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These notes reflect a bulleted list of major and minor events in Thunder Rising that can be easily navigated. They are intended to serve as a reference for those looking for specific events in re-reading and book discussions and include links to the relevant chapter subpages further detailing each chapter's events.


  • Thunder is in a dream, located on the moor at night.
  • He sees his mother, Storm, tending to him.
    • Despite never remembering his mother in the waking world, Thunder feels close to Storm, and can recall all markings on her pelt.
    • Thunder is reminded of Hawk Swoop, since she took him in after Gray Wing had brought Thunder to the moor.
  • Storm explains how she met Clear Sky, Thunder's father.
    • She notes that she met him in the forest, and the moment her gaze fell upon his, they knew that they were meant for each other.
  • Thunder asks why Clear Sky turned him away.
    • Storm explains that he didn't know what to do with his love for Thunder, but she knows that Thunder would help Clear Sky find a way.
    • Thunder relaxes himself, and just as he closes his eyes, he notices Clear Sky in the distance, feeling that Storm sensed him too.
  • Thunder wishes to go after Clear Sky, but Storm refuses him, as the time wasn't right.
    • Thunder reasons that he was his father, and Storm replies that she had much of Clear Sky in him.
    • This prompts Thunder to ask why Clear Sky wouldn't acknowledge him.
    • Storm looks at the moon, and Thunder cannot see her anymore. She then tells him that he will make things right when the time arrived.


  • Leaf-bare is coming to an end.
  • Hawk Swoop's kits, Lightning Tail and Acorn Fur, are playing around with Thunder.
    • Gray Wing had permission from Hawk Swoop to take the kits out on a hunting lesson.
  • Gray Wing realizes how much the camp feels like home.
    • The kits practice hunting on one another.
    • Gray Wing gives advice while they practice.
  • The kits start playing around together again, and Acorn Fur races back into camp and into the tunnels where Jackdaw's Cry and Shattered Ice were making room for dens
    • Gray Wing becomes concerned, for it could easily collapse or she could get lost.
    • Luckily, her father and Shattered Ice are still working and send her outside.
    • Lightning Tail teases her, and they begin to get a bit rough.
    • Gray Wing quickly sees and stops them, reminding the kits that they are supposed to be learning how to hunt.
  • They begin to hunt.
    • Gray Wing shows them how to hunt a rabbit, and practices the techniques on a living one.
    • He catches it, and the kits praise him.
    • Thunder finds a mouse, but instead of running for it, he tries to stalk up to it.
    • He misses it.
    • Later on, Lightning Tail spots a flock of birds, and he and his sister go after them but catch nothing.
    • Thunder, though, makes a massive leap and catches one of the birds that's trying to take off.
    • Gray Wing can't praise Thunder because his leap made Gray Wing think of his brother, Clear Sky.
    • He remembers when Clear Sky refused to view Thunder as his son, and made Gray Wing take him to Tall Shadow's camp.
  • Turtle Tail appears.
    • Gray Wing is shocked, and Turtle Tail explains that another cat came to live with them named Tom.
    • Turtle Tail tells that she wants to come back to Tall Shadow's camp.
    • Gray Wing realizes that Turtle Tail is expecting kits.
    • Turtle Tail explains that they are Tom's kits, but he changed after she became pregnant, and didn't want to talk about plans for the kits, and her friend, Bumble, seemed uncomfortable about talking about them.
    • Eventually, Bumble told Turtle Tail that the Twolegs would take the kits away when they no longer would need milk.
  • Gray Wing takes Turtle Tail to the hollow where they had made their camp.
    • When Shattered Ice sees Turtle Tail, he is hostile.
    • He escorts her to Tall Shadow, where she will be judged on whether or not she can stay.


