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"[Frostpaw] hasn't had the courage in the past, but she has us to support her now. And you. With time, she'll be ready to take the final step."
Bee to Nightheart about Frostpaw in Thunder, page 252

Below contains in-depth information for chapter seventeen of Thunder (book). If you are looking for a shorter summary of the entire book, please check the main article.
Chapter Number: 17 (of 22)
Page Numbers: 241-255

Chapter description[]

Nightheart follows Rook on a hunt along with Waffle and Frostpaw. The group finds a heap of Twoleg trash, where they prepare to hunt a rat, and Nightheart tries to guide Waffle in stalking. Rook assigns each cat a role, and as they all move off, Nightheart again teaches Waffle how to be quiet, leading him to their position. Waffle is distracted by a bird and makes a noise, scaring off the rat, and Nightheart tries to explain that some cats need to hunt their own food. Rook and Frostpaw return with the rat, and Rook tells Waffle that he should hunt for himself. She explains that he had been a kittypet, abandoned by his Twolegs as a kit and thrown into a river in a bag, and she and Scruff rescued him. Rook then asks Frostpaw why she is not meditating, to which Frostpaw admits that someone she loved had attacked her, and the park cats begin licking her, to the Clan cats' bewilderment. Waffle explains that the act is for comfort, and Nightheart and Rook reassure Frostpaw that she is not at fault for Splashtail's actions.
They hunt more rats and Waffle's hunting improves, and they take the prey back to the others, where Nightheart feels homesick. Frostpaw returns to her meditation and Nightheart speaks with Bee about Frostpaw's progress. Bee explains that Frostpaw can meditate anywhere, but she still has something to confront and is not ready to leave yet. Nightheart asks if Bee has ever had visions, and Bee describes a strange dream he had experienced several times in which he walks on a frozen river and sees cats on the riverbank, watching him. They are interrupted by Waffle, who asks Nightheart to teach him and Wasp fighting skills, wanting to be able to defend their friends. Nightheart ponders the idea of being a mentor, and then being a father, feeling even more homesick. He leaves to speak with Frostpaw first, but when he reaches her, she looks fearful, and she says that she understands what had happened in RiverClan.





Important events[]

  • Frostpaw figures out what happened with RiverClan.[10]


Notes and references[]

  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 Revealed in Thunder, page 241
  2. 2.0 2.1 Revealed in Thunder, page 246
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 Revealed in Thunder, page 250
  4. 4.0 4.1 Revealed in Thunder, page 251
  5. Revealed in Thunder, page 244
  6. 6.0 6.1 Revealed in Thunder, page 247
  7. Revealed in Thunder, page 248
  8. Revealed in Thunder, page 253
  9. 9.0 9.1 9.2 9.3 9.4 Revealed in Thunder, page 254
  10. Revealed in Thunder, page 255
  11. Revealed in Thunder, page 242