 210