  • Gray Wing and Turtle Tail find Tall Shadow training with Hawk Swoop, Dappled Pelt, Cloud Spots, and Rainswept Flower.
    • He also notices Jagged Peak crouching a few tail-lengths away.
  • Shattered Ice announces that he's discovered a cat in their territory.
    • The training cats warmly welcome Turtle Tail back.
    • Tall Shadow asks who's the father of her kits, and Turtle Tail uneasily replies there isn't a father she wants in the kits' lives.
  • Tall Shadow is optimistic about the kits, seeing them as more cats to strengthen the group.
  • When Turtle Tail asks what happened to Jagged Peak, he explains how he broke his leg and got kicked out.
  • She's impressed by the new camp in the hollow, but then her mood changes.
    • Turtle Tail confesses she's not sure she can help the group while she's pregnant.
    • Tall Shadow says Turtle Tail can use her quick eyes to keep watch.
    • Turtle Tail is confused and Tall Shadow says Clear Sky's group has been fiercely territorial over the forest.
    • Tall Shadow continues that if the cats of the forest don't want to share prey, the moor cats will have to be careful over hunting rights as well.
    • Turtle Tail meows she can't believe Clear Sky would do such a thing, and Gray Wing feels as if he has to defend his brother.
  • Jagged Peak had crept closer to listen, and volunteers to keep watch with Turtle Tail.
    • Tall Shadow thanks him, but says she wants to see him rest.
    • Gray Wing murmurs after Jagged Peak slinks away that maybe Tall Shadow should have let him help.
    • Turtle Tail agrees with him.
  • Tall Shadow mews abruptly she's supposed to be in charge and stalks off to her den.
    • Gray Wing wonders who put ants in her fur as he exchanges a glance with a shocked Turtle Tail.


  • Gray Wing and Rainswept Flower take Turtle Tail on a tour of the moor.
    • Prior, Gray Wing prevents Jagged Peak from coming along due to his injury.
    • Gray Wing jokingly teases Turtle Tail about going soft after living with Twolegs.
    • She bats at him, calling him a rude furball.
  • They spot Wind and Gorse hunting, who tell him that the other rogues have been forced onto the moor and are becoming hostile.
    • Wind mentions Thorn and Dew, saying they ended up chasing the same hare, but instead argued about it.
  • Wind and Gorse lead them to the river, a good hunting spot for mice and voles.
    • Gorse suggests hunting pigeons, since Turtle Tail is carrying extra weight.
    • Gorse and Wind messily catch a pigeon, and the others sit down to share it.
  • A strange cat greets them as River Ripple.
    • Gray Wing shares some of the pigeon with him. After eating, River Ripple leaves.
  • Suddenly, the group hears barking.
    • Wind and Gorse go back to their nest, while the tribe cats head for the hollow.
    • They accidentally lead two dogs into camp.
    • Gray Wing and Turtle Tail hide in one of the tunnels.
  • The dogs enter the camp.
    • They try to get Tall Shadow, who was hiding on her rock, but give up.
    • The dogs start to dig at Hawk Swoop's tunnel, but eventually leave the hollow.
  • The cats slowly emerge from hiding.
    • Gray Wing suddenly realizes that both Thunder and Jagged Peak are missing.


  • Thunder is hunting in the forest with Shattered Ice. Thunder remarks that he prefers the forest over the moor.
    • Thunder lies that he got permission to hunt with Shattered Ice. Although it seems the older cat doesn't believe him.
    • Thunder catches a shrew, but Shattered Ice tells him that the shrew isn't going to feed all of them. He announces that they are going further into the forest.
  • As they go further into the forest, Thunder enjoys the sensation of being free, without Gray Wing to tell him what to do.
  • He stops in sudden frustration and Shattered Ice asks what is wrong.
  • Thunder suddenly thinks of Clear Sky and wonders if they had spotted them and comments that they shouldn't be here.
    • Shattered Ice remarks that neither Tall Shadow nor Clear Sky could tell him what to do, and he'd hunt where he liked.
  • Shattered Ice looks over his shoulder and sees Thunder panting to catch up with him. He suggests to Thunder that he go back to the camp, but Thunder doesn't want to go back, and tells Shattered Ice that he can hunt.
    • He finds a rabbit and takes off after it and run onto dry leaves
    • The rabbit is startled and vanishes into a hole.
  • Seeing Thunder's disappointed face, he agrees to help Thunder learn.
    • Shattered Ice tells him to begin by crouching down and listen for prey in the bushes.
    • Thunder obeys and Shattered Ice adjusts his position.
    • He tells Thunder to stay in this position for a bit so he can get used to it.
  • Leaf and Petal find them.
    • Thunder notices that Leaf did not attack, realizing this encounter is more serious than he thought.
    • Petal tells them that they are trespassing into their territory, but Shattered Ice says that they are cats like them trying to survive.


  • Thunder spots Jagged Peak limping away from the dogs.
  • Gray Wing appears from the hollow, leading the dogs away from Jagged Peak. He flees up a tree.
  • Jagged Peak tells Thunder and Shattered Ice to save themselves. Thunder refuses, but Shattered Ice runs into camp.
  • Thunder and Jagged Peak hide in a hole between two rocks.
  • The dogs try to get in, but can't reach the two cats.
  • Finally, a twoleg calls the dogs away.
  • Thunder and Jagged Peak don't leave the tunnel until Gray Wing appears to tell them it's safe.
  • Shattered Ice leads a rescue party consisting of Dappled Pelt, Jackdaw's Cry, Rainswept Flower, Wind and Gorse.
  • Thunder gets out of the tunnel. Jagged Peak struggles, and the tunnels collapse on top of him.


  • Gray Wing and Thunder try to dig Jagged Peak out, but the soil is too soft.
  • The mountain cats start to panic.
  • Wind takes control, and she, Jackdaw's Cry, and Gorse dig above the tunnel.
  • Finally, they lift Jagged Peak's body out of the dirt.
  • Gray Wing yowls that Jagged Peak is dead, but Wind believes he still has a chance. She digs the dirt out of his mouth.
  • Soon, Jagged Peak throws up the rest of the dirt. He's alive.
  • Rainswept Flower lets Jagged Peak lead the way home to get his dignity back.
  • Wind asks if in return for saving Jagged Peak, she and Gorse could join their group.
  • Once they get back to the hollow, Gray Wing tells Tall Shadow what happened. After he finishes the story, he asks if the two rogues can join the group.
  • Tall Shadow agrees they can stay for the evening, but can't fully join the group yet.
  • Gray Wing introduces Wind and Gorse to the rest of the mountain cats.
  • As the sun set, the cats gather to share tongues. Gray Wing sits with Turtle Tail.


  • At moonhigh, Tall Shadow decides it's time for Wind and Gorse to leave.
  • After they leave, Shattered Ice begins to argue with Tall Shadow about her reasoning for why Turtle Tail got to stay but the rogues had to leave.
  • Turtle Tail nearly leaves, but Gray Wing stops her.
  • Shattered Ice declares Gray Wing should be their leader.
  • Cloud Spots argues that Gray Wing is the one who brought the dogs into camp, and therefore too reckless to be leader.
  • Shattered Ice and Cloud Spots get into a scuffle. Gray Wing pulls them apart.
  • Tall Shadow stalks off into her den.
  • Gray Wing tries to tell the rest of the cats he doesn't want to lead.
  • Jackdaw's Cry suggests they should organize themselves like Clear Sky does. He asks Jagged Peak what it was like in Clear Sky's group, and the younger tom explains how Clear Sky would give everyone a job to do.
  • It starts another argument, and the group agrees to scrap the idea. They turn back to the idea that Gray Wing should be leader.
  • Finally, Gray Wing has enough and tells everyone to sleep on it.
  • Shattered Ice tells Gray Wing things need
  • to change.
  • Gray Wing worries that Jagged Peak will never be happy again.


  • Gray Wing and Thunder are returning from a hunting session. The dispute from the previous night had been mostly forgotten.
  • Gray Wing tells Thunder, who hadn't caught anything, to try hunting a young injured bird. But Thunder decides to stalk instead of chase, and misses the bird.
  • Thunder is upset by Gray Wing's constant criticism. The two argue before Gray Wing apologizes for not giving Thunder his own space.
  • Thunder rushes off to catch a mouse, but Gray Wing races back to the camp upon hearing that Turtle Tail is kitting.
  • Rainswept Flower and Jagged Peak were guarding Turtle Tail's tunnel, but Gray Wing pushes past them, wanting to be the first to see Turtle Tail's kits. He's fascinated by the tiny kits.
  • Turtle Tail has two toms and a she-cat.
  • Turtle Tail drops hints that she wants Gray Wing to act as their father.
  • Later, Gray Wing has a dream about the mountain cave, where Stoneteller tells him he should become leader.
  • The next morning, Gray Wing and Thunder go hunting for Turtle Tail.
  • Thunder easily catches two mice.
  • They bring the mice back to Turtle Tail. Jagged Peak and Rainswept Flower are there as well.
  • Gray Wing notices that Jagged Peak seems content.
  • Jagged Peak and Rainswept Flower leave while Turtle Tail eats.
  • Gray Wing finds himself quite fond of the kits.
  • Turtle Tail settles down for a nap, and Gray Wing and Thunder go back to hunting.
  • A moon later, Gray Wing is awoken by the sound of the kits playing. Turtle Tail tells Gray Wing she's named them Owl Eyes, Pebble Heart and Sparrow Fur.
  • They take the kits out on the moor to explore, and run into Bumble.
  • Bumble has scratches all over her flanks and back legs. She claims that Tom has been bullying her since Turtle Tail left. The kittypet asks if she can come live on the moor.
  • Gray Wing and Turtle Tail agree she couldn't survive. They take her to see Tall Shadow.
  • Gray Wing apologizes for trying to control Turtle Tail before.


  • Gray Wing races with Turtle Tail and Bumble where they meet Wind and Gorse at the top of the hollow.
  • The group bring Bumble to the camp where she tries to convince Tall Shadow to let her live on the moor by showing the scratches another kittypet, Tom, gave her.
  • When Tall Shadow asks why the kittypet attacked her, she says it might be because Turtle Tail left.
  • Tall Shadow asks if she and Tom could make peace, but Bumble doesn't think that's an option.
  • Wind steps in and tells Bumble the truth, saying that she is a kittypet and doesn't know how to hunt, and tells her that she is too soft and lazy.
  • Wind and Gorse escort Bumble back to the Twolegplace.
  • Tall Shadow asks Gray Wing if she should let Gorse and Wind join the group. Gray Wing says yes.
  • Tall Shadow says she feels she is losing her leadership, telling Gray Wing that some cats want him as their leader and she had let Wind take over during their talk with Bumble, and wonders if it is time for her to step down. She asks Gray Wing to be leader, but he refuses.
    • He remembers a dream he had with Stoneteller, who implied that he would become leader.


  • Gray Wing is awoken from a dream by the smell of smoke. He races into the forest, afraid for Clear Sky. Thunder, Tall Shadow, Jackdaw's Cry, Rainswept Flower, Cloud Spots and Dappled Pelt follow him.
  • Tall Shadow leads them into the forest fire. They find a twoleg fire pit.
  • Gray Wing tries to get around a wall of fire. Just when he thinks he's found a path, a burning tree falls into it.
  • Moon Shadow jumps over the flames, on fire. Tall Shadow, Gray Wing and Thunder put him out.
  • Gray Wing tries to jump the wall of fire, but Thunder stops him.
  • Cloud Spots and Dappled Pelt are unable to find any herbs, and instead use a bunch of random leaves to dress Moon Shadow's burns.
  • The fire closes in on the cats.


  • Someone calls through the fire for them to jump.
  • Thunder leaps over the wall of fire and finds a stream of water.
  • River Ripple is on the other side, encouraging the others to jump as well.
  • Jackdaw's Cry, Rainswept Flower, Dappled Pelt and Cloud Spots follow.
  • After hesitating, Gray Wing jumps over the fire, but catches his hind paws and tail on fire.
  • Thunder and Jackdaw's Cry use the stream to get themselves soaked. After they promise not to tell Moon Shadow die, Tall Shadow leaps the flames as well.
  • Thunder and Jackdaw's Cry are able to walk through the flames with a covering of water. They retrieve Moon Shadow and walk back through the flames.
  • Despite his injuries, Gray Wing insists that he's okay.


  • Gray Wing is hurt that Thunder had so easily taken the lead while he cowered behind the fire.
  • River Ripple shows the mountain cats how to walk on the rocks in the stream. They reach the safety of the opposite bank.
  • Gray Wing starts to call out for Clear Sky, who answers back as the fire starts to die.
  • Clear Sky emerges, followed by a line of bedraggled cats. They swim across the stream to safety.
  • Gray Wing invites the forest cats to stay in the hollow with them. He then introduces Clear Sky to his son.


  • Thunder is excited to meet his father.
  • Clear Sky encourages him to chase a rabbit.
  • While hunting, they are suddenly attacked by three rats. Thunder takes out one of them.
  • Together, Thunder and Clear Sky take out the remaining rats.
  • They carry the rabbit back to the hollow.
  • Gray Wing and Clear Sky get into a brief argument. Thunder takes Clear Sky's side, but feels guilty about it.


  • It is after the fire, and Clear Sky and Thunder pad into the hollow.
    • Gray Wing has mixed reactions to their relationship.
  • He goes into Turtle Tail's den, and hopes that she stayed in her den.
    • His suspicions are correct, and she is present, curled up around her sleeping kits.
    • She asks him to leave to let her kits sleep, and he pads outside.
  • Jagged Peak is organizing the forest cats. He states that the hollow was peaceful during the fire.
  • Gray Wing notices that the two groups are sitting separately.
  • He wants to talk to Clear Sky, but Tall Shadow calls him over to the rock.
  • Tall Shadow asks Gray Wing to take over as leader, as she will be too busy taking care of Moon Shadow now.
  • Gray Wing notices Jagged Peak trying to get close to Clear Sky. Before he can get close, Thunder goes up to his father.
  • Clear Sky praises Thunder for his leadership skills, but turns on Jagged Peak and criticizes him for staying safe in the hollow. Gray Wing defends his younger brother, and Clear Sky apologizes.
  • Jagged Peak, hurt, goes to sit beside Rainswept Flower.
  • Clear Sky tells Gray Wing that he's doing what's best, and that they all must be prepared for the future.
  • He asks Thunder to live in the forest with him.
  • Clear Sky claims that sending Thunder away as a kit was just a test, which he passed.
  • Gray Wing realized Thunder would be leaving.


  • Tall Shadow announces that Gray Wing would take over as leader.
  • Clear Sky decides it's time for the forest cats to go home. He talks privately with Gray Wing, and says he doesn't think they'll be seeing each other again too soon.
  • Gray Wing challenges Clear Sky about refusing to let Wind and Gorse hunt in the forest. Clear Sky ignores him, instead mentioning that Thunder would be coming with him.
  • Gray Wing sees Thunder playing with Lightning Tail, and tells the young tom to say goodbye to Hawk Swoop.
  • Hawk Swoop, along with her kits, are appalled about Thunder leaving.
  • Clear Sky calls his cats together, but leaves Moon Shadow behind because he's too injured.


  • Gray Wing decides to sleep on the moor so he can lick his wounds without the others seeing.
  • Turtle Tail comes to sleep with him. Gray Wing tells her what happened in the forest, and his anxiety about Thunder leaving.
  • Turtle Tail helps him lick his burns.
  • Gray Wing realizes being with Turtle Tail feels right.
  • The next morning, Gray Wing is awoken by Rainswept Flower and the kits.


  • The rest of the forest group is suspicious and hostile towards Thunder.
  • Clear Sky, Leaf and Thunder go on a hunting patrol.
  • Clear Sky gives Thunder a chance to prove himself by catching a squirrel, but he misses.
  • Clear Sky dismisses himself.
  • Since Thunder scared off the rest of the prey, he and Leaf sit down to wait for the animals to come back.
  • At sunhigh, Thunder and Leaf return to camp with prey.
  • Clear Sky praises Thunder for both catches, hurting Leaf. Thunder tries to explain that he only caught a mouse, but Clear Sky ignores him.
  • Thunder wonders what Lightning Tail and Acorn Fur are doing.


  • The next day, Clear Sky takes Thunder out for training.
  • Clear Sky tells Thunder to climb a burnt tree. Thunder is scared too, but eventually climbs up and jumps to the next tree.
  • Clear Sky says he's going to slow. Angrily, Thunder goes too fast and falls.
  • Clear Sky starts to walk away, saying Thunder was being reckless.
  • The next morning, Thunder goes hunting by himself.
  • In the forest, he comes across River Ripple, along with a black-and-white she-cat and a black tom.
  • He tries to hide in a tree, but the black tom follows him.
  • Clear Sky scares them off, warning that anyone who tried to harm his son would be in trouble.
  • Gray Wing is sitting with Turtle Tail outside their den, watching the kits play.
  • Sparrow Fur asks Gray Wing to play with them. He agrees, but is stopped by an asthma attack.
  • Pebble Heart says he needs coltsfoot and helps Cloud Spots treat him.
  • Later, Gray Wing wakes up to meows outside the den.
  • Lightning Tail informs him that Wind and Gorse will be receiving longer names.
  • Rainswept Flower names Wind, Wind Runner, and Turtle Tail names Gorse, Gorse Fur.
  • Lightning Tail wishes Thunder was still on the moor. He accidentally questions Gray Wing's leadership.
  • Gray Wing announces Wind Runner and Gorse Fur's new names, along with making a speech about his new authority.


  • Turtle Tail asks Gray Wing to go hunting for her.
  • The kits follow him onto the moor and Gray Wind agrees to take them hunting.
  • At first, the kits don't want to kill the hare, but Gray Wing explains why they must to survive.
  • While hunting, Gray Wing has an asthma attack. Pebble Heart treats him with a juniper berry.
  • Gray Wing wonders if Pebble Heart has dreams like Stoneteller. But when he asks, the kit denies it.
  • Turtle Tail is angry at Gray Wing for pushing one of her kits and keeping his health problems a secret.
  • Gray Wing promises it won't happen again and they make up.
  • On the way back to camp, Gray Wing and Turtle Tail are stopped by two dogs. They hide in a tree.
  • A twoleg comes to collect the dogs.
  • Gray Wing thanks Turtle Tail for keeping his secret a bit longer, but she states she never agreed to do anything.


  • Back at camp, Gray Wing calls a meeting, warning his denmates to stay near camp for the rest of the day.
  • He checks on Tall Shadow, who doesn't know if Moon Shadow will ever heal.
  • Afterwards, he sleeps.
    • When Gray Wing wakes up again, Pebble Heart is moving in his sleep.
    • When Pebble Heart awakes, he explains that he's been having dreams about a dark tunnel with stars at the end. He also talks about a great battle, in which Clear Sky is present.
  • They hear a wail from the clearing and discover Moon Shadow succumbed to his burns.
    • Jagged Peak watches the kits while the others bury Moon Shadow.
    • They bury Moon Shadow, and Gray Wing talks about the changes in life.
  • When they get back to camp, Jagged Peak has lost Owl Eyes.
    • Sparrow Fur reveals that Owl Eyes has gone to hunt on his own. Gray Wing organizes search parties to find him, enlisting Tall Shadow's help.


  • Gray Wing tells Rainswept Flower to look after Jagged Peak.
  • Gray Wing picks up Owl Eyes' scent but loses it.
  • They find blood on a gorse bush, but don't know where it came from.
  • Gray Wing deduces that Owl Eyes was heading for the forest. They follow his scent and find him with a vole near a small stream.
  • It starts to rain.
  • The cats find shelter in an old rabbit hole. Deeper in, they find a cave and tunnel system.
  • They come across a badger and escape into another tunnel.
  • The badger retreats back into its burrow.
  • The party goes home. After an argument, Turtle Tail reveals Gray Wing's secret.
  • Gray Wing passes out.


  • Thunder is on a border patrol with Frost and Petal. He notices Frost is still limping from a burn on his leg.
  • They come across Bumble in the forest. It seems she never returned to her housefolk, and has grown very skinny.
  • Frost and Petal scare her away.
  • Petal mentions Clear Sky will have a meeting that night. She asks Thunder what it will be about, but he doesn't know.
  • Petal and Frost talk about what it could be about, and insult some of the other cats in the group. Thunder is surprised by their coldness.
  • Just when they're about to go home, Thunder spots Wind Runner hunting in the forest.
  • Frost and Wind Runner fight. Frost pins her, but Wind Runner manages to twist around and escape down a rabbit hole.
  • Back at camp, Clear Sky announces he wants to adjust the borders, but Thunder knows he really means expand the territory.
  • Clear Sky asks Thunder to help him do it, and Thunder questions why they needed to.
  • After Clear Sky explains how he's seen cats starve in the mountains, Thunder agrees to help.


  • The next morning, Clear Sky leads Thunder and Petal to a stream, which will serve as the new border. Thunder lays the first scent marker.
  • They come across and gray and white she-cat, revealed to be Misty, who tells them to leave.
  • Thunder tries to fight her, but Petal jumps in.
  • When Misty starts to gain the upper hand, Clear Sky intervenes and raises his paw to kill her.
  • Thunder tries to intervene, but Clear Sky kills her anyway.
  • Later, Thunder discovers Misty's kits.
  • Clear Sky suggests they kill them, but Petal agrees to take care of them.
  • They make their way back to camp.


  • Gray Wing has been taking it easy since the badger attack.
  • Pebble Heart tells Gray Wing he's had another dream. The kit warns him that there's something bad at the edge of the forest.
  • Suddenly, Wind Runner bounds into camp and calls for a meeting. She explains that Frost attacked her while Thunder stood back and watch. She also explains that Misty was murdered and her kits are missing.
  • Gray Wing realizes the other cats want Wind Runner to lead them.
  • Wind Runner suggests taking a patrol to see Clear Sky, to figure out what happened to Misty's kits.
  • Gray Wing leads a patrol of Wind Runner, Gorse Fur, Turtle Tail and Cloud Spots.


  • Gray Wing leads his patrol into the forest.
  • They hear a cat shrieking, and find Bumble, who had seemingly been attacked by a fox.
  • Clear Sky appears, and Turtle Tail accuses him of killing Bumble.
  • Clear Sky explains that he'd tried to warn Bumble to leave, but accidentally made her faint. When he'd left, a fox had appeared and mauled her.
  • Turtle Tail calls him a liar. When Gray Wing doesn't defend his brother, Clear Sky leaves.
  • The cats bury Bumble and go back home.
  • Gray Wing tells the others what happened in the forest.
  • The others want to take down Clear Sky, but Tall Shadow says they needed to wait until they were all thinking clearly.
  • Gray Wing decides to start patrolling the treelines.
  • Gray Wing and Tall Shadow agree to share the role of leader, and to welcome Wind Runner and Gorse Fur as members of their group.
  • Turtle Tail wishes things could be different and that Bumble could have found happiness.
  • Gray Wing decides he must find out what Clear Sky is planning.


  • Thunder brings Petal a squirrel to eat. She's decided to name the kits Birch and Alder.
  • Two new rogues, Nettle and Fircone, ask to speak to Thunder privately.
  • They say they don't like how Clear Sky runs his camp, and want Thunder to talk to his father for them.
  • Thunder agrees, and it starts an argument. Thunder says the forest has recovered from the fire, but Clear Sky shows everyone Frost's burnt leg, which will never heal.
  • Clear Sky says Frost must leave, and Thunder announces he will leave too.
  • Just then, a fox attacks the camp. Thunder fights it off.
  • Falling Feather walks Thunder and Frost to the border. She states that she wishes she could come with them, but belongs in the forest.
